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  • Report:  #436569

Complaint Review: Curaderm BEC5

Curaderm BEC5 Curaderm is a Bogus "Snake Oil" skin cancer treatment--stay away from Curaderm Scam! Global Vanuatu

  • Reported By:
    Miami Florida
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 23, 2009
  • Updated:
    Thu, October 18, 2018

Curaderm BEC5 is allegedly a cure made from the extract of eggplant (aubergine). It is allged to have been proven and there is a whole story about how the doctor who founded it was run out of Australia and New Zealand but that his research has been proven in hospitals in UK (contacted them they never did such studies) and how it is unlike normal skin cancer treatments in that it will leave less if any scarring.

I tried it for a suspect growth that would not go away as I did not dare go to the doctor. This was last year. Sure enough it did react but as I later tested it will react on any freckle, mole or any area of skin that is not 100% normal--and that means many benign skin conditions. It ate my skin deeper than I imagined and I had a gaping hole in my shoulder. I contacted them and they told me that "the cancer was deeper than it looked which is normal and keep applying it". I kept applying this and it was not closing. I contacted them yet again and they assured me that I just must have had a tough case and I should buy more so as to make sure no "cancer cells" are left and I "get it all" and heal properly.

Well I did all they said (should have googled them as I am far from alone on this issue as I found in many forums). Needless to say, though they claim you will have less if any scarring than normal cancer removal this was not the case. Firstly, I now know it was not cancer but a benign bumb. Secondly, when this finally healed some 5 months after I started treatment, I was left with a horrible scar that is much worse than any biopsy or removal of cancer or any skin growth would have left (I am actually considering a scar revision now). It is depigmented, it is very large, it is horribly unsightly and the more research I did the more I found out I am far from the only one who experienced this.

Now the same quack is selling a form of Melatonin as an anti-ageing panacea (cure-all). It is Melatonin with Zinc and Selenium. Again thsi snake-oil company who conveniently is located on a small South Pacific Island, Vanuatu, where there are no restrictions on claims or pharmaceutical exports, is again trying to pedal yet another quackery. Do not be a victim!

Miami, Florida

29 Updates & Rebuttals


South Australia,


#30Consumer Comment

Thu, October 18, 2018

Curaderm and numerous other plant based products like cancer weed all work. (Cancer weed was brought in to Australia by early settlers and works fast but I wasn’t going to milk 50 weeds. Cancema chemically bores a hole (I used it only 5mm from eye but be careful) so you can’t possibly say it doesn’t work as It’s no different to surgery. It’s better than surgery as it stops working when cancer ends (I had 4 and some when deeper). I had zero scarring. In fact if you check Wikipedia you will see the guy who invented mose used to prescribe black salve. I had great reports first hand on black salve but I went for much slower 14 week curaderm. By the way I had 4 off them and had them tested.

The product admits it is nothing more than uric acid and salyctic acid (from memory) not a magical Australian bush fruit as it claims. The beauty of it it you watch the hole heal up with white cells so you know it doesn’t touch healthy cells. Curaderm has a guide book and you have to exactly follow it. The confusion comes when the cancer is huge under the surface and people freak out by large hole but if you had mose surgery they would have to do the same. Also when another one occurs people think it came back but what I found is I was diagnosed with 2 but I noticed in both case the cream overlap exposed another along side (a likely scenario as possibly both were burn spots in my youth and I know one was).

Or could it be the root went deep and was near surface at another spot? In that case would black salve be better? I think so and black salve is instant but burns more.I hear there is a great lady in NSW who is a trusted supplier. The point is I then had to go on the two new cancers another 10 weeks but I could easily have missed them and said the cream didn’t work. Cancer weed grows all over most of Australia and it’s free so worth a go. I own a large company in Oil & Gas and this is a genuine comment.


New York,

Typo forgive me.

#30Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2017

Not spend 14 dollars, that was a typo, I meant to say spent 144 dollars. 


