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  • Report:  #540329


CREDIT ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION harrassing phone calls southfield, Michigan

  • Reported By:
    hopeless — milledgeville Georgia United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 16, 2009
  • Updated:
    Mon, December 21, 2009
    25505 w. twelve mile road suite 3000
    southfield, Michigan
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

i  purchased a car thru cac on july 2008.i put 2800 dollars down and all my payments were taken on time thru auto draft on the 7th of each month. my insurance has never lapsed and my tags and taxes on the car are current. .i was going to be late on my payment in oct 2009 and i called customer service to ask if my draft could be stopped and i could send them the payment in the mail. i mailed my payment on october 23 with the late fees. nov 7 payment was withdrawn from my account on time. on dec 1 2009 i knew that i would be late again so i called cust service and asked for that payment to not be wuthdrawn. checked online banking and cac ran the draft anyway.i immediately called my bank and luckily stopped the draft in time. i called cac and asked why or howthis could of happened and i told them that i put a stop payment on the draft. they immediately turned me iver to the collections department and wanted to know when i was going to pay.since then it has been a phone nightmare. the reps call 6,7,8,,9,10 times a day. my grace period of ten days accrued with the late fees has not even passed yet. they want to know why i can not pay,they ask me if i can borrow the money,they refuse to let me speak to a supervisor,they tell me if i give them a date that i can pay that no more phone calls will be placed from them to me,they lie,they pass wrong phone numbers if you ask them for corporates number. then i told them that i would pay them before dec31 and they tell me that thats unacceptable.i have reported them to the ftc and also the bbb of michigan-don't know if that will help though.i also wrote a ceas and desist letter via certified mail to see if that will stop them from calling.after reading some of the horror stories about them and their actions i believe it because of how they are talking to me.fornuately i have an enclosed two car garage that my car is sitting in not beening driven because i do not trust them and i have been driving my husbands vehicle. the car is not worth anything i owe 11,200 and some on it and it is probaly worth 5,000 to 5'500. its not the car i care about i know i am way upside down it is worrying about what they will try to do to my credit. i would have never financed anything thru them if i had known how they treat people.i considered buying that car a stepping stone to building up my credit and all it has done is be a constant thorn in my side

12 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America


#13Author of original report

Mon, December 21, 2009

checked my credit report-my payments were all reported as on time but the inaccuracy falls witnin the balances-the balances if this loan were not being shown as paid down which affects your debt to income ratio which does in turn affect your credit score and possibly hinder your borrowing power.  just wanted to include this as i am being truthful. also people who buy new cars this year may qualify for an extra income tax deduction.  you can also check this info out.


United States of America

still relieved

#13Author of original report

Sat, December 19, 2009

i made octobers payment with the lste fee nov.7ths payment was on time. wachovia bank picked me up.why is that stupid ? i have a brand new car with a bumper to bumper warranty and also gap insurance included with a much lower interest rate and i do not have to deal with a company like crdit acceptance anymore. i have not lost my job or my hours cut [i am grateful for this} i want to move on in this world and it was not the issue of paying for the other car it was the issue of how i was being treated and others are being treated. i refuse to let a company like credit acceptance corp have that much control my life. they had started to drive me nuts and nobody shoukld have to put up with what they get away with.  that's the whole point. you cannot trust credit acceptance corporation, they are shady and unreasonable and i refuse to let them get away with bullying me and to live in fear of one day my car be gone over some payment glich or them saynig they did not receive my payment after they had. think about it i could send a money order they could say they did not get it take my car then cash moneyorder afterward and try to make me pay a bunch of bullcrap fees to get the car back and i am still a slave to whatever their demands of the day are. have you not read any of the other complaints about them ? this is suppose to be america and we are suppose to be equal under law and are suppose to have rights and justice. although this day and age all it seems to be about is money. pretty much if you have no money ther is not much justice. that is another point, granted some subprime borrowers probaly never intend on making good on their debt, but that could be any borrower for that matter, but others really are doing what they are suppose to be as far as honoring their obligations. credit acceptance does not care and i did not trust them so i did financially what i needed to do to be rid of them and i honestly feel like i am a much better place now. also maybe credit acceptance thinks that their customers are so desperate that they will jump thru hoops for them and just accept whatever they do to them because of credit issues maybe cacc thinks that customers cannot afford to go after them. i know credit acceptance takes a risk[every lender does] but basically what they imply in their actions and words from their reps is that people like us do not deserve why give them-because they make a ton of money off of people with bad or no credit-check out the company's finacials-with that money they make they hire lawyers to think of how many other loopholes there are and other ways to take advantage of people..  i never sat here whining about my bills,i never denied that i owed them,i knew the interest rate was insane[i was at 18.9 with them   ] i just never knew how immoral they were.  also  another way people get stuck with them is the upside downess in their car,it does not matter a perfect payment history and they can refinance because if the car does not appraise 'no one will get the loan on that car .you have to come up with a bunch of money to get out of it,and most people do not have it so you hope and pray that you have a decent car that will get you to work and have to drive it and pay and pay for it till the wheels fall off . which is the less of two evils?for me it was doing what i needed to do to get away from cacc and to protect  my credit. yes my payment went up a little my ins only went up 6 dollars a month but it is way worth it to befree of credit acceptance corp.


