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  • Report:  #1165911

Complaint Review: Crawmer's Critterz

Crawmer's Critterz Negligence in caring for my child Bend Oregon

  • Reported By:
    anticrawmer — Bend Oregon
  • Submitted:
    Tue, July 29, 2014
  • Updated:
    Thu, July 31, 2014

Note: This entire article can also be viewed here as well: 


Crawmer's Critterz: An Exposé


DO NOT send your child to "CRAWMER'S CRITTERZ" located in Bend, Oregon!

To protect the names of those involved in this circumstance I have changed them to tell this story, because after all, they are just pawns in the scheme of things. 
My wife and I relocated to Oregon back in April of this year (2014). We have two children whose ages are 3 years old and 3 months old. Our 3 year old attended the highest rated NAEYC certified daycare in the state we formerly resided in that was ran by my former employer.  "My Child" attended this particular daycare for almost two years, until I accepted a career opportunity in Bend, OR where we now reside. There were NEVER any issues whatsoever with my "My Child"'s previous daycare. "My Child" seemed to enjoy it and I got along very well with the school and its instructors.
When we arrived in Bend, my wife and I began researching preschools for our child. We did not want to send our child to a preschool until our property management company was able to find renters for our home that we own in the former state we resided in. After they found renters, we were quite relieved and were ready to pour our attention in finding our child a preschool program to attend. We rent a house on the Northeast side of Bend and we found a school ("Crawmers' Critterz") near our residence that appeared to have many great reviews online. 
I called and scheduled a "walk thru" appointment at the school, a week or so out. Prior to the walk thru I wanted to speak to some locals regarding this particular school. I spoke with "My Child"'s Pediatrician and she did not recommend "Crawmer's Critterz". I did not pay much attention to this because the Pediatrician didn't disclose or divulge much info as to why they did not prefer this school. After the scheduled walk thru at "Crawmer's Critterz", my wife and I discussed it and we decided that due to the combined positive online reviews, the close vicinity to our residence that the school was in, and the fact that there were no existing "Valid" complaints against this school on the State of Oregon's Office of Child Care website, we decided to give it a try. Also, "Crawmer's Critterz" was about 30% less than what we were paying at "My Child"'s former daycare from the state we moved from (nearly $1,000 per month for one child). The cost of living in the area we relocated from was much higher than it is here in Bend, OR and even-though "Crawmer's Critterz" is considered to be one of the highest costing daycare\preschools in Bend, my wife and I perceived this as a great deal. 
After about a month or so had transpired, "My Child" began exhibiting a great dislike for this school. I attempted to take "My Child" out of the car seat one morning and "My Child" was literally fighting me and crying uncontrollably not to go to school and was screaming, "I don't want to play with friends!". I could not take "My Child" in after showing signs of great distress and I drove "My Child" back home. I then called the school and requested that one of the supposed Directors of the school call me so I can try and find out what is going on. I received a call from Ruth Crawmer and she attempted to explain to me that "My Child" is still trying to get acclimated to the environment and is just very shy. I explained to her that I know "My Child" and I know when "My Child" is upset, and he was obviously upset for a reason and it wasn't just due to "My Child" being new at the school. Ruth then told me that she would have "My Child"'s primary instructor, "Teacher X", call me and discuss my concerns. "Teacher X" called me and we had a discussion about "My Child" and the lack of affinity toward the school "My Child" showed. After the discussion, I told "Teacher X" that I would give "Crawmer's Critterz" a second chance. "My Child" did express a liking for this instructor, "Teacher X", so that gave my wife and I some satisfaction. However, this satisfaction would be short-lived. 
After "My Child"'s previous episode, I would ask the primary instructor, "Teacher X", as well the secondary instructor, "Teacher Y", almost on a daily basis after picking up "My Child" from school how "My Child"'s day went and if there was anything I should know about and if anyone in class may be taunting or mistreating "My Child". Their reaction was always the same and they would simply reply that there were no issues and that "My Child" had a great day. 
