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  • Report:  #1382629

Complaint Review: Connie Wesley

Connie Wesley Forest Ridge Farms NEVER, EVER Buy a Horse Online! Before You Buy a Horse from Forest Ridge Farm...READ THIS! Science Hill Kentucky

  • Reported By:
    Helen — Edmond Oklahoma USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, July 02, 2017
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 12, 2017

Buyer Beware! Connie Wesley sold us a horse that she touted as one of the top "five" best horses she had ever had. She stated that she could not find a single flaw concerning this mare and that she had two veterinarians examine her. When we received our horse, our veterinarian found that she could not see out of her left eye and that there were no signs of recent trauma. After a couple of tests, our veterinarian believed that she had been blind in that eye for quite some time. He consulted with an equine ophthalmologist who reviewed this report and said that the condition is irreversible. Another veterinarian was consulted and confirmed these findings.

We had been sold a horse with a serious physical impairment that had not been disclosed!

When we contacted Ms. Wesley about this situation, she stated that she did not believe that the horse was blind in her left eye (despite the documentation), that she does not give full or partial refunds (at first offered an unacceptable resale deal), and told us not to contact her again.

When describing the horse that we bought, she used the words, "very much non-spook." "neck reins the very best," "for all ages," "for timid riders," "for young riders," "for SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN," etc. Sound familiar? If you are looking at her ads, chances are you recognize these phrases. If you've bought a horse from her, you have seen these phrases!

We notice that when we approach the mare from the blind side that she startles and jumps. This is a normal response resulting from the blind eye. She is "VERY MUCH SPOOK!" She requires special handling for safety, and we always caution visitors to be aware of her blind side. Being blind in one eye is a handicap and is forever!

When we tried to ride her, she was not easily controlled. So, we hired a professional horse trainer with 35 years of experience in training horses and 5 years experience as a jockey. He is extremely qualified and known in our area as the "horse whisperer." He found her to be difficult to control and not a pleasure to ride. He stated, "If she is for special needs children, then you'd have to consider me special needs."

We feel great concern that she might have been sold to someone with a special needs child!

Since we were unable to resolve this situation with Ms. Wesley personally, we appealed to small claims court. The court ruled in her favor because she does not provide any warranty for her horses. We bought this mare "sight un-seen" and should not have done so.

What we've learned from this experience:

We will never trust a "horse trader" until we know them a lot better than we did Ms. Wesley. Trust is earned, not declared.

We will never again buy an animal from online advertising. The judge from small claims court gave this advice. We will only purchase animals that we personally see, touch, and be present while a veterinarian of our choice examines the animal. Getting an animal is a serious responsibility and should be entered into with both eyes wide open!

(Sorry about the puns.)

P.S. Don't just listen to us. Read the complaint from Betty Bummer on RipOff, March 21, 2015. We wish we had! Then read Ms. Wesley's words in her "3" rebuttals that shows proof of who she is. She said almost the identical things to us...she's a broken record!

3 Updates & Rebuttals

P.S. Additional pertinent information...

#4Author of original report

Wed, July 12, 2017

In the first paragraphh of her rebuttal, Ms. Wesley stated that she had this mare for over two months.

Ms. Wesley and the person she bought this mare from both stated to us that Ms. Wesley purchased this mare on January 26, 2017. The person she bought the mare from said that he'd only had her a couple of weeks and Ms. Wesley called him pressuring him for horses. He took this mare to Ms. Wesley's for her to look at and she decided to buy her on January 26, 2017. Ms. Wesley wrote that she purchased this mare on January 26, 2017 in an email.

The date of sale to us was February 20, 2017. That's about 25 days, not two months!

