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  • Report:  #219230

Complaint Review: Countrywide/Landsafe/The Appraisal Shoppe LLC

Countrywide/Landsafe The Appraisal Shoppe Appraisal gimmicks and coersion in hopes to get $300.00 off people. Then not following through with a loan. Cookeville And Memphis Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    crossville Tennessee
  • Submitted:
    Mon, November 06, 2006
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 15, 2009
  • Countrywide/Landsafe/The Appraisal Shoppe, LLC
    3411 Northwind Drive
    Cookeville, Tennessee
  • Phone:
  • Category:

After me and my wife decided not to sell our home in Crossville, Tennessee. We looked into getting a loan to simplify our lives and using the equity we have in our home to do it. As both our kids in 4-6 yrs will be attending college. We also have an Adjustable rate mortgage V.A. (Through another lender besides Countrywide).which is good right now but you never know what their going to do. Do you?

As aforementioned our Real Estate agent unbeknownst to both Countrywide/Landsafe and The Appraisal Shoppe LLC. Told us our homes worth was around $280,000.00. She had comps to back it up. She told us it was very doable. To sell our home at this price. Evidently according to her.

AGENTS, APPRAISERS AND LENDERS run a computer analysis program to see if the geographic and demographics la' te' dah' fit the in question, probable selling price is going to be whithin reach of the home owner. Comes out ours was. So, after losing our agent and going ahead with keeping the house and simplifying, paying off other debts,having one payment instead of 5. Using our equity to do it.

We call Countrwide/Landsafe to start the loan process. I personally feel they (lenders)(appraisers) do this to alot of us. Their (c-wide)representative in Memphis, Tn. Starts our application and runs the same computer program our agent run a week before. Turns out Hey! this is a doable loan. Your home fits the criteria to value at $280,000.00. Were elated.

We run back and forth to staples as my good ol' epson printer fax machine is as usual tore up.Spending $30.00 faxing and copying info. to Countrywide/Landsafe. All we then have to do is pay them $300.00 for an appraisal and were set. We pay the man in Memphis. He hires The Appraisal Shoppe in Cookeville to appraise the home. The lady comes here shes' from Colorodo. Just recently moved here. She is very complimentery of our home. All looks great.

She comes back with $248,000.00 Uhh!lets see that is $32,000.00 off what everyone has told us we could get. She has comparibles. But, of course none are on the water like ours. They are the ones a lot of vacation homeowners are trying to get rid of. This lady has no idea of what is going here, real estately speaking in Tennessee. We have lived here generations. This spring our house would sell for $350,000.00.

We try to do the rebuttal route and according to her office (The Appraisal Shoppe LLC.,) Countrywide is the only one who can do that? Even though we paid C-wide the money. Meanwhile, me and my wife are out a week of her salary due to their little "Lets make some money game". Now I know this aint' a lot of money to some people. However, if you have a family.It is. Now, I dont know about you? $300.00 is a lot of money to us, plus the $30.00 at Staples. Not to mention the bad comps used. Saying Countrywide/Landsafe has to be the disputer of The Appraisal Shoppes claim. We have always missed out on the housing drop here. Weve been here generations.

What I believe is this. This is nothing new. Like the old carrot and mule analogy. The mule walks in circles all day making the molasses chasing the proverbial carrot on a stick.If hes' lucky. When hes' done the old farmer might let him have it. If not maybe after walking all day tommorow after its rotted then.

Countrywide/Landsafe and The appraisal shoppe LLC., Like all other lending and appraisal relationships. Get together and make a few easy bucks off these shoddy appraisals while we get the shaft. We work honestly for our money and try not to ripoff people in the process of our work. Why cant they?

What I've done thus far is this. I am turning them in to the Better Business Bureau. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. I would like to see these types of practices stopped. Just like our politicians practice. I am also considering contacting the state of Tennessee Consumer Relations dept.As seen on this website. Never knew it existed till then. Please help if you can? I'd like to see me and my wife get our money back.

