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  • Report:  #1223942

Complaint Review: Credit Repair Sweep

Credit Repair Sweep, CRS Enterprise Group, LLCBranche & Associates CreditRepairSweep.Com - Service Does Not Work, Promised Refund Never Received Florida, New York Internet

  • Reported By:
    J Robertson — Alabama USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, April 22, 2015
  • Updated:
    Wed, May 27, 2015

I contacted this company after doing an internet search for credit repair and finding their website. What should have been a red flag is that in the video the guy says his name is Justin, but when I called the number it was the same voice but he said his name was Ken.  I explained my credit situation in detail, which he later claimed to not remember. After communicating over the phone with Ken and him viewing what was on my credit report he offered a 30 day method for $800 in cash via a MoneyPak or $900 if I paid by credit card, which again was another red flag because it does not cost $100 to process a credit card. Even though I had only a small amount of negatives, Ken made it a point to act like he was doing me a favor, stating that they normally charge $1200.

I got the MoneyPak and sent Ken the numbers along with a notarized company of the contract on December 29th, 2014. I explained to Ken that my funds were limited because I had had a life threatening accident Jan 2014 and two surguries. Ken told me no worries and claimed he would get it done and his company was not like those scam companies that take off with your money but that was a lie.  I gave Ken all of my logins, passwords and report numbers for all bureaus. I was told that my file was being worked on. Mid January I get an email that he was unable to login to two bureaus websites. I called those buureaus and removed the freezes. I was told one bureau would clear up on Feb 23rd. Ken claimed I didn't tell him about blocks on my file but I did. He was just hungry for money and after I gave it to him he claimed he would not have taken me on as a client if he knew that which at that point he could have admitted he couldnt do anything for me and refunded me.

As time went on I noticed that items were being verified and by mid March only item had been removed. At this point it was going onto 3 months of using the service with minimal results.  I was getting fed up and had a conversation with Ken in which he became very beligerant after I asked him what his business address was and what was refund policy was, stating "it was in the contract".

When I went back and looked at the contract, there was no business address as required by law and there were two different business names on there: Credit Repair and Branche & Associates. The contract looks like he just copied and pasted it together. Regarding a refund it states this in the contract: "Note: Credit Repair Sweep endeavors to provide its clients with professional service backed with integrity and honesty. If for some reason however, Credit Repair Sweep  fails to improve a client's credit report, the company will negotiate the terms to provide a refund. This refund will be dependent on the amount of work that has been accomplished and refund will be calculated based on retail price per item removed."

I paid Ken $800 and had 7 negatives, each negative was $114 and 1 was removed. I emailed him and told him I wanted a $686 refund which he agreed to. He sends over a termination agreement with no business information and no mention of the refund that he wanted me to notarize. I told him I was not signing a bogus agreement with no mention of my refund.

Ken hides behind a domain proxy at and provides zero business address or correct business information on his website or contracts. It's because he is taking money up front for credit repair which is illegal according to the FTC. I requested his info numerous times and he does not provide it. He at first claimed he was in New York and he uses a New York phone number but them claimed he is in Florida and the credit repair upfront law does not apply there but again, that was a lie:!OpenDocument

Ken stopped responding after I busted him in lie after lie and claimed he was going to have his attorney contact me for harrassing him, which is laughable when he owes me money. If you call him on his lies he claims your behavior is disrepectful, like theives desreve respect. 

His service did not work, he is a liar, he is arrogant and argumentative, he does not honor his contract or refund policy, his domain name information is hidden using a privacy proxy, he provides zero business information other than a phone number and he takes money for credit repair upfront. He feels because I paid him via MoneyPak that I have no recourse. I told him I would report him will sue him if I don't get my funds back.

I did find his info for others he scammed:

Kenneth J. Hassell

Sheldon J.  Branche

Crs Enterprise Group LLC
1602 Alton Rd
Miami Beach, FL 33139
1840 SW 22ND ST
MIAMI, FL 33145


3 Updates & Rebuttals

Kenneth Justin Hassell AKA Justin Rapp Of Is a Liar And a Fraud!