New York,

Your Claim Makes No Sense

#30Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2017

You state you bought it and put it on a suspected area that you thought was cancerous. Why would you do this ? You had no confirmation or proof that you even had cancer. Just decided one day to spend 14 dollars plus tax mind you , because that is exactly what it costs per bottle, and apply it on a suspected spot on your skin. You are aware a E.R. visit only runs about 100 nucks right. Sorry, I feel this comment is an attempt at Big Pharm trying to once again control the minds of real people. I used the product, and Yes it does work. So I just cannot make sense on anyhting you have stated, and Yes I have applied it on areas that I had a regular mole and had issues at all. So I feel even that statement is not truthful. 



curaderm works on most skin cancers

#30Consumer Comment

Sun, November 06, 2016

I have had basal cell skin cancer for decades.  I got tired of being cut on and many times having the cancer come back since they really can't guarantee they get it all.  It takes discipline to use curaderm, keeping it covered with micropore tape and applying it multiple times during the day, but it works and eliminates the cancer.  It has saved my nose and my scalp by getting rid of huge, deep skin cancers that would have required major surgeries, leaving huge scars.  I even increased it;s effectiveness by adding 1 part DMSO to 9 parts curaderm.  It has been a major blessing for me.


New York,
New York,


#30General Comment

Sat, October 03, 2015

Curaderm found my skin definitely will work on skin cancer without the toxic side effects of medication which when I used it effected my eyesight and immune system.  It was a nightmare.  Curaderm is more gentle.


Lauderdale by the Sea,

Cost of Moh's surgery

#30General Comment

Tue, August 11, 2015

 Please know your statement of the cost of Moh's is off by about $10,000. These procedures run between 2-2.5K depending on how deep the tumor is.


New York,
New York,

It works.

#30Consumer Comment

Mon, March 02, 2015

This started as a small scab on my scalp. After it began to get larger and larger I finally had it biopsied. Basal Cell Carcinoma. Long story short, every Doctor I saw wanted to do MOHS surgery at a cost of over 12,000.

I used Curaderm for six months. The photos speak for themselves. About three weeks after the last photo taken it was completely heald with NO SCARRING. The hair grew back completely in about two months. this was two years ago. I have had one small reocurrence in a different area of my scalp which I began to treat immediately. The new spot was healed in about one month with the same results.


Port Townsend,

None needed

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, September 18, 2013

A dermatologist is not required to use Curaderm. It is an at home, over the counter preparation to apply with no doctor involvement.

I purchased it online to see if it really works. I am on day 7, and it certainly does something. The quick, dramatic results are rather frightening to see, and painful to use, but the produce certainly does something. Where I had a very small spot of actinic keratosis I now have a gruesome looking lesion which seems to be the evidence of healing. 

When I complete this process, I may make a report as to the outcome on this site as to the outcome. I am glad I began with a spot that does not show, not on face, to learn how this product works. 

One suggestion I will make is if you have several spots, do not treat all of them at the same time. I am treating 6 spots on my body and I feel sick, maybe my body is in shock. The pain of the process has been exagerated by my over enthusiasm to get on with it. After these spots finish, I will treat one spot at a time.

Prepare for an unsightly weaping, and increse in size of the lesion. Even the micropore tape becomes difficult to remove due to reaction with the exudation from the lesion. 

I do wish the Curaderm site mentioned these things to prepare users for a realistic experience. There is salicylic acid and uriec acid in the product at high levels, as was written on the paperwork I received with the very small tube of the product. Also, I don't see how applying it liberally will allow this small tube to last the duration. But, again, I went for six spots, and should have chosen one or two at a time.

I do wish Curaderm were available in larger sized tubes. The product is not inexpensive.

50 year old female


Curaderm spared me $4,000 worth of surgery and worked in just weeks

#30Consumer Comment

Fri, September 13, 2013

Curaderm BEC5 worked perfectly for me! It was far easier, painless, and treatment proceeded exactly as described.

A biopsy of a suspicious spot on my face reported basal cell carcinoma in July 2013.  The only option my dermatologist gave me was expensive MOHs procedure to remove it and plastic surgery with skin grafting to restore the area.  She stressed it would 'be a nice looking result' so often I began to suspect she was concerned about disfiguring.  

I asked about cost and was told it would cost up to $10,000 depending on how many times the doctor had to go back and forth removing tissue and testing it to be sure all the cancer was taken care of. Under local anesthesia, I was not looking forward to any of this.

