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  • Report:  #1276332

Complaint Review: Coastal heating Cooling Specialist

Coastal Heating Cooling Specialist Jon Ardnt Taking over 8months to install a new Navien Furnace- NOT trained, misses appts. YELLS at customer on phone, lies to get out of doing job, says 2of 3 floors with heat is good enough Hampton Falls New Hampshire

  • Reported By:
    Gina — Hampton New Hampshire USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, December 26, 2015
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 20, 2016

here is a BBB report that won't be advertised until they decide. I put in two reports because the owner/installer will NOT answer calls or finish the job until I submit a report or call the town inspector, as I did.

Case # 16054809         BBB New Hampshire



COMPLAINT ACTIVITY REPORT  Case # 16054809         BBB New Hampshire




Consumer Info:   Rockwood, Regina                                                           Business Info: Coastal Heating & Cooling Specialists




                                Hampton, NH  (((REDACTED)))                                                                                  


                               (((REDACTED))) (((REDACTED)))                                                                      603 926-4442








Location Involved:   (Same as above)




Consumer's Original Complaint :


I ordered a new furnace on March 23rd and I still have no heat and the job is not finished when I paid in full- against my better judgement.


My heater stopped working on March 23, one of the coldest days. I called several companies and Coastal showed up, March 23, 2015. They recommended a new furnace which I was going to look into in the summer. I called the next day to cancel- I had second thoughts and wanted to get more quotes. Jon Arndt, owner of Coastal, stated he had already ordered the furnace and I couldn't cancel so he scheduled to install the new furnace on March 30.  He didn't show up.  On April 2nd, he called at 4pm to say they were coming the next day, Fri. Apr. 3rd. AGAIN- no show! On April 8th Jon texted me at night to say he'll deliver it tomorrow 4/9.  There were some issues of it not working right so they came back the next day.  Jon stated he would come back in two days to install the Wi-Fi thermostat and finish the job. Then it was about a week or two before Jon came back to do more work, he stated he fired his helper.  He came on May 6th and fixed the hot water  to the back yard faucet. There was a leaking pipe and he fixed the pipe, installed the wifi.  Something was missing from the WiFi so he went home and came back with something on May 8th to fix the WiFi. I paid the rest of the bill in full on May 8th with Jon promising to come back that weekend to finish the job. I didn't realize the WiFi was not working correctly to even have the furnace go on.  The shelf the old furnace was on was also to be taken down as stated from the original quote back on March 23.  I noticed the wiring was not tacked to the wall correctly. Jon said he'll clean it up when he takes the shelf down. During the next week or two (wasn't recording everything until I never heard from him again) Jon had a heart attack and was in the hospital. His wife did call me to say he couldn't show up. I was fine with that- get healthy.   Memorial weekend I had company and noticed two pipes were dripping again.  The heat on the first floor still didn't work either.  I've called him several times, Jon claimed he was back in the hospital with a heart attack again and will be back to finish.  Two weeks went by and I called again, I have no heat even though it's getting to be nicer weather, there are days it's below 65.  My upstairs heat works, just not the living room. I called again on my way home from Cambridge on May 26 and he called me back same day and said he'll get to me that he has to take care of his health.  May 26th  as I'm going to Seabrook Market Basket on my way home, I see the Coastal truck parked in front of the NH Liquor store.  Jon comes out with bottle of Crown Royal.  I approach him saying that's not helping his health and when is he going to fix my furnace? He stated he would be there this Friday May 29th.  No Show for May 29th.  No one showed up.  I again text Jon on June 5th to say "I still don't have heat and two pipes are dripping now and I no longer want the Wi-Fi but a regular auto thermostat installed.  Jon texted back "okay Gina".  It is now June 18, 2015 and I have yet to see/hear from Jon of Coastal or have heat in my living room.  I at least deserve a weekly phone call if he's back in the hospital. He should pay to have someone else finish his job.


