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  • Report:  #65783

Complaint Review: Countrywide Mortgage

Countrywide Mortgage I got a new fulltime job doing your bookkeeping Simi Valley California

  • Reported By:
    Carrollton Texas
  • Submitted:
    Fri, August 15, 2003
  • Updated:
    Tue, December 16, 2003
  • Countrywide Mortgage
    400 Countrywide Way
    Simi Valley, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I am a new homeowner. Less than a year! I also do not have my mortgage escrowed because I dont trust them. This is relevant to fully appreciate my complaint.

Early this year, around Feb/March, I got a notice from Countrywide in the mail.
They said that they have no record of my Homeowners Insurance. They said that they have the option to Force-Place Insurance but would not do so. They want me to send Proof of Insurance.
Keep in mind, that I live a mere 4 months in my home at this point and bought Insurance for an entire year.

I am a firm believer of a papertrail when you are dealing with anything business related. So, I thought I have a Real Estate Lawyer send a copy of my Insurance to Countrywide, so I have a Lawfirm as my witness. I thought that would be the end of that.
I also realized that I was heading for trouble with Countrywide and needed to get away from them. I tried to refinance. I did that around April. Since I have no equity, that didnt work.

Countrywide responded by not sending me my monthly statements!
I received my last monthly statement from Countrywide in May. I believe they are deliberately withholding my statements so I have no idea what is going on with my account. Are they posting payments? I dont know. Are they holding payments? I dont know. Have they sold me to another Servicer, I dont know! Because I dont get my statements!!

I send a Qualified Written Request to Countrywide in July, to ask them why they stopped, and to ask that they resume sending me my statements.
This letter also went to HUD, FTC, the States AG, the Secretary of State and The Consumer Credit Commisioner.

What they want to do in secret I want the whole world to know! I love my paperptrail!

Well, wouldnt you know it, Countrywide responded to that by sending me a notice in July, apparently the same day they got my Qualified Written Request, that they have no record of my Homeowners Policy and they will Force-Place Insurance retroactive to Feb 2003 IF I dont prove to them I have such by September 2003.
In July I celebrated my 9th month of Homeownership! Isnt it great?

I spend an entire evening upset. An entire day looking up on the web which government agencies I might cc a copy of my letter and then composing it.

So, I send a copy of my Insurance Policy together with a copy of their letter and a copy of my reply to HUD, FTC, Texas Department of Insurance, The State AG, Secretary of State, Consumer Credit Commisioner, Texas Mortgage Bankers Association, and FBI Dallas Region. Spend nearly 30 bucks mailing them certified.
I want my papertrail!

I have a cetified/return receipt for every payment I have made. I have a certified/return receipt for every letter written to Countrywide and now all the others too!
I refuse to let Countrywide suck me into their *Customer Service* Telephone Machine.

I have never called their Customer Service and I never will. I have no reason to!
I want my papertrail!

Nothing can be proved from a telephone conversation with a Rep who has no authority in the first place. Anything that you agree on with a Rep can be and might be vetoed later by a Manager without you knowing. Dealing with AT&T taught me that years ago!

I say it again, what Countrywide is doing in secret, I want the whole world to know!

It has come to this, that we the borrowers, have a fulltime job now (unpaid) to do the bookkeeping for them! Complete with payments send certified/return receipt and copies of letters send certified to all these agencies and THEM.
It is absolutely mindboggling!

Is there ANYONE out there who can tell us what we can do to get the Mortgage Servicing Industry to act, not like terrorists, but as honorable companies servicing loans?
And to do an honest keeping of records?
Is THAT TOO MUCH to ask?

I should be worrying about what colors to paint my bedrooms and not worry about Countrywides nightmarish record keeping!

Carrollton, Texas

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Countrywide Mortgage

9 Updates & Rebuttals



Finally getting the monthly statements, Thank you, Rip-off Report!

#10Author of original report

Tue, December 16, 2003

Because of you and the many posters, with their incredible support and advice, I was able to finally get this worked out.

Countrywide has sent me, for the firstime since May 2003, the billing statements for both my accounts.

What dod I do?

In the first week of December I sent another RESPA Letter to Countrywide Home Loans, and cc'd HUD, FTC, Texas AG, Texas Secr of State, Texas Consumer Credit Commisioner and others via registered/certified mail (some with return receipt)

What did I do different?

