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  • Report:  #1007614

Complaint Review: Custom Chopperwerks

Custom Chopperwerks Robert Rowe Liar, Fraud, Fake and In Debt Palmetto, Florida

  • Reported By:
    Battle Cat — Sarasota Florida United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, February 02, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 04, 2014


11 Updates & Rebuttals

Shafted Customer

Parts Unknown,

Happy to see some action! ! !

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, March 04, 2014

As for Custom CHUMP WERKS im glad to see that someone has shut up Robert Rowe and hope he goes back to jail where a crook con man belongs.


Truth Maker


Paypal Officially Goes After Robert Rowe for Fraud

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, June 13, 2013

Robert Rowe of Custom Chopperwerks,

Know we all know how you've managed to escape virtually all complaints with the BBB.  You have your ex-wife Nancy front end your operations with Gripthis1.  And claim that you are a wholesaler. 

Well, as I've said before.  This whole thing started out as a lie.  The attached is proof now that Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group now has a zero balance and is completely exonarated.  Curtis says he'll be posting something a bit later on. 

Finally, the proof was in fact presented in front of the right eyes and determined through legal and civil channels that Robert Rowe of Custom Chopperwerks LIED and in fact had received checks totalling $5K.

How Paypal will treat this fraud is clearly outline in their Users Agreement. 

Robert Rowe if you ever, I do mean EVER come on this forum again and say that Curtis has stolen money from you or anyone else, I'm releasing those nukes I've been holding on you, Tom and Nancy.  I triple dog dare you to say you never got your checks last year.

This whole disgraceful thing was trumped up to make you look good.  That's all it ever was.   You ruined your business and Curtis' because you weren't thinking clearly and were so consummed by hatred and anger self generated based on LIES.  You lack true wisdom.

Problem is you've found out that when you intentionally go to hurt others, you ONLY end up hurting yourself.  You're learing this lesson late in life, but hopefully you will learn.

I don't ever want to see you on this forum again talking about my friend Curtis or Tycoon Group, because if you do - you will be sorrier than you are now.  The best thing you can do NOW is get to your credit card company FIRST, if isn't already too late and apologize to them, because your house of cards are falling.  You see, Truth will alway win, bank on THAT.


- Steve



Start thinking clearly of yourself better, Tom and Nancy before you decide your next move.  You could make things even worse for you and the others. Believe that!


United States of America


#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 22, 2013


Ohhhhhhh, another smoke screen. Soooooo, the excuse Curtis Brown now uses to avoid answering why Curtis Brown stole $10,000.00 from two clients is CURTIS BROWN now claims as an excuse, there is no audience here on The Rip Off Report so CURTIS BROWN won't post anymore. Isn't that convenient. CURTIS BROWN avoids answering the question why CURTIS BROWN stole $10,000.00 from his clients through every topic posted on The Rip Off Report.

Curtis brown has fabricated numerous aliases posing as alleged clients of Curtis Brown, stating what a great guy Curtis Brown is, and attacking me with information only Curtis brown would know, which no reputable businessman would share with any client.

Curtis Brown used aliases because he needed something to boost his fabricated credibility, so he couldn't get backed into a corner, and have to answer why he stole money from his clients. Anyone reading what has happened here, can clearly see Curtis Brown has refused to answer why he stole money from his clients. I have posted bank statements, emails, etc. that clearly show Curtis Brown is a liar and fraud. CURTIS BROWN WON'T DISPUTE THE EVIDENCE, CURTIS BROWN JUST IGNORES IT WITH NO DEFENSE.

Every fraudulent claim Curtis brown or his aliases have made on The Rip Off Report, has been blown out of the water with facts backed up by documentation.

Curtis, I'm not worried about PayPal as you allege. I just posted the case is closed because it proves, once again you are a liar. It was important for Curtis Brown to win our credit card dispute, because he would have used it to give his lies credibility. However, Curtis Brown LOST the credit card dispute (because he lied) which now makes CURTIS BROWN look like the crook he is.

