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  • Report:  #1483631

Complaint Review: Click2sell

Click2sell Refused to allow me to withdraw money from my available funds. 5 Secretary's Lane Gibraltar Trafalgar Square, London

  • Reported By:
    Rebecca — Tulsa, Oklahoma United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, August 17, 2019
  • Updated:
    Sun, August 18, 2019

I invested $1300 into this company with the understanding that I cound withdraw money at anytime when there was enough generated income from the campaigns that I created.

The first $200 was refunded because the debit card that I used was not allowed to do business with this company. I deposited an aditional $300 to replace the $200 that was refunded with a card that was usuable and then afterwards $1000 thru my banking account.

  My account was activated and the company deposited $3500 as a bonus which was only to be used as a cushion to boost my business but I was not supposed to be able to withdraw this $3500. 

I was assigned a campaign manager Ronnie Pierce to help manage my campaigns and advise me when and how to work the business. As the account began to make income I started to make inquiries to withdraw from my availabe funds but I was advised not to, it was not good to do so this soon.

Mr. Pierce advised me to purchase other campaigns which slowed down the progress of my original campaigns considerably. because my campaigns generated $5000 within the first 3 weeks which he used to purchase  3 other campaigns at the price of $2000 for 2 and $1000 for the other to add to the 2 that I purchase at the beginning so now I had 5 cmpaigns running. 


During the course of time I had some personal issues that I needed to address and I needed a small financial increase so I made another inquiry for a withdrawal and it was refused again both times only for $1000

I tried to contact my campaign manager and I did not get any response on 2 or 3 occasions. Finally I called support and they had Roger Wilson contact me and he informed me that Ronnie Price was no longer with the company.  That he would be my new campaign manager that I couldnt make a withdrawal right now it would have to be in a couple of months.  I explained to him that I had some very important and detramental financial obligations that could not wait and he promised that he would see what he could do for me. 

I waited for several days which was supposed to be only 48 hours before he got back with me so I made a request for my entire available funds refund and my deposit which it took only a few hours to get a responce.

Which was a very nasty letter that I have saved in my emails from Mr. Wilson saying that all he has heard from me is I...I...I and my and all I care about is myself and how the company gave me $3500 and surely I know that it will have to be paid back before I can get any withdrawal from my account. 

 I returned  a reply and asked for some communication from him explaining that the latter request was only to get his attention  and I would like for him to contact me so that we could discuss what I would need to do next.  Again I waited for a reply for several days then weeks then months and I have not heard back from him even till this day. 

All my campaigns have expired except 1 and none have generated more than 3-4 dollars since my request for withdrawals.  I have contacted the Chat lines and asked for them to have my campaign manager to contact me.

I have also requested that I be given a new campaign manager all to no avail.  the total funds generated by my account campaigns are $8,373.95 my toral available balance is $3,473.95 of which I have not been allow to withdraw not $1 of my own funds.      


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