Arion Furnace, fully installed, old furnace and pipes removed, new WiFi thermostat and shelf removed. $14,675.00 with half down rest at end.




Consumer's Desired Resolution:


I want the job finished and I would like $500 returned for the severe delayed service, going without heat and having to use an electric heater and the anxiety I've been having over worring about water dripping from the pipes, possible faulty wiring and a job not well done.




BBB Processing




06/18/2015          web    BBB     Complaint Received by BBB


06/19/2015          HME   BBB     AB Complaint Reviewed by BBB


06/19/2015          Otto    EMAIL  Send Acknowledgement to Consumer


06/19/2015          Otto    MAIL    Inform Accredited Business of Complaint


06/22/2015          HME   BBB     MORE INFO RECEIVED FROM THE CONSUMER : Hello,




                        I was just writing to add to the  complaint- didn't know where to do that on the website.




                        I submitted my complaint last week and in talking with some other people found out that my newly installed furnace should be inspected. That was never done either - and I'm checking into seeing if he even took out a permit to do the work as he stated.


                        I also forgot to write that he never patched one of the 3 ROUND holes in the walls from the pipes from the previous furnace he took out. He stated in the quote it would include it. Two ROUND holes he patched: one hole was in the sheetrock in which he covered with a square particle board. Another one is in the outside vinyl siding which he nailed it with same type square particle board. When I asked him about it he said he's not a 'sheetrock person'  I said you stated in the quote "you would make it look nice".  That does not look nice to me.  I have pictures I could send.  He refused to fix it.  Now I'm paying someone else to fix it and I want that money back from him too.


07/03/2015          OttO   BBB     No response to first notice to Accredited Business


07/03/2015          OttO   EMAIL  cConsumer - Have You Heard From the Company


07/03/2015          OttO   MAIL    Second Notice to MIP Business


07/13/2015          OttO   BBB     No Response received from Business on 2nd Notice


07/13/2015          HME   BBB     RECEIVE BUSINESS RESPONSE : Dear Holly please find my reply to Ms. Rockwood's complaint and comments. I am in receipt of two letters from you regarding the job at her home. Many of her statements are incorrect.


                        I quoted her a Navion high efficient boiler which included domestic hot water, the quote was very clear. This quote did not mention finish work to the home. There was a great deal of communications between us via text, as I could not reach her by phone numerous times. If you read the estimate/quote you can clearly


                        see that it does not mention many of the tasks Ms. Rockwood is complaining about. To be fair I did have a rather serious Cardiac event while her job was in progress. I had my wife call and inform her of the delay this would cause. Even through this event, I was in touch with her about her issues.  In her letters she mentions several problems that were taken care of, some that were not even included in my quote.




                        We had a couple of failures of factory new equipment, ie. The Wi Fi Tstat malfunctioned and I had to replace it with one I had in my truck, until I could replace it with a warranty unit, by that time I had received the first of your letters stating that she no longer wished to have a Wi Fi Tstat.


                        These newmerious complaints which turned out to be many! were either addressed at the time or I attempted to gain entrance to the residence which was not occupied, therefore always locked.


                        Ms. Rockwood even has the gall to state that she observed me at the Liquor store purchasing some Liquor. as if it was going to prevent me from preforming my Job!! This purchase was a gift for the Dr. that preformed my surgery and saved my life. Instead she makes it sound as though I was drinking and not finishing her Job.


                        The bottom line to all of this is that through some health issues and a very difficult time communicating with Ms Rockford there has been a great deal of confusion as to what was covered in the Bid.  Please note the quote covered the work to remove the old unit and install the new one. Nowhere does it say that I or my Co. would cover carpentry or repairs to the home beyond the scope of the quote.