You might not but we sure would (laugh).P.S.Also, Countrywide won't let you pick your own appraiser. Im sure other lenders use this same practice also. As they have deals cooked up with certain ones. That you might not pick. Say you know somebody at ACME appraisals (dummy appraisal used for analogy only) Who gurantees you will get what your asking for. Because you know the guys at ACME their in your pocket. Like COuntrywide/Landsafe knows the people at The Appraisal shoppe are in their pocket....

crossville, Tennessee

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Countrywide Mortgage

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Redondo Beach,

Who's fault? Who's trying to make money off You? - Response

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, July 15, 2009

Who's fault? Who's trying to make money off You?

THE AMC!! HVCC has been effect for 2.5 months now and things are a mess.
TAVMA the group that has lobbied for the AMC (Appraisal Management/Referral Companies) firms, and paid many polititions to finally find one shrewd enough to give a monopoly to the AMC firms have been rewarded for now.

Please see the email below:

To All:

I just found 21 consumer complaints against Landsafe. There are other bank owned, or partially owned, or owned by affiliates, AMC firms that are mandatory for those lenders, their preferred AMC firms.

I would suggest you search the ripoff web site for Finiti, RELS, eAppraiseIT, Quantrix, LSI, Felocity, AMCO, Fiserve, ect, for more consumer news stories.

Also, Freddie Mac just put out a report earlier this week saying in essence that its appraisals need to have more relevant comps, be more accurate, use local appraisers, and not take so dang long to complete. Gee? Could that have something to do with the incompetent appraisers the AMC firms are sending out and the HVCC agreement?

GET HR 3044 HVCC out of Committee!!! Also, especially to NAR, please suggest to the lawmakers that they Amend HR 3044 so that the 4 Gorillas (BOA, WF, Chase, Citi) on the block cannot force consumers to use an AMC, make the AMC optional. Make it so the Mortgage Broker or the borrower, or the RE Agent, can pick there own Danged Appraiser. (the appraisers are already checked by the Underwriters)

This is America, land of the Free, not land of the bought off. How would it be if CPAs all of a sudden could not talk to taxpayers because those tax payers might want a fair shake, but instead had to call a CPA referral firm that was run by the IRS and it's affiliates, and skimmed money off of those referrals? Apply that same logic to any profession. It stinks.

Please Mitch and Alex, do a story on HVCC every week, (there is plenty of ammo) just include something about Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Lockhart, and Cuomo, Fannie and Freddie, and keep reporting the stock price of Fannie and Freddie, that's always NEWS.


Redondo Beach,


#12Consumer Comment

Wed, July 15, 2009

Because of what someone reported earlier, that Landsafe mostly had shills come in and post pro Landsafe comments, (with the evidence above) I would submit that with the lack of any evidence (like the address of the subject) except heresay from the original Landsafe appraiser, that the original appraisers comments are questionable at best.

Also, there is a big time difference, from when the original appraiser appraised it and when it sold, (facttoid: prices were dropping during that time in most areas) there was only a small difference in time after the Realtor confirmed with Comps.


Appraisal Shoppe


The facts from the original appraiser

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, July 09, 2009

I am the original appraiser that Landsafe contacted to do this appraisal. Many appraisers do fee split work however looking back at my spreadsheet, I collected my full fee of $350 (at the time). So if they only paid $300 for this appraisal, Landsafe/Countrywide must have picked up the rest.

I didn't just move to the area, I had only mentioned that I was originally from Colorado, I had already lived in Tennessee for 5 1/2 years. I am a certified residential appraiser that takes as long as I need to do a competent report.

As for the subject property being "on the water"..... If you know how to repel down the side of a mountain or ride a 4 wheeler down a very long, steep trail to get to that water you can't even see from the house. Just because the subject property might back up to something like this, it doesn't mean the market shows a difference. One of my comparables was similar to this and the others were not. The market didn't justify an adjustment.

I am only here to do my job. I don't care what the homeowner feels his/her property is worth, I am here to give market value. If all appraisers felt this way, we wouldn't be in the predicament that we are in.