"My Child"'s primary instructor, "Teacher X", went on vacation to visit their family out of the country and there was a temporary instructor, "Teacher Z", that back filled during this time. "Teacher Z" seemed very kind and showed great affection towards "My Child", which gave me some relief during "Teacher X"'s absence. The instructor that filled the primary slot during "Teacher X"'s hiatus was the full time secondary instructor, "Teacher Y". One particular morning I dropped "My Child" off, I saw a child crying and I asked "Teacher Z" what had occurred and she explained to me that he was hit by another little boy. Then "Teacher Z" proceeded to expound a bit more about the "Other Child" and told me almost verbatim that "My Child" was a "magnet" for this "Other Child". This gave me great concern obviously and then I asked "Teacher Z" if  the "Other Child" is hitting "My Child" and "Teacher Z" basically stated that this "Other Child" does have moments of agitation. That was when I put it altogether and realized why "My Child" did not want to attend this school. "Teacher Z" then assured me that she was always watching and closely supervising "My Child" and the "Other Child" when together and that she does not allow the "Other Child" to harm "My Child". After I left the daycare, I explained all this to my wife and she was very upset ("upset" being a euphemism for really pissed off). 
Two weeks or so later, I went to pick up "My Child" at "Crawmer's Critterz" and as I walked into the classroom, I saw "My Child" rubbing their head with a look of great consternation on their face, almost if "My Child" was going to cry. I then saw the "Other Child" standing a few feet behind "My Child" holding a hard plastic triangular toy in their hand swinging it back and forth above their own head. I then picked up "My Child" and asked what was the matter and he pointed to the "Other Child" and stated that the "My Child" was hit on their head. I then asked the "Other Child" if they hit "My Child" and the "Other Child" stated that they did in fact hit "My Child". An instructor (this was not "Teacher Y", or "Teacher Z", but another instructor from another class) was in the room and they also confirmed that the "Other Child" hit "My Child", but that they disciplined the "Other Child". Though it did not appear that the "Other Child" was being disciplined at all, since the incident seemed to have occurred right before I had just walked in the classroom. This particular instructor also explained to me that the "Other Child" who has been hitting "My Child" has "developmental issues". 
This upset me a great deal and I went to speak with Russ Crawmer about it and I was visibly angry. I explained to Russ what had happened and that I felt that his school and his instructors have been lying to me the entire time about the well being of my child while under their care and supervision. I also explained to Russ Crawmer that if he and his staff will not do their job to ensure "My Child"'s physical well being then I will pull "My Child" out of this school and I will go and have a talk with the father of the "Other Child" who keeps hitting "My Child" at his house, in his yard if I have to. Russ Crawmer then nodded his head and replied, "I understand". I told Russ Crawmer that I will not keep paying over $700 per month to have "My Child" taunted, bullied, or physically assaulted by another child and again Russ Crawmer stated, "I understand". I left the facility obviously upset and my wife was in our vehicle waiting for us. After I fastened "My Child" into the carseat, my wife asked me what was wrong. I then explained to her what had occurred and she was incredibly upset and angry as well. 
After we arrived home and my temper had calmed down, I decided to call the school and discuss the circumstance in more detail. Russ Crawmer told me that "My Child" was no longer allowed back at "Crawmer's Critterz" and that I came off very threatening and that he notified the Bend Police Department. I was in shock and then I explained to him that "My Child" is not allowed back at his school, because I will not allow my child to be taunted, hit, and bullied. I anxiously awaited the arrival of the Bend Police at my door and when they arrived I explained to them what ensued at "Crawmer's Critterz". After I explained my side of the story, they seemed overwhelmingly on my side and even stated that they would have reacted in the same manner. The Bend Police Officers began offering hints about Crawmer's Critterz and stated, "this was the best thing that could have happened" and were implying that this school does not have a very good reputation in town, despite the seemingly positive reviews online. My wife and I were quite baffled at the entire circumstance. 
I was worried about how the neighbors would perceive the arrival of the Bend Police at our house. So I went to explain what had occurred and one of my neighbors who has a young child told me that "Crawmer's Critterz" is known in town to be involved in questionable, and possibly even unethical business practices. My neighbor also stated that his wife works at a Pediatrician's office and "Crawmer's Critterz" has a very negative perception and reputation there. He also explained to me that he was turned off by their very pretentious behavior and that they came off incredibly pompous and smug towards himself and his wife when they visited on one occasion. 
