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  • Report:  #348171

Complaint Review: CPS

CPS They Took my 1 month old son! With No Proof of anything wrong! The detective Wont Investigate! Hazleton Pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    Hazleton Pennsylvania
  • Submitted:
    Mon, July 07, 2008
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 27, 2012
  • CPS
    Broad Street
    Hazleton, Pennsylvania
  • Phone:
  • Category:

June 21, 2008. The day began with Jeff (my infants father) tickling my 7 year old daughter Aurora. I was breast feeding my infant son Legolas. I remember Aurora told him to "stop" and he with drew his hands and went to the couch to play his PSP. My daughter went on to watch her cartoons. My daughter was making a mess with the cards and my son was making a mess with his crayons.

I got flusterd because I was stuck breast feeding and I couldnt keep up with the mess's they were creating. So I told my daughter and my 5 year old son. "as soon as you eat breakfast I am taking you to your fathers house" My daughter began to cry saying " I want to stay at mommy's house" I fed them breakfast and took them straight to their dad's house.

Around 11pm that night CPS shows up. They arrested Jeff saying he had a bench warrent out for his arresst for a traffic ticket he didnt pay that was over a year old.

Then after there were about six cops in my house the CPS worker shows up! She said " I want to talk to you about your daughter Aurora" She begans by saying "Aurora was molested but Jeff and YOU knew about it. I am taking your infant son"

I argued and argued.. My son at that time had only been breast fed never bottle fed we had tried and he wouldnt take it. I told her "you took Jeff if he is the threat leave my son" She had told me that she wasnt arguing and she was going to take him.. This social worker told me that Jeff had touched Aurora in her vaginal area on this day! and she told me he gave her a hickey! I knew non of this. She also said that Aurora had TOLD ME about the whole situation when she had told me nothing that morning!

I told the cop he was going to have to arrest me. I had blurted out that I spent over a year in Iraq and spent almost five years in the Army and I was nominated for person of the YEAR in Hazleton PA in 2007 and I stopped a Robber at the Uni-Mart! The cop looked into my tearful eyes and said "our country owes you a dept" Then another police officer went to my son's cradle and grabbed him and his blankit and took off at a high rate of speed out side of my house!

The cops questioned Jeff all night that night and released him around 6am. They said they didnt have enough proof.

The detective did a lie detector test and asked Jeff "did you touch Aurora in a sexual manner" Jeff answerd "NO" The lie detector test proved he was telling the truth!

Here I am On July 7th my next court hearing is in Wilks Barre on July 30th. I still have no children I am not allowed ( so the CPS worker said) to see my 5 year old son my seven year old daughter and def not my now 2 and a half month old son Legolas.

I went to the Public Defenders office and asked for help!!! They told me that they dont help people with CPS!

I need help and I need it now!

Please anybody out there please help!!!

The detective Dixon of the Hazleton Police Dept isnt giving us the help we need. He hasnt asked us any questions reciently and any time we go in there he turns us around and says he contact us when he needs us.

He was suppose to give me a lie detector test So I could prove I didnt know anything at all! But he says he doesnt have time to do it. He was suppose to question Jeff again and come up with different questions. He hasnt done that either. He said he was going to question Shawn my daughter and 5 year old sons father. Not only has he not done that. BUT Shawn told me on the fourth of July that he didnt even know that det dixon wanted to talk to him.

The CPS worker has already done a drug screening on us. We have Proved we dont do Drugs.

Hazleton, Pennsylvania

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

i can help its not to late

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, January 27, 2012

contact me at i can help you win damages even if yu got your kids back.please contact soon

Dig This


I think you need to re-check your story

#7UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 26, 2009

First and one main point I would like to comment on is this persons untrue statments. She says she was a specialist in the Army. She was discharged from the military and has told people in town she was "Raped" by Iraq citizens. None of her stories match up. She came back to the area and no one knows the real truth of her accusations. If her child was taken away there was good reasoning. I know first hand that if a child is taken away there is an immediate hearing where both parties tell their sides and the CPS worker will outline to a judge their findings. The judge makes the ultimate ruling as to what will happen with the child. They do not abduct your child to adopt them out. Their whole basis in life is to normalize a family. They do not automatically say ADOPTION. That is the last resort and only after the parents approval.