                        Lastly I have attempted to resolve the remaining work that was covered by my quote and was told she did not wish for me or my Co. to return to her home. I assure you this boiler was inspected by the proper inspector and a permit was drawn for the Job. I hold many certifications in the state of NH to preform this type of work and would not do anything that would cause an inspector to find fault I have a copy of the permit and inspection and can supply them upon request. We removed all the old equipment and trash from the job and left with the boiler operating properly.  As you may notice in the many complaints I either could not gain entrance to the job site or had to deal with Ms. Rockwood's extra issues not covered by the quote. As with any new install there are always a few "Punch List Items" that need attention, however between the numerous extras that she brought up and our difficulty in getting together on these items I now find myself defending myself to you the BBB and trying to deal with any of the reasonable covered items she has mentioned. I take pride in myself and my work and do not wish to have any unhappy customers. I will be glad to work with Ms. Rockford on any of the covered work in the quote.  However she seems to alternate between not wishing to have me or my co. on her property, to wondering why some things are not completed as well as asking for a refund.


07/13/2015          HME   EMAIL  Forward Business response to Consumer


07/20/2015          WEB   BBB     RECEIVED CONSUMER REBUTTAL : (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)


                        There are several inaccuracies with Mr. Arndt's response.  When Jon described the work he would do with the quote on March 23rd, he STATED he would remove the bench and it would give me a lot of room to even put the refrigerator there. Granted, it's not in writing all the details and I guess I should have had him write it down since his word is unreliable.  When he completed the major install, that's when I noticed there were still wires hanging underneath (as stated earlier) and he was upset because his former helper- Dave, whom he fired for drinking on the job, should have wrapped and attached them correctly.  This is NOT ADDITIONAL work, but part of a complete install.   As stated in previous email, Jon said he 'would make it look good' in regards to removing the piping (see attached photos as to his version of 'making it look good'


                        I have answered the phone every time Jon has called, which was NOT many times as he mentioned.   It is true his wife called when he had the heart attack and I understood. I waited a couple weeks and thought I should at least get weekly updates as to when he thought he could get back to finish the job.  At NO TIME did I ask for anything that was not included in the quote, if Jon is talking about adding the hot water shut off valve to the outside faucets, that was already there and LUCKILY I noticed it was not and asked Jon where it was, Jon said he would come back to add it- which he did. That was already there and in replacing a furnace one would replace ALL existing valves; which included that one.   I would like Jon to state what he feels were "extras not included in the quote". He even flooded part of my garage when taking out the furnace and had no means to mop up the area but used my kitchen broom and our shoes were soaked in the garage as was the bottom of the sheetrock and I had to dry it out so it wouldn't get ruined.  I didn't even mention that!


                        It was over three weeks since Jon left with the wifi not working and when he called me on June 19 to yell at me and stated that I didn't need the heater yet since it's warm out is when I stated I no longer wanted the wifi because IT DOES NOT WORK (it was an old one he had in his garage for a while).


                         He never called me. Attached is another txt I sent because the pipes were still leaking--to me--that's NOT a finished job- they leaked since he left.  AT NO TIME did I EVER say I didn't want him to finish the job.  I stated that he had to let me know when he was coming so I'd be sure to have someone there. In May I had left the doors open for him to show up and work for three weeks--which he never showed up.  I was not going to leave the house unlocked any longer.  There are three people living there and someone could be there ANYTIME he needed. I never got phone calls. 


                        When I saw him parked in front of the Liquor store, he made no mention of buying it for a Dr. but instead said, and I QUOTE, " I haven't had a drink in two weeks" .  I told him he doesn't have to account to me, but " I want the install finished" that was when he said "I will be there this Friday" as I stated in earlier email (to which AGAIN, he never showed up or called).  When Coastal first came by to give a quote in March, I saw three single serve bottles of wine in the passenger side door and at that time Jon said they were Dave's, that he, Jon, quit drinking years ago.  (This just shows the verbal inconsistencies). 


                        I did call the town to find the permit was pulled (to which I never saw it and it wasn't posted so I wasn't sure) and Chuck, the inspector was out, three times since there were problems, and said it passed inspection but that he, Chuck, did not look under the deck to see the wires hanging and wasn't aware of that.


