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Club Fitness Contract Scam Saint Louis Missouri
Here's what happened - My husband and I wanted to sign up for the $10.00 per month membership..... The sales person/personal trainer tries to sell me the PT packages, we kindly decline and ask again for the $10.00 a month membership. He hands me the paper work and say sign here, sign here, initial here, initial here - you both now have the $10.00 a month package. Guess what - that is not what I have!! I am being charge $33/month instead of $20.00 per month. I also just received my annual membership fee - have only been with the gym for 3 months, last time I checked the word annual meant yearly..... It is my fault for not consulting a lawyer before signing the paperwork. it is a shame when you go in to a business and they have to scam you and tell you lies to get your business