Secondly, I think the author needs to maybe seek specialized care. If she was in the military as she states she needs to seek care for herself and her children. I have seen first had her father being removed from the home by ambulance because he is narcotic dependant and has taken too too many pills. Do you think that might have something to do with CPS stepping in. The last home they lived in on tamarack street was an utter disgrace. It was littered with half eaten food and dirty clothes. She gets no pitty from me for having her one child taken away and it is amazing the rest were not removed.

Third, You chased a guy out of the Uni-mart after he showed a knife and attempted to rob the store. Yes you faught back but NO you were not the person of the year in 2007. Lets go back to the standardspeaker and really check the stories. You can find them all on their website.

Don't automatically take what she writes on here as being truth. She should start a BLOG if she wants to vent. Not lie about a county run program that protects children from a child molesting boyfriend.



Is the person your daughter accused of molesting her still living with you?

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 05, 2009

Are you going to believe him over your own child? Leave him! Even if their is just a small chance he abused her, kick him out. Perhaps he was abusive when you weren't around and that's why she didn't appreciate being touched or "tickled" by him.



you might be lying

#7Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 07, 2009

you are a specialist after 6 years in the military? I dont think you were ever in Iraq, and you werent the 2007 person of the year in Hazleton PA,,,, Nate Eachus was.....

Tell the truth.



CPS Took Kidnapped my son!!

#7Author of original report

Tue, July 15, 2008

So I went to my new apt and wanted to move everything in the front room... So Mostly J.J. and Jeff did so... My dad helped best he could and I did some organizing and some packing and unpacking... Then Dad wanted to watch Pvt Ryan while others of us were working I didnt mind really.. That is until I decided to sit down and watch most of it... Then I sat there and starting saying.. "they are walking to close together.. They wouldnt have said that they would have used hand signals"

Then I started to look at the patch's and the helmats and the first add kids and I started to look for the radio men.. LOL I started to pay attention to all those small details that those of us who have been to war are traied to do and say... LOL Today Jeff and I were using Army hand signals to try and get my brother to park corectly.. In fact Jeff and I did a tag team thing to do the hand signals SOMETHING that only the military teach's us....

When I was watching PVT Ryan.. I started to remember the Morter round that hit right accross the street from where I was.. I started to remember when My hands shook when I was putting on my Battle Rattle... I rememberd ducking down for cover and waiting to see if anybody was hit.. I still remember Slamming my weapon together in fear of how close we were being shot at...

It was one of the few times I ran!!! LOL after being hit at... Usually I would look up into the air see if the rounds where comming any where near me and if they werent.. then I'd keep on walking... LOL as those other people would be running and sirans would be going off.. I would pay no notice as long as it wasnt close to me..

I know people in baghdad where doing the same thing!!!! Just as long as that round wasnt impacting the ground near them then they would go back to sleep...

crap at Echo and Scania I would sleep to Machine Gun Fire!!! And it didnt fase me in the least...

So now when I hear sirens I have to sit there and think about where they are from and what they mean... It's killing me... Why do I still worry??? Why do I still dream of the war..

I think I am a p***y!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anybody who can go through worse then me and not have PTSD is GREAT and I want to be like them!!!!!!!!!

I keep thinking about those people out there that their lives where torn apart their children are dead.. Some all they know is gone!!! their livly hoods.. Their jobs etc.. But me???? LOL????

My family is not dead!!! They are alive and well and going on with life with out me...

So why am I here??? Somebody do tell!!!!! I live for my children not through my children.. I love them more then life itself!!!! and yet I am being treated like a crimminal right now???? What did I do??? According to CPS its what I didnt do!!! But to a crime that I knew nothing about.. Or even if it had happend!!!! But still I am treated with such disrespect and Horrer.....

I feel worse then those drug dealers and those other people who abandon everything to go on with their addictions or what ever is their self worth... but for me.. I fought for this country I fought for these people to treat me like s**t.. I fought for these people in the market that roll their eyes at the way I am dressed or how my hair happens to be that day.. I fought for these drug dealers and for these gamblers.. I feel horrible for fighting for them!!!!!!!