Also, the mare went back home with the man who sold her to Ms. Wesley and was returned on February 23, 2017 (also written by Ms. Wesley in her email). Reminds me of a little story that goes along with this. On February 20, 2017 we talked with Ms. Wesley as she had received our money to purchase the mare, and we were really happy about finding this horse. We asked her to take a photo of her and send it to us. She said that the mare was kind of dirty, but we said that we didn't care. Just send us a photo. Then, on February 21 she sent an email saying that she'd had a horrible day, lost her phone, and couldn't send a photo. Then later, in an unrelated email, she reveals that the mare wasn't even at her farm until February 23rd. I was shocked, so I doubled checked the emails and dates!

According to Ms. Wesley's email, the mare was at her farm for about 12 days before she was shipped to us. Per an email, Ms. Wesley shared that she was out of town from Feb 26th through March 6th. I understand that things happened out of her control. We did not complain and are sorry that she had an unfortunate family situation to take care of. What we are complaining of is that she makes us the villians, when she has misrepresented several facts in her rebuttal and to the judge.

We have simply reported facts that have been proven to us. 

This mare had a hoof abscess that was just healed before she was shipped, as the veterinarian made note of it in the corner of the paper that was delivered to our house when the mare arrived here in Oklahoma. We actually didn't notice that note as we should have, but more importantly, the abscess should have been disclosed before we purchased her. It's a little late after she has been delivered. Since then, the abscess reoccured, and she was lame for one month.

We hope that Ms. Wesley will evaluate horses for the advertised two months in the future. It's very important that when a horse is sold as safe for special needs children and adults and the elderly that they are properly evaluated. My husband and I are elderly and my husband had a hip replacement, September, 2016, and a nine-hour back surgery, November of 2016. Safety was the reason we were willing to pay what we did for a "safe" horse. This has been extremely difficult to accept that this horse was falsely advertised and has a serious impairment. We are quite disappointed.

Thank you for your time.



Ms. Wesley's rebuttal avoids pertinent issues. Yes, we love this horse.

#4Author of original report

Wed, July 12, 2017

I could write an interminable essay about Ms. Wesley's rebuttal because of the barrage of irrelevant and incorrect information included. She couldn't have written a rebuttal if she were limited to pertinent facts.

I have nothing to gain from this advocacy effort, but if I could influence just one person from being hurt by the inaccurate advertising practices like we experienced, all the agony that my husband and I have been through would be worth it. Conversly, Ms. Wesley has everything to gain, which explains the desperate tone of her rebuttal and her continued efforts to avoid relevant issues.

Ms. Wesley speaks of her satisfied customers; however, even if she had 10 million satisfied customers, how would that be pertinent? She sold us a horse advertised as flawless that has a serious physical impairment and refuses to accept the responsiblity for correcting this huge mistake. That's all we ever asked.

Apparently, Ms. Wesley's veterinarians missed the clues for blindness and did not run any test to prove that she was not blind. Whereas, our veterinarian identified the clues within minutes and ran tests that proved this mare cannot see out of her left eye. These facts are well documented by two veterinarians and a third veterinarian was consulted.

Ms. Wesley, as well as the judge, apparently, does not understand that blindness is a handicap, not an opportunity to overcome an unfortunate illness or injury. What a traumatic experience this mare must have gone through! A horse with a blind eye does not have a normal range of vision and because of this limitation, certain measures must be taken to insure safety in handling.

Ms. Wesley, a blind eye is not always cloudy!

Blind horses do not necessarily stumble or refuse to load on a horse trailer, but they do startle when approached on the blind side and run into things not in their range of vision. For example, our mare ran into a chair on her blind side in the video that Ms. Wesley has on the website. She made it sound like it was part of the show...

The man Ms. Wesley bought this mare from had a very different story about this mare's history than Ms. Wesley. We still don't know which is true but lost all trust. What matters to us is that we are devoted to taking care of our mare.

Ms. Wesley commented to the judge that she had never had anyone want a refund and want to keep the horse. I might interject that we have never had anyone tell us a horse is perfectly sound that has a blind eye! Incidentally, we asked for a partial refund to reflect the loss in value because of the blindness.

Ms. Wesley keeps harping about the skin fungus treatments like she deserves a metal. The fungus was a result of neglect, and she only treated it for a couple of days before the horse was shipped.

