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  • Report:  #183217

Complaint Review: Comcast

Comcast Comcast burnt out and vandalized my TV's and PC's! Millersville Maryland

  • Reported By:
    Pasadena Maryland
  • Submitted:
    Sat, March 25, 2006
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 14, 2006

I had subscribed for many years to Comcast's Digital programming with internet a $130.00 a month value. Then one by one my TV's burnt out, a big reddish-purple spot appeared centered on my big screen, so I backed off to just regular cable TV service.

I checked the line voltage on Comcast's cable for many years and it was always around 5-9 volts, today it's zero which is the correct measurement. Meanwhile my PC's equipped with a PCI-TV adapter burnt out.

When the TV adapter burnt out it also took out my pc's AGP video card secondary monitor port each time this happened, and seems to cause lag in ATI primary monitor out port at first. Now six months later ATI video cards will no longer work due to patching by Microsoft or failures running amok across the video card board itself?

Chalk this up to bad manufacturing of video cards by ATI ingeneral, not to mention Comcast's poor service attitude. Newer TV adapter cards are now proporting better quality and less likely to burn out. This I've got to see too believe.

In the last 6 months I saw a Comcast employee twice outside my home working on the lines and twice my PC's burnt out. Before that I had gone 3 years without problem using my tv-pc adapter. Of course Comcast refused to pay the bill. In 2002 my motherboard, cpu, and ram were ruined, so Comcast also ruined that stuff and 3 TV video adapter cards and 3 video display adapters as well.

A USB style TV Adapter card did the least damage to my pc's motherboard. I've also lost the main video card secondary monitor to BGE 3 times when the lights went out, these were all Geforce. Comcast attacks my ATI cards while BGE has been attacking my Geforce cards. They're working together as brothers in crime. That makes a total of 6 main pc video cards ruined and replaced. Special Edition video cards by GeForce have been the best over all when taking a electrical hits of any kind. Obviously BGE is to lame to consider internet over power lines.

Last time Comcast came out here they placed a second over lapping line in the ground as if to by-pass my home and isolate it. I guess it could be used to burn out the big screen by charging the line with high voltage if they're so inclined to do so, etc... I don't trust any of these companies with wires, and I sure wouldn't ever fight for them.

Comcast is the easiest to protect against right now. And this can be done by installing as many high isolation A-B switches as you have video capturing devices. The first to toggle comcast on and off at the wall using a high isolation A-B switch to your TV/ VCR/PC. When you aren't watching TV/VCR/PC keep Comcast disconnected.

The second high isolation switch is used in a two VCR format. One VCR's hooked directly to the PC on switch side A and is never in direct contact with Comcast's cable. The second VCR's connected to Comcast cable on switch side B, both VCR's are now connected to your tv screen through the high isolation A-B switch.

You never want to allow Comcast cable to come into direct contact with your PC. You can record a program on VCR switch side B to Comcast, and then replay it on VCR switch side A to port it to your PC. You can also install a 3rd high isolation switch next to your PC so you won't have to get up and down to toggle Comcast off and on someplace else.

It's bad enough taking direct hits from Comcast service techs working in the street, and with BGE losing power even more important to take precautions. Another measure taken is to solder a bulb to one end of a Comcast cable. If voltage is applied to cable on your street the bulb will now light to warn you of line voltage.

I'm home all day long, and no one has ever knocked on the door to say they're working on the lines. It sure will be great to get both tv and internet from EVDO sources in the future.

The problem doesn't stop here, Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr.'s wife is working for Comcast along with other republican members wives. They're working together and as partners are vandalizing our homes, and pleading innocent. Comcast employees have tracked my web where abouts and harrassed me on several occasions. It's time to put government down on the mat and step in their face! Vote Democrat, support your home state of Maryland's polticial historial format of choice.

I've seen the electrical damaged caused by video and audio cables supplied not having adaquate built-in resistance to such electrical surges. I've moved a stereo just to see something else connected to it destroyed and ultimately my PC and stereo destroyed. Every year newer electrical stripe are made better with higher resistance for internet cable connections.

