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  • Report:  #346248

Complaint Review: Concord Management Ltd

Concord Management Ltd, Nautilus Cove Condo Panama City Beach Florida Concord Is Unresponsive to Condo Owners Inquiry 1551 Sandspur Rd, Florida

  • Reported By:
    panama city beach Florida
  • Submitted:
    Tue, July 01, 2008
  • Updated:
    Thu, November 01, 2012
  • Concord Management Ltd
    Maitland Florida 32751
    1551 Sandspur Rd,, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I see 2 other complaints about Concord on this site, I also looked at the BBB info for the Orlando area and found that while they were a member in good standing that there have been 30 complaints just in the Orlando area in the last 3 years.

As you can see from the below post I am having a great deal of trouble in getting ANY reply to my inquiry about the in 'again - out again' management of my condo complex. Here is the info:

Concord Inquiry by Fax and Email,,,,,

July 1, 2008

Edward J. Kleiman, President Concord Management
Michael Sciarrino, VP Concord Management
Mr Andrew Frye (Director of Credit and Collections)
Mr. Michael S. Yonge (Executive Vice President)

Dear Sirs:

Today, July 1, 2008 is the first day your firm is representing Nautilus Cove Condominium in Panama City Beach, Florida. You firm was here just a few months ago for seven weeks before being ousted in an "Emergency BOD Meeting" which lasted 2 minutes.

This is part of a revolving door involving Seagrove and Concord. I and other owners here want to know why there is such turmoil with rental firms. First Seagrove, then Concord, then Seagrove and now again Concord.

I have repeatedly inquired of your firm as to the reason, also to our BOD and Seagrove. The only reply I ever got was from Seagrove who told me that they did not have to give a reason.

That reply and your lack of reply is not acceptable and I have posted on my blogs about NCC the below information. This was after having told you that I would do so if your firm continued to stonewall on my inquiry.

You might want to consider that I do follow through with what I say I am going to do. I told our BOD and Waterstone Realty that they needed to correct long standing problems in the rental of units here. Despite being warned they chose to ignore my input and on June 10th both the BOD and Waterstone Realty and 2 Waterstone realtors were sued by me in Bay County Circuit Court. Ignoring me is generally a bad idea, I won't go away and I will take legal action when it is needed.

So I am asking you for the last time to respond as asked below in my Blog.

Friday, June 27, 2008
Concord Management - NOT Responsive to Owner Inquiries!

I forwarded a comprehensive letter to 2 of the Concord email addresses listed on their web site. I again requested the reason for the 2 minute 'Emergency BOD' meeting in which they were ousted as our management company after only six weeks on the job.

I am asking again because for some odd reason (again not explained to anyone) they are now back as our Management Company as of July 1, 2008.

I offered to put any of their comments on my blogs and mentioned that if they did not respond I would also post this lack of communication from them.

The owners in this complex have a right to know just what the Hell is going on with 4 management company changes in six months. (Seagrove-Concord-Seagrove-Concord)

It will come as no surprise to readers that there is still NO REPLY to my emails or earlier inquiries about these management company changes. Concord wants to pretend that they are a caring and upfront management company.

Below are just a few of their claims FYI. If they observed any of them they would have long ago be upfront about this revolving door business with the management companies.

If you want to ask them directly here are some of their published email contacts,,,

Since Concord is now the rental agent for NCC's unsold units you might want to keep in mind that there are a decent number of complaints about Concord including 2 at and FYI they are in fact a member of the Orlando area BBB, and while they are rated as 'satisfactory' there are 30 complaints during the past 3 years with most issues being refunds/deposits.

Their web site is:
don't hold your breath waiting for any reply, and below is part of their PR effort to convince people that they have some standards:

"Concord Customer Service Standards:

Each team member is encouraged to practice the following Customer Service Standards when interacting with all customers:

-Communicate openly, honestly, and constructively.

-Strive for an urgent problem resolution.

-Practice a responsive work ethic. Return phone calls at least within one business day; e-mail within two business days."

Annoyed consumer
panama city beach, Florida

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Annoyed consumer


City of PCB takes on Concord and AUM

#8Author of original report

Thu, November 01, 2012

   In August 2012 the City of Panama City Beach sent an Order to Stone Harbor, managed by Concord Management, Ltd of Maitland, Fla and told them to 'Cease and Desist' from their extremely high rates for water/sewer.  They use AUM which is American Utility Management of Oak Brook, Ill.  You can see their many complaints on this Rip Off Report site and you can take a look at: for other information.