The judge encouraged us to find where Ms. Wesley had written that this mare was physically sound; however, we could not find it in the materials we brought to court. Ms. Wesley stated the exact same thing she said to us verbally right there in the courtroom, but that wasn't enough. I'm perplexed by this kind of injustice.

Ms. Wesley didn't seem to understand the ramifications of what the judge said. The judge admonished everyone to never buy an animal from the Internet. That would mean that Ms. Wesley would lose 95% of her business. That's what she does best--selling horses sight unseen.

One of Ms. Wesley's main points in court was that she offered to resale the horse for us. We were to ship the mare to her. She would advertise her for sale again. When/if she sold, Ms. Wesley would make up "part" of the difference, if she could afford to. This sounds like Ms. Wesley concedes that this mare would sell for less because of her blind eye. This was her only offer to us. If it turned out like Betty Bummer's situation, she would not have returned a penny to us. The judge didn't know how bogus this resale offer was.

When we told Ms. Wesley that our mare was difficult to ride, she said, "That mare is one of the '10' best horses I've ever had." Then, while in court, she told the judge that this mare is one of the '5' best horses she'd ever had. Now, in her rebuttal, she is back to being one of the '10' best horses she's ever had...

My husband wanted to call her bluff during the court hearing; although it frightened me, I reluctantly agreed. Ms. Wesley declared, "This mare is so good, I could sell her a hundred times, and she's worth every penny they paid for her. There are people who have the money and are standing in line, people with special needs children." So, my husband said, "Well, we'll just sell her back to you for what we paid. We'll even pay for the shipping, and you can sell her again." The judge looked at Ms. Wesley and said, "Well?" Ms. Wesley said, "NO." No further comments are necessary; however, I had to apologize to my husband for doubting his bluff.

This is so obviously a miscarriage of justice. All I can do is let people know what happened to us and hope that nobody else has to go through what we have. Remember what the judge from Somerset, Kentucky said, "NEVER buy an animal from the internet!"

Thank you.  

Connie Wesley

Science Hill,

In answer to complaint filed by Mr. & Mrs. Mitchael D Coffey of Oklahoma in regard to a mare named "Lillie"

