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  • Report:  #1029292

Complaint Review: 10 Reasons Not To Work For Cornerstone America Or UGA

Cornerstone America, UGA, NASE, Alliance For Affordable Services 10 good reasons not to let them con you into working for them !! Charleston South Carolina

  • Reported By:
    Moncks Corner South Carolina
  • Submitted:
    Thu, May 31, 2007
  • Updated:
    Wed, August 27, 2008
  • 10 Reasons Not To Work For Cornerstone America Or UGA
    Charleston, South Carolina
  • Phone:
  • Category:

1. You will probably be recruited from an online job site and have no experience in insurance. The offer sounds tempting because it plays on your desire to be financially secure and to work for yourself with the perks of having a flexible schedule and the potential to have performance driven success. You think, finally Ill get paid what Im worth !!

This is a national ploy to find people who are smart and reputable enough to represent the company, yet nave in terms of knowing anything about the insurance industry. Basically, they dont want you to know that there are better products and better companies out there. Yeah, they will dangle all the bonuses, commissions, trips and stock in front of you but your chance of seeing anything more than a few commissions is next to nothing.

By the way, a 10% commission is not a good thing and everything else is conditional and is based on having a high level of turn in for a full year.

2.Youll have a group interview, with others who are there to find out about this great opportunity. It will sound more like a timeshare presentation than anything. Youll hear about all the money you can make and how they will give you all the things you need to succeed. Theyll tell you about how youll help small business owners and families through the association benefits.

They will never mention your need to invest in yourself, develop your own leads, work nights and weekends if you plan on being successful, etcand in order to work from home youll need a computer and will be required to call in to your assigned leader EVERY day and tell him what you did, how many appointments you had and how much you sold.

3.You will be required to get your insurance license. Most offices no longer ask you for money and instead have you pay for everything yourself, giving you an itemized list of things youll need and the cost: Licensing course, State Test, SLED report, background check, and application fee to submit to the state dept of insurance with the application. Typically this whole process will take 2-4 weeks before getting appointed and able to sell anything.

4.Youll fill out paperwork to work for them but they will never let you read it. They wont explain how youre paid, or that you have to pay back your advances plus interest if you leave. If you ask they will lie and say that it will be deducted from your stock or some other lie like that it will be pro rated and there is no interest ..anything just to get you to sign on the dotted line. They say they will give you a copy for your records but will never do so due to a plethora of excuses.

They will also never tell you that they are not providing you with E&O coverage, so if you misrepresent the company ( basically repeat anything they say in your training or in a weekly staff meeting to a customer or prospect) you alone are held liable to face the music because you are an independent contractor.

5.You will have a three day classroom training and they will focus on telling you again how successful you will be and will tell you how to sell, but they will NEVER teach you anything about the products youll sell. The way they train you on the products is by having you take the TTAC test, which is open book and only takes about 15 minutes to complete the series of tests. This will be the closest youll come to being trained on the products.searching for answers in the books to answer the multiple choice questions. Honestly, I have had harder tests in kindergartenand they werent open book either!!

They will tell you about the leads they will give you to help you out, but will downplay your need to place your time and efforts into marketing yourself.nor will they tell you that the leads they will give you at first will be very old leads that they have passed through the hands of up to 4 separate agents who took advantage of this great opportunity before you but didnt have what it takes to succeed, unlike you, of course . Your field training is a crap shootif you get assigned to a good team they may teach you something worth knowing and will take you on a few appointments, where others will hand you a small pile of those crappy B leads and will show you where the phone is and tell you basically to start setting appointments. Youll have a hard time because youll feel completely lost. What do you say? You dont really know anything about what youre selling so how are you supposed to convince someone they need what you have to offer?

How about when you get cussed out by someone who demanded to be put on the companys do not call list and are threatened with a lawsuit because the person who filled the chair before you didnt process the request, or never bothered to throw the lead in the trash?