                         I STILL WANT COASTAL TO FINISH THE JOB!!  Why else would I start this complaint with BBB?  I have been waking up nights with my heart racing (even writing this response brings anxiety) trying to deal with this issue and Jon's lies. 


                        Again, I have not asked for anything that was not promised and yes, SHAME on me for not getting every stitch of wording documented. As a company trying to keep their name in good standing should honor their word.   At no TIME whatsoever was my house unavailable to them.  They just needed to call me, they couldn't 'just show up" any more- that I wanted someone from the home to be there.   I do have in writing that there is a one year warranty and as you can see in the attached txt conversations; Jon has threatened to not honor it! I need to have in writing the expected response time should something go wrong in the midst of freezing weather. After the warranty, you can be sure I will call a more reputable service company to fix anything.




                        Text messages still on my phone:


                        June 5, consumer--"I still dont have heat-two pipes dripping now & i no longer want the wifi-put a regular timer in instead! Gina"


                        June 5, Jon--"Okay XXXX  (never heard from again until June 19th)


                        On 6/18 I read two negative reviews on Yelp and posted the below on Yelp:


                        "wish i read these reviews before! DO NOT USE COASTAL HEATING AND COOLING SPECIALISTS! IT's been over a month and the job's not finished and I still have no heat on first floor where he installed a wifi therostat!! I tried to cancel the project the next day after I gave a deposit and he wouldn't let me. I should of demanded it and report him then! big mistake!!"


                        Phone call- Jon to me on June 19 at 7:40am on a restricted line: he started yelling at me and was mad because I had posted on Yelp (above) the day before on 6/18. I told him he was paid in full on May 8th and the job is STILL not complete. He kept yelling and I was at work so I told him I HAD to go and hung up.  Then Jon sent the below txt. messages


                        June 19, Jon---"No Problem, Bad Mouth Me all you want, You Win.


                        So Do Yourself A Big Favor, Loose My Number.


                        I'm All Done."


                        June 19, Jon--"Don't ever call me, if something breaks, I'm Done"


                        June 19, Jon--"Find someone else to do your warranties too."


07/20/2015                    BBB     MORE INFO RECEIVED FROM THE CONSUMER : ***Document Attached***


                        Below are the pictures of the areas the old pipes were- one hole not covered. also the leaks in the pipes


07/20/2015          HME   MAIL    Forward Consumer Rebuttal to Business


07/29/2015                    BBB     MORE INFO RECEIVED FROM THE CONSUMER : I just found out Jon, owner, charged me $2,700 MORE than the neighbor who had the SAME unit and installation only three weeks prior! That's a 20% increase in less than a month!


08/03/2015          OttO   BBB     No Response from Business re: Consumer Rebuttal


08/03/2015          HME   BBB     PHONE CALL OR TIME EXTENSION : Holly Engel with BBB called the business and left a detailed message for a returned call or written response.


08/07/2015                    BBB     MORE INFO RECEIVED FROM THE CONSUMER : Coastal hasn't contacted me on any resolution.


08/10/2015          OttO   BBB     No Response from Business re: Consumer Rebuttal


08/10/2015          HME   BBB     RECEIVED BUSINESS' REBUTTAL RESPONSE : Holly Engel with BBB called both the business and consumer to reach a resolution. Jon with the business is willing to address the issues and plans to contact the consumer within 24hrs to schedule a date/time to settle this matter.


08/11/2015          HME   EMAIL  Send Business' Rebuttal Response-New Offer


08/19/2015                    BBB     MORE INFO RECEIVED FROM THE CONSUMER : Coastal Heating only called on 8/12 to say they will make an appointment. today- 8/19, they have yet to make that appt. and finish the job I paid them in full to do.