#4Author of original report

Wed, May 27, 2015

I hope potential customers are reading this and see what you'll have to go through dealing with this scam company. Do yourself a favor and STAY AWAY! run by Kenneth Justin Hassell alias Justin Rapp and Sheldon Branche have still not refunded me money I paid him in December for a service that did not work and he is still trying to solicit customers claiming that he has a refund policy. View the LIES that he posted on his YouTube channel 1 month ago under the customer comments:,


He may have a refund policy, but he is not going to give you any money back if his service does not work. He will not honor the company refund policy. He will avoid communication and never give you back a dime like he did to me. Please see the images above that support my claim that Kenneth Justin Hassell aka Justin Rapp and is a complete fraud.

Let me break down Kenneth J. Hassell of lies, one by one. Justin also uses an alias Justin Rapp. It's the same person.

I paid Ken $800 via MoneyPak for the "30" day service and to date 1 item for $83 came off my report. He claimed he would be using his less than 30 day method which I have attached a screenshot of. Clearly, the word possible was not included on his email.

I have a screenshot of the $5900 dollar collection still being on my report as of 4/21/2015 that Ken lied and said he removed.

Ken is more than WELCOME to have the login info to CreditCheckTotal to confirm that my credit is the SAME. How was I trying to get free service when what you did, DID NOT WORK! Ken is trying to keep my funds and absolve himself of any responsibilty. The service did NOT work, plain and simple! If it did, why would I be on RipOffReport?

Ken had me sign up for Equifax which was an additional $19.95 per month and I cancelled the service because I was not going to continue to pay for multiple credit monitoring services.

As far as my files being "blocked" again you are LIAR because the $83 collection that was removed came off of Experian which you are crying about being blocked and the $5,900 collection that is STILL on my credit report that you claim came off is on Experian so how can it have been blocked but you were able to remove it? Which one is it Ken? Do the lies ever stop?

Again, Ken never "offered" a refund. When I spoke to him over the phone, I expressed that I was not happy with the service and it was over the 30-60 days he claims is the time frame for his service. Ken said that he was licensed and bonded so I asked for his bond number, he stated it's in the contract. I asked him what was the refund policy, he stated it was in the contract. I asked him for his business address, he stated it's in the contract. He provided no information that would identify his business. There is no infomation about his business other than a phone number on his website. There is no contact information on his contract. Go to and type in "" and you will see that Ken hides behind a domain proxy. Ken hung up on me when I pressed him for the refund.

Where is your business address on your website Ken? You are required by law to have that and it is no where to be found because you know you are operating an illegal credit repair business.

To state that I cursed at him again is a LIE. I sent Ken an email stating that I wanted to cancel the service and he sent me a Terminiation Agreement. I stated that he sent me a bullshit Termination agreement because it did NOT mention anything about the refund. I told him to send me the agreement again and include that I would receive a $686 refund on it. I have attached the Termination Agreement as proof that it did not mention the refund. Why would I sign something that did not include that I would receive a refund?

Who would not be angry if they paid their money for a service that did not work and then have to deal with an evasive liar like Ken? I have proof that his service did not work. Why would he even OFFER a refund if it did? I have the screenshot of him agreeing to pay me back $686 dollars. He knows and knew at that point that one item of $83 came off, which I was better of paying than giving him a dime.

Ken, you are arrogant and argumentative. Why not just adjust the agreement to include that I would receive my refund of $686? That was not an unreasonable request. If I had paid with a credit card your attitude would have been different because I would have filed a dispute. To tell a customer to sign an agreement or you will have your attorney contact them for harassement is arrogant. To publicly state that you "just stopped communication" proves how arrogant you are. Instead of fixing the problem by adjusting the Termination Agreement to include that I would be given a refund and actually honoring  your contract and giving me a refund, you took the childish, unprofessional route and decided to just not respond or give me my funds back. Who in their right mind wants to deal with a company that has your type of attitude? I don't have to respect you when you exhibit the type of behavior you just admitted to. I was your customer and customer service is key. You have withheld my refund and then you are crying over the internet about respect. You are not Aretha Franklin, you own a business. When the problem presented itself you should have fixed it, instead of making excuses.


