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  • Report:  #785218

Complaint Review: CNAC JD Byrider

CNAC JD Byrider They sold me a piece of s**t of a car they knew it was a lemon they charged me way more than the car was worth and everything on the car is breaking down and then they have the nerve to say to me I Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  • Reported By:
    Amy — Racine Wisconsin United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, October 05, 2011
  • Updated:
    Fri, November 30, 2012
  • CNAC JD Byrider
    4810 south 27th st
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I was in need of a car but my credit was not the best so i said to myself i would try JD byrider regardless of the negative comments that i had heard about them so of course i was approved for a loan the next day i had my car the check engine light came on i was informed by the supervisor of JD by-rider to bring the car in they would take care of it and i should not have anymore problems after that so i agreeded from that point on i have had nothing but problems with this car a 2002 Chevy impala i was overcharged for the car and not only that it is a lemon and they knew they sold me a lemon i am almost done paying for the car i have about 2000 left to pay and the car is breaking down day by day it is very unfair that these people can take advantage of people and live their lives like everything is ok i am a very hard working woman who did not deserve this i will do everything in my power to close this company down they have done nothing but rip hard working people off day by day. Just because your credit is not that good does not mean companies should be allowed to take advantage of people selling them lemons and overcharging people my next step is calling channel 6 and revealing these theives and then writing my congressman or whoever i need to. 

29 Updates & Rebuttals

your father loves me

United States of America

you people crack me up even more

#30Consumer Comment

Fri, November 30, 2012

see that is where you are wrong how do you know if she has bad credit it was said when you assume you make an a*s of your self could be that the poor girl just had not established credit yet.  that does happen just as when I went to purchase a car the guy told me where have you been you have credit like your just coming out of high school the fact is every car i have ever owned has been paid for in full cash so just as amy i cant get anything.  so now i am trying to build my credit so they can leave me alone about a cosigner......

 my dad ruined me because when they were mailing me credit cards at 18 he threw them away as they came in and i had nooo freaking idea and my sister did the same to me so all i have is dr bills on my credit and a cell phone and apartments and student loans .....and i gets no love because neither one of those things are considered as credit.....da**ed if you do da**ed if you don't.  if i apply for things i get denied if i keep applying my score goes it may not have been her fault that uncle same and his cousins joe and bob are a*s holes and wont give you a chance unless you have a cosigner and even then everyone does not have family and friends that will help and everyone does not have family and friends at all ....some people are left to fend for themselves so they make due the best way they know how.  Amy working and spending her hard earned money just like you use your hard earned credit means a lot...   enough of amy donate money and or a car i need a new one




#30Consumer Comment

Fri, November 30, 2012

"everyone was not born with a silver spoon in their mouths"

A silver spoon and good credit is not the same thing. Some of us earned good credit due to years of good bill paying habits. Amy earned poor credit due to poor bill paying habits.