08/22/2015                    BBB     MORE INFO RECEIVED FROM THE CONSUMER : Jon from Coastal texted me a msg on 8/21 10am to say that they will be here next week 8/26 no later than 10am.  I stated I will be here.


08/24/2015          OttO   BBB     No Response From consumer


08/24/2015          HME   BBB     MORE INFO RECEIVED FROM THE BUSINESS : Holly Engel with BBB spoke to Jon at the business he said that they have scheduled an appointment to complete the service agreed to on wed 26 at 9am.


08/26/2015                    BBB     MORE INFO RECEIVED FROM THE CONSUMER : Jon from Coastal heating showed up at 10am to finish the job.


08/27/2015          HME   BBB     Consumer Satisfied- with Letter


08/27/2015          Otto    MAIL    Inform Business - Case Closed RESOLVED


08/27/2015          Otto    BBB     Case Closed RESOLVED


11/19/2015          HME   BBB     ReOpen the Complaint


11/19/2015          HME   BBB     RECEIVED CONSUMER REBUTTAL : The furnace is still not fixed!! Coastal Heating keeps replacing parts! when i PAID for a brand new furnace!!!


11/19/2015          HME   MAIL    Forward Consumer Rebuttal to Business


11/20/2015          HME   BBB     MORE INFO RECEIVED FROM THE CONSUMER : I paid Coastal in full for a new furnace back in May 2015 and it still isn't working!! Also charged me,female,$2,700 more than the male owner nextdoor


                        Coastal Heating(CH) came back finally on Aug. 26, 2015 to "finish" the install. They changed out the wi-fi thermostat-it wasn't working correctly. it was still summer, my furnace never went on. Oct. 2nd, the furnace turned on, and then NEVER shut off for three days! I txt CH on Oct. 4th to say the heat will not shut off no matter what the thermostat is set at. He txt back, same day, that his mother just passed and he was gone all weekend and when can he come to look at it. I stated it would be warm out so I'll shut the furnace off and he can come the following week on Tues. Oct. 13th and he said he would, thanks for understanding".They came the 13th, bled out the air, and other stuff. That night I txt that it didn't work, temperature is 90 degrees in kitchen when the thermostat is set at 50! I stated they need to be sure it's working before they leave next time that my furnace has not worked since May 2015 and I'm not saving any money! He called to say he would be there the 14th. Fri. Oct.15, no word from CH so I txt him again since it's supposed to be cold the weekend. The furnace isn't fixing itself and I can't call anyone else since I paid him in full and the job is still not complete. Oct. 16 Jon txt back to say he "was in Maine all day where there was no service so he just got my txt in the evening. He stated "my part is ordered and I have heat, it's not like I don't have heat. So, you do have heat and your part is ordered as soon as it comes in, then I will call you, in Come fix it for you OK "


        On Nov. 2 I again txt John to say "it's been over 3 weeks- where is the part coming from? Even stuff from China gets here faster!! There's another pipe leaking too." He replied " we had the part for over a week now and you never told us when you we be home. I'll see you the Wed." I told him to " look at his previous txt. U said u would call when it came in..are u sure you'll b there wed? what time roughly?" John stated "call me in the morning" my txt back " wed morning? I can't take off work if ur not sure you;ll b there" They came wed. morning Nov. 4 They did indeed come by to install the part and messed with the thermostat. That evening, Nov. 4th, I txt CH to say "I don't think it's working...gas exhaust been going out back since u left-temp on furnace going from ur 180-158- pipes r still excessively hot.. I haven't' touched a thing. Pls come by Friday to ck- don't want to go all weekend paying for excess gas I'll end up charging CH. John then txt back "Call me Friday morning" They came that Friday Nov. 6th. I txt Jon again to say "Now there's an error code of E.351. Might have to come back tmrrw. I'm not touching anythingeven thermostat=-heat"


                    He replied "I forgot to turn the feed water valve back on" "Look to the right of the boy there there's a half-inch pipe going and with the ball valve turn that on" I txt back " only valves are under boy" Jon stated "be right there"