6.Prepare to be brainwashed repeatedly by the best and the brightest. I know because I drank the Kool Aid too, so I know from personal experience, as do all of the other ex- Cornerstone and UGA employees and field leaders. As they all read this, I assure you they are all nodding in agreement. This is why they want you to be new to the business because how else could they get you to believe all the misleading statements, lies and hidden facts? You dont know any better. T

his is why you will always see current Cornerstone employees defending the company..they dont know any better nor have they done the research which would clearly show their whole belief system to be a house of cards, built perilously upon a cliff with a strong storm on the horizon. Its hard to face the truthto find out you believed the lies, sold good people bad insurance, maybe didnt make the money they said you would and in the end left having to pay them back what you made plus interest.

You will be enraged at the thought of all the time you wasted in their scam to profit off your efforts and pain and have to start over again , most likely worse off than you were in the beginning.

7.Allow me to show you the truth behind just a few of the lies and misrepresentations you will be taught to spew out without giving it any thought.
-Being part of a group association is NOT the same as having group insurance. You better explain that to the customers since you have no E&O coverage. Anyone offered group insurance through an employer can qualifynot so with a group association.

However, the disclosure regarding the relationship between NASE and MEGA is quite misleading because it sounds like they are getting insurance as part of the group and are being issued a certificate of insurance under the association group master policy, which is what happens when getting group insurance through an employer.

Here is that disclosure:
[About Association Group Insurance -
The NASE makes available to its members insurance coverage provided through MEGA. The NASE serves as the Association Group Master Policyholder of an association group insurance policy issued by MEGA. In the event MEGA approves your application, MEGA will issue to you an individual insurance certificate evidencing your insurance coverage under the Association Group Master Policy. Under the law of most states, you may not acquire insurance coverage under an association group - type master policy unless you are also a member of an association.]

-They will not be singled out for cancellation or rate increases. BULL !!!! True, they cant be singled out and they may be locked into their rate for the first year ( Im not sure if that is even true ) but believe me, they will get some significant increases their subsequent years, perhaps even a few times a year. Also.NO company can cancel them at any time. That is illegal. Here is that disclosure re: premium changes::

[ Premium Rate Changes -
You cannot be singled out for premium rate increases. However, MEGA reserves the right to change at any time without your consent the table of premium rates to become due under the Association Group Master Policy, provided that the rate change applies to all similarly situated insureds and that MEGA has given the Association Group Master Policyholder the proper written notice required under the terms of the Association Group Master Policy. In most states, premium rates are not subject to regulatory approval. Any change in the terms or conditions of the Association Group Master Policy will be made by amendment approved by the Association Group Master Policyholder and signed by MEGA. Such amendment will not require your consent.]

DID YOU NOTICE WHERE IT SAID THAT IN MOST STATES, PREMIUM RATES ARE NOT SUBJECT TO REGULATORY APPROVAL?!? What?!? This means they have no one telling them they cant rape their customers financially on a regular basis.


-Does this sound familiar ? You should sign now because if you develop a pre-existing condition, you wont be able to get insurance through anyone..and youre only option will be to go to the state risk pool, which will cost you more than your mortgage payment. Thats a lie too because there are companies out there that will insure people with most pre-existing conditions, and at reasonable rates too!!
-How about Do you know what your company is rated? Were rated A- by AM Best. BIG WHOOP !!!

For starters, most of the competition is rated higher and even so, it only reflects on the financial assets of the company and has absolutely nothing to do with the integrity of the insurance product itself !! And why wouldnt they be financially strongafter investing next to nothing into their agents financially, requiring they pay back their advances plus interest if they leave, routinely increasing the rates of their customers, issuing policies full of exclusions so they dont have to pay out a whole lot when the insurance is used, and giving people the run around when it comes time to pay out on a legitimate claim? No wonder they are rolling in the dough and growing quickly

8.They will never educate you on the products you sell, nor will they tell you anything relevant about the competition. A colleague of mine made the mistake of asking our DSL if she could check out the competitors policies he had collected from customers when he signed them, only to be told that she should have done her research on her own before she started selling.