Bottom line is that an agent told him he could sell his house for $280,000. What she should have said is that we can list your home for $280,000 and see what happens. He said in the spring that it would bring $350,000.

Listen up everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! I appraised this property for $248,000 at the end 2006. In FEBRUARY OF 2008 he sold this home for $252,000.

I believe this says it all.



Canned response for former Landsafe Employees Above

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, May 05, 2009

Is it interesting to anyone else that the first two responses to this article have paragraphs that are verbatim the same?

Re-read the 2nd paragraph in the first rebuttal "Landsafe Appraisals" and the 3rd from the "Bad appraiser not a bad company". Is it really likely that two different persons would write exactly the same thing for an entire paragraph?

Further more fun examining the 3rd paragraph in the "Landsafe Appraisals", you should see a very similar corresponding content starting at paragraph 5 of "Bad appraiser not a bad company". You should see the content flow through many of the paragraphs following the 5th.

Not that it is important to note that, but it would almost look like someone has asked people to go around and remove any Landsafe smear, but that is complete speculation.

Jon Benet Melloncamp


appraiser here

#12Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 24, 2008

I've been in the appraisal business for 30 years and I've seen it degenerate into a complete mess. I'm familiar with the Landsafe outfit and I can tell you there is no dialogue between the appraiser and the loan officer. Appraisers getting full fees from Landsafe are rare. This is how it works...Landsafe is an "appraisal company" which manages the appraisals for Countrywide. I'm pretty sure that Landsafe is owned by Countrywide but maybe there is a thin degree of separation betwixt the two. Anyways, Landsafe usually hires the cheapest and most inexperienced appraisers they can find. Your cost for the appraisal for Countrywide was around $400-$500 bucks, right? Landsafe typically pays these cheap/inexperienced appraisers about half of that and Landsafe keeps the rest. What you end up with is an angry appraiser who is getting jacked out of his full fee and/or an inexperienced appraiser who can't find full fee work anywhere else(ie. regular banks). Because this appraiser is getting a cheap fee he's going to pay less attention to his work and rush through the thing(Landsafe is a real stickler for the "rush appraisal" and usually demands a too quick turntime -- a good appraisal needs least a week). Now I'm not gonna lay all the blame(if any) on Landsafe/Countrywide for your deal. Maybe your appraiser was diligent and honest. I can tell you that real estate agents(like the one who told you your place was worth a jillion dollars) are not licensed to value property and they are usually VERY BAD at doing so. Those "computer models" you talk about are called AVM's (automated valuation models) and they aren't worth the paper they're written on. I've appraised houses and when an owner presents an AVM usually this AVM is either WAY TOO HIGH in value or WAY TOO LOW in value. Lenders are trying to get by the cheapest possible way when processing a loan (cheapo appraisers, cheapo title attorneys, cheapo AVM's). Of course they don't give you the cheaper price...they charge you full fee and pocket the rest. Now that I've blabbered long enough I can tell you what to do. Hire a certified appraiser in your area with over 20 years experience. Do NOT influence him as to what price you think the house is worth. Pay him the full appraisal fee and let him appraise your house without any undue influence. If this appraisal comes back within $5000 of Landsafe's appraisal then the Landsafe appraiser was probably right. The entire appraisal and loan process needs SERIOUS REGULATION and a COMPLETE OVERHAUL. Of course you can watch the news or read the paper and see the results of widespread abuse in both industries.

If that appraisal you get done is much higher or much lower than the Landsafe appraisal then I suggest getting a lawyer and going after the lender for hiring an incompetent.


New Jersey,

Who's fault? Who's trying to make money off You?

#12UPDATE Employee

Sat, July 12, 2008

Your realtor told you a value and you believed it. A valuation model spit out a value and you believed it. Then a licensed qualified appraiser comes out, and gives you an honest unbiased opinion and your upset. Most realtors will always give you a high estimate, best case scenario, they want you to LIKE them and if you were listing the house, their commission is based on the sale price. The loan officer also makes a commission if your loan goes through. Valuation models are not reliable, that's why they send a real appraiser out. That's why an appraisal is REQUIRED. If ACME appraisal appraises your house for too much, just so you can borrower money, and then you default on your loan, it becomes the burden of ALL American taxpayers. If the consumer were able to pick their own appraiser, that again would not be an unbiased opinion.

