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  • Report:  #1446490

Complaint Review: Common Sense Media

Common Sense Media YOU'VE BEEN WARNED San Francisco California

  • Reported By:
    Jaylene K. — NY New York United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, June 07, 2018
  • Updated:
    Sun, June 10, 2018
  • Common Sense Media
    650 Townsend
    San Francisco, California
    United States
  • Phone:
    (415) 863-0600
  • Category:

Common Sense Media touts itself as being 'parent-friendly' and a 'family-friendly' review site of movies, but in a review of a faith-based movie, Renee Schonfeld, says, "there's nothing to recommend in this artless redemption story."

Ms. Schonfeld then gives the movie a '1' star.

This is a vicious movie review that Common Sense Media should never have allowed to be published as Ms. Schonfeld doesn't have a clue what's she talking about or has a hidden agenda because of the faith element - either way, she was the wrong reviewer and pillaged a very noble film.

For 'Common Sense Media' to unfairly attack a faith-based, family movie - with no profanity or outward violence (it's also rated 'PG') and say it has nothing to recommend about this film smacks of hypocrisy. WHAT MORE DO WANT THEN?

Also, the reviewer went to a special Thursday screening obviously to 'get a jump' on the other reviewers to bolster 'Common Sense Media' at the top and thus give this organization more publicity makes you shake your head. Did the reviewer pillage a worthy film to get attention for herself and the organization?

I give 'Common Sense Media' a 1 star as well and hope this organization goes bankrupt and their methods exposed. They did great damage to this worthy film and I rest on Scripture: 1 Thess 4:6 "Do not wrong brothers in Christ. God will punish men for all such sins."

Be careful of this organization - they could be wolves in sheep's clothing.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Doesn't seem to be a RipOff

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, June 10, 2018

Well it took about 30 seconds to find the movie.  Since for some reason you don't want a movie you are so proud of to be known, I will honor that and just call it by it's intiials S***** J****.

With that let me just point out what was said by another critic at another well known review site.

"The film’s hoary, melodramatic plotting and painfully awkward dialogue leave nary a cliché untouched."

The rest of that review doesn't get better, and others don't do you much good either.

Ragging on ****** performance would be unfair, as no one in the movie can act;

In that grand tradition of incompetent fly-by-night curios that goes back to the early years of the talkie, it is packed with abrupt melodramatic incidents, nonsensical subplots, and blurted dialogue.

This review came from another "faith based" review organization

a weak script, together with production values indicative of a low budget… The faith elements are limned only sparingly, making this movie a tough slog even for those inclined to look favorably on religious fare

Based on those I think the Common Sense media review could actually be considered flattering.  A "faith based" movie needs more than some references to faith to be good. One really has to wonder if you are more upset that the movie didn't get the positive press you wanted or didn't make the money you wanted. 

I would hope it was the former, but I have a feeling that it is the later, which makes me wonder how devoted you were to this "faith based" movie.


new york,
New York,
United States

re: Common Sense Media Gets a '1' star - Stay away from this company

#4Author of original report

Sun, June 10, 2018

In response to your post, Common Sense Media unfairly bashed a faith-based movie last year. 

This is why they get a '1' star from me. 

They shouldn't have let Ms. Renee Schonfeld review the film as she didn't have a clue what she was talking about - 'no redemption'? Does she or Common Sense Media even know what that means?


United States

Where is the RipOff

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, June 08, 2018

Not only where is the RipOff, but where is the name of the movie?

I looked at their site and they have currently 9 movies that are in the theaters and rated as 1-Star. None of them I would even remotely call "Faith Based"

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