I decided to research other alternatives and asked my primary doctor, a D.O. (more natural minded) who said she didn't think it would 'hurt' to try a cream for 2 months. She recommended a cream called AminoCare, but my research didn't show any connection whatsoever with basal cell carcinoma or other cancers. I began to search further and discovered Curaderm. Dr. Mercola's youtube video on Dr. Oz's show gave it much validity in our minds. I decided to cancel the surgical consult and give it a try.

From day 1, I began in August 2013, the cream worked exactly as manufacturer instructions said it would. The process was very simple, simply apply morning and night, and keep a tiny paper tape cover on it. The lesion got worse immediately, and went from about pencil erasure size to the size of a dime, but not deep, and though like an open sore, not painful at all. The cream stung a bit the first few weeks, for 10 or 20 minutes after applying. This reassured me it was working because instructions described it as such.

Almost daily the appearance changed so we could tell things were happening. I applied a bit on healthy skin in another area to test the claim that it only effected cancer, and not healthy skin. It definitely proved true in my test area - no irritation whatsoever. Yet the cancerous spot immediately began changing and dissolving away. The healthy skin around it did get somewhat irritated and red, and I was told to keep the curaderm only on the open lesion. 

Curaderm users can send pathology and photos throughout the treatment for doctor commentary which was extremely helpful for me. My treatment was monitored this way, because my dermatologist wanted nothing to do with it.

I told the dermatologist I would return after a few months and let her see the result, but I have no reason to believe she will begin recommending a $125 tube of cure when she can sell $4,000+ surgical procedures.....

So grateful to have skipped surgery and reconstruction! No pit or scarring remains. The process is slow, and as cancer cells die off, healthy cells fill in for a perfect 'reconstruction' (you can see amazing results of severe cases by googling. Follow instructions. Send photos every couple weeks for doctor feedback to be sure the process is going well. Keep it covered (moist) and do not stop prematurely before all the skin in the area is healthy with no lesion remaining. I would recommend this to anyone in a heartbeat!! 

God is faithful  : )


New York,


#30REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, June 06, 2013

Hi Lex,

It would have been beneficial for the reader of your comment to have seen a picture of both the suspected skin cancer and the results from using Curaderm.

I am interested in Curaderm, however, I am going to see a dermatologist, first, so that I have a professional diagnosis of what exactly is my condition. I have several moles on my forehead and one strange looking dot-sized, black mark on my nose which concerns me.


What is the current condition of your skin?








My experience and opinion about CuredermBec5

#30Consumer Comment

Sat, April 27, 2013

First of all, we should be realistic about the results of the product and be truthful to ourselves. What I mean is that if you had positive outcome of your treatment - the hole was closed which showed that your body managed to fight the cancer cells and regenerated a new tissue,no matter how long it took for this accomplishment - and if you knew how hard people try to find cure for cancer, desperately searching for something and never thinking of anything else not to mention scars,appearance,lost hair...they just want to be saved, you could have been much grateful to your results and to those who try everything to help people like this doctor,the founder of this product. And not everybody  have to be a scientist to find a solution for a problem. How many examples through  our human history we have of inventions,cures,discoveries that have come up from people willing and passionate to help others and even some of them have sacrificed their lives.

Secondly,you should have read and properly understood the products effects,and its purpose.It said that the main purpose of this cream is not to cure but to expose the cancer cells in the body so that the body can recognize them and help the system to fight with it. As we all know, cancer is very well camouflaged and not easy to detect by the healthy cells so that they can fight it. How long it will take it depends on many factors: how long the cancer was there;the immune system of the person....

Thirdly, I can not imagine how one can  be that cruel,besides being ungrateful, to lie that he has  tried the cream on other bumps on his body (benign ones) and still have the same effect as on the cancer ones. I know that is not true because I have tried the same thing and there is no way that the cream reacts on healthy tissue or even benign one. I have all types of bumps,freckles,moles on my skin (smaller, bigger);I've tried on most of them and there was no reaction on any of them except  on my skin cancer which I developed several years ago and was removed surgically leaving the tissue with no pigment. After several moths a small bump appeared on the same spot.It was checked out again by the same surgeon and he said it was not growing and nothing to be worried about; didn't take any further actions but I was observing it and noticing that it was growing.I started  looking for different solutions and I stumbled upon CuradermBec5.I am still applying it and I am going to do that as long as it is needed and my hole covered.As for the scar,even though it is on my forehead,I will think about when my skin get healed. I think the same company offers some cream for better healing.