To think appraisers are the only ones out there trying to be honest and ethical, and THIS is the thanks we get.

Due to pressure placed on appraisers, which has led to the current crisis, they are trying to implement a Code of Conduct for lenders to try to insure Appraiser Independence (give me the value I need for my loan or I won't send you any more work). But this is a NEW idea, that appraisers should be free from this pressure, and won't be implemented until 2009.



Bad appraiser not a bad company

#12Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 11, 2008

Landsafe Appraisals

I am an appraiser that has worked with many companies including Landsafe in the past. There aretwo problems I see is your realtor giving you false information. The computer you are referring to is called an AVM. Automated Valuation Model. Computer generated evaluation databases will most likely not include 'fresh sales' in your neighborhood, or even across the street from you.

They do not take into account which are comparable, that means style, age, square footage, bedroom and bath count etc.. and location and what can be ruled out and labeled only a sale. Federal law says an appraisal is good for only six months and comps should be the same. You can have many sales in your neighborhood, but only a few good comparables/ alternatives to your property.

If AVM'S worked so good, then the banks would not hire appraisers. You might as well go to and print the report and submit that to the bank as an appraisal. You also go on about not being able to choose your appraiser. Do you believe that an appraiser is measured by how good they are if they can hit the so called 'number'. That is illegal and unethical. Your realtor sounds inexperienced and should apologize to you for giving you bad information.

Secondly your appraiser should know there is a differance in location and should have adjusted for such, you say your home is on the water and no comps were then there most likly should have been an adjustment in your favor for lot value.
You said your appraiser just moved there so they probaly didnt know the market as well but any good appriser knows about location and adjusting.

Landsafe is a very respectable and reputable company that only seeks the truth. Your file was most likely reviewed by their review department which consists of highly trained appraisers and regional chief appraisers who have many years of experience on the national level.

The truth is, your home is most likely not worth as much as you would like it to be, but its not Landsafe sounds more likely the realtor who gains from giving a higher value and appriser who should of found better comps.

By blaming others. An appraiser who works for Landsafe has no other interest in your home, you did have the right to dispute comps and offer others if they were comparable "that means style, age, square footage, bedroom and bath count etc.. and location" and need to have sold within the last six months of the date of the appraisal. There is a lot that goes into computing a value the computers dont see such as upkeep, housekeeping if it damages the property, neighborhood, if it was so easy why Do we have to have so much education yearly?

If you had a valid agruement on which comparables were better suited, then i'm sure that they would have reconsidered and changed the appraisal. A good appraiser is not insulted if there is a better comps that could have been missed esp. in large market areas.

Trust me most appraiser look at a property with no finacial intrest and are not told what you are tring to get from the lender, it keeps us unbiased.

Landsafe is not in the business to steal and cheat consumers.

I am an appraiser with over 20 yrs. for Banks, VA, and FHA the last two require even more education.



Bad appraiser not a bad company

#12Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 11, 2008

Landsafe Appraisals

I am an appraiser that has worked with many companies including Landsafe in the past. There aretwo problems I see is your realtor giving you false information. The computer you are referring to is called an AVM. Automated Valuation Model. Computer generated evaluation databases will most likely not include 'fresh sales' in your neighborhood, or even across the street from you.

They do not take into account which are comparable, that means style, age, square footage, bedroom and bath count etc.. and location and what can be ruled out and labeled only a sale. Federal law says an appraisal is good for only six months and comps should be the same. You can have many sales in your neighborhood, but only a few good comparables/ alternatives to your property.