Here are the FACTS because your comprehension skills are limited:

1) I said "IF" do you know what "IF" means Ken? I said IF anyone else had been scammed, here was your business contact info, because YOU certainly don't provide that to any of your customers. Your business contact information is NOT on YOUR website and NOT on YOUR contract. You also hide behind a domain proxy. In 2015, most people who do business and give you money, want your business information.  Where do you provide that information to your customers Ken?

2) How could I have wanted you to work on my file for free when I paid you? You are ungrateful. I want my money back because your service did NOT work and YOU know this. That is why you offered a refund. What do you think I paid you for charity credit repair? It doesn't matter what is on your videos when I have PROOF that your service did not work for me. Would I have reported you to RipOffReport, if your service was great and I was a happy customer? Think about that for a second. Again, you want to be arrogant and drag things out instead of honoring your agreement and giving me my money back. I PAID you, not the other way around so you look like a fool trying to state that I wanted something for free, when I gave you money. In return for my $800, 1 collection came off for $83. Why should you keep my funds, when I did not get what I paid for?

3) I was upfront with Ken about my credit file. He was hungry for money and heard what he wanted to hear. Again, the $83 collection came off of the file he claimed was blocked. If it was so blocked, how were you able to remove anything off of it? The screenshot that I provided, shows the $5900 collection you claimed came off, is still on there. So how are you claiming my file was blocked, then claim you removed things off of there?

4) In the beginning of the rebuttal Ken claims that he could not login to my credit report anymore to see if any items came off. Then he claims I wasn't able to sign up for credit monitoring, but then states he removed items off. How is it possible to remove items that you claim you had no access to in the first place? Which is it Ken? Again you are a bold face LIAR!

5) Here is where Ken proves that he is a total and absolute SCUMBAG! I was never involved in a car scam. The item is reporting lates from 7 YEARS ago and it is so OLD that they don't have a record of it anymore and why would they? I never filed a report or had ANY discussion with Ken about doing so. The full account number is not reporting and Ken asked me to call them and get the full account number to dispute it. When I called them, they did not have a record of my account at all because it was OLD! Again, this is what will happen when you do business with Ken. He will put together any lie he can to make himself seem legit but all he is doing is showing what will happen when you do business with him. As a former client, it is against the law to put private information on a public forum about a persons credit file. You hire him for credit repair and he is supposed to fix your credit and then he won't refund your money when the service does not work, will slander you and put your private info online and flat out lie. The item that you are talking about were OLD LATES, not car DEBT and they are still on my file. Ken was NOT able to remove those either. For the $800 I paid him, old lates from 2008 are still reporting and Ken has the audacity to claim I'm the scammer. What does this have to do with my refund?

6) Again, here we go with the lies. The law that you sent the link to states:

817.7005. Prohibited acts


A credit service organization, its salespersons, agents, and representatives, and independent contractors who sell or attempt to sell the services of a credit service organization shall not do any of the following:

(1) Charge or receive any money or other valuable consideration prior to full and complete performance of the services the credit service organization has agreed to perform for the buyer, unless the credit service organization has obtained a surety bond of $10,000 issued by a surety company admitted to do business in this state and has established a trust account at a federally insured bank or savings and loan association located in this state; however, where a credit service organization has obtained a surety bond and established a trust account as provided herein, the credit service organization may charge or receive money or other valuable consideration prior to full and complete performance of the services it has agreed to perform for the buyer but shall deposit all money or other valuable consideration received in its trust account until the full and complete performance of the services it has agreed to perform for the buyer;

817.706. Actions for damages


(1) Any buyer injured by a violation of this part may bring an action for recovery of damages. Judgment shall be entered for actual damages, but in no case less than the amount paid by the buyer to the credit service organization, plus reasonable attorney's fees and costs. An award may also be entered for punitive damages.


It states that the funds should be in trust until the FULL and COMPLETE services are performed. You never completed the agreed services and the service you promised did not work. You have to keep records of what was done and it is easily verfiable that the items on the "work" you did are still on my credit report. What is your bond and trust account number so I can file a claim against it? Your service did not work and you are not entitled to keep my funds. You stated 30-60 days and none of what you said you could do was done. Therefore, I am entitled to damages. You also put my personal credit information that I entrusted you with on a public forum entitling me to punitive damages.