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 03, 2017

7-4-17-----This mare's name is Lillie.  They changed her name to Rose.-----I had Lillie Rose about two months before selling to this couple.  She was vet checked 2 times while here - a physical exam when I first bought her (as I do with every horse I buy - -----why invest time and money in a horse that is not sound or has problems).  -------------------------She was again examined on 3/7/17 - "the ----day----before"------------she got on the transport van on 3/8/17.-------I have been doing this for over ten years.   I buy my horses from families only - no sales.  I have riders that I pay to trail ride my horses and put them through every kind of situation possible to find out their behavior.....especially if and when they spook.   ----------------------------------------------I have a young couple about 45 minutes from me that ride horses for me.  They live across the county line in McCreary, Co., Ky. - totally different riding area than Pulaski County.  Some of the roughest teirein------deep woods.......rough trails.  I need to know how good of a trail horse each is.------------------His entire family rides.  He has younger brothers (8 and 10 yrs. old) and a younger sister, (12) - who ride for me also.--------------While the horse is at their farm, I pay them to test these horses!!  To find out everything possible about them!!! -------and they get amazing videos in some of the most difficult areas in that county - including belly deep creeks, woods, difficult situations.  -------------"They shoot guns on these horses for me"--------- I am back and forth all the time because usually they have 1 -3 of my horses doing all of the above.---------------We then bring them home and work with ground manners, riding along the 4-lane heavy traffic, ------just observe their temperament and behavior.--------------I then do videos at our home with the 4-lane traffic and other videos.----------Lillie got a skin fungus.-------PRIOR to shipping - "I sent photos of her entire body" of Lilly Rose to the Coffey's - and ask them ---what they wanted me to do. --- I could have shipped her on to Oklahoma and not said a word!!!----But I did not do that.  I sent photos and I gave them two choices.  One was go ahead and ship her......and send the treatments that I paid for.......(I also paid for the vet bill)-----------or -----  I offered to keep her here------"at NO cost to them,..."!!! NO board - nothing!!!----------continue bathing/doctering her until she was well.-----They chose to ship her as scheduled on 3/8/17.-----------I paid the vet bills ----and I personally spent hours caring for Lillie with soaking baths daily and treatments 3x daily.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want to note immediately!!!!!--------That this is the first time I have EVER had someone want a refund......and insisted!!!  on keeping the horse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They paid $4200 for Lillie Rose.   They ask for a refund of $2500.00 leaving them $1700 invested in her.--------------------For ten years, I have specialized in finding safe horses and ponies for Special Needs Children & Adults.  Any horse that is not for those type of riders, are sold to experienced riders.  The family is given all the information on any negative behavior ----(because I do not want any problems and I strive to make sure the family is happy - and buying just the right horse for them.).......So if they buy the horse after being told about a negative is obvious they feel they can handle that negative behavior.   When a horse has hair off or physical abnormalities (scars, etc.) - photos are sent to the family prior to purchase.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My vets are known to be the very best in equine.  One of my vets has been a lifetime owner of horses.  Because of what I do, I insist that they give a THOROUGH exam of every horse when I purchase them - -------and ------again----prior to transport. For my own peace of mind...............and..........for couples like the Coffeys.   ) :         ------------------------They check the eyes/ears/nose/teeth/gums/ligaments/stomach sounds/temperature/- they check the spine for tenderness/ - we walk, turn, gait slow for observation ------as well as checking the heart, etc.---------------------------------------------On Lillie's exams ---All was normal on both exams.---------------------------------------When the Coffey's contacted me about Lillie "supposedly" being blind in one eye, they said they had TWO opinions - two different vets.   It turned out - they had one vet report,.........that was E-MAILED to another vet, and without examing the mare himself, he gives a second diagnosis the same as the first vet that sent the e-mail.---------------------------I want to describe Lillie.  Lillie is a big, beautiful, big-boned - stocky 15.1H - 11 yr. old TW mare.  She was born and lived with the same family all of her life until she came to this farm.   The couple that rides for me found Lillie for me.  I also pay a finder's fee to several friends/family that find me safe - family horses.  That is how I find my horses.---------------------------------For a supposedly blind horse, Lillie would turn both ways with no hesitation; (see her videos)-------she loaded up on a steep ramp with no sides....-------slick ramp----------------with no hesitation - (SEE VIDEO)------------------She crossed difficult ditches (see videos)-----gaited beautifully along heavy 4-lane traffic with absolutely NO spooking either side!!!!!-----------(See videos)-----------------Lillie stood to mount  - & waited to be told to move; she mounted from mounting block - waited ---(SEE Videos!!)---- and she had the very best ground manners while here!!!------I did not lie when I said I felt she was one of the top ten best horses in the ten yrs. of doing what I do!!!!!!-------  She was an absolutely - AMAZING!! mare!!!!----In EVERY way!!!