If AVM'S worked so good, then the banks would not hire appraisers. You might as well go to and print the report and submit that to the bank as an appraisal. You also go on about not being able to choose your appraiser. Do you believe that an appraiser is measured by how good they are if they can hit the so called 'number'. That is illegal and unethical. Your realtor sounds inexperienced and should apologize to you for giving you bad information.

Secondly your appraiser should know there is a differance in location and should have adjusted for such, you say your home is on the water and no comps were then there most likly should have been an adjustment in your favor for lot value.
You said your appraiser just moved there so they probaly didnt know the market as well but any good appriser knows about location and adjusting.

Landsafe is a very respectable and reputable company that only seeks the truth. Your file was most likely reviewed by their review department which consists of highly trained appraisers and regional chief appraisers who have many years of experience on the national level.

The truth is, your home is most likely not worth as much as you would like it to be, but its not Landsafe sounds more likely the realtor who gains from giving a higher value and appriser who should of found better comps.

By blaming others. An appraiser who works for Landsafe has no other interest in your home, you did have the right to dispute comps and offer others if they were comparable "that means style, age, square footage, bedroom and bath count etc.. and location" and need to have sold within the last six months of the date of the appraisal. There is a lot that goes into computing a value the computers dont see such as upkeep, housekeeping if it damages the property, neighborhood, if it was so easy why Do we have to have so much education yearly?

If you had a valid agruement on which comparables were better suited, then i'm sure that they would have reconsidered and changed the appraisal. A good appraiser is not insulted if there is a better comps that could have been missed esp. in large market areas.

Trust me most appraiser look at a property with no finacial intrest and are not told what you are tring to get from the lender, it keeps us unbiased.

Landsafe is not in the business to steal and cheat consumers.

I am an appraiser with over 20 yrs. for Banks, VA, and FHA the last two require even more education.



Bad appraiser not a bad company

#12Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 11, 2008

Landsafe Appraisals

I am an appraiser that has worked with many companies including Landsafe in the past. There aretwo problems I see is your realtor giving you false information. The computer you are referring to is called an AVM. Automated Valuation Model. Computer generated evaluation databases will most likely not include 'fresh sales' in your neighborhood, or even across the street from you.

They do not take into account which are comparable, that means style, age, square footage, bedroom and bath count etc.. and location and what can be ruled out and labeled only a sale. Federal law says an appraisal is good for only six months and comps should be the same. You can have many sales in your neighborhood, but only a few good comparables/ alternatives to your property.

If AVM'S worked so good, then the banks would not hire appraisers. You might as well go to and print the report and submit that to the bank as an appraisal. You also go on about not being able to choose your appraiser. Do you believe that an appraiser is measured by how good they are if they can hit the so called 'number'. That is illegal and unethical. Your realtor sounds inexperienced and should apologize to you for giving you bad information.

Secondly your appraiser should know there is a differance in location and should have adjusted for such, you say your home is on the water and no comps were then there most likly should have been an adjustment in your favor for lot value.
You said your appraiser just moved there so they probaly didnt know the market as well but any good appriser knows about location and adjusting.

Landsafe is a very respectable and reputable company that only seeks the truth. Your file was most likely reviewed by their review department which consists of highly trained appraisers and regional chief appraisers who have many years of experience on the national level.

The truth is, your home is most likely not worth as much as you would like it to be, but its not Landsafe sounds more likely the realtor who gains from giving a higher value and appriser who should of found better comps.

By blaming others. An appraiser who works for Landsafe has no other interest in your home, you did have the right to dispute comps and offer others if they were comparable "that means style, age, square footage, bedroom and bath count etc.. and location" and need to have sold within the last six months of the date of the appraisal. There is a lot that goes into computing a value the computers dont see such as upkeep, housekeeping if it damages the property, neighborhood, if it was so easy why Do we have to have so much education yearly?

If you had a valid agruement on which comparables were better suited, then i'm sure that they would have reconsidered and changed the appraisal. A good appraiser is not insulted if there is a better comps that could have been missed esp. in large market areas.

Trust me most appraiser look at a property with no finacial intrest and are not told what you are tring to get from the lender, it keeps us unbiased.