When she asked about the details of a Care One policy, he gave her some vague answer and got mad and said that if she doesnt trust him she shouldnt work for the company and was rudely motioned to leave his office immediately. Dont plan on getting answers. Dont question their brainwashing. And whatever you do, dont think for yourself or show a genuine interest in helping your customeror else!!!

9.To say the leads are a joke is in fact a joke. No kidding. Let me illustrate. Good leads cost your leaders anywhere from $7 - $16 each on average, and they are bought from online lead agencies who sell that exact same lead to 3-5 other agentssome of which are actually another lead agency rather than another agent, which they in turn sell them to several other agents.

They are mainly comprised of people who answered a questionnaire about health insurance from a pop up and are only vaguely interested in getting a quote. Not really a qualified leadand they are the best ones. All are purchased by the leaders through the company, who stores them to be resold again and again and again. These are the B leads or C leads, or reprints. These cost the leaders only 25 cents, so guess what youll get most of the time?

These are sold many times and each time they are, the date on the lead is the current date so to someone who doesnt know better they will think this is a fresh A leadat least until they call them and find out they were sold a Mega policy by someone else in the office a few weeks ago or several months ago, or say What? I dont remember doing that? You may even get the occasional lawsuit threat because they are adamant that they did not give you their name and cell phone number, etc.

10.You will be fighting an uphill battleor perhaps swimming in quicksand would be a better analogy. Considering the poor quality of the leads, and the fact that all your own marketing efforts will cost at least a small amount of money, you will have to work VERY hard to keep up. You will be stood up, give quotes to tire kickers, told I have to think about it and Its too expensive. You will also have to contend with the competition ,who will usually get their business for several reasons:

-You cant leave any information with them or send them anything prior to the appointment. Your DSL will say this is to prevent analysis paralysis but its so they cant see in writing that the competition may be better. It also saves the company money. Your quotes will be higher, partially because of the $40 association dues that are tacked on each month.
-They have heard of their companythey have never heard of yours, nor do they care for how you bad mouth the competition or pressure them in this one chance opportunity close..which you have been trained to do to perfection. By the way, bad mouthing the competition is illegal, which you may have forgotten after hearing them do it so often.

You most likely presented yourself as So and So and Associates or The So and Sos Health and Life insurance Agency when you called them, and after getting off the phone with you they checked you out and could find no listing for you. This is also illegal, unless you have a license to do business as the company you named or the office you work out of has it.

The other companies dont require collecting checks with the application, at least not for anything other than the processing fee. You are trying to convince them its a good idea to pony up a months worth of premium and a hefty application fee to get them into underwriting while they are still paying for their current insurance.

They can type in Mega on any internet search engine and they will find enough information to cause them to run from you and Mega as fast as they can.

Theyll never go for the childbirth benefit. Why pay you $200/month extra when they can get it through their employer? Theyll use it.and as soon as they get a bill for something they thought would be covered, theyll canceland call you to ask why you scammed them.Theyll get a rate increase and will find someone cheaper.

This is why your DLS will be telling you to push the association benefits, because perhaps they will be dumb enough to think that paying more for insurance and $480 a year in association dues is all worth it because they can get discounts on office products and some grocery coupons.

Before you know it, you will be where all ex employees have been..chewed up and spit out by a broken system that was never meant to benefit anyone but the company. In a nutshell, you were just one person doing their part to increase the companys financial holdings and increase the wealth for those farther up the food chain whos greed has found a way to silence their conscience.

Moncks Corner, South Carolina

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18 Updates & Rebuttals


Moncks Corner,
South Carolina,

Glad you had a better experience than the vast majority of past agents

#19Author of original report

Wed, August 27, 2008

Janice, It sounds like you stumbled across the one and perhaps only office with decent managment. Too bad that is not more common.

As far as your cousin goes......the only reason she hasn't been charged a chargeback is due to the fact that she still works for them. If she were to leave, considering you put she made more than $100,000 the first year ( if I read correctly ), then that roughly how much she would owe if she were to leave.

Janice P

New Jersey,

Not In My Experience

#19Consumer Comment

Sat, August 16, 2008

The only regret I have about my interview/contract with Cornerstone is that my husband got transfered before I finished by field training to a state that does not provide this product.