Another lie by Curtis brown. I don't own Grip This, Inc.. Check with the Florida Division of Corporations for verificATION. Grip This, Inc. is A Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. dealer, and a good one I might add. ONE OF OVER 200 DEALERS CUSTOM CHOPPERWERKS, INC. HAVE INTERNATIONALLY.

You don't believe there is an audience Curtis Brown ? Wrong again. Like you posted, anyone that Googles your business will read this.

Every thread attacking Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. on The Rip Off Report was authored by Curtis Brown using an alias. One of the aliases was "Manser" which Curtis brown was stupid enough to attack Kim Burge of the CA. Better Business Bureau on The Rip Off Report. Just look up Kim Burge on The Rip Off Report and read the fraudulent complaint by "Manser" who is really Curtis Brown.

Curtis, all these lies you posted about myself and Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. doesn't affect us at all because we do business at the wholesale level, and our dealers and people that deal with us, know we are honest people. That is why we have an A+ rating with the Florida BBB. How's your BBB rating CURTS BROWN ?

Now you Curtis Brown, on the other hand, deal with the general public that wants to know what type of person they are dealing with. Especially, when it comes to money. After they read what has been posted on The Rip Off Report, and when they see your pending arrest for stealing money from your clients, I don't think your business will prosper much.



United States of America


#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 22, 2013


You can post that bogus picture of me you claim is a mug shot all you want. I've posted legal documents here on The Rip Off Report that your false claim that I was arrested and charged with a crime is a lie you created (what else is new). You know that because in the PPM you created for my business you state in that PPM that I have never been arrested or convicted of ANY CRIME.

You can make all the false statements you want regarding your bogus credit card fraud claim which you know is a lie and smoke screen. I spoke to a supervisor at PayPal in the Disputes Dept. a few minutes ago and she reassured me that PayPal is NOT re-opening the case and that PayPal denied Curtis Brown's claim. To confirm you are again lying, I've posted PayPal documents with TODAY'S DATE showing the dispute between Curtis Brown and Robert Rowe HAS BEEN INVESTIGATED AND THE CASE IS CLOSED, CURTIS BROWN'S CLAIM IS DENIED BY INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE. AGAIN, CASE CLOSED. So Curtis, this just shows you are a perpetual liar. I'm presenting documents showing you are lying and you respond with undocumented hot air false claims with nothing to back up your hot air.

You can fabricate all kinds of false claims and lie about Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. using aliases all you want for your smoke screen. You do this and you've never even seen or touched our product. Which by the way is considered some of the best products in the motorcycle industry. Curtis Brown poses as some consumer using an alias claiming Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. allegedly ripped this consumer off. The problem with that fraudulent claim is, Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. does NOT sell retail, or to the general public. Any consumer must purchase our products through a licensed dealer.

Now to the real heart of the matter. Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC is posting all these lies about Robert Rowe and Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. because Robert Rowe and Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. had business dealings with Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC. in which Curtis Brown attempted to commit fraud, misrepresented, lied, and attempted to steal $5,000.00 from Robert Rowe and Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. just like Curtis Brown had succeeded in doing with other victims who never got their money back. Robert Rowe and Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. exposed and alerted authorities and the general public about Curtis Brown being a fraud, swindler, and basically a scam. That is why Curtis Brown is so obsessed with attacking Robert Rowe and Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. and must create these smoke screen tactics because he can't explain why he stole money from people.

