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  • Report:  #445010

Complaint Review: Shady Business Practice, Ripping off students Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Washington District of Columbia
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 20, 2009
  • Updated:
    Thu, November 19, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does this school cost? 28,500K

Do you have financial Aid? No, but there are scholarships awarded based on individual needs, the maximum amount is around 8,500K

Do you accept the G.I. Bill? NO. is not a title IV school, thus not qualified for such funds.

Does your assistant admissions director know the tuition? Yes, but they are told not tell you this information over the phone.

How many lenders does this company use for funding? As of now, just 2.SallieMae, and's funds.

Can I finance my own education? Yes. You just need to bring in cash or check.

Will my credits transfer to another school? No. During the 6 month course, you will learn only information for taking the certification exams.

Will I have a degree when I graduate? No. If you pass your exams, you will earn certificates NOT a DEGREE

What types of job will I have upon graduation? Most students graduate and begin entry level help desk positions, unless started the course already in the field.

Will I get all 3 certifications in the 6 months? Probably not. Most students only obtain the first two certifications within this period. There are resources for you to use, but it is an accelerated program. Individual results do vary.

Does my teacher get a bonus? Yes. The Microsoft certified instructor gets a bonus for every person in that class who gains certifications.

Can you guarantee me a job? No, but will help you apply for jobs.

What if I can't pay my loan? There is a brief deferment period, but with all loans, defaulting will ruin your credit.

How much interest will I pay on my loan? The current interest rate on the loan is 12.5% and after about 15 years your amount owed is somewhere around 70K

I scored a 75% on level 1, is that great? No. This is an accelerated program, most students who score below 90% on level 1 tend to struggle in class.

Is this school accredited? Yes, but it is just a title for now, you will not gain federal funds because it is not a title IV school.

Does the assistant director of admissions get anything for speaking to me? No, but if you schedule an appointment and show up at the campus, that person will earn a bonus, somewhere between $25-$100.

Does the Director (or admissions counselor) I meet with get a bonus? Yes. Depending on the time of the appointment this bonus will range between $250-$1500.

Does the Director of placement (career counselor) get a bonus? Yes, he or she earns a very nice bonus for every student placed, no matter what the job.

Will I get a refund if I enroll and decide this is not for me? Yes, but be sure to read your enrollment agreement from cover to cover, the refund may not be as much as you think.

I speak the truth
Washington, District of Columbia

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Inside the Beltway

United States of America


#3Consumer Comment

Wed, November 18, 2009

You have posted many comments here, many of which are simple facts hat do not imply or constitute a ripoff.  I won't comment on all of them, but have supplied some commentary.  I am in the proprietary school industry, but not affiliated with this school. 

Title IV is a federal loan and grant program.  It's VOLUNTRARY.  You don't have to participate i it if you don't want to.  CTC is accredited, and this is NOT just a title.  Accreditation is a long process by which a school shows it has met standards.  The agency that accredits CTC is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education.  Recognition is an official process similar to accreditation.

CTC is not a degree-granting school.  Go to college if you want a degree.  There is no problem with this.  Many good schools don't offer degrees.  They offer certificates.  As for credit transfers, only the accepting school can accept credit, so CTC can't guarantee that. 

YES!! Read your enrollment agreement before you sign it!!  Is that a new concept?  Must have been for you.  It's pure common sense, and if you don't understand the refund policy, ASK!!  If you don't like the refund policy, don't enroll.

You want a guaranteed job?  Jeez, I wish I could have that guarantee.  And actually, the accrediting agencies say you can't guarantee a job.  How can a school guarantee you a job?  My university sure as heck didn't guarantee me a job.

Most everything else here seems to be simple, and are all things you are informed about prior to signing up.  If you don't like it, don't sign up.  This is AMERICA!  You have freedom of choice.

Finally, the closing "I speak the truth," is self-righteous garbage.  Not a  lie, but the import of the comment is meaningless.


Newport News,

Rebuttal-GI Bill info

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, July 18, 2009

As of April 6, 2009 military members can use the GI Bill to attend in CHESAPEAKE, VA (I am not sure if it is all locations though). The link is below~

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