United States of America

relief from concentration camp[ha,ha]

#13Author of original report

Sat, December 19, 2009

oh yeah, one more thing and then i will shut up for now about cacc. a winn's plus was also financed into my contract at the price of 995.00 [extended warranty]. it is by law that the unused portion of this warranty be refunded to was a 2 year or 24,000 mile warranty. the car was purchased in july of 2008 with 39,561 miles on it ,i traded it today on 12/18/2009 with 52,877 miles on it. let,s see if i get any portion of this back? do you think that i should hold my breath?i am sure that they will stall or find a way to not refund it, so as soon as i know the dealership has submitted payoff to cacc i will start calling them numerously throughtout the day and ask wher,s my money, you owe me money,i don,t care how long i should have to wait , you owe me a refund by law, where is my money. it is money i am entitled to by law so i will keep calling and calling until i receive my money. maybe the bbb is a scam, i don't know but i already have a reference # on my original complaint so i will add them not reporting to the credit bureaus as they claim that they do for their customers.i also have not reported them to the michigan st. attorney's office yet,but this is next.


This City,


#13Consumer Comment

Sat, December 19, 2009

You had to be late on your October payment,  and couldn't make your December 7th payment until the 31st.

Your solution to this is to go finance a 2010 Ford Fusion PLUS the pay off of the first car?  What "atraditional bank loan" did your salesman set you up with? 

Either way, if you don't make your car payments on time, expect the repo man to be over your shoulder.   Do you know that if a car is repoed, it is sold at auction to cover the debt and you still owe the balance?  Example: If you owe $10,000 and the car sells at auction for $1,000, you still owe $9,000.

Financially it would have been better for you to keep paying on the first car and try to keep it from repo.  At least if was repoed you would owe less.



United States of America

fornuate enough to get rid of cacc

#13Author of original report

Fri, December 18, 2009

today is friday dec.18 ,2009 and i came home in a 2010 ford fusion with atraditional bank loan. i am so lucky that as upside down as i was in my car that i got another deal done.cacc also was not reporting my payment history to the credit bureaus like they were suppose to be doing. they were not reporting every month like they are suppose to.i took the cash that i had for my cacc payment and thepayment that w ould have been due to put down on a new car.[they also had rebate incentives]my salesman said that when he had called them the day before to get a 10 day payoff, they passed him around to 4 different reps and were rude to him and asked him when was my payment going to be paid,but i guess that is to be excusable actions on their part,right?i had made it up in my mind that if i could not have trade and gotten a better interest rate that i was going to let them sue me to get the car and i was not making anothr payment on that car after the repulsive way they treated me and the lies they told.i will probaly turn in anotherv report on them not reporting to the cred bureaus like that guarantee that they am i a better human now because i am not a subprime borrower?i feel relief now that i don't have to deal with them anymore as long aS they can provide a title to the dealership i traded with. one more thing ,the salesman told me that they do not deal with cacc anymore because of all the unhappy customer complaints they received about them.i will  keep checking my credit reports and watching to see if cacc does try to put anything inappropriate on.cacc made alot of money on that car compared to what it was worth,so in a way they did win,but at least they have no reason to be in communication with me anymore and i do not have to put up with their sickening ways. but like i said i will be checking into the crdeit reporting may take a while but i will hound them like they hounded me if i find any violations. 



hey Author, your newest post tells me you dont plan on paying at all?

#13General Comment

Fri, December 18, 2009

Your newest post gives me the impression that you dont plan on paying at all any more?

Just some advice here, they wont need a court order to get the car you have hidden inside of your garage. 

The repo agents are experts at picking locks.  They will pick the lock on your garage door, they will open the door and take your car while you are at work, and you will come home to a locked garage door, with no car inside.

It will be your word, against theirs that you left the car inside your garage, game over.