I posted bank statements and documentation here on The Rip Off Report that show Cassandra O'Donnell bank wired $5,000.00 to Curtis Brown's business Tycoon Group, LLC.. Curtis Brown posted here on The Rip Off Report he had no contract with Cassandra O'Donnell nor was she Curtis Brown's client. Really ? If that was the case why did Curtis Brown accept the $5,000.00 bank wire from Cassandra O'Donnell and better yet why did Curtis Brown keep the $5,000.00 and not return it, if as Curtis Brown claimed here on The Rip Off Report Cassandra O'Donnell was not his client ? I've asked Curtis Brown numerous times here on The Rip Off Report to explain himself regarding Curtis brown stealing Cassandra's money. Curtis Brown refused to do so and then he attacks Cassandra claiming she is conspiring against Curtis Brown.

Instead Curtis Brown responds with smoke screen of a bogus credit card fraud claim or attacks Robert Rowe and Custom ChopperWerks, Inc., in an attempt to avoid the subject and explain why Curtis Brown stole $5,000.00 from at least 2 other people.

I've provided written proof here on The Rip Off Report that Curtis Brown did the same thing to a Bill Yeager in stealing and keeping Bill Yeager's $5,000.00 as Curtis Brown did to Cassandra O'Donnell.

Again, Curtis Brown responds by avoiding any explanation of his theft of money from Cassandra O'Donnell and Bill Yeager, and attacks Robert Rowe and Custom ChopperWerks, Inc.. Next, Curtis Brown will probably attack my mother, claiming she wore combat boots and a mustache. 

Curtis Brown admits here on The Rip Off Report he wants the PayPal dispute re-opened. Why ? Because Curtis Brown lost in that dispute. Criminals always want an appeal after they are convicted. Curtis Brown lost because PayPal and the credit card issuer did NOT believe Curtis Brown. 

Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis brown USA, LLC has been proven on The Rip Off Report beyond a shadow of a doubt that Curtis brown is a liar, thief, and fraud. He attempts to discredit anyone that exposes his fraud or threatens to sue them using extortion if they do. Curtis brown even posted here on The Rip Off Report using the alias "Manser" while attacking Kim Burge of the California Better Business Bureau for alerting consumers his business had closed down, and that Curtis brown had failed to respond to complaints filed against his business.

Right now, Curtis brown is being investigated for criminal conduct. I and Cassandra O'Donnell have filed criminal complaints against Curtis Brown with authorities. That's the bottom line, but it's not the end of the story. The conclusion will be when Curtis Brown is arrested. I would refer to that as a happy ending.

Curtis Brown................ the only filth that comes out of my mouth as you stated in your post, is when I say two words........ Curtis Brown. 

SO......WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO EXPLAIN WHY YOU STOLE CASSANDRA O'DONNELL'S $5,000.00 WHEN SHE WASN'T YOUR CLIENT AND IF SHE WASN'T YOUR CLIENT WHY CASSANDRA O'DONNELL BANK WIRED $5,000.00 TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT (TYCOON GROUP, LLC). I've posted Cassandra's Bank of America bank statement that proves $5,000.00 was bank wired to you. Why haven't you returned her $5,000.00 if she wasn't your client as you claim, or you had no contract with her as you claim ? If as you claim she was NOT your client, or you had no contract, Curtis Brown is required by law to return her $5,000.00 on demand. Cassandra O'Donnell begged you to return her $5,000.00 and you refused which caused her to lose her home.

Again, you did the same thing to Bill Yeager. Why haven't you returned Bill Yeager's $5,000.00 you stole ? Curtis brown you stole a total of $10,000.00 from Cassandra and Bill. You attempted to steal another $5,000.00 from me but got nailed by PayPal and the credit card issuer. It's going to be interesting when the authorities finish investigating your bank transactions how many more people you swindled. Each one will be an additional count or charge of criminal conduct.


Tycoon Group LLC

United States of America


#12Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Hey Bob,

If you really checked with Paypal's Legal or Escalation Unit yesterday, you would have returned the $5K pronto, (maybe you could have chalked things up as a clerical error)  as your are about to get your head handed to you.  You didn't do the right thing voluntarily, (you doubled and tripled down like a gambler) so you'll go down hard and lose everything.