Disconnect your PC from BGE and Comcast if you want to run problem free. BGE's a real problem and yes they really are shutting off the power to vandalize PC's intentionally. Just like they gave the fire departments hundreds of thousands of gallons of free PCB's in the seventies to practive putting out transformer fires. A chemical that is now killing and showing up as brain cancer on fire fighters some 20 -30 years after exposure.

P.S: If I should ever run over a Comcast employee in my car I would hope no one would ever question my intent based on this blog.

Pasadena, Maryland

15 Updates & Rebuttals



Comcast giving away freebies to the mob

#16Author of original report

Thu, December 14, 2006

So my question is what other types of give aways does Comcast offer? They've got an a rarely heard of unknown department that is suppose to settle disputes and damages my either reinbursing for the damages, or giving away free subscriptions. I've had over 5000 dollars worth of Comcast damages accummulated since 2002. Most of these damages were from voltage being run down the cable. The voltages totaling 9 volts, ate up my televisons and computers. Comcast has refused to settle with me from this special department. There is no doubt in my mind that this Comcast employee responsible for running that department has made a deal with the mob. And is redirecting comcast money into mob family accounts giving them free cable subscribtions and paying for damages that never occured at the expense of damages done to families like mine.

Other stores have simliar deals going on like Sears. There's a floor manager who handles complaints, and can reduce the costs if there's a problem and a return involved. I got 25 dollars back on a 200 dollar item when I complaint of the tiem being broken. Everything I've gotten from Sears in the last 10 years has been broken, or had a problem with the installation. I've written Sears headquarters about a sabator in their warehouse, but they just laugh it off with a simple reply. Again the mob is controlling the manager getting kickbacks on everything they buy. While I can't even shut the over door without the number one rated by Consumer Magazine Kenmore over door handle falling off, and the oven nearly burning me alive.

I just like Comcast to come clean and put someone in the damages recovery room that's honest. Someone who doesn't put everybody through the hassle of taking them to court. A nice LCD TV by Go Video for about 550.00 dollars, 32" could sway me back. It can be found at for about 537.00 right now. Anything less by Comcast is just disrespecting me. The manager over there is to tough to do business with, he won't help out saving all his Comcast rewards for the mob.



I'll Proscute If I Catch You Stealing or Vandalizing My Home

#16Author of original report

Wed, December 13, 2006

I've had my mail stolen this week by two little boys. If I see them taking things the police will be called in to look into matters. Furthermore should you keep on bugging my home, vandalizing my property, and get caught breaking and entering. I'll have you proscuted for trying to force me out of my home among other things.

A warning about the mob you've decided to join. Car salesemen get caught up in these mob webs all the time. The mob will promise you anything for a share of a new car's down payment. If there's a buck to be made somewhere someone else is gonna want in on it. If you should decide you want out of the mob, or want to keep the money, they'll most likely start crashing into a family member's car or worse. It can have a real tragic ending for others within your family. Vice President Agnew was impeached not having paid his Maryland taxes, most people think we was busy paying off the mob. And political jobs are a mob favorite to entrap good car salespersons and persons with a proven track record.

Oh I know you just couldn't refuse the benefits, home buying tips, spouse finding help, job and car listings within the mob. How could you refuse? And they'll even supply you drugs to sell for a cut of the profits today.




#16Consumer Suggestion

Tue, December 12, 2006

I've printed this out to take into work and let the guys read it they will get a kick out of this, your conspiracy theory is hilarious. Please step back to reality before u fall into the abbis forever. I replied to this a long time ago back when you first posted it and yes I still work on the main cable lines. but you have just got this thing streched to the limit from what I can see. "mob connections" now that is really funny.