I was contacted via email and I replied mainly out of curiosity. I have experience in filing claims and I found that this company pays what it says it pays. I worked in an oncology office before my sons were born and I have actually had a patient survive because of this company's cancer policy being without restrictive limits. When I received the email I called the office number and spoke with a young lady about the position. I asked her question after question and she provided solid answers in a polite manner. When I scheduled she told me there would be a group of individuals with me for the first portion, and truth be told I loved that format. I got to hear everyone's questions and receive the answers. They spoke to me one on one after that. The first thing they sais was this is not for everyone and some people will try and fail while others succeed. They told us prime work hours were the evenings and Saturday afternoons when folks are home. That is common sense people, you can't call a lead or a contact when they are more than likely working.

They also told us they provide leads but we need to self market as well. They told me I would not receive an A list lead until I produced one sale on my own and that was incredibly fair. The gentleman conducting the interview told us that getting started in this business could cost us between $200-$500 dollars depending on which licensing method I chose, internet or classroom. I was offered a space to join, out of 20 they contracted five of us, myself and my cousin as well. The young lady that took my reservation produced a detailed list of fees and put in writing that those were the only ones I'd be required to incur on my behalf. She spent over an hour going over the contracts in detail, explaining paragraph by paragraph to make sure I understood. I paid the initial fee up front and did the online course. I finished in ten days.

I took my classroom training and the manager running the meeting taught the paperwork, did some role playing, etc He never once mentioned anything about making tons of money in the training session.

My cousin still is working there and has never been issued a charge back. She made over $100,000 in her first year in commissions.

I have a friend living in California that contracted with COrnerstone that feels just the way the original poster feels. OUr experience were completely different. I was charged for application fee only $250 while she was charged over $300. Everyone in the company is independently contract, thus the sales offices are operated it seems as francises, they each have their own set of rules. Those of you considering joining in California, be cautious, but those in lucky they contacted you. I missed out on this opportunity and I regret that.

Don't rule this option out because of some unscrupulous folks, they are everywhere, in any company and as in any company not everyone is like that. THe experience is unique to the area, do your own investigating for therein lies the truth.



Moncks Corner,
South Carolina,

First ignore, then sue

#19Author of original report

Mon, August 11, 2008

Here is my way of dealing with this debt, also known as paying back your "advance" commissions, as in commissions paid before knowing if your clients will renew a second year, in which case, you actually get to keep your commissions. I have been advised by an attorney that has dealt with many of their cases that I have two options...either find others who can verify my story ( being lied to, not receiving a copy of my contract, not knowing what I was signing, etc... ) which will take time and sue them (or) ignore the bastards. The worst that will happen is it will ruin my credit for 7 years ( and after my divorce, my credit isn't so hot anyway ), in which time, Cornerstone America will attempt to collect on the debt from my DSL....which is a form of justice, considering he was the one who lied to me in the first place. Did you know that? Once you leave, any unpaid debt is then transferred to your DSL and taken out of his stock, backend pay, etc... down the line. I bet most of them don't either. ( evil grin )

My advice is to negotiate a settlement if possible just to get rid of them, but if you can't afford it, change your phone number and address and move on with your life.

Good luck to you.

Dr Chuck


Is anyone getting help to fight these people?

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 06, 2008


I see that I am not alone having trouble with UGA. After almost a year and half has past since I was employed with them and now they start calling me that I owe them over $7000 in advances. I cannot believe it. I did not expect this or know about it. What can I do about this?

I too did not receive a copy of my contract and was told that my advance would be covered by company stock and future commissions should I leave the company.




Where have all the Mega/Cornerstone Agents Gone? (The Answer Below)

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 19, 2008

Life After Mega--How Sweet It IS!!!

So you want to know where all the top Mega Life, Cornerstone and United American agents are migrating to? Ask me at (((ROR REDACTED)))(without the spaces of course).