your father loves me

United States of America

you people crack me up

#30Consumer Comment

Fri, November 30, 2012

wow....i should be asleep....i was checking my emails and came across this dealer ship saying they could get me in a car for 99 dollars............soooooo i decided to look up the inventory and came across this.  AMY PLEEEAAASSSEE STOP GOING back and forth with them.  It is very clear they are either FAITHFUL EMPLOYEES OR FAMILY MEMBERS OF AN EMPLOYEE.   to be honest I understand when you are in need of a car you are in need none of these persons who apparently have diarrhea at the mouth will send you money for a descent car so  you did what you had to do to survive and no one can take that from you.  Sounds like to me if they were placed in a situation as yours may have been they would more than likely nut up or cry to mommy.....everyone was not born with a silver spoon in their mouths.  so girl please do you and stop arguing with these jack asses if you are still doing that.  BUT OOOWEEE THIS WOMAN RIGHT HERE WILL NOT BE GOING THERE.....AND TO THE HUSBAND THAT WOULD PUT HIS WIFE OUT SIDE..... IF I WAS YOUR WIFE I WOULD CHANGE THE LOCKS ON YOUR a*s AND GET A NEW MAN BECAUSE MY HUSBAND WOULD NOT AND I REPEAT WOULD NOT BE ON HERE RUNNING HIS TRAP........AND THIS IS WHY I AM NOT MARRIED BECAUSE THIS LEO RUNS THINGS.....IN THE MEAN TIME ANY ONE RICH WANTS TO CLAIM ME ON TAXES I AM STILL IN SCHOOL AND YOU CAN DONATE A CAR TO ME AND RIGHT IT OFF ON YOUR TAXES SO I DO NOT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE DRAMA AMY HAS DEALT WITH BECAUSE I WILL LIGHT THE PLACE ON FIRE AND DANCE AROUND IT BUTT NAKED IF IT HAPPENED TO ME.........FYI AMY YOU KNOW THEY ARE JUST GETTING A RISE OUT OF YOU AND YOU ARE LETTING THEM ...BUT I HAVE YOUR BACK NOW I HAVE A NEW HOBBY.....AND DOES ANY ONE KNOW HOW TO WORK PHOTO SHOP....GOD YOU PEOPLE ROCK  FUNNIEST s**t I HAVE SEEN ALL DAY .....GOOD NIGHT THIS CHICK HAS 7 MORE 12 HOUR SHIFTS TO PULL 


United States of America

JD Byrider is WONDERFUL.

#30General Comment

Sat, October 13, 2012

I also am from Wisconsin, and JD Byrider is wonderful here.  I established myself with them, the good person that I am, and they have bent over backwards to help me. 

I think Amy is just a little... OFF ... and that is the problem.

If you are respectable to them, they will be respectable back to you.


United States of America


#30General Comment

Fri, September 07, 2012

Amy I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with this company. I hope the problem was resolved. To those who have  criticize Amy for calling names and swearing shame on you. Your comments were nasty and mean. Amy is understandably upset as I'm sure a lot of you have been. As for Roberts comment about no said she was hiding behind this site here is what was said (Thirdly, calling people names whilst hiding behind the anonymity afforded by this web service speaks poorly of ANY individual who does so.) Go back and research that Robert.

I live in Indiana and had to use Jd Byrider for a car knowing they had a bad reputation because I didn't have any credit. Right after paying it off my situation changed for the better and my next vehicle was a brand new blue GMC sonoma. I have maintained my credit and have had 2 other brand new vehicles since then. We all do things we regret and sometimes we get upset and rage but doesn't make us bad people. We are all human. Please try to remember not to judge others as it shows your true colors as well. Yes my grammar or punctuation may not be correct but I'm not trying to winner any awards from this or any other forum. Thank you and God Bless. Patty from Indiana. 

Joe Anderson

United States of America

My two cents

#30General Comment

Thu, February 23, 2012

I will have to add that JD Byrider seems to have more complaints than any other popularized used car sale dealership to my knowledge. In the latter years, their prestige has seemed to go north a bit compared to years past. With the knowledge of high APR, a used vehicle with high miles, and a commitment to improving ones credit, I don't believe their mechanics that attempt to justify the warranty are guided by strong company ethics. A good technician or engineer building or re-building any usable apparatus, normally have the consumer or operator of such apparatus in mind. In my experiences with JD Byrider, I always questioned the integrity of the company's warranty plan and the processes involved in it. I sent my vehicle, a very nice one I might add to their mechanics three times, and the problem at hand could not be found. I always kept a well mannered tone on the phone, and a positive attitude with JD Byrider representatives. I was given a daily report on what was going on and the steps taken to fix the plethura of problems with this car. I am a realist and understand the situation I am in, but as an automation technician myself, it strikes me odd that a vehicle that lands in their garage 3 times in as many weeks, a mechanic did not feel the need to speak to me personally about the many intangibles involved with the vehicles inoperable state. I always talk to the machine operator or user in my job regarding problems or implementations that will ultimately be the best solution the first time it is fixed or revamped. My point is that I understand (from a bias view) Amy's anger, but do not condone the derogatory remarks that she has made. I know that going to JD Byrider has many risks, and is at times convenient when you need a vehicle quickly without much red tape regarding credit, and present financial hardship, but if JD Byrider is going to offer a generous and expensive warranty, than the customer-mechanic, if you will, relationship should be a lot more communicative. This to me is indicative to the abundance of complaints about the company. I know many who have had good long lasting vehicles that were purchased from JD Byrider, but it's a hit or miss situation.