United States of America

Beverly Hills Dermotologist

#30Consumer Comment

Mon, September 10, 2012

You mentioned you are working with a dermatologist in Beverly Hills who is guiding you in using Curaderm. Could you please post the physician's name as I would like to make an appointment to see him. If you are not comfortable in posting the physician's name, could you please provide me with some hints, such as male or female, alone or with a clinic, multiple offices, etc. I would be most grateful as I need some professional help! My own dermatologist has not heard of Curaderm and insists I use Mohs surgery for the BCC on my nose, which would result in disfigurement. Thank you for your help! Or if anyone else reads this and knows of a dermatologist who works with Curaderm, I would be willing to fly anywhere in the U.S.


North Carolina,
United States of America

BEC5 on Dr. Oz

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, August 29, 2012

If this is such a dangerous cream, why would Dr. Oz's Program support it on TV today 8/28/12?

United Kingdom

BEC5 Curaderm

#30General Comment

Sun, August 12, 2012

The research and results regards BEC5 and extract of Egg Plant regards is use and treatment for non melanoma skin cancers was reported on British Tv directly by the Scientists involved from the Royal London Hospital quite some time ago now. I remember watching the program.  The success rate was fantastic.

The fact is there are many natural cures for various illness that work way better than pharma drugs, the companies of which I suspect fund this site.


United States of America


#30REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, July 18, 2012

I just had a basal cell diagnosed between my eyes and squamous on in hand and chest and precancerous on my left arm...I'm six days into Curaderm...applies too much at first and had a pretty big they seen a bit quieter....and I'm not so uncomfortable...I am so excited for this treatment...i have the blessing of my dermatologist....I am doing a youtube of this crazy adventure and will keep you posted...I've had skin cancer for 30 years and am so tired of getting cut on...and MOS for my face just scared the life out of me...more as the story unfolds.


St. Simons Island,
United States of America

To Lex from Miami

#30General Comment

Wed, July 11, 2012


I don't doubt that you had some kind of awful experience with this cream, which is specifically made for non-melanoma carcinomas of the skin. What I don't understand is why you would start using this cream if you hadn't had a biopsy done to determine what it was in the first place. Even if you say you later determined it was something benign, no one should start using any kind of medicine without knowing what you are using it on. I have had so many basal cell carcinomas over the years and I know exactly how long and how deep these treatments can be (and how ugly).

I haven't tried this one yet, but am about to because research proves that is is far less damaging than 5FU which is the standard topical chemotherapy which is prescribed for this condition. It is still a form of chemo though, so I find it very odd that you would use it without consulting a doctor. Snake oil? All this research has been done by trusted sources. I will happily come back here and post my results. By the way, it isn't uncommon for more natural doctors to be 'run out' in this very competitive and money driven industry so it is always good to keep motive in mind.





#30Consumer Comment

Sat, March 10, 2012

I have used BEC5 and have found it to be effective in precancerous skin conditions on my face and back due to sun damaged skin. I can not speak to the curaderm product as I have only used a BEC5 product from anitaging in the UK.

The BEC5 only effects the damaged skin which it turns quite red but once it has finished the skin then turns normal color and further treatments has no effect on the healthy skin. I can note that the BEC5 will go down into the skin always until it has finished whatever it is doing. Just my experience on four locations.



Curaderm Bec5 Works, Plain and simple

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, November 30, 2011

I have used curderm on various lesions for the past year. It works. I have also researched it considerably, and talked to a pharmacist regarding it. He told me it used to be on the PBS (the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) in Australia - which is a Government program that subsidises health medicines. Medicine has to go through an approval process first before it is approved to go on it. So, the Australian government must have been pretty satisfied that it worked too. I'll take that over the original poster any day (aside from the fact of my own experience of over a year and a number of different lesions, on my face and body).

Incidentally, it is no longer on the PBS (the pharmacist checked for me). But he said that is probably because it wasn't being used enough by dermatologists here in Australia (one of the issues with it being forced on the PBS in the first place, according to what I have read, is that the Dermatologist lobby wasn't happy that it was available for home use. So it doesn't suprise me that they didn't embrace it with open arms).