The very next day, I called DHS and they gave me the phone number to the Oregon Child Care Division and I reported "Crawmer's Critterz" to them. My wife and I also spoke with an attorney about getting all of our money back that we paid to "Crawmer's Critterz" because we feel that they have lied to us on countless occasions about the well being of our child and we feel that he was neglected while under their care. I have not heard anything back from the Child Care Division about any case pending against "Crawmer's Critterz" as of yet. Knowing "Crawmer's Critterz" has video cameras in the room, I called them and requested to view the recordings myself to see "My Child" being mistreated by the "Other Child". I was told by someone on the phone that, "I'm sure you have the right to do that. I will ask Russ and he will get back with you". I have NOT heard back from Russ Crawmer. I wonder why "Crawmer's Crittrerz" does not want me to see the recordings? 
My wife and I, again, are back at trying to find our child a good preschool here in Bend. We believe we may have found one. We attended a walk thru at this new preschool and guess what? While we were at this particular preschool we spoke with other parents who came to pick up their children at this facility and we explained our predicament. They all stated that they too, at one point in time, took their children to "Crawmer's Critterz", but that they also experienced the same treatment. One parent even explained to us that "Crawmer's Critterz" still owes them $2,000. 
Please do not fork out any money to end up in the pockets of those running "Crawmer's Critterz". These apparently are individuals who care more about the quantity of bills in their pockets than the quality of child care they falsely claim to provide at They are NOT officially named Bend Preschool, obviously, but they bought the "" domain name through Go Daddy and they do this specifically for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes so when you search for a preschool in Bend, theirs pops up first. Hey, there is nothing wrong with that, but I felt compelled to help you understand why "Crawmer's Critterz" has a website with a domain name of 
I am a parent, a father, and it is my job and my responsibility to protect my child and not put money in the pockets of those who will not protect my child from harm. Russ Crawmer called the Bend Police on me, because I mentioned that I personally will speak to the parent of the child who was consistently assaulting mine at his house if I have to, since "Crawmer's Critterz" was so reluctant at addressing the problem. 
Crawmer's Critterz has a contract and a waiver of liability. They actually have a waiver of liability for "DEATH" people, yes, death. By the way, I spoke with an attorney here in Bend regarding this contract and this attorney stated that you CANNOT legally waive liability when it comes to negligence, especially "DEATH". 
I know what you are all going to say, you are going to say, "Well you are an idiot for not fulling reading the contract". You know what, you're absolutely correct, I am. I never ever in a million years would ever imagine any Childcare Provider would enact some ridiculous waiver like that. I read this particular paragraph only after all of this transpired. I am quite busy with work and other matters, such as being a landlord and I never thought I would have to deal with all of this unnecessary drama that "Crawmer's Critterz" has created. I signed the d**n contract after I read a few pages, but I never finished it in its entirety. I was more concerned in getting my child immersed in the socialization aspects of the preschool environment and I thought since "Crawmer's Critterz" (according to the locals here in Bend) is quite expensive, then you get what you pay for and I thought we were paying for a Mercedes Benz, but in reality for my family, it turned out to be just a Pinto.
By the way, the "Other Child" that was hitting and taunting "My Child" is the child of a "Doctor" according to "Teacher Z". Perhaps this is why "Crawmer's Critterz" is keeping this child there even-though according to their own contract, a child will not be allowed to attend the school anymore after repeated offenses, UNLESS a "behavioral plan" has been created. Do you see all these little caveats and discrete conditions "Crawmer's Critterz" uses to weave in and out of? I guarantee you that the "Other Child" is not and never has been put on any supposed "Behavioral Plan" at this school. 
Simply put, save your money and send your child to another school and look for the QRIS rating that has been developed. "Crawmer's Critterz" is only a C2Q QRIS system, not even star rated. The Growing Tree is a 3 star QRIS rated system in Bend. Also, the "Cottage Daycare" won Best Daycare according to the Bend Source Weekly in 2013, "Crawmer's Critterz" was NOWHERE to be found on that list. 