#30General Comment

Fri, October 21, 2011

"Go back to school dear, you need it."--------*Snort, snort, giggle*  THAT should honk her off, Robert.  Bravo for your post!!  I love it....hahahahaha  She's too ignorant to realize you were ATTEMPTING to help her.   No wonder she has problems.  Lady, simmer down. 


New York,

Foul mouthed Fool.

#30Consumer Comment

Fri, October 07, 2011

Hey Amy!  I was trying to help but I can see you're just a foul mouthed fool.

Tell us, did you file the MV2338 to get assistance from the Wisconsin DOT?  That's what you're suppose to do when you have problems with a used car dealer.  You're supposed to do that before you hire an attorney (like we believe that!)

Here's the website with the information you need directly from the Wisconsin DOT:

Ya know, maybe YOU should DO YOUR RESEARCH before you go around calling other folks names and such.  You really come off as an illiterate, ignorant, jackass.

I want to thank you for expanding my knowledge.  I had no idea that Ebonics was alive and well in Wisconsin.  Go back to school dear, you need it.



I'm not really surprised

#30Consumer Comment

Fri, October 07, 2011

I am not surprised that when I asked the question to point to the specific law about USED car lemon law that you wouldn't answer.  Instead you took the expected route of throwing down insults.

If your not hiding from anyone, which by the way I can't recall anyone saying you were hiding, then when your lawyer does file suit I hope you post the Court Information and Docket Number so that all of us dumb *sses can follow it.  Of course I won't hold my breath for it.

I just love how people's situations always seem to improve the most they post.  After all just a couple of years ago your credit was so bad that all you could get was a used car at a high interest rate.  Then low and behold just a few years later you are able to drive around in a 2012.  Of course one has to ask a 2012 what?  Car, Motorcycle, Bike, or Roller Skates.  Also, I wonder how you got this whatever.  Because you didn't say you bought it you are just driving in it.



Amy, you didn't answer my questions

#30Consumer Comment

Fri, October 07, 2011

"they knew they sold me a lemon"

Can you prove they knew the car was a lemon?

Did you test drive the car before applying for the loan? How many miles did you test drive the car prior to purchase?



WOW what a potty mouth!

#30Consumer Comment

Fri, October 07, 2011

Amy must not originally hail from Wisonsin.  I have been there and the people seem to be polite and patient.  She must be a transplant from.......well I'll just leave it at that.


North Carolina,
United States of America

Let's get ready to rumble!

#30Consumer Comment

Fri, October 07, 2011

In this corner, mighty nationwide dealer network JD Byrider and in THAT corner, the big butt hole 2002 POS Chevy purchaser, Amy, and her shyster loy-yuh!

Yeah, right! Amy, my new nickname for you is Asterisk, because half the words you type end up full of them, a true reflection of your personality, moral and mentality levels.

You been eatin' too much of that Wisconsin cheese or something, that you're so prone to resorting to the word s**t?

I despise this company based on other reports I've read about them, but in this case, I cheer what they did to you because your manner here renders you deserving of it.



Amy, when you were learning your "colorful" language in the U.S. Navy..

#30Consumer Comment

Fri, October 07, 2011

did you serve on shore or on a ship?

You're a real "sweetheart."

If my wife had a mouth like yours, she would sleep outside with the dogs, but she's the nicest person I know.

You're a disgrace.

You deserve whatever little hardships in life come your way.

I think most of us participants on this site would wish you the worst of luck in your dealings with J.D.'re a very hateful, vengeful, foul-mouthed "female." I used REMARKABLE restraint in calling you "female", many other names came to mind.

How long ago did your long suffering husband leave you? 


United States of America

Not hiding from anyone

#30Author of original report

Fri, October 07, 2011

And furthermore i am not hiding behind this d**n site I clearly posted my name AMY AND I brought the car from JD Byrider in Milwaukee, Wi how clear can that be. You are really a retard truly.I feel sorry for you and especially youR MOTHER!!