But the fact remains, it works - otherwise it would not have been put on the PBS in the first place.

Incidentally, my mother used it and it did not cause a very deep 'hole' in her skin, whereas with mine it looked for a while like a diabetic ulcer (it wasn't - I do not have diabetes - it just ate away the damaged skin cells). And it does not always cause the same thickness of 'hole in every application. It depends on what it there.

Bottom line - if you are really concerned as to what the spot is that you are going to treat, get a biopsy of it first. I personally don't bother - if you keep applying it until it completely heals, and follow the edges (it will find the roots), the cosmetic result is as good as the pictures indicate. To help it heal afterwards I use coconut oil, and mix in (true, 1st generation) copper peptides (which help in skin regeneration). But you should apply curaderm until the skin is completely healed for best results, from my experience (of course, see your doc if you are worried)


Rio de Janeiro,

Curaderm works extremely well.

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, November 10, 2011

I used Curaderm for a large basal cell carcinoma on my forehead, and it was a huge success! I made a timelapse video of the treatment (76 days) and put it on a website.

Watch the video and make up your own mind.


United States of America

Curaderm works!

#30General Comment

Wed, May 04, 2011

I am an individual that has used the product you are complaining about.....that is, "CURADERM BEC5," with absolutely fantastic results for almost two years now!  I highly recommend this product to anyone who has pre-cancerous or basal cell cancers.  I am not a doctor and I am not tied to the manufacturer of this product in any way.

I see a highly reputable dermatologist on a regular basis as I am very fair skinned and prone to skin cancers.  This product was recommended by my reputable Beverly Hills dermatologist and it has been incredible in both CURING and completely removing my lesions...each and every single time.  Once I left it on longer than the 4- 6 weeks on a large spot that was not cancer but was keratosis from sun damage and although it worked beautifully it did leave some loss of pigmentation....however that is the ONLY spot that it occurred on and my skin has returned to normal on all other areas I have used it on.  I have used it on my legs, ankles, hands, chest and arms now with superior results.

In the old days we had to have surgery...minor as it always left a gaping round white, loss of pigmentation scar....that will NEVER GO AWAY ...and cost a small fortune to have done.

So please.....I highly recommend this product for anyone suffering from basal cell skin cancers or keratosis and I strongly disagree with this negative comment to which I am replying.  I would suggest that you leave the product on only until you see the lesion closing itself up and beginning to heal.  It DOES do must keep applying it twice a day until it does.  I also use Hydrogen peroxide to clean it every time before I re-aply the curaderm and ONLY apply it right where the lesion forms...cover with paper tape and that's it.  

All the best


United States of America

BEC5 use report

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, August 18, 2010

I am using BEC5.  The person who used it continually until she had a hole in her shoulder may possible not have used her common sense.  I grew up water skiing once/week for 8 months of the year, and was often so sick I could not go to school the next day (I have a northern European complexion). Thus as I exit middle age, I have paid the price, and have had numerous suspicious or precancerous spots removed from my skin every year for the last 5 years.  After one week's use, 2 of my spots have disappeared completely (no bump below when compared with surrounding area by finger pressure), 8 are shrinking apace, and two are unaffected; may be small cysts.  I am hoping to be able to halt this constant skin surgery.


New Brunswick,,
New Jersey,
United States of America

Curaderm is not a scam

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, July 14, 2010

I purchased Curaderm in the fall of 2008 after being diagnosed with a basal cell carcinoma on my nose.  I had used Carac cream on my face to bring out and kill multiple precancerous spots on my face but one spot remained.  My dermatologist told me not to worry about it and every three months he checked it and never did a biopsy.  After a year, an associate did a biopsy and sent me to a surgeon for MOHE surgery. 

I've had several surgeries on my body but I was very upset about what the surgeon said I would be in for.  At this same time a nutritionist friend sent me an article on Curaderm and I told the surgeon I wanted to try this first.  I agreed to continue to see him during the treatment and for follow-up when it was healed.