Maryland Gangs

#16Author of original report

Sat, December 02, 2006

Today Maryland is tracking over 250 black drug gangs in Baltimore. That's the tip of the iceberg as there are thousands of independant gangs throughout the state disguised as many different types of clubs; like hunting, automobile collecting, small business associations, trucking and warehousing, property investors just to take notice. Many people entering today's military have a mission assigned them. Make all the Iraq drug connections you can using small businesses, military planes, and mail to mask transportation. When I say Comcast is mob related I think a loosely nit corporation as big as Comcast has many mob connections inside and outside. Just as Erhlick's wife who works for Comcast represents a connection to state government.

Comcast has never offered any solutions, has never offered to cover damages that their non-fused cable lines put your electronics at risk from. If people are buying stock in companies that cheat like Comcast it's because they believe they'll be able to bailout immediately as the ship begins to sink. Meaning cable companies as are Japanese car companies are unstable, and only as good as long as US Marines stand guard watching their butts. People like the idea of fast bucks, heavy losses, and quick turn overs in fortune whether or not these corporations actually crash. And then there's the everyday butt head living next door that goes around sticking his fingers in the socket. What's a guy to do but complaining about the dead beats moving in around him who've connected witht he mob and can't stay out of trouble.




#16Consumer Comment

Sat, December 02, 2006

I am still trying to figure out from your report just HOW Comcast is guilty of "vandalizing" your equipment. Did they smash it with a hammer? Spraypaint "David is a turd" on it? What exactly?

The only thing I can deduce from your lengthy tale is that (1) you need to check the wiring in your house is your electronics seem to ALWAYS burn out and (2) you need to invest in a surge protector for high-end equipment that you care about.



Battery Acid Corrodes

#16Author of original report

Sat, December 02, 2006

Nothing kills a circuit, terminal, wire, or connection faster then battery acid on metal. Besides I'm sick of thinking about the abuse going on with endless wire systems. It's time for ISP providers to step up and answer the challenge, and the only thing that is really going to work right is EVDO. So let's put it in high gear, I just finished off a 1+ year's EVDO subscription, and didn't use it much because of it's slower nature. We need high speed EVDO now!



Battery Acid Corrodes

#16Author of original report

Sat, December 02, 2006

Nothing kills a circuit, terminal, wire, or connection faster then battery acid on metal. Besides I'm sick of thinking about the abuse going on with endless wire systems. It's time for ISP providers to step up and answer the challenge, and the only thing that is really going to work right is EVDO. So let's put it in high gear, I just finished off a 1+ year's EVDO subscription, and didn't use it much because of it's slower nature. We need high speed EVDO now!



Battery Acid Corrodes

#16Author of original report

Sat, December 02, 2006

Nothing kills a circuit, terminal, wire, or connection faster then battery acid on metal. Besides I'm sick of thinking about the abuse going on with endless wire systems. It's time for ISP providers to step up and answer the challenge, and the only thing that is really going to work right is EVDO. So let's put it in high gear, I just finished off a 1+ year's EVDO subscription, and didn't use it much because of it's slower nature. We need high speed EVDO now!


Ft. Wayne,

Comcast And David from Pasadena

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, December 02, 2006

lmao.....David...Lay off the sauce buddy ...U are way over the top with all this "mobb related" and "muslim" related propaganda. I read what u wrote duke and u are P A R A N O I D!!!



you would think

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, September 14, 2006

that you would instead of Hoping "this blog" as you call it

I never knew rip off report had blogs Though as many reports as you write i can see why you feel it is your own

Anyway you would be better being worried that someone may read this "blog" and lock your paranoid rear end up for threatening the employees as well as

Mrs. Erlich is in fact she works there. Threatening a elected governors wife is no light thing you know

But then at least if you go to jail they can put you back on the meds or get you off the stuff you are smoking I have yet to determine quite which one it is.



Nosey Neighbors

#16Author of original report

Thu, August 10, 2006

If it isn't the mob nosing around then it's NSA or the Naval Academy acting abusive. You know how the military can be down sizing problems and comparing apples to oranges as if we don't get the meaning of being screwed over! asthma hahha funny boy.

