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  • Report:  #528835

Complaint Review: Connie Bedwell

Connie Bedwell; darryl payne; tim bedwell created scam website fake child abuse Connie bedwell lost custody of aaliyah wanted revenge and money; lives in roseville, Internet

  • Reported By:
    Becah — Phoenix Arizona United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, November 26, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, August 28, 2010
  • Connie Bedwell
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

What I lost - $250 and my trust in people online

What I thought - story was about child being abused

What I discovered - I was duped into believing Connie Bedwell was truthful.  Her father Tim Bedwell is a convicted criminal. Her sister Cara helped her drum up false charges and her boyfriend Darryl Payne (who earns a lot of money) is helping her scam others online too instead of paying for his girlfriend's mess.

I found this comment listed below - after reading auburn journal where Connie Bedwell was interviewed at length.


In a child custody case (objectively speaking) the courts don't take a child from the mother very often. Lets look at the "Connie Bedwell Situation" a little closer shall we:

Situation #1, Connie used to have full custody of Aaliyah. After the 1st round of false accusations by Connie came back unfounded for physical abuse, the courts gave dad supervised visitation. You know why the accusations came back unfounded, because it didn't happen, she wasn't abused by him.

Situation #2, Connie got upset when the father stopped paying all of her bills, gee what happened next, she accused him of being an alcohol abuser and a druggie. After a full assessment by a professional certified by the court, guess what, the professionals certified that the father was not an alcoholic or a druggie, surprise, surprise.

Situation #3, This did not make Connie happy, as a result father got unsupervised visits and the courts felt as though he deserved more time with the child, guess what this meant, less child support for Connie, and maybe she might even have to go to work. You'll never guess what happened next, Connie accused the father of child abuse. 11 negative CPS investigations later, guess what happened, no way, the CPS supervisor stopped responding to Connie's calls, you want to know why, because there was no child abuse going on. This is incredible, I know, but guess whats next, oh wait there is only really one thing left to do, you got it, accuse him of being a child molester.

Wow, after reading the incredible piece of investigatory work done by the geniuses at the Auburn Journal, (insert sarcastic laugh here) you know how the story goes, the APD did a full investigation and turned anything questionable to the DA's office, and this is the most shocking part, the father was cleared of all accusations for lack of evidence and the case was closed. Do you people understand what it means to be cleared as a suspect, IT MEANS THAT THEY DID NOT DO WHAT THEY WERE ACCUSED OF. (District Attorney's don't usually clear a suspect unless there is nothing there, it is kind of their job, and they are pretty darn good at it)

For some reason the courts, Professional psychologists (who may know a little more than we do), the DA Office, APD, can see through a coached videotape that was obviously rehearsed (is it wierd that every sentence almost starts with the word "sometimes" and the worm is green or orange (maybe cause its a toy that the 1 year old is referring to). One more interesting fact, Connie used to stay at home all day with the child with no one else around and had plenty of "opportunity" (legal term) to slant anything that the child said and turn it into anything she wanted. Newsflash, 1 1/2 year olds like to mimic anything that their parents say because they really don't understand what is going on yet.

When everyone qualified to listen and investigate tells you there's nothing happening and that there is no abuse going on, what is the only other option left, I know, you appeal to internet geeks who don't know you and don't care what the facts are, they are just dying for anything to sink their teeth into to make a story.

One more juicy piece of info that the reporter of the year candidate Jennifer Gee failed to include in her compelling piece on poor miss Bedwell, was that the Bedwells have an interesteing upbringing. They were raised to hate their own mother because she fought to bring them back from Jordan when they were taken against the custody order by the father (Self proclaimed phrophet and leader of the "wierdo" clan) It has been close to ten years since she has had any relationship with her own mother (obvoiusly except when she needs money or help) So just to clarify, Connie hates her own mother for fighting for her rights as a parent, and now Connie's life work is to do the same? It seems as though Connie would think of her mom as a hero for being her "advocate" just as she claims to be, instead of a "villian" (CAN ANYONE SAY "ALTERIOR MOTIVE", OR "REVENGE")

I would like to close with this, the father has spent thousands of dollars clearing his name of everything in the book, he has had his daughter taken away from him each time Connie cried wolf, only to be returned each time that the accusations were unfounded, and now that Connie's mental abuse is out of the picture, he and his daughter have an amazing relationship and love eachother very much. The child has advanced so much since he has taken full custody of her that there is no question that she was abused, not by the father as the courts have established, but by the mother whose relentless coaching (countless hours of interrogations) and manipulation set her back in her maturation.

Connie, there are alot of people out there in our community that know you, but you continue to rely on people that have never met you for support, that seems kind of strange to me, maybe because they only know your side of the story (include the Auburn Journal here) and you refuse to tell them the real story. Or is it because everyone outside of your "cult" has been tired of your constant lies for too long and they just couldn't keep chasing the tales that you tell. When your dad was interpreting the bible to you as a kid he should have told you about the little boy who cried wolf instead. People eventually stop listening to you when everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie.

I applaud you for taking on the entire system and telling each one of these people that they don't know how to do their jobs because you are a licensed family court judge, lawyer, doctor, child psychologist, social worker all in one, isn't that correct? These people dedicated their lives to attaining these degrees and certifications but you know more than them based on your extensive academic career. Can you tell me what your degree is in? I bet its in the same field that you practice, "a whole lot of nothing!!!" Good luck with your attack on Placer County, this isn't the television that you watch all day, this is real life, these people work hard and do a great job keeping this community safe, let me know how that works out for you!!!

I just hope your best friends Simon and Jan stand by you when the truth comes out because they truly care about you, and don't turn on you because they were just trying to make names for themselves.