The treatment took 14 weeks.  It went from a little red spot about 1/8 of an inch in diameter to an open lesion of about 1/2 inch.  (It was always covered with flesh colored tape.)  It finally started healing from the inside out and I was left with what looked like a flat shiny scar but my doctor said I was cancer free.  He gave me a retinol product to use and now over a year later there is no evidence of a scar.

I just ordered this for my mother who also has a basal cell carcinoma on her face that her dermatologist overlooked for over a year and referred her to a surgeon.  I would only use this product for diagnosed skin cancer and not other benign growths.  There are several good and cheaper products you can purchase online for mole and keratosis removal.

Do your homework.  There is a wealth of information on the internet and we have to be our own advocates.



Good Luck

#30Author of original report

Thu, March 04, 2010

If you believe try and do it. I just am posting my experience---when you have done it--post then! Perhaps you will have the best of luck, I did not!



Seen it!

#30Author of original report

Thu, March 04, 2010

Call them up, they deny being involved in any such study, I called every place after I was scarred with this and everyone said they had nothing to do with it. Interesting huh?! I believed it all, if I did not why would I have the scar to prove I did? If it is a panacea why is no reputable dermatologist or hospital using it instead of excision, 5-flourouracil cream or other methods? WHY? Because it is unpredictable as to how much flesh it will eat, healthy or unhealthy! IT DOES work, I do not deny that, but it took with it healthy flesh and left an unsightly scar that no conventional treatment does. Does the doc want to pay for my scar revision since you work for him ask him?


Port Vila,

In reference to Filing a Rebuttal to #3 Update By Author Report #436569 on 8th feb 2010

#30REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, March 04, 2010


I do agree with Lex that the customer's service of who was previously an "independent" distributor of curaderm has not acted responsibly.  This has already been dealth with (please refer to Rebuttal #1:


As for the doctor, he has never lived or done any research in New Zealand.


I refer to Lex's statement "they listed research in London, amongst others ..............EVERY place I contacted told me that there is no such cure nor did they participate in any form of tests with this product".  With my previous Rebuttal #1


Individual response to Lex's statement, I have already given the reference of the published scientific article of the phase III clinical trial by the dermatologists in the UK.


It appears that this is not enough to convince Lex that these studies were done!


Because of the biased misinformation given by Lex to the general public I am now compelled to attach herewith the Clinical Appraisal of

BEC5 with the Letterhead of the Royal London Hospital and signed by two principal dermatologists involved with such studies.  (see attachment below)


I hope that the R & D with Curaderm resulting in many published scientific articles in credible medical journals, accepted by scientists throughout the world, is finally also acceptable by Lex.

All the claims made by Curaderm BEC5 Global are valid.  All Lex had to do was to request relevant information from Curaderm BEC5 global.

This would have avoided any confusion created by Lex.  Nevertheless, we have to now move forward to continue many more years of R & D to determine whether BEC, the active anticancer glycoalkaloids in Curaderm BEC5, are effective for the treatment of terminal internal cancers in humans.  Such studies are ongoing.

Healthy regards,


Tom Gerard

United Kingdom

Comments and Negative Associations regarding Curaderm BEC5

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, March 03, 2010

I have visited a skin specialist at Addenbrooks Hospital, Cambridge regarding a growth on
my nose measuring 6.5mm in diameter.

Diagnosis is suspected  basal cell carninoma (BCC).
Treatment. Excision with margins (1 - 2 mm).

Excision means surgical removal of growth, and the margins surrounding the growth up to 2mm in diameter. The depth of the excision is to be all the way down the the skin lining of the nose.

Post surgery reconstuction options given to me:

a) Stitch it closed. (Stitching a hole some 11 mm in diameter and 5 mm deep closed).
b) Remove flesh from my cheek to repair hole in my nose.
c) Remove part of my ear to repair hole in my nose.

Faced with this prognosis from a surgical professional, I, like many others researched my options, and have decided to follow a Curaderm BEC5 treatment path, based on the following research, which contracts much of the comments made by the original poster.

"that his research has been proven in hospitals in UK (contacted them they never did such studies)".

To correct this comment, I did my own research. The active ingredient of Curaderm BEC5, is a 0.005% concentration of solasodine glycosides.

The report referred to was a multicentre study of Zycure (marketed by Masters International, UK, and appears to be a pseudonym fo Curaderm BEC5).

