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  • Report:  #1039400

Complaint Review: CrimShield David Pickron

CrimShield, David Pickron Breaking News "CrimShield Philippines" rips off and refuses investors what they have invested the companies since 2005 including CIO's wife's investment in outsourcing office in the Philippines and intellectual property from that effort. Mesa Arizona

  • Reported By:
    crimshield — Tamuning Nationwide
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 31, 2013
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 07, 2018

Editor’s Comment: 02/07/2018 -.  Ripoff Report believes in transparency and the more information the better.  In this instance, there has been court action regarding this subject Report.  We believe it important to note that not all Court Orders are alike.  Many court orders are absolutely legitimate and we make no representations about this court order situation However, we want our users to be aware that sometimes courts enter orders based upon default which typically means that the defendant didn’t show up.  Sometimes a defendant won’t show up because they didn’t even get notice of the case proceedings in the first place and other times defendants may not show up because they don’t necessarily have the knowledge and/or the financial resources to fight.  Still, in other instances, a defendant may simply appear only to stipulate (settle) the case by agreeing to stipulate to a court order because they are being bullied by the plaintiff and whether what they said was true or not, they just want the matter to go away so they can move on with life and make the plaintiff go away.  Again, we make no representations about this particular court order situation.  We are simply providing you with additional information so that you may be more informed and, coupled with any additional research you feel is necessary, may make your own informed decision regarding the validity of this Report.  As always, we encourage our readers to do their homework and not just rely on one single source for information.  Google, through the Lumen Database, has provided the following document relating to this subject Report:






David Pickron CEO of CrimShield, Inc refuses to acknowledge Earl and his wife's investments after asking them to do so. He always threatens to pull out of the Philippines everything we ask for recognition, investment statements or our losses included in the company taxes. I was hired as the CIO of CrimShield only and not to open or operate a outsourcing office in the Philippines. The first 2 years I did not get my contracted pay and when I finally did it needed to be used to keep my family safe as the area where the outsourcing office was opened wasn't safe for American businessmen near Cotabao, Mindanao  Philippines. David Pickron is no different than a common criminal white collar crime using lies and deception to get others to invest and then use lies to take their investments, intellectual property and call it his own.

Please see more on this story at

An honest man would talk about the matter not act like a spoiled child who thinks he can manipulate anyone. The face is Earl in 2005 converted his all fax machine business ISC AAA Landlord, Inc to a totally automated system or ordering with his hardware and software. David said he would make Earl rich and when he came to Earl with the idea of CrimShield Pro "Earl can you do that, he said yes with my ISC code from the AAA Landlord automation I can make a CrimShield Pro like you want" as in the email he send Earl  when its up and running "Earl you are CrimShield" and many times after that promising him a rich future and ownership like Jim no matter how things turn out he would always have money from the AAA Landlord conversion and if very rich if CrimShield worked out.

--  David Pickron's Answer below to request for investment statements and inclusion in company taxes --

On Nov 20, 2012 10:09 AM, "David Pickron" <> wrote:

I'm on my way to closing it now. You deserve a peaceful home there.
This whole company is disfunctional. I'm on my way to getting it healthy. If you
are onboard, love to have you. But I will not fight or debate at this point. I
will be moving forward with positive communications. Will not respond to any
negative correspondence. We do not deserve this. Hope you feel better.

Sent from my CrimShield iPhone

On Nov 19, 2012, at 6:19 PM, Earl Herr <> wrote:

David, We need investment statements in the companies
*** Else we need to amend your companies 2009 taxes forward amended to declare my income and investments through Dec 2011.

1- $26,000 usd I need a 1099 from 2009 "I have the email it was my salary that was
sent Western Union and then changed to wire transfers"You can amened the taxes like anyone else can for the company.
(most invested in Philippine operation start up & notarized investment statement in companies needed)

2- $40,000 Kevin's Pay from 2009 taken/diverted from my salary Jan 2009, through Oct 2009
(notarized investment statement in companies needed)

3- P800,000 The First Year Documented By Lily to MaryJoy and I used from our pay. Our Peaceful Life and Home ruined and bodyguard/weapons needed to live there while operating the office you approved and said the office was a blessing and our house would be replaced. My wife and I have had to accept you are no doing that. Its more we have to claim losses
against the companies.(notarized investment statement in companies needed)

4- 2010 and 2011 expenses / cash invested in the company needs to be recognized too. "Office construction and relocation costs when kidnappings of business people in the area picked up"(notarized investment statement in companies needed)

5- MaryJoy has ledgers too of daily expenses on at least 50 to 75% of everything we spent along the way even during
the construction. Thats 2010 through 2012. We have receipts and tangible
evidence of the others. you saw my house. You have the email from the beginning.
You know what happened to us and watched it happen and the President and CEO and responsible for it.

6- I'm still doing more for this effort and did what you the President and CEO asked and now have a "Data Center" built up in
Davao. That wasn't easy!!! Not To mention Richard's extraordinary efforts in all of this. He has never been given a raise. He doesn't ask but keep adding to his duties traveling long distances away from his family.

*** whenever I ask I get yelled at. I don't know how to get the recognition my wife and I deserve. I ask and ask but get threatened and told off instead like we were doing the company a favor for free with our income and lives, both my wife and
I. Why are you so angry at us when ask for recognition. You made MaryJoy cry when she was at your house this year and mentioned she was the one who opened the office and was a part of the company only wanting a little allowance. you
have keep programmers who don't produce and waste money but won't give her any recognition or official pay. I'm giving her money. I don't know if that made you feel good or not seeing her cry. I didn't think you were that cruel and mean
until MaryJoy told me about that.