United States of America


#30Author of original report

Fri, October 07, 2011

Yes i am filing a suit with JD Byrider for selling me a lemon and NO I don't need you or anybody else to do my homework for me it is already DONE!! You d**n dumb a** you don't have s**t better to do with yourself but to be on the computer sending messages. You must be a d**n thief yourself. And as far as me paying for a lawyer best believe it is not a problem. LIKE I said before JD BYrider is going down and anyone that I know I will tell, post it any and everywhere that there cars are a piece of S***TTT!!!!!! Great language right!!! You dam dumb a**. And as far  as the person who had the car before me I'm sure they didn't have a problem with it because they didn't buy it from JD Byrider!!! JD Byrider brought that d**n car from a auction and then sold the piece of s**t for more than it was worth and didn't fix s**t.  I even sent in a complaint to Better Business Bureau and I will continue to do whatever to close this dump down. So JD BYrider be prepared for  a fight because I will never let this go. AND by the way I am driving a 2012 now not that piece of s**t, but I am fighting for everyone else that they have scammed and gotten over on. You know hard working people. But you probably don't know because your sorry a** probably don't work. You d**n RETARD. 



WI used car law

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, October 06, 2011

  WI doesn't have a lemon law, per se.   It's more like a mandatory disclosure law.  I don't see how it would apply in this case as the OP has only alleged (in a very general way) that the dealer knew the car had problems before the sale.   The law applies to specific problems that you can prove were existing, and should have been noticed by the dealer prior to sale.    This is one of those vague statutes that are notoriously difficult to enforce.

  Of course, the OP getting a lawyer cracks me up.   The process outlined for consumers complaints under the law does not require or even recommend an attorney.   My guess is that the OP is just getting hosed again.  Surprise, surprise.

Just Interested


Further information which MAY apply

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, October 06, 2011

There are a number of other protections and laws that give Wisconsin consumers opportunities to get justice. These include:

Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act --- The federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act states that the manufacturer of any product --- from your toaster to your lemon RV --- must abide by the warranty. For Wisconsin vehicles, this includes written or implied warranties, or service contracts.

FTC Used Car Rule --- The Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) Used Car Rule requires dealers to post a Buyers Guide in every Wisconsin used car they sell, including light-duty vans, light-duty trucks, demonstrators, and program cars. The Buyers Guide becomes part of your sales contract and overrides any conflicting provisions in your contract.

Implied Warranties --- Wisconsin laws say that a dealer has implied obligations, such as the soundness of the vehicle. In some states, however, dealers can get around implied warranties by selling the vehicle "as is."

Warrant of Merchantability --- A warrant of merchantability is an implied warranty and says that a vehicle will run like it's supposed to. While it doesn't cover every component of a vehicle, it does apply to its basic functions. In this instance, the buyer has to prove that the defect was present at the time of sale.

Express Warranties --- Express warranties are those that are stated. If, for example, the manufacturer of your vehicle has a five-year warranty on a drive train, your vehicle would still be covered for a year if you purchased it when it was four years old. Express warranties also include verbal representations made by a salesperson at the dealership, as well as advertisements.

New Car Lemon Laws in Wisconsin --- If the used car you purchased is a recent model that meets the mileage and time requirements of new car Lemon Laws, many states will allow you to use those laws in order to get recourse.

Uniform Commercial Code --- When a dealer disclaims a warrant of merchantability, that disclaimer can be challenged using the federal Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). The UCC can also be used to cancel the sale of a used car.

Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices --- Every state has an Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices (UDAP) law. These laws can often be used even if the used car is sold "as is," as long as the dealer is guilty of a verbal deception or a failure to disclose information about the vehicle.

Truth in Mileage Act --- The federal Truth in Mileage Act (TIMA) seeks to combat odometer fraud, such as rolling back the odometers on used cars. The government estimates that about 3.5 percent of vehicles have their odometers rolled back. If your vehicle was sold with a false odometer statement, this 1986 law can help.