   Concord has a very poor reputation in our area for their management of both Stone Harbor and Nautilus Cove Condo, both in Panama City Beach.  Their contract is up in Oct of 2013 and we hope that the BOD of NCC will toss them out and get a decent management firm for the condo.


Browntown Twp,


#8Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 17, 2012

  1. Please! Take all your evidence and make a you-tube video. That is what I have done. It is better to show people what you are talking about then to just tell them. You will also be able to see how many people are read your page each day. Plus, You will also be able to send that page to 

  2. face-book, twitter and other sites to really get the word out about these LOW DOWN, DIRTY, NASTY, SNEAKY DOGS. This is what I have done, look up CONCORD MANAGEMENT LTD on you-tube. 

  3. Like you I have just got STARTED!!!!!!!

Annoyed consumer

panama city,

Unfortunately Concord remains at NCC

#8Author of original report

Sun, July 01, 2012


Concord Management Ltd remains as the management firm for Nautilus Cove Condo in Panama City Beach, Fla.  The same firm represents the interests of the Developer of the complex and rents out their 56 unsold condo units.

The outgoing Developer controled BOD gave Concord a 3 yr management contract 1 1/2 yrs ago, shortly thereafter we had 'turnover' where the Owners took control of the Board having 2 of the 3 members being Owners. The last minute ploy by the outgoing BOD meant that we were stuck with Concord for 3 years.

Concord continues to do very average 'C' level work for the Owners.  I believe that the majority of the time spent by Concord is in the renting out and managing of the 56 (out of 168) Developer condos, in effect the Owners via their $225 a month 'dues' are paying for Concords efforts in managing/renting out the unsold Developer units.

Complaints continue that those phoning the office get no answer and when they go by in person the office is closed.  Recently a maintanence man of 10 months quit, he lasted longer than most as there have been 8-9 that I know of since May 2007.  see:

Drop by these blog sites for more

information on Concord Mis-Management:

Unfortunately the current Owner BOD seems unwilling to replace Concord, however their contract is up during the tenure of the next Board in 2013, so if we get a more anti Concord BOD in the next elections then the contract will go to another firm and we can be rid of Concord, at least as far as managing the complex for the Owners goes, they may still be here to rent out the Developers unsold units.


Browntown Twp,

Concord Management are Slumlord!!!!

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, July 01, 2012

Do what ever you have to do by means of the law to get concord Management out of your condo.
Who ever hired them do not care about you condo owners or tenants. They are slumlords who don't care about nothing but getting your money, even if they have to use fraud and deceit to get you to sign a lease. Their name is wasted all over the internet. They have deceived and scammed so many people and is still looking for more victims.
I have no ideal why the Government are still giving them Tax Payer dollars for putting families in Roach infested homes. We need to send our complaints to our State Representatives.
You can read what they done to me and my family on ripoff also.

Annoyed consumer

panama city,

Concord Management deposits Owners dues to Developers Account!

#8Author of original report

Mon, October 18, 2010

Below is a copy of a complaint sent to the DBPR in Tallahassee regarding continued irregularities in handling of the Owners dues at Nautilus Cove Condo in Panama City Beach, Florida.  You can find additional details including copies of the back of 2 of my checks deposited into a Developer account.  My inquiries to Concord the first time took six weeks to get an acknowledgement it had happened, 3 months later it seems to be happening again.  Details:


RE:  Comingling of Condo Assn. Funds With Developers Funds


Nautilus Development Partners LLLP is the condo developer, 111 units of 168 have been sold, 57 remain unsold and the Developer rents them out using Concord Management LTD.  Concord both rent out the developers unsold condos and is also the management firm for Nautilus Cove Condominium, Inc.


My $675 quarterly assessment (dues) was paid by me in a timely manner for the 3rd quarter 2010 and on my bank statement I noticed that this Wachovia Bank check #1318 was deposited on 7/13/10 to the Regions account 0077458400 of Nautilus Development Partners LLLP (see attachment) and not into our Nautilus Cove Condo Inc account.


I made six weeks of inquiries about this matter, asking if a mistake had been made in depositing this into an incorrect account.  I phoned, e-mailed and eventually wrote via Certified Mail.  I asked via certified Mail and copied via e-mail to the BOD & Concord, the following:

1)  Has Concord Management misapplied the incoming checks intended for our nonprofit Nautilus Cove Condominium Association and put them into the Developers Nautilus Development Partners LLLP checking account?