---------------Mr. Coffey even told me that she had not hesitated to do one thing they ask of her.   I ask him,.....has she hasitated with anything or stumbled as a blind horse will do.......his answer was "no".----------------------------------Also, Lillie's eyes are clear as crystal.......She did not have the cloudy, milky film that blind horses have....----as can be seen in the videos and photos!!!!!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Regarding their comment in their complaint??? (copied and pasted) - quote:  "When we contacted Ms. Wesley about this situation, she stated that she did not believe that the horse was blind in her left eye (despite the documentation), that she does not give full or partial refunds (at first offered an unacceptable resale deal), and told us not to contact her again."--------------------------------------------------------------That is a lie!!!!!  As can be proven by MANY  e-mails --------weeks!!!!!! of phone calls, correspondence!!!!!----resulting in a court hearing-------and court records at the Pulaski County Court where they lost their case!!!!!!----------They said it was because I gave no warranty's.------They failed to mention it was also because the Judge, ----like me----could not understand why they would want to keep a horse that they had just described to her as being------------ unsafe, uncontrollable, dangerous, (read their description of Lillie)-------Why??  would they want to keep a horse ----"IF" -------she was all these things???????   ----------------------------------------------------------It was in the end of this long drawn out time of communicating with the Coffey's - after they wrote a horrible!!!-----mean!!!------viscious!!!-------e-mail to me full of nothing but name-calling, -------accusations and lies---------(of which I answered .....and at the end of my answer --------- I did tell them!!!!!!----- - to never contact me again!!  I do not take part in name-calling.........lying accusations..........threats.............- so yes!!  At that point -----"and only at that point"-----did I tell them to never contact me again!!!!  Anyone receiving a viscious e-mail as they sent would have done the very same thing!!!!!!!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With all of this being said, - I want to list the following:----------------Lillie Rose turned both ways with no hesitation (see videos)-------She loaded up a steep slick ramp, no sides, on a horse van - no hesitation...(see video)----------Lillie would walk right onto a horsetrailer - no hesitation.---------She had no cloudiness or film over her bright clear eyes (see photos/videos)---------She was vet checked twice at our farm - last being "day before transport"-----and passed both exams.--------Lillie never stumbled.----as also Mr. Coffey admitted to me when I ask him------------she had not stumbled at his home, and - (his description to me and the court and to you----of how horrible her behavior has been)-------------he said ---Lillie had responded to his commands with no hesitation ----------------------------(--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want now to explain their demands.   They wanted me to pay to them the sum of $2500.00 -----but !!!""""they wanted to keep this horse that they described so thoroughly in their complaint ----as being such a dangerous, unpredictable, horrible mare!!!!----------------""""----------The Judge in the case in court ask them......(not exact quote but close)------------ "why, if she is such a terrible horse that you feel you were lied to about......has such bad supposedly blind in one eye.............would you want to keep her"............. Their answer?......They love her.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want to now explain my offer to resolve this situation.   For years, I have placed horses/ponies with families with a Special Needs child.  A few of these horses/ponies???  They were special needs!!!!! ----------------The beautiful nurturing bonding that takes place between a Special Needs child......and a Special Needs pet whether a horse/dog/rabbit/whatever....???  Is absolutely.......heartwarming.    So yes!!!!------There are families out there that are financially able to pay $4200 for a big, beautiful, loving, affectionate, ----- "possibly"------- blind in one eye - (and I say possibly because I do not believe - nor her previous oweners believe - that Lillie Rose is truly blind in one eye).--------------that would move mountains to have their child own a mare like Lillie Rose.  -----  " That mare was EVERYTHING I described her to be when she left this farm. --!!!!!!"---------- "IF"-----she did change after arrival to their home as they have described ----(and I question that, too)-------WHY?? would they want to keep her????????------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I offered to post this mare on ad sites,........answer all e-mails - inquiries - calls ---------and re-sell Lillie Rose ----------   "at NO cost to them"----------free of any charges or commissions - NONE!!!-----------and refund their money---------I also added.......that "IF"..............."if" and when the time came,........that we sold her for less than $4200 - that I woud pay a portion of that loss.     THEY REFUSED.   This can be proven by the court records as well as the e-mails that I have where I offered to do this.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For those of you reading this, I ask that you view her videos.  They are on - type in:  conniesue0202 #1-Lillie - & CJ ----------------------OR:  Go to my website: ----click on "Sold Horses" ---------Her ad will be the 7th ad up from the bottom with photos and videos. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Also on my website, you can see MANY beautiful testimonials over ten years.....several recent ..............95% of my horses are now shipped site unseen due to the testimonials of the families I have had the honor to work with.