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Cuisine Sante International wasted my time and darkened the reputation of a heritage festival Edmonton, Alberta
Heritage festival is a reputable event when immigrants and Canadians unite in their heritage pride. They unfortunately would not allow animals at this event, but they would allow "telemarketing" scammers. "Lottery" is being drawn for a prize of a "free dinner" and "healthy cooking" lesson.
free meal without a food poisoning
enhanced knowledge about innovative cookware
charismatic nonlicensed chef's cookshow and spanish music
3 hours out of your life
pushy sales maneuvre at the end of the show
one is being forced to become "ungreatful" for a dinner and have to say NO or come up with fake excuses just to get out of there-SOMETHING THAT IS SO NOT IN A CANADIAN CULTURE TO DO, SOMETHING THAT MAKES ANY INTELLIGENT AND POLITE PERSON SICK TO THEIR STOMACH
overall- a lesson to city of Edmonton, organizers of Heritage Festival of 2011, and to me, of course!