2)  if so, then how many checks were deposited in error to the Developers account and what is the total amount of said misapplied funds?

3)  If errors were made in such deposits, has this situation now been corrected and if so have any misapplied funds now been put into the correct account?


I subsequently received an incoming e-mail dated Fri, 3 Sept 2010 from Theresa Eastwood Davis, Regional Manager for Concord Management Ltd (Tel:  407 741-8600) who said in paragraph 4 of 5 paragraphs:  "During the week of the 13th, a clerical error was made during the banking that resulted in some of the HOA dues being deposited to the developer account.  We are in the process of auditing the accounts and the property accountant should have the funds transferred to the HOA account no later than Monday."


I did not receive all the information I requested, but let the matter drop, thinking that it had been taken care of.  However, it also came to my notice that my 4th quarter dues payment of $675 was deposited on 10-12-2010 to Nautilus Development Partners LLLP, Account 0063613220.


On 10/14/2010 I wrote to Melissa Melvin a District Manager for Concord Management Ltd via email with a copy to BOD member l. DiGiacomo asking about the matter, forwarding copies of the check showing the deposit information.

Since this commingling of funds continues and may have gone on for months before I noticed, I ask that the DBPR open an investigation into the continued misapplication of our Nautilus Cove Condo Assn funds and


1)   insure that all funds have been returned to the correct account and

2)   make sure that both Concord and the Developer cease this inappropriate  accounting practice

3)   apply financial sanctions to both as applicable


Educated Consumer

United States of America

Board of Directors is Responsible, Not Management

#8General Comment

Tue, September 21, 2010

Although I have no affiliation with Concord Management, LTD or with the author of this complaint, I feel I need to point out that  in the state of Florida, the managment company of a condominium has absolutely no authority to render final decisions. The role of the management company (by law) is to advise the Board of Directors and to carry out the decsions of the Board of Directors. All complaints should be directed to the Board of Directors in writing mailed certified mail.

Annoyed consumer

panama city,

Concord Continues to Manage at Nautilus Cove

#8Author of original report

Sun, June 20, 2010

June 14, 2010



Dear Nautilus Cove Owner:

9 months ago the office advised on behalf of the BOD that the election for the 2nd Owner BOD member would be held on
July 25, 2010.  Recently the Developer disclaimed this date, calling it unauthorized and incorrect.


There will NOT be an election 7/25, the date remains unknown, but can not be later than Dec. 11, 2010 with notification to owners not later than Oct. 13th.  What we do know is that this year the Developer control of the BOD ends.


We need to have responsible, interested, qualified people run for this 2nd Owner BOD position.  Any owner who is current with their quarterly dues may run for this office.


Keep in mind that the BOD 'elects' the actual officers of the condo. You vote for the Board and they in turn 'elect' the President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer. I hope that the new Board will select the officers from among those people who ran, but did not win, the BOD election. Past Boards, controlled by the Developer have simply elected themselves as the officers, thus cutting out any opportunity for owners to actually participate in the running of the complex.

If our 2 'owner' Board members turn out to be a disappointment, keep in mind that at the December Annual General Meeting both Owner Board positions will be up for election. So if the 'new' Board does not produce some improvements, they can be replaced quickly.


One item that needs to be addressed is the change from the Concord Management company to another management firm.  Concord is doing, at best, a C- job.  For example, 1) Concord provided the incorrect BOD election date,

2)  in 6 months since the Dec 2009 AGM they have not provided the minutes of this meeting, 3)  they continue to use a legal firm to file liens that is overcharging us and in fact LOST the last batch of liens we sent them and, 4) two AGMs ago the CAM admitted that Concord spent only 50% of their time on Nautilus Cove work.  We pay Concord $70,000 a year to work for us and in return get only part time representation, while they spend the rest of their time renting out the Developers unsold condos, this alone should be reason enough to change management firms.




Bill Harris

Owner 708



Contact info for the current Board of Directors is:

Norman Knight

Paul Missigman

Leonard DiGiacomo


Also:  Nautilus Cove has for the past 2 years (2010 & 2009) filed totally incorrect information with the Div of Corporations for the State of florida listing 3 people who are NOT board members and have NOT been for well over 2 years.



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