-------------------------------------------------------Ten years.......over 400+ horses I have sold......and the Coffey's are the 2nd family to file a complaint on this site--------------------------------------------------------I have had a total of ten complaints in over ten years made to me personally, - which - I resolved  with compromise of both parties........or - if the family refused to compromise------ with "their way or nothing" -------nothing is what I did.---------------------A disagreement between two parties....both have to be willing to compromise.   Some people.....they want it their way!! compromise.  Just like the Coffey's.  This is the result.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All who are reading this, ---------You might as well know..........-I have another person I am dealing with because after two sound/healthy vet exams ---------a terrible---traumatic 5 day/night "on a van" with no layovers as far as I know----- transport trip from Science Hill, Ky. - west through Colorado ----cold, windy, rainy, eventually ice/snow-------back down to to N.M.---To "Sue"---------------------------------as well as her vet diagnosing him to have laminitis-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She also claims he was sick with sinus or cold on delivery----accusation being that I allowed a sick horse to be put on a trailer with 10 - 11 other horses ----sick--------and had sent her a sick horse........when my vet confirmed on exam prior to transport ----his lungs were clear--breathing was temperature, no cough.----------as was his overall vet exam....all normal.  ---------------------She purchased him on 3/2/17-----he did get a cold on 3/8/17-----I gave him 14day treatment of SMZ's 2xday-----thru 3/21/17--------------------------------------------------------His symptoms were clear within days of this treatment - 3/15/17 no cough, no runny nose, etc.--------------He had a cold "after she purchased him".......which means she would have been responsible for vet bills and medications.  -------I paid for all of it.-------------It was a total of 34 days from time he got sick with cold on 3/8/17-----------to day of transport 4/11/17.-------------------------------------------And as can be proven - his lungs/breathing/overall vet exam were normal - days before shipping.----------------------------Also, My ferrier confirmed no sign of laminitis, sign of thrush (I always ask my ferrier, ------every time he shoes one of my horses!!-every time!!!)-----------is there any sign of thrush, foundering or other problems I need to know about)......---------so I don't know.  I have to depend on them......They have no reason to lie to me.......---------------------------------------------------------------------------No, I do not have x-rays done on any horses ---unless-----they are showing signs of problems and my vet recommends x-rays.   The gelding in question, Ben, passed both thorough vet exams prior to leaving --------and------my vet phone number and my ferrier's phone number was given to buyer so that her vet and ferrier could communicate with mine.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In response to the Coffey's advice to others to never buy a horse site unseen?????-----------MANY families have shared their devastating stories with me where they describe traveling days to go see/ride/buy a horse in person.  Only to have that horse blow up in the 3rd week of being at their home!!!!----Filled with that 3 week tranquilizer!!!-------------It takes days of "spending time with a horse"-------to bond and feel safe.-------This cannot be done in a short visit.----------Those sellers that use the short term tranquilizers and pain meds??----  One would have to have a vet and lab on premises "the day of their visit"---------- to have proof they were sedated.------That is impossible.  ---------- Those that go visit/ride/buy a horse -----and ask for lab work in the next 2 -3 days?.............or - ask for a pre-purchase exam?........the meds will be out of their system before that vet appointment.  So what difference does it make whether you buy in person or site unseen?------"We guarantee we use no tranquilizers, calmers, meds, pain meds of any kind!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!...........-AND!! I am here for every family "AFTER  the sale" for YEARS to come as long as they communicate with me and need my help or advice------"This can be confirmed"!!!!!!!!!!----------- All you have to do is contact my many families that I have had the honor to work with!!!!!--------------------------(but not for those few that are viscious, disrespectful, hurful, and filled with lying accusations- NO - I will not be here for them!!)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only thing I have to say about all complaints with me and my stables,.......I do not know of anyone in business that does not have complaints when dealing with the public.-    But I do think there are VERY FEW ------ who can say they have had only a total of ten complaints in the 10 yrs. --------over 400+ horses sold to families all over the U.S., Germany, Alaska, Canada, ------------------------------------------------------------------And, VERY FEW .....that have the SO MANY from all over the U.S.----awesome testimonials with contact information made available on their website - posted for all to see.......!!!-----------------------------------------------------And to your, Mr. and Mrs. Coffey?????----I HAVE EARNED THE TRUST THAT SO MANY FAMILIES HAVE GIVEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!-------------------So with that being said, ----after reading the complaints -------you have two choices you can make.  #1.-----You can choose to realize one cannot make everyone happy.  There is always going to be those mal-contents ---hard to get along with-----------"who refuse to compromise ----AT ALL!!"------------ Give in to their demands ---or else (then comes the blackmail)-----..............