7) How is the $114 a lie that I made up? You never removed any $5,900 account. It is STILL on my credit report. You removed one item for $83. You agreed to pay me back $686 if I signed your termination agreement and now you have no idea where I came up with that number? I had 7 negative items when I signed up. I paid you $800. You claim on your contract that if your service does not work, you will refund the retail rate. If you divide $800 by 7 it equals $114 per item. I subtracted the one $83 collection that was removed and that totalled $686. So how am I making things up?  Again, I paid you for credit repair per item, not debt negotiation services so your point does not matter. You again are putting up personal numbers that were on my credit report which proves how unethical you and your company are.

8) Ken would not provide any information about his business because he is hiding behind a domain proxy. I contacted his hosting provider to make them aware of what was going on. They requested additional information and I have to follow up with them. Ken did not "win" anything. I was not given a "free" service. Ken's service did work. He is not honest. I paid him $800 and one $83 collection came off. You did me no favors and the public should be aware of what to expect when dealing with you: no business contact info, service does not work, lies, putting client's personal credit info online, accusing you of trying to get a free service with no results and thinking he should keep your funds. Please don't give him your money or information. You can see what the results of me doing that were by looking at his rebuttal. A legit  company would never stoop as low as Ken. Go elsewhere!


In Closing:

Now I'm a con artist when I PAID you and your service did not work? You really need professional help. Your grammar is terrible and you use words in the wrong context. I am not making up an alibi, I am stating FACTS. I paid you and your service did not work and you are holding my funds hostage. I told you that I would sign the contract when you revised it to state that I would receive a refund. Did you do that? No. Have you attempted to do that? No. You have had ample time to resolve this and you have not. All you have done is make up excuse after excuse, that do not justify why I am still waiting for a refund.

Every example Ken listed is a lie. Now I have a 70k car? Since when? The account is for $38k, it was a LEASE and the negative LATES are reporting from 2008 NOT car debt. The account is reporting as CLOSED. How is it unusual for a company to not have old records from 7 years ago. Most companies purge their records after a certain number of years and I don't control the reporting process and that has nothing to do with me. Again, what does this have to do with my cancellation and refund request? The account is still on there.

I never said my accounts were $114 dollars. I said that I paid $800 for 7 accounts so the removal of each was equal to $114, which is why you agreed to a $686 refund. $800-$114 = $686. Only 1 account was ever removed using Ken's service and it was a collection for $83.  You have no proof of any credit service I used before hiring you so stop with the lies and false accusations. Who I hired is none of your business. The items that I had on my credit were none of your business either. I hired you to remove them and you could not do that. To put items on my PERSONAL credit file online and ask me to explain them publicly to try to prove a "point" shows how much of a low life you are. You think any customer reading this would really trust you now? Knowing that if a problem arises, you will act ignorant, lie, feel you should keep their money, claim they are trying to get free service after they paid you and put up personal accounts on credit files shows the type of person you are and business you operate. You KNOW the same items I paid you to remove are still on my credit so you have no argument. You claim you are a legal credit repair company but your service did not work.

None of the things you mentioned have anything to do with the money I paid you for and the service that did not work. You wouldn't have offered the refund if the items were removed.

I hope you know the FTC and FBI are cracking down on credit repair companies that take customers money and do not provide service. I have the receipts and MoneyPak information that I paid you and service was never rendered. You are so arrogant to think you are going to win in court when I can prove your service did not work and now I can sue for additional punitive damages for you putting my private credit information online that I provided to you confidentially.

Do yourself a favor and don't give this company a dime. You can all see what I am going through, so save yourself the HASSELL and headache and find another company to work with!!!

Kenneth Justin Hassell Of Is a Liar And a Fraud!

#4Author of original report

Mon, April 27, 2015

I hope potential customers are reading this and see what you'll have to go through dealing with this scam company. Do yourself a favor and STAY AWAY!

Let me break down Kenneth J. Hassell of lies, one by one.

I paid Ken $800 via MoneyPak for the "30" day service and to date 1 item for $83 came off my report. He claimed he would be using his less than 30 day method which I have attached a screenshot of. Clearly, the word possible was not included on his email.

I have a screenshot of the $5900 dollar collection still being on my report as of 4/21/2015 that Ken lied and said he removed.