Yeah, what you did was either checked your account online or spoke with custom service alright.  Guess you don't realize the case was escalated above those sectors.  You know how it is with big corporations, certain departments don't always communicate together.

Look, for someone that doesn't like to be arrested or put in jail again, you sure try awful hard.  Yeah, you checked Paypal because you are concerned, as well you should be.  But, the greed and self righteous act won't let you do the right thing.

Next, since there's really no more audience I've noticed, I've concluded there's just no reason to continue writing on Ripoff Report.  So, enjoy your last words all by yourself.  Maybe create some more alias, but it's about to get real quite.  Call it a silent killer. 

As people Google your business, they will stay clear of you, Custom Chopperwerks, Custom Chopperwerks International, and  You're as dirty as they come and you think you're above the law.

Oh, and when you go back to jail, please take a better mugshot please. 



United States of America


#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 22, 2013

Well Curtis,

I just checked PayPal and I guess they didn't get the memo from you because the case is still closed on the PayPal side of the equation. As you can see on the PayPal documents I posted today with today's date PayPal ruled against Curtis Brown (that means you). However, no matter what PayPal rules the governing ruling comes from the credit card issuer stupid (that's you Curtis Brown). The credit card issuer has already ruled against Curtis Brown and has told me today they will not re-open the dispute because they don't believe your story and neither did PayPal.

Now let's get to the issue you ignore and won't address. Quit trying to blow a smoke screen to cover the fact you have stolen money that was sent to you Curtis Brown. I've posted emails and banking information that prove you stole $5,000.00 from both Cassandra O'Donnell and Bill Yeager. Cassandra's banking statement I posted here shows she wired $5,000.00 to Tycoon Group, LLC. If she wasn't your client and you had no contract as you claim, why didn't you return her money ? Come on Curtis, answer that.

Why don't you ask Cassandra if she's been interviewed by federal and state authorities since you don't think charges against you are pending. Did you ask her ? 

I've got a copy and so do the authorities of the extortion letter you sent Bill Yeager for posting here on The Rip Off Report. Bill Yeager sent me a copy. I'll post it here on The Rip Off Report. 

I keep asking you about Bill and Cassandra's money you stole and you keep dancing around the question and never answer the question. The reason ? You can't without admitting you stole their money.

Another lie by Curtis brown is you claim Comerca Bank blasted me ? I've never talked to anyone at Comerca Bank. Curtis brown you are a quite the blowhard.

You keep screaming about credit card fraud which is hilarious considering you derive your income from swindling innocent people out of their hard earned money. You're a thief and a liar Curtis Brown and you want to accuse someone of credit card fraud. That's funny.

There is no credit card fraud as you claim. You're using this off the wall claim to cover your crime of stealing other people's money. The credit card issuer and PayPal ruled against you. YOU LOST. It's obvious from your recent rants that you are also a sore loser. Correction....... make that just loser.

You have not provided one document to support any of your fraudulent claims. I on the other hand have rebutted every one of your lies with written documentation.

So Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC why don't you explain to everyone here on The Rip Off Report why you stole $5,000.00 from Cassandra O'Donnell and $5,000.00 from Bill Yeager and never returned their money. 

Please explain................................

Tycoon Group LLC

United States of America

Robert Rowe On His Way to Getting Arrested Again!!!

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Custom Chopperwerks,  Yeah, Robert Rowe with all the filth that comes out of your mouth, you must be living in hell.

I am sure you wished Paypal was not reopening the case.  I am sure you wish I was going somewhere.  You almost had the perfect crime. 

I wonder how many people in your life you have set up or framed?  You take emails and statements out of context from others, twist them for your sick use.  Well, Papal did re open the case yesterday after getting the trace of your Wells Fargo account and a Letter from Comerica Bank exposing you as a fraud. 