-------And will basically try to blackmail a person into doing exactly what they demand.----You can choose to believe what you read in their complaint and buy from someone else who----whether you go in person or buy site unseen--------- possibly will sell you a horse that is tranquilized or medicated to hide other issues, and refuse to return your calls, answer your e-mails, totally disappear after the sale -----------------OR - ----------Choice #2.----hopefully after reading my website ----in it's entirety,-------and after contacting my many families that I have worked with........will realize I am not the person they are trying to protray me to be.......  That I am a person who could have made this all go away by meeting their demands -----with absolutely no compromise on their part....--------------giving into their threats of blackmail that if I did not do what they wanted...........(*****basically ---them refusing to re-sell the mare - and me refund $2500 of their money - with them keeping what they described to be -----the blind mare from h___."------------------That if I did not do this, ----they would ruin my reputation, my name, and my business.   So I ask those of you reading this,......who would you rather buy a horse from??-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The first complaint filed on this site I believe was 2015.  I grieved over that like a hurt me deeply.  With this complaint, and possibly another on it's way from NM??------------------------------I have peace because I know in my heart,------!!!!!!----- there are going to be complaints when one is in business!!!-----I thank God that in the TEN YEARS of doing this,----------I have only had these two, possibly t--in the near future---three made on this site, and 7 others made to me personally------------------ out of 400+ horses sold!!!  I know in my heart that I did NOT!!!!!------ knowingly, intentionally, willfully, purposely, deceitfully sell any horse to any family with any health issues or behavior issues --------That I always!! make known to each family I work with any negative behaviors, scars, health issues, backing up with sending special photos/videos to the family -----------------------------------They are thoroughly examined by reputable equine vets!!----------------------------------------And I know in my heart, that througout my life......I have always tried to do the right thing in all aspects of my life.  That is how I was brought up by my parents.   But I will not give in to blackmail, threats, name calling ----viscious lies of those who have mean spirited hearts.   I now close this Answer to their complaint with asking each of you who are reading this, - to please!! --------contact all those families on my website and ask them about their experience with buying a horse from me!!  Ask them, if after months, years, if I am still not there for them!!!!-----------------------I want you to think about the many families ----with little money-----some single Moms---------Some with home schooled sick children that I have sold horses/ponies to...........and some I financed the horse and the transport!------selling each horse that goes to these families at cost.........finanacing and setting the payments between $50 - $100 a month!!  A couple with $25 a mo. payments!!!--------------Who in this world do you know that will do that??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--------- ship the horse with absolutely no money paid!!!!!------------I want you to think about the big spotted sorrel mare that I sold in March named Chloe.......who went to a six year old little girl with autism and her sister!!!!-------Think about the three ----bittersweet" ----- times I had the honor to work with the "Make a Wish Foundation".--------------------------"""**Think about the time or times in your lives when have been visciously attacked with lies, false accusations, gossip-----name calling.................."***---------then you tell me, -----------who----would your rather trust with buying a horse for your family or child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--------------------------------Lastly,........I do not and will not continue to take part in the drama of those who participate in name calling, make false statements - lies a better word,-----with their threats and viscious accusations and comments ---or blackmail----or waste my time continuing with this drama.  This is my one and only reply - no matter what they write about me in the future -   Except I may add videos and testimonials later......I'm not sure.......since they can all can be seen on my website if you are seriously trying to decide who to buy a horse from...................I thank you for your time in reading this Answer. -------------------------------------------- I believe with all of my heart, how we treat others ----good or bad-----comes back to each of us in some form of our life.  These people -------just because they did not get what they wanted-------with so much hatred and visciousness in their hearts, will come back to them.     They did this to hurt the risk of hurting many other families out there who have no help in finding a safe horse or pony for themselves or for their child who has Special Needs----------To me,....?????    This is nothing but having a mean-spirited heart.......vengence because they did not get their way!....Same with the complaint filed in 2015 by "Betty Bummer"......I ask you, ---watch the videos of this beautiful truly child broke mare, Betty, that I kept here for over a year!! because she was a mare that my granddaughter and her friends and cousins - most of which had never been on a horse......could ride ----alone!  Please watch the videos of these horses.-------------These two buyers and possibly a 3rd ----?????  OUT OF 400+???------------They have my prayers and they have my forgiveness.   With heartfelt sadness, Connie-----------------