                        Nov. 9th I had to call off work- there was water all over my floor and into the garage. I txt Jon "u need to come by this's been flushing water all night & several times since 6 am (that I know of)" Jon txt back "give me the model and the serial number off that boiler and I will order a new automatic solenoid valve in the meantime shut the valve off next to the boiler" I txt "what valve? The one u turned on? ir the one the water is coming from?" he stated "if your home I'll swing by".." the model and serle number would be great just txt it to me and I'll order the part" "I'll swing over in a few minutes" Nov. 11 I again txt Jon,"My furnace keeps shutting off- no heat. When u coming back to fix it?" Jon txt back "When the new electronic solenoid valve shows up" I txt back "Don't forget to call me to set up time as soon as it comes in!"I txt Jon to see where/when the part was coming in to finish my furnace."So has the part come in? I have guestscoming with a baby & the heat doesn't stay on an hour!!" he txt back "Yes it's here...When will you be home"..."It just came in today"... "Leave the door open will be there tomorrow late morning"  to which I txt back  "NOOO YOU ARE NOT TO COME HERE WHEN I'M NOT HERE! WHY DIDN'T U CALL ME TO SAY IT WAS HERE? I WILL B HOME FRIDAY- COME BY LATE MORNING THEN !!!"   Jon txt back "just received it" (to which I didn't believe him).   Then he txt me "Do you want us to install it for you if not I'll leave it by the door"  I was upset- I can't just take off work again!  I txt back  "You will come Friday.  6:30pm notice is not time for early me to take off work hurs  I WILL TAKE U TO COURT THIS IS REDICULOUS!!"  I am not sure he will show up Friday. I feel because I am a female, Mr Ardnt doesn't take me serious.   I also now want the difference that I paid, $2,700 more than the male owner next door whom also had a new furnace, SAME furnace and install, put in last Feb. 2015.  I also want a new receipt stating PIF and install was finished dated the day COASTAL HEATING shows up and actually finishes the job.


12/01/2015          OttO   BBB     No Response from Business re: Consumer Rebuttal


12/07/2015          HME   BBB     RECEIVED BUSINESS' REBUTTAL RESPONSE : To: Holly Engle BBB


                        From Coastal HVAC Specialists


                    Holly as per our conversations on 12/7/2015 We have told both parties involved now (at adjoined Condos)


         that we Jon and myself Rick have been in contact with the building inspector, and the manufacture of this boiler. We also have been in touch with the sales rep. regarding the issues of error codes on these 2 units.


                        We have sold and installed many of these type of Instantaneous " on demand " boilers and had no problems such as this with these adjoined units.


                  As it turns out these 2 unit have sprinklers for fire which are at" street pressure " which is 130 LBS PER SQUARE INCH. more than twice the normal house pressure, from the street. The town is aware of this Issue and it would appear has no code specific to this problem and states that is the " owners " issue to regulate after the meter. This makes it further difficult as this causes the owner to pay to reduce the pressure to 60/70 psi MAX. Not only does Ms. Rockwood NOT wish too have her water pressure reduced, she is unwilling to pay any of the cost to regulate the pressure.


        Now comes Coastal, The warranty service technician as well as the point of sale, stating that we will "work with these two owners of these 2 units and do what ever The manufacture of these units recommends, as we have been in touch with them as well as the sales rep, on both of these units many times. It would seem that the building needs pressure regulation.


 In an effort to settle this issue we will supply and install pressure regulators on the domestic supply side of the incoming potable water, which will hold the pressure to 60/70 psi free of any charge to any of the two affected units, Which should stop most if not all of the reoccurring error codes. We will also offer to extend the warranty for Service only as it relates to water side issues foe a period of time to be determined by "Coastal Hvac. Inc.