The full report is available as a PDF here:

Solasodine glycoalkaloids: a novel topical therapy for basal cell
carcinoma. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled,
parallel group, multicenter study.

Contrary to what the original poster suggests (and claims that he contacted the centres where the studies took place), this study did take place. The researchers sited in the report do exist, and their conclusions were:

"We conclude that the solasodine glycoside cream Zycure is a safe therapy for
basal cell carcinoma, with a cure rate of 66% at 8 weeks and 78% at 1 year follow-up"..

For me, those are very good odds for a $115-00 treatment that doesn't involve radical surgery.

By anybody's standards, this is also a superb result for the makers Zycure (Curaderm)
and Dr Cham, it's inventor.

Based on this result, I'm going to proceed with the Curaderm treatment. I have been contacted by email by Dr Cham, and staff at Vanuatu medical, and since have had a phone call with their centre. The person I spoke with gave me the impression of being highly experienced in the treatment of  BCC with Curaderm, and handled my own questions well.

As for me. I am a life scientist. I understand the mechanism that is explained by Cham on how Curaderm is expected to work. I have weighed up the risks of the treatment and outcomes versus the alternatives available (radical surgery in my case, followed by plastic surgery), and I have confidence in the Curaderm BEC5 approach for my diagnosed case of BCC.

Finally I would say to the original poster. 'The evidence is out there. But in your case, go and see your Doctor about your shoulder and get it diagnosed properly'.



To the Rebuttals

#30Author of original report

Mon, February 08, 2010

Look, the first poster is posting from Vanuatu, this in itself tells me they have some connection to the company. I never said it did not work, but trust me I would rather have had surgery. I have the ugliest scar on my shoulder and it is THE worst scar I ever have gotten anywhere on my body. 

The facts are that I read up thoroughly on this product, they listed research in London, among others. I called these places and asked to verify midway through the treatment when I had this deep oozing indentation and was getting worried. Every time I called or wrote to customer service they reassured me that "this is normal, buy your next one before you run out so that you do not stop prematurely as you may take longer than others". They even asked for photos. EVERY place I contacted told me that there is no such cure nor did they participate in any form of tests with this product. In fact one of the listed places told me they have received several calls and were not happy about any of these claims and that the only KNOWN and endorsed cure for skin lesions of any type is surgery, cryosurgery, laser or at times 5FU cream. 

Nobody denies that the actual product eats away at tissue that is not "normal" it is also (as I researched) popular for mole removal in some Asian countries. It seems it recognises abnormal tissue and then eats away at it BUT it seems at times to go awry. 

As for the doctor, he left New Zealand and Australia because the fact that the local authorities WOULD NOT let him advertise and sell the product with the claims he made that it cured cancers. This is something that I also found out in my research. If he was simply retired and not run out, then why not sell the product from where he allegedly created it? People who retire do not work, they leave their businesses or have limited input into such, a trip or two a month would do. The fact is that there are NO pharmaceutical laws in Vanuatu, I can tell you that because there are many pharmacies which openly ship prescription drugs all over the world from there. 

If it worked for someone, great and power to them. BUT if, like me, I had any clue I may end up with a huge scar I would have gone to a traditional doctor. At some point I am actually considering scar revision it is that bad!

Jeff H.

United States of America

Well, my experience with Curaderm has been better than yours.

#30Consumer Comment

Mon, February 08, 2010

I am fair-skinned and spent my youth swimming in full sun, perpetually tanned, pink or fried.  As a result, I've got a recurring battle with skin cancer (basal and squamous) on my head and torso.  I've had so many lesions removed surgically I've lost count, but it's at least 30.  To boot, these surgeries are not very successful, with 4 out 5 cancers returning.  I was at wit's end, as the lesions had become prominent on my face and ear.  After reading about this nutty eggplant -derived "cure",  I ordered it with pretty low expectations.  The stuff hurts like blazes (for about 15 minutes) when applied to the lesions, is a real bear to scrub off and re-apply, but I did so faithfully for a week on the most prominent, ugliest ones, thinking it would be hard for them to get any worse.  Indeed, they DID improve and several disappeared entirely.   