Pay these people, so you can keep driving your car.  They will eventually get that car  if you don't. 

Also sub prime lenders have the dealerships install GPS systems in cars now.  When you do feel safe to bring the car out into the open, all they need to do is activate the GPS, and they can have a wrecker back up to the car, and they will be gone in 20 seconds.   (Dont believe every thing you see on Operation Repo, they dont come up to you demanding the keys.......  They can cut new ones).


United States of America

just relaying warnings

#13Author of original report

Fri, December 18, 2009

i don't need you to tell me anything.cacc advertises on their homepage on the net and if a situation arises and you need to make different arrangements, we'll be more than happy to assist you[blah'blah'blah] they are dishonest and pretty much thieves.They come up with ways to apply excessive feesetc. there is such a thing as making agreements to work things out'but they do not honor their agreements. i think that a bunch of cacc loan customers should get together and rally a protest outside of their corporate office in southfield ,michigan. maybe if a couple thousand people show up-someone will listen. i made my bed now i have to deal with it. i could send my payment out tomorrow but i am not taking that chance and have those sneaky snakes repossess. which in this economy i do not know why they would because i've been paying and someone else may not. they do what they want to do and that is the point of me going on this website. i  am sure that the people of michigan really appreciate this company. i mean what is the unemployment rate in detroit now/26% . BOTTOM LINE DO NOT TRUST ANYONE OF CACC REPS. keep documentation of every conversation tell them you are recording them get them to fax or e-mail with their ids what your arrangements are. do not trust them not to take possession of your car even if you have paid.they will come up with some kind of excuse to say we did not get it[blaH,BLAH']      ALSO FOR MR so smart and wise jim and robert,it must be nice to be so perfect and knowing. i guess that you have never in your life paid a bill one day late in your life. it is good to know that there are some people in our society that are so much better than the rest of us. also you do not know what my employment is or how many hours i have to devote to working so these suggestions are greatly appreciated[are you catching my meaning here?] cacc is affliated with hebron auto sales in florence'ky lawsuit 59 customers no proper car titles. marvin fielder v cacc circuit co of jackson co. missouri  12.5 million settlement defective repo notices,assessed excessive interest fees excessive official fees. it is illegal in conn. to repo without written warning att daniel blinn represented a firefighter in conn named shelly toliver because of illegal repossion. so tell me about cacc again. i find it hard to believe that all of these people are liars and scumbags' of course like myself right?   believe what you want, i just hope that people will see this and know that they are not alone and to speak out about this company's deceptive practices and guess what it is not slander if you are speaking truth.  one more thing, did you ever think that gmc or chrysler would file for bankruptcy? i wonder if they are now considered subprime borrowers for future reference. cacc sets you up for failure not success and yes i got myself into this mess and i have to figure a way out-everyone in this country has a right to make money but i still consider them a predatory lender.         


West Virginia,

Not sure what you want everyone to tell you

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, December 17, 2009

CAC has terms and policies just like everyone else does.  I'm not quite sure what you want everyone to say.  I know times are tough right now but that's also why these lenders have become so tough.  They want you to pay and pay on time.

As far as your credit, it normally doesn't go against your credit unless it's over 30 days late.  Personally, I think your credit should be the least of your concerns from what I'm hearing.



I used to be a collector, and in the 80's we repo'd after 30 days

#13General Comment

Thu, December 17, 2009

I used to work for one of the big 3 auto makers, finance company.  Our policy was to repo the car after 30 days.  We found that if we repo'd the cars earlier, instead of later, our losses were reduced, because the car's have less miles on them, making them easier to sell.

You are  a subprime borrower, that indicates to me that your credit history when you bought the car was either non existant, or you had very bad credit.  I dont know what group you came from, so I will not make any assumptions.

You can make the payment on the 31st of December,   CAC will most likely accept your payment.  

I would advise you to keep the car in the garage until then.  More than likely they have your auto out for repo. 

However, you have been late on 2 payments in the last 3 months.  CAC will have you on their watch list.  This means that any more late payments could cause them to terminate your contract.   

After you make your payment on the 31st, you will have another payment due on the 7th, if you dont pay that payment on time , they may just decide to take your car without further notice. 

Evaluate your bills, and pay them in the following order

1.  Mortgage, or Rent  (if you get forclosed, or evicted, you will be living in your car)

2.  Car Payment.  (you will need your car to get to work).

3.  Food  (you may have to dumb down your food budget somewhat.  Eat Rice, Beans, Canned Goods.)

4.  Medical expenses (such as prescription drugs).

5.  Utilities (Gas, lites, phone ).  in order to reduce the amount owed, you might have to live with a bit of disconfort  (higher temps during summer, lower temps during winter).  You may want to adjust your phone bill so you drop your cell phones, and drop your long distance, and keep local phone only).  If you cannot pay your utilities, and they cut them off, you can still live in a unheated, and uncooled house.  It will be better than living on the street).