You almost got away clean, EXCEPT that one little thing.  Perhaps you can blame it hackers from China or something.   Here's a tip:  Change your password slick.  You're dirty and your credit card company has been advise to close your account and  push for federal criminal prosecution.  The next notice you get will be one you wish you hadn't.

I'm sure you can understand.  You're on your way to jail for credit card fraud.


United States of America


#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 21, 2013

Hey Curtis,

I guess getting your butt kicked on a regular basis regarding facts and being exposed by wriiten documentation evidence instead of hot air, can be a little frustrating for you.

You claim Cassandra was not a client and you had no contract with her. REALLY ? Your a LIAR. Attached is her bank of America bank statement clearly showing Cassandra bank wired $5,000.00 to Tycoon Group, LLC.. Try explaining that. You took and kept Cassandra's money. That is why she has pursued criminal charges against Curtis Brown.

Attached is an email from a Bill Yeager who sent this email after reading The Rip Off Report. As you can see Bill Yeager bank wired you $5,000.00 also and you kept the $5,000.00 and never returned it.

That translates to mean Curtis Brown is a thief, in addition to being a liar. Curtis Brown tried to pull this same garbage on me and got nailed for it. The credit card issuer and PayPal sided with me and ruled against Curtis Brown.

Let's see you attempt to argue with the evidence I just posted on The Rip Off Report Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC.

The fact is you have law enforcement, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Ca. BPR, and the CA. Better Business Bureau breathing down your neck. It's going to be fun watching you pay the price for your scams.


United States of America


#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 21, 2013


Awwwww, you feel everyone is conspiring against you ? I wonder why that is Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC ? Do you think it may be because you cheated them out of the $5,000.00 each of them sent you by bank wire ? I suppose when you are arrested you will tell the judge authorities are conspiring against you also. Right ? Poor Curtis Brown, you are such a victim. NOT.

You never quit lying. Why would PayPal have to re-open a credit card dispute you claim you won recently posted on The Rip Off Report using an alias. Remember that Curtis ? You posted on The Rip Off Report you won our credit card dispute. Opppppps, you mean you lied Curtis ? What a surprise ! The truth is you didn't win did you ? Otherwise why would as you claim the paypal dispute have to be re-opened if you won ?

First, serving someone through the mail in Florida is NOT proper service by law.

Second, you already emailed me claiming it would cost you to much money to come to Florida which would have jurisdiction in any dispute between you and I so you were going with my credit card dispute which you already lost.

Third, I posted PayPal's decision ruling against you. I have also spoken to PayPal and they told me they aren't re-opening anything. I have attached PayPal documents showing the case is still closed with today's date high lighted in yellow. However, even if PayPal were to re-open your bogus claim the credit card issuer has already closed the case and will not re-open it. The credit card issuer is the ruling decision maker in our dispute. So that only means one thing Curtis Brown, if you want to continue with your bogus claims your going to have to file suit in Florida which we both know won't happen. Hopefully by then you are in jail due to all the people you have cheated out of money.

Fourth, have you told everyone here on The Rip Off Report Cassandra O'Donnell whom you cheated out of $5,000.00 she bank wired to you, that she is now filing criminal charges against you ? How about that fact Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC.. What about Bill Yeager whom you did the same thing to ? What's the matter Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC., the cat got your tongue ?

More hot air and false claims from Curtis Brown. The beauty of all this is each time a post is made with your name it goes right to the top in internet searches.

Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC, I think it's safe to say that everyone that has read your lies being exposed here on The Rip Off Report would say anything Curtis Brown would claim has no credibility. Wouldn't you agree Curtis Brown ?

Tycoon Group LLC

United States of America

Robert Rowe is a Crook!!!!

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, February 21, 2013

Anyone contemplating doing business with Custom Choppers International, Inc., and run the other way fast.  Robert Rowe will steal from you like you've never seen.  And, he'll use any means to justify is crooked actions.  Checks this out:

Robert Rowe and Custom Chopperwerks, Inc.  I have served you on February
11, 2013, but you won't pick up your certified mail.  Interesting...