Landsafe is not in the business to steal and cheat consumers.

I am an appraiser with over 20 yrs. for Banks, VA, and FHA the last two require even more education.



Bad appraiser not a bad company

#12Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 11, 2008

Landsafe Appraisals

I am an appraiser that has worked with many companies including Landsafe in the past. There aretwo problems I see is your realtor giving you false information. The computer you are referring to is called an AVM. Automated Valuation Model. Computer generated evaluation databases will most likely not include 'fresh sales' in your neighborhood, or even across the street from you.

They do not take into account which are comparable, that means style, age, square footage, bedroom and bath count etc.. and location and what can be ruled out and labeled only a sale. Federal law says an appraisal is good for only six months and comps should be the same. You can have many sales in your neighborhood, but only a few good comparables/ alternatives to your property.

If AVM'S worked so good, then the banks would not hire appraisers. You might as well go to and print the report and submit that to the bank as an appraisal. You also go on about not being able to choose your appraiser. Do you believe that an appraiser is measured by how good they are if they can hit the so called 'number'. That is illegal and unethical. Your realtor sounds inexperienced and should apologize to you for giving you bad information.

Secondly your appraiser should know there is a differance in location and should have adjusted for such, you say your home is on the water and no comps were then there most likly should have been an adjustment in your favor for lot value.
You said your appraiser just moved there so they probaly didnt know the market as well but any good appriser knows about location and adjusting.

Landsafe is a very respectable and reputable company that only seeks the truth. Your file was most likely reviewed by their review department which consists of highly trained appraisers and regional chief appraisers who have many years of experience on the national level.

The truth is, your home is most likely not worth as much as you would like it to be, but its not Landsafe sounds more likely the realtor who gains from giving a higher value and appriser who should of found better comps.

By blaming others. An appraiser who works for Landsafe has no other interest in your home, you did have the right to dispute comps and offer others if they were comparable "that means style, age, square footage, bedroom and bath count etc.. and location" and need to have sold within the last six months of the date of the appraisal. There is a lot that goes into computing a value the computers dont see such as upkeep, housekeeping if it damages the property, neighborhood, if it was so easy why Do we have to have so much education yearly?

If you had a valid agruement on which comparables were better suited, then i'm sure that they would have reconsidered and changed the appraisal. A good appraiser is not insulted if there is a better comps that could have been missed esp. in large market areas.

Trust me most appraiser look at a property with no finacial intrest and are not told what you are tring to get from the lender, it keeps us unbiased.

Landsafe is not in the business to steal and cheat consumers.

I am an appraiser with over 20 yrs. for Banks, VA, and FHA the last two require even more education.



Landsafe Appraisals

#12Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 06, 2007

I am an appraiser that has worked with Landsafe in the past. The only problem I see is your realtor giving you false information. The computer you are referring to is called an AVM. Automated Valuation Model. Computer generated evaluation databases will most likely not include "fresh sales" in your neighborhood, or even across the street from you. They do not take into account which are comparable and what can be ruled out and labeled only a sale. You can have many sales in your neighborhood, but only a few good comparables/ alternatives to your property.

If AVM'S worked so good, then the banks would not hire appraisers. You might as well go to and print the report and submit that to the bank as an appraisal. You also go on about not being able to choose your appraiser. Do you believe that an appraiser is measured by how good they are if they can hit the so called "number". That is illegal and unethical. Your realtor sounds inexperienced and should apologize to you for giving you bad information.

Landsafe is a very respectable and reputable company that only seeks the truth. Your file was most likely reviewed by their review department which consists of highly trained appraisers and regional chief appraisers who have many years of experience on the national level. The truth is, your home is most likely not worth as much as you would like it to be, so you go blaming others. An appraiser who works for Landsafe has no other interest in your home, then appraise and move on to the next. If you had a valid agruement on which comparables were better suited, then i'm sure that they would have reconsidered and changed appraisal. Landsafe is not in the business to steal and cheat consumers. The truth sometimes hurts.

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