Ken is more than WELCOME to have the login info to CreditCheckTotal to confirm that my credit is the SAME. How was I trying to get free service when what you did, DID NOT WORK! Ken is trying to keep my funds and absolve himself of any responsibilty. The service did NOT work, plain and simple! If it did, why would I be on RipOffReport?

Ken had me sign up for Equifax which was an additional $19.95 per month and I cancelled the service because I was not going to continue to pay for multiple credit monitoring services.

As far as my files being "blocked" again you are LIAR because the $83 collection that was removed came off of Experian which you are crying about being blocked and the $5,900 collection that is STILL on my credit report that you claim came off is on Experian so how can it have been blocked but you were able to remove it? Which one is it Ken? Do the lies ever stop?

Again, Ken never "offered" a refund. When I spoke to him over the phone, I expressed that I was not happy with the service and it was over the 30-60 days he claims is the time frame for his service. Ken said that he was licensed and bonded so I asked for his bond number, he stated it's in the contract. I asked him what was the refund policy, he stated it was in the contract. I asked him for his business address, he stated it's in the contract. He provided no information that would identify his business. There is no infomation about his business other than a phone number on his website. There is no contact information on his contract. Go to and type in "" and you will see that Ken hides behind a domain proxy. Ken hung up on me when I pressed him for the refund.

Where is your business address on your website Ken? You are required by law to have that and it is no where to be found because you know you are operating an illegal credit repair business.

To state that I cursed at him again is a LIE. I sent Ken an email stating that I wanted to cancel the service and he sent me a Terminiation Agreement. I stated that he sent me a bullshit Termination agreement because it did NOT mention anything about the refund. I told him to send me the agreement again and include that I would receive a $686 refund on it. I have attached the Termination Agreement as proof that it did not mention the refund. Why would I sign something that did not include that I would receive a refund?

Who would not be angry if they paid their money for a service that did not work and then have to deal with an evasive liar like Ken? I have proof that his service did not work. Why would he even OFFER a refund if it did? I have the screenshot of him agreeing to pay me back $686 dollars. He knows and knew at that point that one item of $83 came off, which I was better of paying than giving him a dime.

Ken, you are arrogant and argumentative. Why not just adjust the agreement to include that I would receive my refund of $686? That was not an unreasonable request. If I had paid with a credit card your attitude would have been different because I would have filed a dispute. To tell a customer to sign an agreement or you will have your attorney contact them for harassement is arrogant. To publicly state that you "just stopped communication" proves how arrogant you are. Instead of fixing the problem by adjusting the Termination Agreement to include that I would be given a refund and actually honoring  your contract and giving me a refund, you took the childish, unprofessional route and decided to just not respond or give me my funds back. Who in their right mind wants to deal with a company that has your type of attitude? I don't have to respect you when you exhibit the type of behavior you just admitted to. I was your customer and customer service is key. You have withheld my refund and then you are crying over the internet about respect. You are not Aretha Franklin, you own a business. When the problem presented itself you should have fixed it, instead of making excuses.


Here are the FACTS because your comprehension skills are limited:

1) I said "IF" do you know what "IF" means Ken? I said IF anyone else had been scammed, here was your business contact info, because YOU certainly don't provide that to any of your customers. Your business contact information is NOT on YOUR website and NOT on YOUR contract. You also hide behind a domain proxy. In 2015, most people who do business and give you money, want your business information.  Where do you provide that information to your customers Ken?

2) How could I have wanted you to work on my file for free when I paid you? You are ungrateful. I want my money back because your service did NOT work and YOU know this. That is why you offered a refund. What do you think I paid you for charity credit repair? It doesn't matter what is on your videos when I have PROOF that your service did not work for me. Would I have reported you to RipOffReport, if your service was great and I was a happy customer? Think about that for a second. Again, you want to be arrogant and drag things out instead of honoring your agreement and giving me my money back. I PAID you, not the other way around so you look like a fool trying to state that I wanted something for free, when I gave you money. In return for my $800, 1 collection came off for $83. Why should you keep my funds, when I did not get what I paid for?