I make over $1,000 a day net profit, selling 2-7 applications every single day, with top commissions, no driving, cash lead credits, 100% web-based and done over the phone. I represent all the A-rated carriers in 12 states, provide my clients with the best Major Medical Health Insurance, and have current Million Dollar Mentors teaching me exactly how to make the transition from belly to belly sales to the place where statistics show 90% of all health insurance sales will be by 2010: online and on the phone! I joined the absolute best organization with over 4000 independent agents nationwide. We are no longer captive agents and our lives have been permanently changed. And we wouldn't be sticking around if it wasn't the greatest thing EVER. How many brokers did you meet in your Mega training class? None of course. For a reason: they didn't want anyone in there that actually understood how bad they were being screwed for one, and secondly, no decent broker with half a brain would ever leave an independent position.

And get this: I don't even make outgoing prospecting calls anymore. My future clients call ME. That's right, I sit by the pool, next my computer, waiting for the 6-8 calls a day that are going to make me four times the commissions I made at Mega. Boy that Koolaid was really good, wasn't it? Anyone want to buy my Million Dollar Ring or my wife's UGA pendant? Thank God I didn't stick around for the grandfather clock!

Just drop me a line at (((ROR REDACTED)))for details. I bet they wiped that one out but not the one above.... Gotta stay one step ahead of these guys. If you don't at least call me from a blocked number and hear what I have to share with you, why not just stick your head in the sand? All contacts will be kept in the strictest of confidence. (I get it--I was exactly where you are now just a few months ago, with the same fears and dreams of finding a better way--and I found it!).


CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

X. Agent


There are actually 11 reasons not to hire on with Cornerstone, Mega or UGA

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 07, 2008

Everything you said is absolutely correct. Let's add one more to the list. If you have any experience selling health insurance, especially if you were a captive agent, then you should become an independent broker and work with an IMO who can provide you with internet marketing tools, training, mentoring, and a wide product selection with top commissions. If you would like to learn more about that, and could use help planning an exit strategy, let me know. My email address is (((ROR REDACTED))).


An Ex-Mega Agent

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


North Carolina,

Help for former NASE agents in NC and SC

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 11, 2007

I notice that another agent has referenced Messer Financial Group as a great place to do business.

I can tell you that as a former NASE agent, this is very much the case. Now I'd like to invite you to join us at Messer and find out just how great the world of insurance can be for both yourself and your clients.

We can offer you contracts on almost all of the major medical carrier's operating in both states. We are constantly conducting training sessions so that you are fully versed in the products and how to present them.

Better still, you own your business from day one! We are dedicated to the truly "independent agent". By making use of our products, systems and services you are in position to advise clients as to the possiblities available to them.......not shove a plan at them.

There isn't enough room here to explain all that we can offer you. So let me invite you to contact me via email at: or give me a call at 704-568-9649; ext 21.

Do like myself and many many other NASE agents have done; turned from the dark side and into the light!


North Carolina,

Help for former NASE agents in NC and SC

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 11, 2007

I notice that another agent has referenced Messer Financial Group as a great place to do business.

I can tell you that as a former NASE agent, this is very much the case. Now I'd like to invite you to join us at Messer and find out just how great the world of insurance can be for both yourself and your clients.

We can offer you contracts on almost all of the major medical carrier's operating in both states. We are constantly conducting training sessions so that you are fully versed in the products and how to present them.

Better still, you own your business from day one! We are dedicated to the truly "independent agent". By making use of our products, systems and services you are in position to advise clients as to the possiblities available to them.......not shove a plan at them.

There isn't enough room here to explain all that we can offer you. So let me invite you to contact me via email at: or give me a call at 704-568-9649; ext 21.

Do like myself and many many other NASE agents have done; turned from the dark side and into the light!


North Carolina,

Help for former NASE agents in NC and SC

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 11, 2007

I notice that another agent has referenced Messer Financial Group as a great place to do business.

I can tell you that as a former NASE agent, this is very much the case. Now I'd like to invite you to join us at Messer and find out just how great the world of insurance can be for both yourself and your clients.

We can offer you contracts on almost all of the major medical carrier's operating in both states. We are constantly conducting training sessions so that you are fully versed in the products and how to present them.