6.  Credit Cards, Unsecured bills, entertainment ....  Drop Cable TV, and tell your Credit Card Vendors ls to take a hike).

I know times are hard now,  if all your money goes to the rent, and you have nothing left to pay the car, food, and Medical, then consider, y9u and your husband getting a second part time job.  

I realize that companies like CAC charge high interest rates, and the dealership that sold you the car inflated the price of the car, but at least someone loaned you the money for the car.  

CAC  has  to take a hard line attitude with their customers, because  a lot of their clients have prior repo's, and charge off's, and they have somewhat of a propensity to non payment of their obligations. 




#13Consumer Comment

Thu, December 17, 2009

Sub-Prime lenders are going to be more aggressive in collecting late accounts.  But even nothing you described here sounds any different than most(sub-prime or not) lenders would do.

Your loan DOES NOT have a "grace period".  That is if the payment is due on the 7th, it is late on the 8th.  This is not the same as the "penalty date", which is when they assess a late fee.  Depending on the loan this penalty date is generally between 5 and 15 days, so if yours is 10 days that is about average.

It can take several days in advance to stop an automatic draft, so depending on when you called on the 1st it may have been too late for them to stop it.  As if they had issues with stopping a draft they wouldn't have done it in October now would they.  The reason they turned you over to collections because your stop-payment is the same as a returned check, which is worse than not paying at all. 

You signed a contract that stated you would pay a set amount each and every month on a specific date.  As such they can take collection efforts to get you to pay.  The BBB is Pro-Business and won't help, the FTC will basically say if you have an issue call a lawyer, and you can send them a letter by Certified Mail but they are under no obligation to stop calling you.

Having your tags and insurance paid up is nothing special, as you are REQUIRED to do that by law.  Would you write a letter to your insurance company saying you need to pay late?  How about the State?  Do you think that either would say just pay when you want?  Of course not, so why is the company that actually loaned you several thousand dollars be any different?

They could technically repossess the car for you being one day late, because they hold the security interest in the car.  If you looked around you would see where companies have repossessed cars for being only a few days late.

As for keeping your car in the Garage, you can do that and if you truly pay by the 31st they probably won't go through the courts to get an order to have you hand it over.  They will also probably accept the payment.  But if this becomes a pattern, expect them to be less and less willing to wait.  If they do eventually repossess it, they can(and will) pass all of the costs including the cost of any court action onto you.  This is no different than any other finance company would do, if they are having trouble getting the car back, and they feel that the borrower will not be able to complete the loan.

As for the comment "i would have never financed anything thru them if i had known how they treat people".  The simple fact is that if you didn't finance through them the chances of you getting a loan would have been about zero, as since they are a Sub-Prime lender they are often a lender of last resort.


United States of America


#13Author of original report

Thu, December 17, 2009

 i am keeping the car in the garage because i know that legally they cannot repo it from an enclosed garage. i hope that they accept my payment but i do not trust them. if they do not accept my payments then let them get a court order legally for repossession.not everyone who has a subprime loan is a cheat and fraud or dishonest but to jim from orlando referred also cacc reminds me on the phone that my loan is a subprime loan. what am i to believe that i am also a subprime human and that i should just fall off the face of the earth or something.that i will not pay just because i am a subprime loan holder even though my payment history proves otherwise. i have also been reading newspaper articles on this cacc and trying to follow up on some lawsuits that have been filed against them-just because they are a big corporation does not mean that they would not abuse people or do anything illegally.



They Are Following Their Game Plan

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, December 16, 2009

You are a subprime borrower, which means you have a bad reputation for paying your bills.  As such, they are going to watch your account closely.  You were late on one payment and you cancelled out an auto draft.  They want an answer regarding the expected date of the next payment which at first you couldn't provide and now 12-31 is not acceptable to them.  You bet they are going to call you.  They want their you said you would pay them on the due date.  The FTC will laugh at you...they are following normally accepted collections procedures.  The BBB?  Who do you think the BBB is?  Do you think they are connected with the government?  Its too much to get into here right now but suffice to say the BBB is NOT part of the government and the BBB IS A SCAM.

They want their money.  Why not get a part time job on weekends or at night to bring in more money so you can actually afford this car?


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