Just Interested


You're barking up the wrong tree

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, October 06, 2011

Wisconsin does not have a Used Car Lemon Law. It has a NEW CAR Lemon Law:

Wisconsin's new car Lemon Law covers relatively used cars that have problems WITHIN ONE YEAR of the ORIGINAL owner's delivery date or the expiration of the original manufacturer's warranty, whichever comes first. It also covers demonstrator vehicles.

It does NOT cover other used vehicles.

However, there are several other types of laws that can be used to help you in the event you discover that you've bought a used car lemon. First, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has what's called the Used Car Rule that requires dealers to provide consumers with a Buyer's Guide with warranty and other types of information. If the dealer has in any way failed to abide by the FTC Used Car Rule, you may have the basis for a legal claim.


Secondly, each state has what are called Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices (UDAP) laws.

If the dealer has, for example, made verbal promises or didn't tell you about issues relating to your used car, you may have a cause of action. Third, Wisconsin's version of the Uniform Commercial Code may provide you with relief. Finally, the Truth in Lending Act and the Federal Odometer Act might also be valuable in obtaining lemon justice.


Thirdly, calling people names whilst hiding behind the anonymity afforded by this web service speaks poorly of ANY individual who does so.



Amy, I did some research and here's how your states lemon law reads...

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, October 06, 2011

"What vehicles are covered?

"The law covers any new car, truck, motorcycle or motor home (does not include mopeds, semi-trailers, trailers or non-motorized RVs) you buy or lease, even if you register the vehicle in another state. It also covers a demonstrator or executive vehicle.

How long are you covered?

The lemon law includes no deadline for filing a lemon law suit; a court would decide if your case were too old.
Is your vehicle a lemon?

Your vehicle is a lemon if all of the following statements are true:

You bought or leased a new vehicle.
The vehicle is a car, truck, motorcycle or motor home.
The vehicle developed a defect or defects during its first year and before the warranty expired.
The defect seriously harms the vehicle's use, value or safety.
One of the following happened during the vehicle's first year and before the warranty expired:

The dealer failed four times to fix the same defect; OR
The vehicle was out of service for 30 days or more due to defects "

This is directly from the state's law listing.

You will note the law says NEW vehicles several times, I've helpfully underlined that for you.

Your "attorney" is either non-exsistent or dishonest himself in taking a case you can't win. 

You DID request that the matter be researched, didn't you?  No need to thank me for doing your work for you.




#30Consumer Comment

Thu, October 06, 2011

"they knew they sold me a lemon"

Can you prove they knew the car was a lemon?

Did you test drive the car before applying for the loan? How many miles did you test drive the car prior to purchase? 



Show us

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, October 06, 2011

Perhaps I am wrong about a Used Car Lemon Law in WI.  So can you please post a reference to the specific section of law, as that can only help everyone.

I wonder just how much is your lawyer charging you to take your case?


North Carolina,
United States of America

This fine lady...

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, October 06, 2011

Is sounding quite a bit like she's maybe a relative of Joltin Joseph Junior of Walnut Creek.

Look lady, and I'm stretching propriety by even calling you that, you sound like a real human manifestation of fecal matter.
Look in thy mirror and call yourself Retard because of all of us, you were the only moron who bought an old piece of garbage Chevy that was a piece of crap when it was new out of the factory, let alone several years old.

You were the moron who's credit was as crappy as your vocabulary.

You chose to buy the car. The dealer didn't force you at gun point. Why do you think it was for sale as a used car anyway? Because it gave such wonderful service to its prior owner(s)?

They didn't overcharge you diddly. They charged what the market would bear, YOU being the market.  The moment you start resorting to calling other posters Retard and this and that you immediately lose all credibility and are rendered an utter butt hole.

Have a wonderful life paying off your butt hole jalopy.


United States of America

YOU NEED to do your research please!

#30Author of original report

Thu, October 06, 2011

First of all you need to do your research Wisconsin does have a law against companies selling lemons sooooo!!! it is not to late for me i have the proof to prove they sold me a lemon so the next time you hear from me on this website it will be telling people how they can get their money back from these d**n thieves because i am getting mines back. I have hired a lawyer who will be taking my case and i will be able to help hard working people who have been taken advantage of by these thieves. SO NO it is not to late for me!!!!! JD BYrider in Milwaukee,Wisconsin will BE GOING DOWN.