On February 20, 2013,
Comerica Bank had finally traced those two checks that FedEx and
deposited into your Wells Fargo Account.  We sent the those traced
checks and proof of deposit and Comerica Bank's letter to Paypal. 
Paypal immediately accepted and reopen their investigation based upon
previous conversation and conference calls with my bank.

It turns out Paypal is sending it to your Credit Card Company.

in fact Paypal has reopened the investigation that was closed.  So
here's where you get to go to jail for credit card fraud.  You filed a
dispute, then subsequently submitted evidence that you were not
refunded, when in fact you were.  That's credit card fraud.  That's a
felony and that's jail!!!  Comerica Bank Blasted you for this.

are not only a con man and hypocrite, you even try to get Cassandra
O'Donnell in on your conspiracy.  This parts speculation, but I'm
willing to bet she got compensated part of that extra $5K.  So, here's
what in store for you Robert Rowe.  The $5K will go back to Paypal,
there just no doubt about that.  Paypal is going to close your account
for that stunt.  Your credit card company will close your account and
could even file criminal credit card fraud charges.

I never seen
anyone like you that loves to race to get into so much trouble.  It's
both fascinating and sad.  You get what you reap though, it's a
universal law. 

In the end, we never stole your money, fraud was
never committed on our part and all this was to make yourself look good
for a few, because you didn't get funded.  You ruined a business, try
to get others to join in with you, and not one save maybe Cassandra
O'Donnell our little opportunity seeker, (looking to get paid) who was
never a client, used by Glen Llyes probably got compensated by you with
that extra $5K you temporarily have.  And, make no mistake it is

I've let it be known to Paypal's legal and fraud unit
that for all the damage and destruction you've cause that I would
endorse criminal credit card fraud for misleading Paypal and the credit
card company.  So, you will have sanctions emposed, how severe is the

I will be putting up another post once the matter is truly closed.  You've wasted a lot of people's time.

Robert Rowe sells inferior bikes on Ebay, Craigslist and just cannot be trusted.  So, since he can't stop himself, I want to see him locked up in federal prison for credit card fraud against his own bank.


United States of America

Here we go again Curtis Brown lying and using an alias becuase Custom ChopperWerks exposed him as a fraud and cheat

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 06, 2013

Hey Curtis,

Another lie. Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. does not even have an ebay account nor do we sell to the general public as we only sell wholesale. We are a federally licensed manufacturer and only sell to licensed dealers. Go to our website : Click on enter. At the top of the next page it clearly says any purchases of Custom ChopperWerks, Inc.'s product must be purchased through a dealer.

As I said, we are federally licensed and have the same license as Harley Davidson. We issue our own VIN numbers just like Ford and General Motors. We also designate the year. Only a federally licensed manufacturer can do that. So if we issue a title that says 2013 as the year, that's what is is by law.

Bottom line Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC, and Curtis Brown USA, LLC you can post using all the aliases you want. You can also try to trash Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. all you want because you are mad that Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. exposed you as a fraud and turned you over to authorities and now you shut down your business and got out of Dodge. The California Better Business Bureau put an alert warning consumers about Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC. and the fraud it committed.

Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. is as busy as ever Curtis Brown of Tycoon Group, LLC and Curtis Brown USA, LLC. How's your business doing Curtis now that you have been exposed as a scammer and fraud ? 

By the way, nice try with the lame claim you attempted to make against Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. with the Florida Better Business Bureau. They are dismissing it.

As for Grip This, Inc. ? Go to website which is the Florida Division of Corporations. Enter Grip This, Inc.. There you will see I don't have any ownership in Grip This, Inc. nor does Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. have any ownership in Grip This, Inc. Grip This, Inc. is one of over 200 different dealers internationally that sell Custom ChopperWerks, Inc. products.

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