Better still, you own your business from day one! We are dedicated to the truly "independent agent". By making use of our products, systems and services you are in position to advise clients as to the possiblities available to them.......not shove a plan at them.

There isn't enough room here to explain all that we can offer you. So let me invite you to contact me via email at: or give me a call at 704-568-9649; ext 21.

Do like myself and many many other NASE agents have done; turned from the dark side and into the light!


North Carolina,

Help for former NASE agents in NC and SC

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 11, 2007

I notice that another agent has referenced Messer Financial Group as a great place to do business.

I can tell you that as a former NASE agent, this is very much the case. Now I'd like to invite you to join us at Messer and find out just how great the world of insurance can be for both yourself and your clients.

We can offer you contracts on almost all of the major medical carrier's operating in both states. We are constantly conducting training sessions so that you are fully versed in the products and how to present them.

Better still, you own your business from day one! We are dedicated to the truly "independent agent". By making use of our products, systems and services you are in position to advise clients as to the possiblities available to them.......not shove a plan at them.

There isn't enough room here to explain all that we can offer you. So let me invite you to contact me via email at: or give me a call at 704-568-9649; ext 21.

Do like myself and many many other NASE agents have done; turned from the dark side and into the light!


San Dimas,

are u 1 of a kind

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 11, 2007

the company spends alot of serious time pushing the idea that there products are the best in the market. In order to run an efficent buisness your agents have to beleave this to push there product, and be ignorant to all the other policies on the marketplace. This is a great company to own, and have stock in, thats why they are no longer publicly traded, and will be sold by blackstone for a huge profit in a couple of years. the company want tens of thousands of dollars, from me after working for them for over two years. after i was told the same thing as everyone, that my stock and my clients on the books would cover my backend,

The biggest scammer in the company that i came across is john reed and his wife gloria, these people act like there are very noble, reliogous people that will only due what is right for people. The sad part is john is just a front for the office, it is actually ran by gloria, his mail ordeded wife. who tells her small husband when to breath and when he can pee. it just sad that ron jensons dream didnt last past his dealth.


North Carolina,

The Independent Health Insurance Agent

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 01, 2007

I can certainly agree with the reports on NASE/Mega Life & Health. HUGE RIP OFF

Truth is it will take a new insurance agent up to 2 years to find where he/she belongs in the insurance world. There are so many avenues to take. The key is not to be captive to any one company. I found Messer Financial Group in Charlotte NC many years ago. In my opinion, this is the best home for the independent agent. The agency support is outstanding! Because I represent every health insurance company in our state of North Carolina, the client decides which plan benefits and most importantly which insurance company they want. I like that I can make one phone call to Messer and ask who has the best maternity coverage in our state or who has the best HIPPA plan available or where should I place a diabetic who is on the pill.

Don't give up on insurance sales just because of one bad apple. You are smart enough to read policies and get out of a bad situation and associate youself with an agency who looks out for you, the independent agent.




Moncks Corner,
South Carolina,

The chargeback for all my commissions just arrived in the mail

#19Author of original report

Sun, July 22, 2007

I want to keep anyone looking to work for these guys informed of what to expect, so please excuse the plethora of updates. As of this week, I got a bill in excess of $5,000 to cover what I owe them according to the contract I signed with them. When I asked my slimeball manager if I really had to pay back all my advances if I left, he told me no and that any debt would be settled by selling off my shares of stock. I feel stupid for trusting him and leaving my managment job with a steady paycheck to take advantage of this "opportunity". Just the first of many lies he fed me and now I have the proof in black and white.

The funny thing is that the collection letter says to refer to my contract in regards to my obligation but I can't because I don't have one. Nope, even after asking for it a few times I got nothing but run around and have nothing to look at. Believe me, if I HAD a copy, I'd be taking it to an attorney tomorrow.

This collection letter prompted me to do some research online to find out why I am having to pay back ALL of the commissions I earned and the answer I found on an attorneys website is that they charge you the balance of ALL business unless it renews for a 2nd year. So in other words, if they cancel, are declined, miss a payment or don't renew a consecutive have to return that paltry 10% commission to them. Sound fair to you?