3) I was upfront with Ken about my credit file. He was hungry for money and heard what he wanted to hear. Again, the $83 collection came off of the file he claimed was blocked. If it was so blocked, how were you able to remove anything off of it? The screenshot that I provided, shows the $5900 collection you claimed came off, is still on there. So how are you claiming my file was blocked, then claim you removed things off of there?

4) In the beginning of the rebuttal Ken claims that he could not login to my credit report anymore to see if any items came off. Then he claims I wasn't able to sign up for credit monitoring, but then states he removed items off. How is it possible to remove items that you claim you had no access to in the first place? Which is it Ken? Again you are a bold face LIAR!

5) Here is where Ken proves that he is a total and absolute SCUMBAG! I was never involved in a car scam. The item is reporting lates from 7 YEARS ago and it is so OLD that they don't have a record of it anymore and why would they? I never filed a report or had ANY discussion with Ken about doing so. The full account number is not reporting and Ken asked me to call them and get the full account number to dispute it. When I called them, they did not have a record of my account at all because it was OLD! Again, this is what will happen when you do business with Ken. He will put together any lie he can to make himself seem legit but all he is doing is showing what will happen when you do business with him. As a former client, it is against the law to put private information on a public forum about a persons credit file. You hire him for credit repair and he is supposed to fix your credit and then he won't refund your money when the service does not work, will slander you and put your private info online and flat out lie. The item that you are talking about were OLD LATES, not car DEBT and they are still on my file. Ken was NOT able to remove those either. For the $800 I paid him, old lates from 2008 are still reporting and Ken has the audacity to claim I'm the scammer. What does this have to do with my refund?

6) Again, here we go with the lies. The law that you sent the link to states:

817.7005. Prohibited acts



A credit service organization, its salespersons, agents, and representatives, and independent contractors who sell or attempt to sell the services of a credit service organization shall not do any of the following:



(1) Charge or receive any money or other valuable consideration prior to full and complete performance of the services the credit service organization has agreed to perform for the buyer, unless the credit service organization has obtained a surety bond of $10,000 issued by a surety company admitted to do business in this state and has established a trust account at a federally insured bank or savings and loan association located in this state; however, where a credit service organization has obtained a surety bond and established a trust account as provided herein, the credit service organization may charge or receive money or other valuable consideration prior to full and complete performance of the services it has agreed to perform for the buyer but shall deposit all money or other valuable consideration received in its trust account until the full and complete performance of the services it has agreed to perform for the buyer;

817.706. Actions for damages



(1) Any buyer injured by a violation of this part may bring an action for recovery of damages. Judgment shall be entered for actual damages, but in no case less than the amount paid by the buyer to the credit service organization, plus reasonable attorney's fees and costs. An award may also be entered for punitive damages.


It states that the funds should be in trust until the FULL and COMPLETE services are performed. You never completed the agreed services and the service you promised did not work. You have to keep records of what was done and it is easily verfiable that the items on the "work" you did are still on my credit report. What is your bond and trust account number so I can file a claim against it? Your service did not work and you are not entitled to keep my funds. You stated 30-60 days and none of what you said you could do was done. Therefore, I am entitled to damages. You also put my personal credit information that I entrusted you with on a public forum entitling me to punitive damages.


7) How is the $114 a lie that I made up? You never removed any $5,900 account. It is STILL on my credit report. You removed one item for $83. You agreed to pay me back $686 if I signed your termination agreement and now you have no idea where I came up with that number? I had 7 negative items when I signed up. I paid you $800. You claim on your contract that if your service does not work, you will refund the retail rate. If you divide $800 by 7 it equals $114 per item. I subtracted the one $83 collection that was removed and that totalled $686. So how am I making things up?  Again, I paid you for credit repair per item, not debt negotiation services so your point does not matter. You again are putting up personal numbers that were on my credit report which proves how unethical you and your company are.

8) Ken would not provide any information about his business because he is hiding behind a domain proxy. I contacted his hosting provider to make them aware of what was going on. They requested additional information and I have to follow up with them. Ken did not "win" anything. I was not given a "free" service. Ken's service did work. He is not honest. I paid him $800 and one $83 collection came off. You did me no favors and the public should be aware of what to expect when dealing with you: no business contact info, service does not work, lies, putting client's personal credit info online, accusing you of trying to get a free service with no results and thinking he should keep your funds. Please don't give him your money or information. You can see what the results of me doing that were by looking at his rebuttal. A legit  company would never stoop as low as Ken. Go elsewhere!


