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  • Report:  #550320

Complaint Review: CTC, CTE, The Bottom line... Internet

  • Reported By:
    Understanding100 — My mind Pennsylvania United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, January 06, 2010
  • Updated:
    Sat, April 29, 2017

The story keeps going and going. I read something today that blamed BB&T, oh yeah it was the website I've worked in the banking industry and one thing is true, when a bank shuts you down, THEY SHUT YOU DOWN TODAY no questions asked. They padlock doors, shut off utilities, cease everything! There is no wait 3 or 4 days and let employees come back in. There is no go back and clean out office- NO!! Oh and by the way, BANKS WERE NOT OPEN ON CHRISTMAS DAY! Although I've noticed CTC changed the website to read Christmas eve, its BULLS**T!!

The bank is involved because upper management committed fraud, have lied, and are now scrambling trying to cover things up! They stole millions of dollars, closed schools, laid of employees with no explanation, and are now running scared. This is another ENRON in the making... Don't believe everything you hear and instead do some fact finding!

Its truly funny to read these comments especially since I'm not sure how many people actually have any idea what they're talking about... Here are the facts...

I worked to CTC for 3 years- loved my job in the beginning and not until I was asked to go against the very things I believed in, did a problem present itself. For the record, I WALKED OUT when I was asked to lie to students, to cover up situation or to smile if everything was ok. I worked in CORPORATE, I looked Curtis Hickman in his face everyday. I talked to Chuck Lang, Jerry Collins, Donna Hutchison, Deanne Brezicki, and David Rau. I sat in closed doors meetings with them as they discussed raising tuition, giving students less, asking Directors to work more, and pushing the call center to turn against each other for $25. Those are the facts...

I know for a fact, that Donna lied to state boards, hid information, and asked her workers to do her dirty work. I know Curtis made many comments about feeling like he was going to hell because of the things he's done but didn't have a choice. I know for a fact that Deanne & Curtis had a sexual relationship even though she "reported" to him and now have a kid together. Was supposed to get married...

I know that Chuck took joy in firing people, sent DOA's emails daily blaming them for what the company wasnt able to do. I know they spent money on airplanes, buying students pizza every night, stayed at top end hotels for no reason, all on a corporate card.

I know David gave out $20k Christmas presents, and those listed above made money off of students they knew wouldn't succeed. I sat in the meeting the day we discussed ripoffreport and Donna said it was a bunch of bs. I know they spent THOUSANDS of dollars trying to find a way to stop this site from producing information about the school.

Chuck take a pay cut... thats bs! But I will tell you that the day David was going to fire him, he begged like a baby and said he would take a pay cut but would also do ANYTHING to keep his job... so David made him do ANYTHING!! They knew months ago about BB&T coming in to close the doors. They were given until the end of the year to get things together and when they didn't the $h!t it the fans.

The facts... Donna, Chuck, Curtis were in Hunt Valley on Monday (1/4/10) "moving files" and furniture!! Those are facts! Facts: Those listed throughout got paid and are in no hurry to file unemployment...

To the students that were told the B.S line about stimulus money...(so sad)! No stimulus money was used, that was their way to cover up that tuition had changed 5 times in the last year. They knew you'd ask why each person in the class paid a different price. But don't feel too bad, when I started there tuition was $24,500 and increased to $25725, and increased, and increased to almost $30k. Which is why they never wanted to take Title IV funding- they would have to answer too many questions.

Recent news is that CTC made the decision to close and the only reason BB&T ceased accounts is because they didn't know CTC had closed schools previously! Now BB&T is even more involved sinced they've been lied on... THIS IS A MESS!!! Who is telling the truth? Who is lying??

FACTS: Students lost big- it will take a while for this to be figured out.

FACTS: Employees are owed 3 weeks pay because CTC is a pay period behind. Employees will loose vacation and benefits. They may not be eligible for cobra and some may not qualify for unemployment because "the company" stoped paying a long time ago!!

Facts: EVERY DOG HAS THEIR DAY, and if I were David, Jerry Collins, Curtis, Deanne, Chuck, or Donna I'd move soon. I hope they all get charged with FRAUD and have to feel the pain that they've put so many through!!

Call them, here are their numbers!!

Curtis Hickman: 443-742-2712

Donna Hutchison: 302-236-3331

Chuck Lang: 410-375-7531

David Rau: 727-599-9050

Make them answer for the decisions they made! I'm sorry that so many people were burned by this company. I wish there was someone willing to come in and teach out the classes, give students a real education and re-hire some of the great employees.

Good Luck to all...