To the father, we love you and will continue to back you till the day we die because we know that you are innocent and that justice will prevail. I have never met a more courageous, charismatic, honest person than you, and everyone who knows you and cares about you stands right behind you and we won't let any one-sided, negligent, pathetic excuse for jounalism by at the Auburn Journal change that. The father of this child has not, and will not ever commit a crime against his child and only time will tell for you Ms. Bedwell.


TO SUM UP - was following this case vigorously until July 2. Then it's all been silence. That seems very very suspicious to me that the one media BNN following this story with such resolve dropped the mother's 'story' like a hot potato.

There are real people all around we can help and give money to. I'd stay as far away from Connie Bedwell and her family as possible.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Report is a HOAX, lacks credibility:burden of proof

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, August 28, 2010

I am asking for the author to provide evidence that what has been written is in fact truth and not unsubstantiated personal oppinion in an effort to smear Ms. Bedwell.  You state that you lost $250, where is the evidence of this? If you are so closely attached to the "father", why would you contribute such a large sum to someone you claim to have an "online" association with? Have you ever been through family courts yourself to speak from this vantage point?  If so, please provide the proof such as docket #'s and the like. 

CPS, that's interesting, ever heard of the term Cash for Kids.  CPS, another organized crime center that fails children and their families.  Very few are working for the children.  Just because the report were unfounded, does not mean abuse did not occure, many varibles come into play here without the full reports available. Please provide them.  There are times when a report will be marked as unfounded simply because the child would not disclose at time of interview.  Where there's smoke, there must be fire.  Again, please provide proof.

Do you know that " more than 58000 children a yr are ordered into unsupervised contact w/physically or sexually abusive parents following divorce in the United States (1)  child sexual abuse allegations are extremly rare in custody cases (2-3%) (2) violent parents (usually fathers) are much more likely to seek sole custody and are successful 70% of the time (3)

Sadly America's family courts are very broken and corrupt and is failing American children by the masses.  You have a lot of opinions yet site nothing of reference making your report seem like nothing more than a personal attack.  Professionals that you make reference to about their schooling bares no weight on their ability to remain resilient against bribs or the corruption of politics.  Again, you provide nothing that supports your claims.

Your report lacks validity by the standards of evidence and represents a lot of heresay and again unsubstanitated personal opinons that leave your report questionable to it's true motives.  This is nothing but a smear campaign as you write from a position of being very close to the oppossing party. 

The reporter obviously has a score to settle here and it was never a random donation to a "random" case of someone trying to "donate" to a child abuse issue. It's malicous, transparent and slander.  This report LACKS credibility.

1. (((Redacted)))

2. Thoennes & Tjaden, The Extent, Nature, and Validity of Child Abuse Allegations in Custody and Visitation Disputes, 14(2)Child Sexual Abuse & Neglect, 151-63, 1990

3. Violence and the Family: Report of the American Psychological Association Presidential Task Force on Violence and the Family(((Redacted))) American Judges Foundation, Domeistic Violence and the Court House; Understanding the Problem...Knowing the Victim(((Redacted))) and unpublished research by Geraldine Stahly, PhD 

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Gavel To Gavel

Clearlake Oaks,

Connie Bedwell Is A Theif And Liar

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 24, 2010

It's very simple do not give any money to  I've also donated and I am now using it as a tax write off for gift expense. Connie Bedwell will have to report it on her tax returnes.  Turn the site in to the FBI on fruad charges.

Fact: Baby Aailiah was never abused by Dustin.  He has been found  innocient of all charges. After many child social service workers, therapists, MD's and psychologists they found no evidence of what Connie Bedwell is reporting.  Connie uploaded a tape that is clearly planned out and a sick plan to get even with Dustin because he asked for 50/50 custody.

Connie Bedwell has never been able to prove anything she claims happened to Aaliyah.  No pictures of any bruises, rashes, wounds, scratching, choke marks, spank marks or rashes around her mouth.  Each time Connie took her to reputable doctors not one report was turned into the CPS against Dustin. Why? Because the abuse never happened. Not on baby Aaliyah nor on Connie Bedwell.

Connie Bedwell states her has continual migraines or headaches from her head being slammed on a trunk.  Fact, why did it take her 2 years to tell a chiropractor about the headaches?  When Connnie states the migraines began she did not see a doctor, MD or ER for relief.  Migraines is for a neurologist to diagnose not a chiroprator

There is no case.  After full evaluation of all court documents Connie Bedwell has already LOST custody.  The money you are donating is going in her pocket to pay for daily expenses and file cheap motions.  Connie bedwell is a pathological liar. Hypo Manic and went off her medication because it made her "too happpy."

Connie Bedwell refuses to answer any questions and does not send out any updates that are straight and to the point.  She neglects all emails by those who want their money returned or she denie's she recieved it and they have to show proof.  Connie, yuu have the amount and info on the date given, just pay the person back but asking for their name, number and email address.  Problem solved.

Connie Bedwell had a chance to see her daughter for 10 month all the while stating she could not see her in order to get money.  Untrue.  Connie did have the ability to see her child and rufused to see her child with monitored visits.

Connie Bedwell's hair extensions cost more than her attorney fee's.


Connie Bedwell failed her 730 Psych evaluation and has refused help by top experts who could of helped her begin a one step rogram by showing the courts she would be a suitable mother


United States of America

Give your opinion but ommit the lies

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, December 12, 2009

This report starts off stating thet the person was "duped" out of 250.00 via an internet scams and ends with the author stating that he or she has met, knows and cares for the other party. The body of the whole report shows that the author is clearly close enough to this case to have not been "duped". 

If you want to give an opinion or your side, you should do so without opening with an obvious lie. Otherewise, your whole premis of revealing  the truth just doesn't hold water.

I challenge the author to show some kind of proof that he or she paid 250.00 to Ms. Bedwell.

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