I have pasted below only a few of the MANY testimonials that I have---Out of all the families I have worked with.... "Please" do not let 2 or 3 send you to seller's who use tranquilizers and do anything to sell their horses!!!!!!!!  Please read all my testimonials on my website,.....I think you will agree.......I don't just declare......I have earned their trust in me.  Just ask them....................(I just read no e-mail addresses allowed on this site.  Please go to my website for contact information.)**Kelli  - N.C.---Purchased Chloe for her two young daughters - Site Unseen     Bank Wire Payment-----------------*Sherry —Big Rapids, Michigan – Purchased Tess for her 14 yr. old daughter, Shelby – by phone – site unseen - **Debbie —Tecumpseh Michigan – purchased by phone, site unseen – mare, Izzi, for her 13 yr. old----grand daughter – beginner rider – just started lessons….Site unseen-Pymt. bank wire—**Char & Jeff – Illinois – Purchased Loretta--Payment by Bank Wire –- $3200---Site unseen--**Annette – Pa. – Purchased THREE Horses---Ebony, Glory, & Shorty – Total $9,000.00 – Pymt. Bank Wired –**Heather & Clint for their 11 yr. old daughter, Addison – Ohio--Purchased Chance – 4-14-16 – $3800 – Payment by Bank Wire – Site Unseen---**Dace has five children in school and sports – sometimes she is Hard to reach but she will get back with you.---Purchased Romeo & Battle - She lives in Ky.but purchased by phone.  **Linnea –Michigan– Purchased Sugar – July 11, 2016--$1,800 – Pymt. by Bank Wire –*Jo – and her daughter Megan – Illinois – Purchased Amos – $3300 – Payment by Bank Wire---Site Unseen--**Dana – Chase & their daughter, Hailey – Kansas- Purchased those two beautiful full brothers – Sam & Jackson -$7,000 – Payment by bank wire – Site unseen--**Dusti  – Chadron, Nebraska – Purchased Angel-Payment by Bank Wire —– $2500 –-Site Unseen-----------And- A family in Chipley, Florida – Dennis and Linda – Have EIGHT of my horses! They came in person and purchased a horse trailer and two horses. Over a period of 7 years, they purchased 6 more by phone – site unseen --payments by bank wire. There are reference letters from Dennis on the “Testimonial Page” ……on my website, - that he wrote to families who contacted him. I have several families that have bought one horse only to come back later and buy another. Some families have 2 -3 of my horses. Dennis & Linda have several McDonald’s restaurants. Very Busy Family! He has been so kind “to take so much time!!”—-to talk to so many families that have called or e-mailed him. He has sent long e-mails describing their EIGHT experiences with me. They are posted on the Testimonials page.------------------SO MANY MORE!!!  PLEASE GO TO MY WEBSITE AND SEE THE MANY TESTIMONIALS WITH PHOTOS FROM FAMILIES FROM ALL OVER THE U.S.---!!!!

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