But I have to Remember!!!!!!!!! I also fought for my family for my friends for all the children!!! For my president!!!!!!

I hate it when I hear people downing this war!!! saying they would rather fight in World War 2 or something like that saying that its better that they fought for a better reason!!!!!!

I fought for the FREEDOM OF IRAQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fought for those kids out there to have Clean water!!!!!!!!!!!! I fought for those kids to have food on their tables!!!!!!!!!!! I didnt just fight for the U.S.A. I fought for Iraq!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fought against people who were hurting them... AND YES Some of us made their life worse!! and Some of us made their nightmares worse!!!

I can't do anything about that!!! But What I did Do!!!! Is I helped them with school supplies, Medicne, Water, Food, Clothes, and yes even toys!!! LOL and candy!!! I helped them the best I COULD!!!!! And I dont regret fighting for them or for my next door neighbor!!! I dont regret helping those who could not help them selves.. AND I WOULD DO IT AGAIN IF ONLY I COULD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate feeling like a weakling!!! I hate how my back hurts how my neck hurts.. I hate thinking about all that Gear I had to wear out there that END UP HURTING ME more then it helped me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!! But hey.. That is only one of the prices I had to pay for freedom RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT IS THE PRICE OF FREEDOM????????? I knew the answer to that for the longest time.. Then one day a sgt asked us that in training before we went to war... and no one answered that question... I said in a small voice "death" still everyone was quiet I repeated my self!!! Louder "Death!!!!!!!!!!" everyone remained silent.. then finally the sgt said "blood" Nooo my friend Nooo it's not just blood!!!!!!!!!!!! That is only the easy way to look at it...

People most die for freedom or there is none!!!!!!!!!! You must all know this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in order for us to fight for freedom you will gain Soldiers out there that have not just bleed.. that didnt just come home to their families leaving them because they coudnt wait that long!!! Us Soldiers are Going crazy everything in our dreams... if we can dream... and others come home and can't sleep... Others come home and have Voices telling them to do bad things..

Others become addicts.. Others MANY MANY Others Kill themselves... Some of us come home crazy!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't write down all the things that have happend to us!!!!!!!!!!!!! But there are soo many!!!! Why am I just a number a stigment!!! My heart breaks for all these other soldiers Not just because I stand behind them... But because I stood with them!!! and I lead some of them in this time of war..

I have seen with my own eyes this war up close and comfortable!!! I have seen this hell and I lived through it!!!! Maybe with my body in tact!!!! But not my soul and not my heart!!! And I can tell you this much!!!!! I will NEVER be whole again!!!!

This war has cost me more then I could ever tell you!!!! it has cost me every one of my Five children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And perhaps one day soon it will also cost me my life!!!!

Spc **** Christina

U.S. Army



Somebody SAID something...Check with your local law schools

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, July 07, 2008

Child Protective Services just doesn't magically appear out of the sky and grab your kids...


somebody made an outcry to somebody!

Maybe your daughter told someone.

MAYBE she did say something to her biological father or maybe her biological paternal grandmother heard or saw something she didn't think should be happening to a child that age.

And did you check your live-in's criminal history or run him on the internet to find out if he was a registered sex offender? You can't be too careful these days.

Sometimes the mother is the last to know.


It is like the polygamy sect in Texas. All it took was ONE outcry. ONE person who said something to them...

How does your children's father feel about your present living arrangement?
Could he or someone in his family made up something?
Did you daughter say something to someone at school?
Sometimes people lie to get out of paying child support and they think if they get custody, they won't have to pay anymore, then YOU will have to pay.

It is hard to fight CPS if you don't know what happened.

You definitely need a list of the charges they have against you. And I don't know how to get that in your state.

I wonder if they have had a doctor examine your daughter yet and if so, what did they find. That is what happens in a lot of sexual abuse cases--alleged and real ones alike.

If you don't have the money for an attorney and your version of Legal Aid won't touch the case, have you tried contacting universities with law schools in your area and asking for a Legal Clinic or a Pro Bono Family Law student project?

That would be the next thing I would do if you can't afford an attorney.

Good luck.

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