8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

years with no result

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, April 29, 2017

Where are the lawsuite information?   There is nothing any where!  Years of paying for a loan for nothing. Navient will not work with us and there is no new...or any... information about what happened to the law suite.  Where are all the thousands of students who not robbed?

Does anyone have any information about what has happened to this?



how many

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, May 14, 2014

So what is the status of the court case?   There is nothing on the lawyers website.

And how many students were robbed?  Can't fine that figure anywhere.


United States of America

The Answers You Want...

#9Author of original report

Thu, January 21, 2010

You may want to re-read the original post. The point is that CTC would like you to believe that the banks closed the score and if the bank had done so the doors would have been padlocked! They would not have been able to go in and clean up files, etc (of which they did).

More importantly, why do you care so much about the clarification? Are you trying to protect them? You can't cover up this one...

Donna lied about everything like the tuition flux on a regular bases... Curtis padded the books for the banks...

The ADA's fighting were all over the $25/show bonus...

As for the relationship issues... I would guess that you don't know all sides of the stories and have formed an opinion without full knowledge. More importantly, if you don't care about Deanne and Curtis, why would you care about Jerry and his counterpart?? A little bias are you?


United States of America

Very Sad

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, January 19, 2010

I am so sad to continue to read these stories.  What's worse, is that I know a lot of the negativity being stated to be true.  I worked for CTC for over 3 years and saw this months before this closure.   I once held great pride in working for this company but that pride has been replaced by double the amount of embarrassment. 

Former Employee

United States of America

Further explanation needed

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 07, 2010

If the doors were padlocked, then how did Donna and company get in the office suite? And why were they in there moving files and furniture? I mean, I doubt BB&T "let" them in...

Also, what do you mean when you say they wanted the ADOA's to "turn" on one another? What does that mean and why would they want that? Were they having them spy on one another? Tattle on one another? I don't get it.

Also, what were they going to take away from the students?

What did Donna lie to the state boards about? Most of the schools reached their placement goals. Directors who didn't meet goals were fired. I really can't see her lying about placement rates.

What did Curtis do that he felt bad about? As CTE was not a public company, it isn't as though he would have to cook the books to make the company seem more profitable to stock holders.

I personally could care less about Deanne's and Curtis's relationship. As long as she consented, it is no matter. I am more concerned about Rau trying to hire Jerry DiPetris back after how he supposedly harassed and victimized one of his employees.

Former Employee

United States of America


#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 07, 2010

I worked for CTC too and am curious about some of the things you mentioned.  I thought the Assistant Directors of Admission made more than $25 for people showing up.  Also, what do you mean by "turn on each other?" Why would they turn on one another simply for aiming for more "shows?"

Also, what type of information did Donna hide or lie about? Who did David give $20K Christmas presents to? It definitely wasn't me as I was a peon.

Why was David going to fire Chuck?  Was it simply because the company was doing poorly?

Also, what were Donna, Chuck, and Curtis doing at Hunt Valley? I thought you said they padlocked the doors. If so, how would they have gotten in the center to move files? And why are they "moving files and furniture?"


United States of America

Another ex employee

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 07, 2010

I, too, am an ex employee of computertraining.  I am absolutely disgusted with the works of David Lau and Chuck Lang.  However, I do believe that Jerry Collins had no idea the acts of the criminal activity David and Chuck were involved in.  Being a Director of Admissions, I feel horrible that I was the face these students were associated with and if I had known any differently, would never commit these types of acts.  Chuck and David will have what is coming to them.  Federal charges should be filed against them.  What really baffles my mind is that these 2 "gentleman" have families they should be taking care of and concerned about, not how they are going to rip this money out of the hands of people vulnerable for an education.  They also should be ashamed of themselves for blaming another financial institution who was SMART ENOUGH to take away their line of credit to protect hundreds of thousands of dollars of innocent victims that could have been sucked into this black hole.  I have proven information that David and Chuck were caught money laundering which is why the bank closed their line of credit.  Now many employees are out 3 weeks pay and hundreds of students are out thousands of dollars many saved for an education.  Chuck Lang and David Rau, you both will get what is coming to you.  Karma's a b***h.  The BS written on your webpage blaming others to try to scapegoat the situation is ridiculous.  VICTIMIZED STUDENTS:  Do not believe anything you hear from computertraining.  They are bankrupt due to the theft of money from the people at the top.  Fight for everything you have.  Write letters to the news stations, file reports with the state.  Dont give up for what you deserve.  It could take days, weeks, months... dont give up. 


United States of America


#9Consumer Comment

Wed, January 06, 2010


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