In Closing:

Now I'm a con artist when I PAID you and your service did not work? You really need professional help. Your grammer is terrible and you use words in the wrong context. I am not making up an alibi, I am stating FACTS. I paid you and your service did not work and you are holding my funds hostage. I told you that I would sign the contract when you revised it to state that I would receive a refund. Did you do that? No. Have you attempted to do that? No. You have had ample time to resolve this and you have not. All you have done is make up excuse after excuse, that do not justify why I am still waiting for a refund.

Every example Ken listed is a lie. Now I have a 70k car? Since when? The account is for $38k, it was a LEASE and the negative LATES are reporting from 2008 NOT car debt. The account is reporting as CLOSED. How is it unusual for a company to not have old records from 7 years ago. Most companies purge their records after a certain number of years and I don't control the reporting process and that has nothing to do with me. Again, what does this have to do with my cancellation and refund request? The account is still on there.

I never said my accounts were $114 dollars. I said that I paid $800 for 7 accounts so the removal of each was equal to $114, which is why you agreed to a $686 refund. $800-$114 = $686. Only 1 account was ever removed using Ken's service and it was a collection for $83.  You have no proof of any credit service I used before hiring you so stop with the lies and false accusations. Who I hired is none of your business. The items that I had on my credit were none of your business either. I hired you to remove them and you could not do that. To put items on my PERSONAL credit file online and ask me to explain them publicly to try to prove a "point" shows how much of a low life you are. You think any customer reading this would really trust you now? Knowing that if a problem arises, you will act ignorant, lie, feel you should keep their money, claim they are trying to get free service after they paid you and put up personal accounts on credit files shows the type of person you are and business you operate. You KNOW the same items I paid you to remove are still on my credit so you have no argument. You claim you are a legal credit repair company but your service did not work.

None of the things you mentioned have anything to do with the money I paid you for and the service that did not work. You wouldn't have offered the refund if the items were removed.

I hope you know the FTC and FBI are cracking down on credit repair companies that take customers money and do not provide service. I have the receipts and MoneyPak information that I paid you and service was never rendered. You are so arrogant to think you are going to win in court when I can prove your service did not work and now I can sue for additional punitive damages for you putting my private credit information online that I provided to you confidentially.

Do yourself a favor and don't give this company a dime. You can all see what I am going through, so save yourself the HASSELL and headache and find another company to work with!!!



Jeannine (((Redacted))) is a Scam Artist and we can prove it

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, April 22, 2015

Jeannine (((Redacted))) is telling a lot of lies with no facts or merit what so ever.  We removed a $5,600 negative account off of her credit and she cancelled while we still had disputes pending...basically trying to get a free service.  She changed her logins, so we don't know how many other items were removed to date.  We specifically told her that the process can happen within 30-60 days (or longer) and that we would "possibly" be able to get her file done within 30 days, but that was when we didn't know her file was blocked by the bureaus and we have the emails to prove it.

We never promised or guaranteed Jeannine that everything would come off within 30 days because that's illegal to state that.  And that's not mentioned anywhere on our website.  But if we removed $5,600 in debt within the first 30 days on a blocked file, you paid $800, and we still had disputes pending...common sense would tell me to hang in there and see what other results will come because credit repair is not a sprint, it's a marathon.

We have a lot of satisfied clients every month and our videos on our YouTube channel can't be faked.  So again, let's deal with the facts.

We offered to give her a refund but she refused to sign the Cancellation Agreement, and then she started cursing on the phone and via emails and being very disrespectful so we stopped all communication with her because we refuse to conduct ourselves in a very unprofessional manner.  You stated that I was arrogant and argumentive but can you prove it?  I can prove it by showing the viewers the email with you cursing at me...again, facts.


Here are the facts:

1) You said "All the people that we scammed"....who are you referring to...who are the other people we scammed?  Mention some names....remember we're talking about FACTS here.  You can't because their lies that you made up.  Again, no facts...just lies to cover up that fact that you wanted us to work on your file for free.  There are YouTube videos (Type in Gizzy in YouTube) of credit repair companies that will not work with most people in Atlanta, GA because there's a pattern of some people from there that are doing chargebacks for the full amount even when some of the negative items were removed and Jeannine is a prime example of that type of person.