I guess

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, October 06, 2011

This is just a case of someone wanting to complain, but not wanting anyone to tell them they put themselves into this situation.  The "employee" is pretty standard around here when someone does not like what is said. 

So even though you don't care, I will tell you that I am not an employee of this or any dealer for that matter.  But you need to be aware that the job of the salesman is to sell the car at the most favorable terms to the dealer, just like it is your job to buy the car at the most favorable terms to you.  So dealers(and this means just about every dealer out there) will tell you what ever you want to hear so they get the sale.  So regardless of what they tell you, you NEVER buy a car without fully checking out everything including the value of the car and condition.

As for the lemon laws...that seems to be the phrase of the week where people seem to think that a Used Car that needs repairs is a Lemon.  What you have to realize is that only a few states have any "Lemon Laws" dealing with USED cars, and it appears that WI is not one of them.  This means that unless they provided a warranty you bought the car AS-IS, and are responsible for ALL repairs.

If you want to stop dealers selling what you call junk cars then as suggested above write your State's Legislature.  Get them to enact a Used Car Lemon Law.


United States of America

Straight to the POINT

#30Author of original report

Thu, October 06, 2011

It has nothing to do with him agreeing with me or not and really i don't care want he says, because no matter want nobody has the right to sell lemons to people IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!! IF you are going to sell people cars and charge them more because of their credit fine it is up to that person to buy the car but it is another issue when you sell a piece of s**t to someone because they have not so good credit. And that's what JD BYrider does it needs to be closed down d**n thieves. If you Don't understand that then you are not only a retard you are a DUMB a*s and that's all there is to it. And Yes you work for them because you sound like and think like a RETARD. Straight to the Point companies have the right to sell you a car at whatever interest rate they want to but they do not have the right to sell you a d**n LEMON YOU d**n RETARD!!!!!  


New York,

Used car lemon law?

#30Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 06, 2011

and revealing these theives and then writing my congressman or whoever i need to. 

If you're going to write to politicians, I would suggest you begin with your Wisconsin State Legislature members to have them enact a State law that provides some protections to folks buying used cars from dealers.  NY State has a decent Used Car Lemon Law.

You can find the NYS Used Car Lemon Law here:

The pamphlet includes the ACTUAL article of NYS General Business Law that provide consumers protections on page 18.  I suggest you copy the cite of law and submit it to your State Legislature for enactment.

It's too late for you, but such a law might help future used car buyers in Wisconsin if emacted.




#30General Comment

Thu, October 06, 2011

Everything Robert pointed out is true, yet all you can do is call him a retard and like everyone else you didn't like the replies you get so you fall back on the old "YOU MUST WORK FOR THEM" line.  That gets old real fast.

You knew all the bad things that were said about that place yet you still go there and now your paying for a clunker.  One has to ask, just who is the REAL retard? And no I don't work for them. 


United States of America

How dare you

#30Author of original report

Thu, October 06, 2011

First of all nobody said gender race or anything else has something to do with this. Buttttt!!!!! what i am saying is that i am  a hard worker and they should not be allowed to take advantage of people just because of their credit situation so f*k what you talking about. If you are put in a situation and you need a car so you can work or maybe you don't work!! You are going to do what it takes so you can make it. Nobody has the right to rip other people off and sell them lemons. As far as channel 6 if they do know they will know again about my story so f*k what you talking about. You must work for them retard.




#30Consumer Comment

Wed, October 05, 2011

You had already knew about the negative comments but you still went to them.

Knowing about the negative comments you still let them sell you a car for more than it was worth.  Knowing about the negative comments you still bought the car without having it checked by an independent mechanic.  So with all this if they did Rip you let them do it.

i am a very hard working woman who did not deserve this i will do everything in my power to close this company down they have done nothing but rip hard working people off day by day.

-  Your gender, race or anything else has nothing to do with this.  But if you really want to shut them down, how about not going to them in the first place?

Oh and I am sure that with all of the negative reviews "Channel 6" probably already knows about them.

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