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  • Report:  #1261186

Complaint Review: Cory Turner Home Improvements

Cory Turner Home Improvements CONNECTICUT HOMEOWNERS BEWARE!!! Glastonbury Connecticut

  • Reported By:
    William Cole — Manchester Connecticut USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, October 14, 2015
  • Updated:
    Wed, October 14, 2015

My brother contracted this company to make repairs and renovations to his home located in the greater Hartford, Connecticut area. The business raved about having been in business since 1955 and they were a third generation family owned operation. Wanting to stay with a locally owned company Turner was hired.

There was a period for two months that they failed to call or schedule as promised and while we grew concerned we were assured by others that this company was worth waiting for. We had a two car garage and porch roof that needed repairs and/or replacement and a porch that we were having redone.

After a much anticipated wait they finally called and scheduled to arrive last Thursday October 8, 2014. Sadly, as you will see by the photos attached the porch roof was in worse condition than originally expected and after speaking with Cory Turner (The owner) and Brian Turner (The second generation pitchman) they assured us that they could make proper repairs without having to remove the entire roof and structure. 

Obviously the original price went up and we acceoted their terms and most importantly their ability to make the roof safe and secure without any problems down the road. We took plenty of photos to document their progress and I having a heat condition was not trying to climb the ladders and be in the way every two minutes so one of their laborors asured me he would take some good photos and share them with me after.

Day one seemed to go well and then on Friday the 9th everything seemed to be getting a little crazy. Between one of the laborors dropping a hot cig butt down and causing a fire on the porch below and another urinatating in the back yard we began to have our concerns. Bringing these to Cory Turner's attention we were assured that these were isolated incidents and they would be addressed and not repeated.

Monday morning the 12th rolled along and after a quiet weekend the crew returned to begin work on the garage roof and finish trim on the porch roof that now had a membrane applied as part of the contract. We were informed that the demolition and the reconstruction of the porch decking would be on tap for Tuesday the 13th. Around 1:30 in the afternoon Monday while enjoying lunch at my brother's kitchen counter we heard teo of the laborors speaking to each other on the porch and discussing that "the entire roof should have been replaced". Going out to see what the conversation was about we learned that as they were getting the porch ready for the following morning they uncovered a badly rotted weight bearing support beam that the repaired roof structure was resting on. One of the photos attached clearly shows the level of rot.

We were shocked to say the least. Later in the afternoon both Cory and Brian Turner made seperate visits to the site and in conversations with them both they agreed that this should have been discovered and in hind sight the entire roof and framing should have been replaced. Once again they both assured us that they would be able to make it safe and secure it without having to do the full removal and replacement.

On Tuesday morning the 13th my brother and I were waiting for the crew to arrive and two older gentlemen arrived who informed us that they were sub contractors for Turner and they were there to take support the roof and begin the demolition of the decking. This was our first knowedge that some of the project had been subbed out. Cory Turner arrived a short time later and began speaking to the subs and asked one of them to remove some more of the trim around the weight barring beam in question and both my brother and I almost fell over when it was discovered these gentlemen had only brought a 2 foot step ladder. They actually had to borrow a 6 foot step ladder from us to remove the additional flashing.

As the flashing trim was being removed portions of the porch ceiling began to collapse and rotted wood and debris began to fall from above. This was the last straw. Cory Turner began to back pedal and make comments like "so it would have had to be replaced anyway". Having no other alternative I asked him how much more money we were talking about and he said "anywhere from 15-20 thousand". I calmly told Mr. Turner that he and his crew were fired and they had one hour to get everything off the property. He attempted to make every excuse yet knowing his company had messed up finally returned to me in the yard and offered a partial refund.

I was very insistent that he refund the full deposit and after some back and forth he said he would refund $7,000.00 of the original payment of $11,750.00. At this point I decided afetr conversation with my brother to at least get what we could and report the rest. Hoping we would have some funding available to make this mess right we took his $7,000.00 but assured him we were not letting this go.

After they left the site I proceeded to contct the Town of Manchester, Connecticut Building Inspector and actually met in person with him to review the photos and our concerns. Many things came to the surface as a result of our meeting in the Town Offices. The first item was that the permit clearly was restricted and stated NO STRUCTURAL REPAIRS. As the attached photos indicate attempts at structural repairs were made. The second item was that Mr. Turner was clearly instructed on the permit to CALL FOR INSPECTION, the town never got a call.

It gets even better. The town has scheduled an onsite inspection to come out and review the mess and when I asked if they will be inspecting the replacement roof on the garage I was informed there was no permit taken out for the garage at all. 

We have secured the services of another local contractor who believes he can provide the proper repairs and restoration but of course they want to start from scratch as no one in their right mind would attempt to make repairs to this project that another company has screwed up so bad.

We have been informed that once the Building Official makes his inspection we are most likely looking at over $25,000.00 which is almost $8,000.00 over the original budget. We are totally at a loss and plan on filing with the State of Connecticut yet this may take months to years to settle. Mr. Turner's company has caused major problems and losses here and we caution anyone who is considering hiring them to think twice before you sign the bottom line. 

I am confident that Cory Turner will make all sorts of excuses and attempts to blame all of these problems on either myself or my brother. This is NOT the case. The photos clearly show the poor quality of workmanship and greed that this company has portrayed in their efforts to profit from the backs of hardworking people.

We are praying that they have enough professionalism left to make a refund of at least the origianl deposit balance in full and some type of compensation for our lost time and efforts. 

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