I learned from a friend, that when you are pointing out any legal violations that may be involved, you have to say it in the third person, so they become legal issues that they HAVE to investigate, otherwise (legally) these are only your opinion and wind in the air.
So I pointed out RESPA and FCBA violations in the third person.
I also included copies of the Consumer Acts that state these violations. For the firstime, the Texas AG has ackowledged my complaint, and is contacting Countrywide about this.

And now, thanks to Robin from Arkansas, I have a way to ensure peace of mind on an ongoing basis. The Rip-off Report is best way to educate yourself and take control of what is happening to you! Thank you!

Elvera (breathing a sigh of relief)



Finally getting the monthly statements, Thank you, Rip-off Report!

#10Author of original report

Tue, December 16, 2003

Because of you and the many posters, with their incredible support and advice, I was able to finally get this worked out.

Countrywide has sent me, for the firstime since May 2003, the billing statements for both my accounts.

What dod I do?

In the first week of December I sent another RESPA Letter to Countrywide Home Loans, and cc'd HUD, FTC, Texas AG, Texas Secr of State, Texas Consumer Credit Commisioner and others via registered/certified mail (some with return receipt)

What did I do different?

I learned from a friend, that when you are pointing out any legal violations that may be involved, you have to say it in the third person, so they become legal issues that they HAVE to investigate, otherwise (legally) these are only your opinion and wind in the air.
So I pointed out RESPA and FCBA violations in the third person.
I also included copies of the Consumer Acts that state these violations. For the firstime, the Texas AG has ackowledged my complaint, and is contacting Countrywide about this.

And now, thanks to Robin from Arkansas, I have a way to ensure peace of mind on an ongoing basis. The Rip-off Report is best way to educate yourself and take control of what is happening to you! Thank you!

Elvera (breathing a sigh of relief)



Finally getting the monthly statements, Thank you, Rip-off Report!

#10Author of original report

Tue, December 16, 2003

Because of you and the many posters, with their incredible support and advice, I was able to finally get this worked out.

Countrywide has sent me, for the firstime since May 2003, the billing statements for both my accounts.

What dod I do?

In the first week of December I sent another RESPA Letter to Countrywide Home Loans, and cc'd HUD, FTC, Texas AG, Texas Secr of State, Texas Consumer Credit Commisioner and others via registered/certified mail (some with return receipt)

What did I do different?

I learned from a friend, that when you are pointing out any legal violations that may be involved, you have to say it in the third person, so they become legal issues that they HAVE to investigate, otherwise (legally) these are only your opinion and wind in the air.
So I pointed out RESPA and FCBA violations in the third person.
I also included copies of the Consumer Acts that state these violations. For the firstime, the Texas AG has ackowledged my complaint, and is contacting Countrywide about this.

And now, thanks to Robin from Arkansas, I have a way to ensure peace of mind on an ongoing basis. The Rip-off Report is best way to educate yourself and take control of what is happening to you! Thank you!

Elvera (breathing a sigh of relief)



Still waiting for monthly statements

#10Author of original report

Wed, October 22, 2003

The original problem is still not resolved.
I sent my first RESPA letters in July 2003.
One each for my first and second mortgages with Countrywide. I only got a response to the letter for my second mortgage. Isn't that already a violation of Law?

I know they hsve 60 business days to resolve this from the day they received those letters. I have to check and see when they signed the return receipt for it.
I guess they need to have the full 3 months to get their computer to spit out a monthly statement.

I have now send out 4 RESPA letters each one included a complaint about not getting the monthly statements. We are now at June, July, August, September and October statements missing.
It doesn't look good for November either!

I signed papers 2 inches thick that protect Countrywide from any and all possible things that could happen, where are my protections?

How many more times do I have to endure such incompetent, sloppy and couldn't-care-less record keeping?
Remember, this is a 30 year loan!

Why do I have to spend all this extra money every month just to get some resolution to this simple problem?

Is there anyone with an answer?



Thanks to Texas OCCC Leslie L. Pettijohn

#10Author of original report

Fri, October 03, 2003

I got a letter from the Texas Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner Leslie L. Pettijohn. They have been in correspondence with Countrywide since my July written complaint.