 Both the manufacture and the building code enforcement officer have recommended the pressure be reduced for ANY boiler or water side equipment in these 2 units.  I hope this will settle any issues with these boilers, as we will make every attempt that we can to resolve this issue for both units.

PPS what each owner paid has no bearing on their designation of Male /Female, we do not discriminate.

These units were bought at different times of the years and one owner benefited from a sales promotion, we passed on to him, Ms Rockwood got the going rate for such a Job would normally bring and she signed off on !!


                        Thanks again Holly     rpj.


12/07/2015          HME   EMAIL  Send Business' Rebuttal Response-New Offer


12/10/2015          WEB   BBB     CONSUMER REJECTS BUSINESS' FINAL OFFER : (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

First off, I was never asked if I wanted to pay to have my water pressure reduced. Coastal heating said I needed it reduced because of my sprinkler system and I told him NOT to touch my sprinkler system reducing that pressure. I'll call the Fire Dept. first to see. He's messed up the  install since the beginning and I didn't want him to mess with my sprinkler system.  I have called Navien technical department EVERY time Coastal stated they called them and the ONLY time they called (as of Dec. 7th) was back in May 2015 when he had the "switches installed wrong" and Navien tech support walked them through fixing it. Coastal may have worked with a sales rep or local warehouse where they bought the system, but Navien prefers the plumber calls the technical support DIRECT and while working on the unit. (this is what the tech at Navien stated to me).

 "warranty for Service only as it relates to water side issues" WHAT does this mean? I want Coastal's one year WRITTEN warranty, for the furnace, to start when the town inspector comes to inspect it AND a written one from Navien that it will start that day and not May 8, 2015 when I paid in full.


 "Both the manufacture and the building code enforcement officer have recommended the pressure be reduced for ANY boiler or water side equipment in these 2 units"   It took Coastal Heating EIGHT (8) MONTHS to figure this out? He's a local company, he should know the local codes and requirements if he's been in business for 32 years.


My neighbor and I bought at different times of the years: Male neighbor bought March 3rd, Female neighbor bought March 23rd, SAME MONTH-- he couldn't pass the same sales promotion?--you decide. Yes I signed- shame on me. I hope to help others not to sign with a company that takes 8 months to finish an install and doesn't even respond to the furnace malfunctions until I start a BBB complaint or call the town inspector, fire inspector and town manager. NOW he's working diligently to finish the install.

 I want  to be compensated $1000 for the numerous times I had to go without heat, take showers elsewhere, clean up over four (4) floods in the garage (the first was when they installed it and didn't clean it up), sleepless nights worrying if I was going to wake up cold, flooded or furnace blowing up! Oh, and lets not forget the several phone calls the owner made YELLING at me because I started the BBB complaint, or over 200 txt messages since June 19th  stating "he didn't know what my issues were".. and that I'm "complaining about everything that we have done." SERIOUSLY!? Because I want a job done right and for it to work.


 Even these last couple days of installing water pressure reducing valve, the furnace isn't working correctly and Coastal is due to come fix it again, hopefully for good, but one never knows with this one.


12/10/2015          HME   MAIL    Forward Consumer Rebuttal to Business

12/26/15, my furnace still doesn't work! The owner/installer SAYS the "senior technition from Navien won't be there sat. Well, I called and the exact one Coastal is supposed to talk with is working today and will be monday.

This has been an 8-month nightmare!!. I hope to prevent ANYONE else from using this incompetent company!!


The heat shuts off, will not turn itself back on, I have to turn the main switch

- the hot water only works when the heat is on (not good for summer or these warm days)


- another pipe is leaking. 


- I cannot turn on/off two water valves as they are stuck tight between pipes.


- The on/off button on the furnace does not work.


The Portsmouth Dowling company has contacted a local Navien installer that is willing to work with Coastal, as he stated when he called them yesterday, on changing the pipes around as Navien will not honor their 15 year warranty if it is not installed correctly according to the Navien Manual Coastal used.




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