Here's a link to that site:

I'm curious, if you are an ex-agent reading this, did any of your managers explain this to you? Did they give you a copy of your contract?

To those who still work for them.....educate yourselves, gather evidence and protect yourself legally before they bankrupt you.


Moncks Corner,
South Carolina,

Update: Life after Cornerstone

#19Author of original report

Tue, June 19, 2007

I has been close to a month since I left Cornerstone and since have gotten 5 job solicitations from UGA and 2 from fact, they were automated spam from the same guy who interviewed me last year. There are several other jobs out there that also appear to be scams or phishing schemes. Since my experience with these guys, I now check out every company I'm interested in or has an interest in me here on Ripoff Report.
Got a call from someone here in the area yesterday asking me to come in...could find no entries in here for his company so I went today to the interview. I can't even begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air this was. First, I was alone when they interviewed me. They are going to pay me 20% and a years advance, where before I was getting a 10% advance for 5 months times the Taken Rate, which always reduced that amount. Instead of the measly 8-15 recycled leads each week, I am getting a guaranteed 25-35 fresh A leads each week.

Also, instead of having limited potential to sell because of the product (MEGA), I will be selling health insurance, HSA's, Medicaire Suplements, Life Insurance, Critical Care and Cancer plans and Annuities....all from reputable companies. Not only that but they don't hire just about anyone with an IQ slightly above average and with no prior insurance this case, my experience was a plus. The most ironic part is that the two managers both were previous agents of Cornerstone or one of their other aliases themselves.

Woo h*o!!!! Life after Cornerstone H**l is sweet indeed !!!!!


Moncks Corner,
South Carolina,

Unbelieveable !! What will it take to make them go away !!

#19Author of original report

Fri, June 08, 2007

Hello folks, as you can see by my posts I left this company recently and am doing my part to make sure other good people don't get scammed. Could you guess what I got in my email inbox today? Oh...c'mon, take a guess?


Alliance for Affordable Services - Your resume matched our criteria established for an area sales representative position with the SDA division of Alliance for Affordable Services, a large nationwide not for profit group of small business owners based out of Charleston, SC. We market to assist small business owners structure their business and save money on overhead. We offer health benefits, payroll services, business legal structuring, financial services, and much more.

We accomplish all of this through a qualified lead program of prospects that have called in, mailed in a card, or emailed in a response. You would be required to call the potential client back, schedule an appointment with them, and close your sale.

First year outside sales income is $60,000 - $80,000 with management opportunity based on performance. We also offer an excellent benefit package, which includes lost wages/disability benefits, health insurance, and a generous stock option plan.

We are seeking to fill this position in your area and we are interested in meeting with you. The next step in this process will be to conduct interviews so that we may go over, in detail, professional corporate training, stock option retirement plan, compensation, bonus structures, company leads, potential management, etc.

You may refer any questions to Human Resources at 843-388-1811, or to the website at

To schedule the interview for Tuesday, June 12th at 10:00am, please advise me through I will send you thorough directions to our Divisional office upon confirmation of the interview.


Jeff McLean

Divisional Sales Leader


toll free 866-578-3806


Opportunity DESCRIPTION:
*Immediate Weekly Cash
*Call on prospects that have requested to see you
*Professional Training
*Prestigious Products and Services
*Personal Sales and Leadership Development
*Advancement Opportunities (Management)
*Company Sponsored Stock Ownership Program
*Bonus Programs and Trips
*Annual potential income $60,000-$80,000

I got this and less than an hour later I got a duplicate. One had come as a response to my resume on Monster and the second came as a response to the one on Career Builder.



Moncks Corner,
South Carolina,

The noose is around your neck and you don't even know it !!

#19Author of original report

Tue, June 05, 2007

Aaah Dylan,

Based on your response I would have to say that you sound EXACTLY the same as me and all the other ex employees used to while we were being innundated with Cornerstone's constant brainwashing. As for everything you said, NO DUH !! Neither I nor many of the other past employees are idiots and therefore lack the understanding that it is "our business" and it requires an investment of time, money and effort. There is no disputing that.