Crawmer's Critterz Childcare Agreement (aka Contract)

As of of this writing (Monday, July 28th, 2014) on page 4 of the "Crawmer's Critterz" Childcare Agreement, paragraph 8 (Dangerous Behavior) states the following:

If a child demonstrates behavior that is dangerous to others (e.g. biting or other violent behavior). Client agrees to pick-up their child within 30 minutes of the call by Provider. Provider agrees to fully discuss the nature of the incidents to Client and will maintain written document in Client file. Students who are 6 weeks to 2 years will place other students in their mouth as if they were a toy. This behavior is expected in their growth and development and is not part of this policy. Students between 24 months plus will abide by the following policy. If there are more than two incidents that require a written document, childcare will be terminated unless a behavior plan has been developed between Provider and Client. Care will be suspended until a behavioral plan meeting has been held and the behavioral plan signed. Client will not receive a reimbursement for unused childcare if care is terminated due to dangerous behavior. Client agrees that Provider may discuss incidents involving their child with others for the sole purpose of ensuring safety with the childcare environment. 

If Client displays violence, disrespect, bullying of Provider or other students/families in care, unwilling to honor contractual agreement or is simply not a good fit, Provider reserves the right to terminate care immediately without refund without notice. Client agrees to pay all legal and costs fees associated with libel, slander, misrepresentation, abuse (verbal or physical) or threats to Provider arising out of care for Client form past, present or future, even when Client is no longer in care. Dangerous behavior is at the sole discretion of Provider. 

As of of this writing (Monday, July 28th, 2014) on page 5 of the "Crawmer's Critterz" Childcare Agreement, paragraph 10 (Waiver of Liability) states the following:

Client agrees to hold Provider harmless for any injuries or death to Client or child that may occur during the hours of childcare, whether by the actions of other children, other parents, or through the actions of Provider even if those injuries occur as the result of the negligence of the Provider

Author's Statements

"Crawmer's Critterz" never, not once, contacted me about "My Child" being hit, taunted, bullied, etc. I can only deduce that the "Other Child" was never disciplined then, according to what their own contract states above. I asked several times on several occasions directly to the instructors themselves if "My Child" was being mistreated and they lied to me, to my face. To all parents out there, listen to your child. If your child begins to exhibit signs of great aversion toward a childcare provider then there just may be a reason why. Keep them out and find another. These are our babies, not a pair of shoes. 

Here's a news flash for you "Crawmer's Critterz", you cannot sue for defamation if the supposed defamatory statements made are true. Everything that has been stated in this article are 100% factual. 

This contract that "Crawmer's Critterz" has is used as a scare tactic to parents. Can you believe this? Parents are being threatened in a contract before they even drop their children off for care at this place, it's UNBELIEVABLE. 

Parents, look at the Doing Business As (DBA) name of this place, "Crawmer's Critterz". Now what exactly is the "Critter" in "Critterz"? It's your child. Do you want your child receiving care from a Provider that sees your child as, well, a "Critter"?

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#2Author of original report

Thu, July 31, 2014

I just want to ensure that the logo I attached in my initial report does not fall under copyright infringment and can be considered as a "derivative work". If I can have that removed, that would be great. 

Thank you Ripoff Report

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