If you were not prepared to keep your promises then the office should have been closed in April 2009 when I told you in a email things were getting scary and stressful. Instead you help me buy a machine gun and started paying for a body guard. As the President and CEO you took responsibility for our situation and made the decision to let the office continue in a dangerous area and destroy my entire family, including my step daughters peace of mind as we were thought of as rich people. I tried to stop the construction, check your email for "Construction Pause" Dec 2010 but you then continued in 2011 and trickled the money in so slow the project was fragmented, a mess of start and stops and when Richard sent you statements you would only reply angry or confused. I would clarify or try and Richard was very articulate so it was easy to ready what we were asking for, i.e the transformer, you replied P1M and all you did was look at the grand total. The transformers were P300,000 but you wouldn't pay attention to even Richard's attempts to work with you. My family suffered and was poorer for it, what makes your family any different. My wife, daughter and me were impacted and as the President and CEO let it happen.

The budgetary became so abusive I forced it onto Lily in May 2011 at my house with Richard. I was getting slandered, called names, accused of budgetary mistakes that were not even my calculation, dressed down to others in emails (ones included in this email now) and told off almost every other month while MaryJoy an I did the salaries and budgetary with you and Lily. It was a horrible time while operating the office, training programmer and dealing with my family being affected personally and financially from this business adventure.

I hope at one time we can have a calm and friendly inventors meeting over this. I have done everything I can to settle this with you between us but I only get insulted and this year my wife was. Why don't you want to recognize what we have done and put me on the incorporation papers as promised in the beginning. I have done everything you have asked, including my wife. Even after all the drama of the years I just built up a data center in Davao and changed the operation and emails to Mindanao Software to limit what you claim to be legal drama there having Philippine workers that I have not seen proof of so I don't know the veracity of that claim.

So much to say. I wish we could have a normal talk on our investments in the companies. I've tried many time only to get beat down. Denny and Scot didn't invest their cash, home, have their wives work for the companies and disrupt their families. However you treat them better and make sure to insult me to them in communication which makes me respond in kind. I would like to stop the cycle of anger and have a calm resolution to getting us listed as cash investors.

Earl H / MaryJoy S. B.

2 Updates & Rebuttals



They do not address the facts - only calls the whistle blower names who the owe money too as well

#3Author of original report

Tue, April 02, 2013

Does this look like an honest man/company? The CEO is a white collar criminal who lies, misleads and cheats people like me and others out of what he can to make himself richer, then call them a looser. The facts are not addressed in their reply. The fact is the tried to get me to help them cover up that data IS BEING MANAGED, MANIPULATED AND WORKED ON BY PEOPLE IN THE PHILIPPINES with no Senior Programmer in the states oversight or code review for exploits. More reports being filed with emails and screen prints as evidence of other security problems that the CIO tried to fix but the CEO took over the IT department in a childish egomaniac move thinking he knew better. 

David Picron expected me to cover this up. My video's I was proud of and team meetings, lunches and the new office construction. There is an open investigation on this matter. 

A: EARL HERR On Aug 25, 2012 2:30 PM, "Earl Herr"  wrote:
we need full disclosure and you as the president needs to write up an explanation of how we do business. because it this is true we have a storm coming our way and it'll be much more than just over the YouTube videos

Q: DAVID PICKRON On Aug 25, 2012 2:07 PM, David Pickron wrote:
Sounds good. I really need a favor that is causing me some legal issues right now. I need all you tube videos that mention CrimShield gone. This new  California law has an Attorney on my back named Devin Fok. Feel free to google him. He is threatening to sue us because he believes Amwrcan information is going overseas. Please please please take these down. It's going to cost me a fortune. This is my 5th request. Thanks. 

** There is much more with emails and proof your information is not safe at CrimShield or AAA Landlord so keep posted, watching and searching for more reports. 

CrimShield, Inc.


CrimShield Protects Consumer Information

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 02, 2013

crimshield inc. recognizes the first amendment right to freedom of speech.  crimshield also recognizes that that same freedom can be, and is, abused through cyber-bulling, harassment and false statements similar to those that have been set forth in the posting above.  as in this case, these types of abuses are common tactics used by competitors, disgruntled employees and those upset because they do not get their way, notwithstanding the actual facts.  those same tactics are also one of the leading reasons that internet communications are under legislative attack in an effort to implement controls on internet use.  when there are no controls in place to stop false/slanderous statements, the consumer is the loser, such as in the instant matter. 


in regard to crimshields privacy policies any reader may go to to read its policies on storing, sharing and selling of private consumer information which include the following statements: any private consumer information obtained in any way by, for or through crimshield, inc. that has not already been purged from the crimshield, inc. computer systems, is securely stored only at crimshields data center located in the united states.  consumer information obtained in any way by crimshield inc. is never shared with any other party, unless a consumer has authorized sharing their information with another party.  consumer information obtained in any way by crimshield inc. is never sold to any other party.


crimshield, inc is committed to helping protect people in their homes, businesses and. communities by issuing crime free certifications to individuals that meet the approved criteria.  our careful handling of personal information is reflected in each step of our investigative, certification and verification processes. 

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