In fact, just this week I have been in contact with two very intelligent and accomplished ex employees of Cornerstone ( ironically one interviewed me for a financial advisor position within his very afluent investment firm in one of the wealthiest districts in the area ) and the other owns his own insurance brokerage in another state and is currently spearheading a class action lawsuit against the company you are so vehemently defending.

I'm not going to pick on you for being so naive because we have all been there. I just pray for your sake that you open your eyes to the truth before you wind up owing the company all the advances they have paid you the last 5 months plus interest, or even worse, get sued for misrepresentation by someone who was smart enough to read the fine print in their policy, only to discover you have no Errors and Omissions Coverage and Cornerstone is nowhere to be found when you're looking at a $1 Million dollar lawsut and jail time.

Best of luck to you. You appear to be intelligent. There are better companies out there, with better products and better pay. You don't have to take my word for it, just go onto Career Builder or Monster and look up some of the agent positions available with reputable companies and make a few calls if for no other reason than to prove me wrong. I promise you, I'm not.


North Carolina,

Possibly Missed the Meaning?

#19UPDATE Employee

Tue, June 05, 2007

It is possible, relative to comments about the Top Ten Reasons not to work for Cornerstone/Alliance Services, that the entire concept or fortitiude necessary for self-employment success was missed.

Sorry that proper due diligence and perserverance is always neccessary in building sound character and when endeavoring into a new opportunity, especially into one where the indiividual may not have direct experience in. But it is in fact necessary!

Desire, determination, and discipline are the keys! Why would anyone delve into the insurance arena without prior relevant experience, a banking or strong sales background, much less without having been self-employed for years? That's akin to selling vacuum cleaners without having never used one?

The key is to actually learn the products on your own, do not be allowed to be baby-sat, possess character that cannot be swayed, have integrity that supercedes self-doubt, and the ability to see through hardship and tribulations; which arise in ANY BUSINESS and are the only ways to GROW in this HUMAN world! On the contrary, it is very true concerning how strong and dedicated Cornerstone is to engaging their contracted employees, attracting people of prior success, developing successful entrepreneurs, and retaining them through recognition & reward and ongoing leadership. Leads?

Why complain about leads? What would anyone think they're getting into? Ever started a business without ANY start-up costs, and had leads provided to you? NO! Personally developed leads are the hard-part, what you are supposed to be doing, when building an entreprenuerial spirit, NOT depending upon someone else for a hand-out.

Boy - if only more people "saw the boat", they wouldn't sink!


North Carolina,

Possibly Missed the Meaning?

#19UPDATE Employee

Tue, June 05, 2007

It is possible, relative to comments about the Top Ten Reasons not to work for Cornerstone/Alliance Services, that the entire concept or fortitiude necessary for self-employment success was missed.

Sorry that proper due diligence and perserverance is always neccessary in building sound character and when endeavoring into a new opportunity, especially into one where the indiividual may not have direct experience in. But it is in fact necessary!

Desire, determination, and discipline are the keys! Why would anyone delve into the insurance arena without prior relevant experience, a banking or strong sales background, much less without having been self-employed for years? That's akin to selling vacuum cleaners without having never used one?

The key is to actually learn the products on your own, do not be allowed to be baby-sat, possess character that cannot be swayed, have integrity that supercedes self-doubt, and the ability to see through hardship and tribulations; which arise in ANY BUSINESS and are the only ways to GROW in this HUMAN world! On the contrary, it is very true concerning how strong and dedicated Cornerstone is to engaging their contracted employees, attracting people of prior success, developing successful entrepreneurs, and retaining them through recognition & reward and ongoing leadership. Leads?

Why complain about leads? What would anyone think they're getting into? Ever started a business without ANY start-up costs, and had leads provided to you? NO! Personally developed leads are the hard-part, what you are supposed to be doing, when building an entreprenuerial spirit, NOT depending upon someone else for a hand-out.

Boy - if only more people "saw the boat", they wouldn't sink!

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