Countrywide provided an explanation as to why they proceeded as they did (First letter saying my Insurance was cancelled or expired, second letter saying they have no record of my Insurance etc) Countrywide also said that they canceled the initiative to Force-Place Insurance in that letter to the OCCC.

Hurray for the Texas OCCC, because they wouldn't take Countrywide's word for it, but requested a payment history including escrow accounts. The Texas OCCC wanted to make sure that I was not somehow charged for it anyhow!

I thank you Texas OCCC, Leslie L. Pettijohn and Staff for your diligence.



well spoken, Rick much corruption going on

#10Author of original report

Tue, September 30, 2003

Hi Rick,

Thanks for your encouragement to watch my back.
Believe me I am. From day one, when everyone told me that, surely Countrywide was just making honest mistakes, I knew what was going on.
Countrywide started to put the noose around my neck the day I started to look into refinance.
They know you are trying to refinace, because the credit bureaus offer a service to which they all subscribe that notifies them of any one checking your credit report. They know this nearly instantly.

There is so much corruption going on, that it is completely insane.

The same people that should be protecting us, yeah same politicians you mention, they are the ones that have sold us down the river. Those people have taken the money from these companies or their PACs and are protecting not our interests but Big Business Greed interests.
Whichever way the big money blows that is the way their noses are turned.

So far, Rick, what I'm doing is working. I have no false illusions. I have a long way to go yet with them. AND it may all start over again with them or some other servicer. You do know Rick, that you don't have control over who services your loan, right? That is why I call it a scam!

Thanks again


Cedar Creek,

Don't let them lull into a sense of security

#10Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 30, 2003

I'm glad for you that everything has been straightened out for you. But as you already know we have rattlesnakes here in Texas and you NEVER turn your back on a rattlesnake.

Keep your guard up and watch your back. I had a similar problem with The Associates and used the same tactics you used.

We, the consumers, need to start writing our congressmen/women about these mortgage companies. Out of the six mortgage companies I've had I've only found one honest one, New South Federal Savings Bank in Birmingham, Alabama.



seeing results - Thank you Ripoff Report.

#10Author of original report

Tue, September 30, 2003

By being able to let the world know what is going on, we the consumers, we can have a voice that is being heard.

We do have to do our part, of course. In my case this meant spending money on RESPA letters via registered mail (not certified) and being relentless in my protest of the practices this company engages in. Copying anyone I could think of, leaving a registered papertrail. Well, it is beginning to pay off. Countrywide has canceled its initiative to Force-Place Insurance on my non-escrowed accounts. Thank you, Countrywide. Thank you Ripoff Report, and thank you, all you Posters because what I know I learned from you.

Not that everything is rosy now. There are still some problems with them, but I am seeing some results and this is encouraging.
I will continue to post as things happen.

BTW, HUD just added more to their staff to process RESPA Letters because of the sheer increase of them.

I'm grateful,



Countrywide, I know what you are doing !!!!

#10Author of original report

Fri, August 22, 2003

I have send Countrywide 2 separate Qualified Written Requests in July, because they have stopped sending my monthly statements. One was for my first mortgage and the other for the second mortgage. They have responded within the legal time, only to the letter for the second mortgage, not the first one.

They also sent their reply to my PO Box which I have never given them as a mailing address.
As of today, I still have no statements of my 2 account's activities.

In case they apply their illegal Insurance to my loan, how would I know?
I wouldn't!!!

The next step for them would be to put my payments in suspense because, according to them, I have not made the full amount.

Next step, after 2 months of this they will put my loans in default and start their other illegal tactics.

Countrywide, I know what you are doing!
I have talked to a lot of people and gotten some info how to protect myself from your illegal practices.

I don't care if you know who I am. By now you know that I am VERY VOCAL!!!!

Maybe the Ripoff Report can show me how to picket you right there in Plano!!!!

I cannot believe that you have no shame, but must terrorize someone who has never owned a home before, and now lives in one for 10 measly months!

I will continue posting what you do to me right here. I want the whole world to see how you treat honest, hardworking, taxpaying citizens.
Yeah, don't even title me consumer, borrower, etc
No, I am a taxpaying citizen of the USA.

Who or what are you?

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