It's now about 8 weeks later, and I'm extremely pleased with the results.  The most serious lesion, never healing or even scabbing and always bloody (on my ear and quite large) is virtually gone.  There is indeed a scar and a small amount of discoloration, but this thing sure looks like it's gone.  The doctor wanted to do Mohs surgery on it and remove about 1/3 of my ear.  (Oh, but he said a good plastic surgeon would be able to rebuild it).  The next worst lesion was on my temple, and there is no doubt it's gone.  Very deep lesions on my nose are better, although not gone.  It's amazing and pleasing to me that the things have just improved.  Time will tell whether the cancers are gone or they've just finally got some scar tissue over them, but my belief is that they are gone.  Prior to using this, the sores were VERY sensitive and constantly stung, now they are neither.  That alone would make me praise this stuff.

Therefore, I disagree with the original poster.   It may not be a panacea, but it's not quackery either.  I fully recognize that it's possible my lesions will return, that they have merely been scarred into improvement, but I'll take these scars over those blackened, oozy bloody messes any day of the week.  My friends and family are amazed at the improvements, and I will be treating my other sores with this very soon now that I'm convinced that it does something like it was purported to do. 

This stuff has made it so I can go out in public and not be embarrassed.  

low points-  It took a long time to get delivery, about 6 weeks.  It's fairly expensive (but far cheaper than surgery), and it really does feel like you've got fire ants on your wound for about 15 minutes.  

On what basis do you claim this American doctor was run out of Australia and New Zealand?  I've dug as much as I can, and there is nothing leads me to believe this claim.


Port Vila,

Report: Curaderm BEC5 - Reference to: Lex, Miami, Florida

#30REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, April 01, 2009

Curaderm BEC5 contains BEC glycoalkaloids. These glycoalkaloids are found in many solanaceous plants, including the eggplant (aubergine). Dr B Cham was the first to publish articles in scientific journals about the BEC glycoalkaloids ,he identified that BEC consisted of the glycoalkaloids solamargine, solasonine and their mono-and diglycosides. He also published, in scientific journals, that these glycoalkaloids had good anticancer properties with an unique mode of action. Since these original publications thousands of independent articles have appeared in the literature confirming Dr Bill Cham's original observations (search BEC glycoalkaloids and solamargine cancer and solasonine cancer, just to name a few on Google).

It took many years of research before it could conclusively be shown, as verified by scientific publications, that Curaderm BEC5 is a safe, effective treatment for skin cancers (visit

The doctor who founded Curaderm BEC5 was never run out of Australia and New Zealand. As a matter of fact he spends much time in these countries. The doctor has retired in the beautiful country of Vanuatu which is located 2 to 3 hours by plane from Australia and New Zealand.

A multicenter study involving ten hospitals/universities in the United Kingdom conducted phase III studies using BEC5 which is Curaderm BEC5. Dr Cham supplied the ten centers with the product. The results of these studies have now been published (solasodine glycoalkaloids: a novel topical therapy for basal cell carcinoma. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel group, multicenter study) in the International Journal of Dermatology, Volume 47, issue 1, pages 78-82 by S. Punjabi, L.J. Cook, P. Kersey, R. Marks and R. Cerio, all of whom are dermatologists. In the published article they have named the product Zycure which is BEC5 known as Curaderm BEC5.

Regarding Lex's comments that treatment with Curaderm BEC5 leaving scar tissue. I refer to the published article by Punjabi et al where they state, we feel that this novel agent has overall efficacy, patient acceptance, low incidence of local adverse events and no systemic side effects.

The conclusions drawn by the authors of the above publication confirms the published articles by Dr Bill Cham et al. over two decades ago.

It is also important to note that advice regarding the treatment of Curaderm BEC5 on skincancers should only be given by proper healthcare providers.

It appears that Lex has been corresponding with who is an independent distributor of Curaderm BEC5.

Curaderm BEC5 Global Ltd is the company that manufactures Curaderm BEC5 and the sunscreen Curasol BEC and is only involved with these two products.

Curaderm Global Ltd is completely independent of and does not sell Melatonin.

Finally, it would be more appropriate and responsible if Lex had done proper and fair investigations regarding Curaderm BEC5, a well researched product, that has helped so many thousands of patients.

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