We have videos (which can't be photoshopped) of our company removing debts in the millions so you really think that $800 is worthy of a scam?  Think about that for a minute.

What Jeannine is not telling you is that her file was blocked by the bureaus and she never told us that from day one because if we would've known that...we would've never accepted her file because we Do Not work on blocked's stated on our website and I'm sure she knew it.  She waited until after the first negative item was removed off of her credit to tell us that her file was blocked by the bureaus.

To prove my point, whenever we start on a file we will ask the client to sign up with the individual credit monitoring companies.  Here's the thing, if your file is blocked you can't sign-up with the individual credit monitoring companies (Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian)...they won't allow you to sign up.  And this all documented via email where we told Jeannine that this is a requirement.  That was the time for her to tell us that she couldn't sign-up with the individual credit monitoring companies...


2) We found out that Jeannine was involved in a car scam in Atlanta and her credit report is blocked by the bureaus because prior to us working on her file, she tried to do a fake police report method hoping that would get rid of the Mercedes Benz car debt that's on her report.  We asked her about that car debt and she told us that Mercedes Benz didn't have a record of her owning a Mercedes Benz, yet it's on her credit as a negative.  Prove us wrong on this Jeannine.


3) We told you before Jeannine to go the authorities...we are a legitimate Debt Validation/Credit Repair company in the state of Florida.  You have the information of the Law Firm that we established our company with so let's take it court...we are ready.  By law in the State of Florida a credit repair company can collect upfront payments as long as the company has a surety bond of 10,000 or's the link to prove it:

817.7005. Prohibited acts
A credit service organization, its salespersons, agents, and representatives, and independent contractors who sell or attempt to sell the services of a credit service organization shall not do any of the following:
(1) Charge or receive any money or other valuable consideration prior to full and complete performance of the services the credit service organization has agreed to perform for the buyer, unless the credit service organization has obtained a surety bond of $10,000 issued by a surety company admitted to do business in this state and has established a trust account at a federally insured bank or savings and loan association located in this state; however, where a credit service organization has obtained a surety bond and established a trust account as provided herein, the credit service organization may charge or receive money or other valuable consideration prior to full and complete performance of the services it has agreed to perform for the buyer but shall deposit all money or other valuable consideration received in its trust account until the full and complete performance of the services it has agreed to perform for the buyer;
4) You stated in your rip off report that each negative was $114...prove it.  Again, that's a lie that you made up.  All of your negative accounts were in the 4 to 5 figure range.  This is what I mean about telling lies and half truths.  What you're doing is breaking down each debt in increments of $114 to come up with the sum of $800.  That makes no sense what so ever.  If we removed a $5,600 debt from your report, that alone is worth more than the $800 you paid because if you wanted to settle that debt with the original creditor...they would not accept $800 and that's a fact.
5) Jeannine tried to get our website shut down by telling our website hosting provider that we are running a scam company so we provided our hosting company with all of our legal paperwork and we won...the site is not down and it wasn't removed from there server because your allegations have no facts or merits at all. Again, Jeannine it's real sad that you will stoop so low and lie about everything just to get a free service.  Not realizing or seeing the big picture that you are ruining it for some of the honest people in Atlanta, GA that really need to get their credit fixed.
In Closing:
Jeannine's alibi is a con artist that was looking for us to do free work.  We offered to give her a refund and she started cursing and being disrespectful that she's not signing anything, but we needed that in order to prove that she got a refund.
Every example I listed above are facts and she knows it...from her file being "blocked" by the bureaus, to Mercedes Benz not having a $70k car on file but it's showing up as negative account on her credit, and the lie about every account being $114.  As we stated before to you Jeannine, we don't work on files that tried to use the fake police report method in order to get items removed.  
I hope you know that the FBI is cracking down on people or companies that are doing the fake police report method to remove negative accounts...and "you" had that done on your credit report prior to us working on your report.  We are a legitimate debt validation/credit repair company that does things by the books the legal way and we have a lot of satisfied clients that can attest to that.

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