Well the way I see it, the mob knows everything there is to know about Comcast cable. That being the fact my neighbors constantly plug-in dc transformers to make purple dots appear on tv, to make televisions burn out extra quickly, and to ruin my PC's.

It's a fact of life, small business people suck, are mobbed related, and when taking matters into own hands cause more problems then all the Muslims put together ever imagined causing destruction.



Thanks Pete

#16UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 10, 2006

I understand what you mean I just wanted to try and give this Customer the facts so hopefully he may be able to trouble shoot himself, instead of blaming the problem on something else. I guess all I can say is I tried , but glad you may have got something out of it. After reading over my post again I did find one part that was alittle miss worded but I you read it to your self a couple of time I thing it will sink in. Thanks.


Valley View,

Give it up, Troy

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, April 09, 2006

Can't you tell from David's imperious attitude that he's the---EXPERT? He wouldn't believe you if you told him the sun rises in the east each morning. Although I got confused at one juncture, I read through it more carefully and found your explanation very believable. Thanks.



I am a communications tech for Comcast in Indiana

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 06, 2006

And I have had this happen befor , where people get this conspiracy theory about how Comcast is messing with there equipment. Now as a Tech I know what is on our lines and what is not. But I bet know what the problem is that you are haveing but let me explain a few things first. Yes there is voltage on our main cable line the TRUNK and FEEDER line these lines do not run to your home the TRUNK feed AMPS in the system to boost the signal on the line to the FEEDER line which feeds smaller AMPS usually refered to as (LE's or LINE EXTENDERS) which keep the signal at a certain level for the lines that run to your home out of a device calle a INLINE TAP these INLINE TAP's cannot pass power out to the customer drop connections. And besides there is only a maximum voltage of 60 to 90 volts passing through the TRUNK and FEEDER lines, eventhough if by some strange act of GOD you were to get the 60 to 90 volts on the drop line to the house, the voltage would be terminated by the grounding wire hooked to the cable where the line enters your home. Thus it would not get inside your home. Remember you have a better chance of winning the powerball 2 times in a row than you do having this last example happen to you. Know that's out of the way, this is what I think is going on at your house. The problem that I always find with what you have decribed in that area where work is that one of the devices that you have the cable lines running through is backfeeding power through the cable. This explaines why you constantly have to keep replaceing things and as to the tv getting a purple spot in it, the digital cable box cannot cause that to show on the tv unless the RFI shielding that covers the TV tuner inside your TV is bad but the digital boxes that we use have extra shielding in them so they can be used on older TV's, or you have left your surround sound speaker setting to close to your TV. Now to finish up cause I bet your are sick of reading this. The way you can have power backfeeding through the cable in your home is most likely and bad electrical plug in the wall or a plug that has been installed incorrectly, and bad plug or a poorly installed one like say the hot and neutral lines are crossed it will cause the usually a spark when plunging something into the socket and cause everything that is plugged into it to be feed backwards making the ground hot and when a cable line in put on something that is reversed like this the center conductor becomes hot and the fitting becomes the ground, since electric current follows the least path of resistance the cable wire would be the easiest way for it to get back to ground causing everything that the cable lines are hooked to inside the home to have power passing through them while the circuit is finding its ground to complete the circuit. Well I think that is enough if you want to ask any questions please reply back and I will check back at a later time. Hope this may help, and please remember that Comcast is not out to get you. We like haveing customer because tha are why we have Jobs.


New York,

you are responsible

#16UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 01, 2006

If you were checking voltage on your lines, I would like to know if you were checking AC or DC voltage. and if so did you isolate it to the drop coming to your house. Most likely any voltage running through your cable wires is caused by a poorly manufactured or malfunctioning tv or vcr. and if there is electricity going through the lines it wouldn't be passed through the splitters very well. it probably knocked out the return path of the splitters causing your modem to go offline. Just remember make sure your ducks are in a row before you start throwing blame around.

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