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  • Report:  #173487

Complaint Review: CVS Pharmacy & Pharmacist Tobin Myers

CVS Pharmacy & Pharmacist Tobin Myers On My Mother's Soul, I was 100% Totally, Falsely Accused Of Doing Something In This Store, And Then Threatened, Harassed, & Humilated In Front Of Several Customers By A Deviant, Lying, Thug, Animal, Cocky, Spoiled Frat Boy Like Pharmacist. ripoff Tampa Florida

  • Reported By:
    Tampa Florida
  • Submitted:
    Fri, January 27, 2006
  • Updated:
    Sat, January 28, 2006
  • CVS Pharmacy & Pharmacist Tobin Myers
    South Howard Ave
    Tampa, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I walked into CVS Pharmacy, on South Howard Ave, in the Soho area, like I usually do, to buy several items. I had a question regarding a product, and asked to speak with the pharmacist. The first few times, he didnt seem to want to help, so I assumed he was busy, and I said VERY NICELY, I can wait.

He either looked overloaded or upset, or tired, I couldn't tell.

Finally, on the third or so attempt, I said to the guy something like, "you look really stressed out" in a nice way. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, this diseased sickness says to me, and I quote, "I thought we told you not to come back into this store". May I be struck dead if Im lying. I also swear on my mother's soul, my father's soul, and my soul, that what I convey here is the truth, not stretched one bit.

This guy, NOR ANYONE ELSE, EVER TOLD ME THAT, nor obviously would they ever have reason to, as I did nothing wrong, and never had in that store. Noone ever told me not to come back to that store, or to leave the store.

Each time I EVER went into that store, I was respectful, and beyond kind to everyone in the store, ALWAYS! (much more than the average customer) I even chatted at length with not one, but several employees, and always acted with class, kindness, goodness, and professionalism with them.

I also used the bathroom in that store, as has half the neighborhood, and ALWAYS conducted myself in there, like the perfect gentleman, and unlike most people, I kept it decent and did not do the things many guys do in making bathrooms awful. I also let other people go before me MANY TIMES because I knew they had to go more, or were busy! I had talked to this Pharmacist on multiple occassions, and was always pleasant when getting the key to the bathroom. I even once discussed the fact that the store was busy, and some other idle like chatter on the neighborhood.

Never once did I ever have an altercation with him, or ANY bad incident with him, or was I EVER TOLD ANYTHING LIKE THE ABOVE BY HIM. He is SICK and EVIL and CRUEL and NASTY and thinks he can just act however he wants. He is wrong.

This guy then says something like (almost verbatim), "Im pretty sure that was you". I said, what are you talking about what "that", I didnt do a d**n thing ever in this store, you have the wrong person. You have the wrong guy".

He said again, I think it was you. I looked at this guy like he was crazy. I swore on my mother's soul AT LEAST THREE TIMES that he had the wrong guy and he persisted, but even firmer and nastier. He then told me, humiliating me in front of several customers, that would now see me on the street and think I did something deviant, that "if you dont leave the store, I will call the police". If someone did this to you and TOLD YOU THEY WOULD CALL THE POLICE IF YOU DIDNT LEAVE THE STORE AND FALSELY ACCUSED YOU AND PERMANENTLTY STAINED YOU in front of other people, you would go ballistic. (you cant understand it UNLESS YOU LIVED IT AND FELT IT and was there!)

Most men would have jumped the counter at this, guy or started cursing this little stuck up, snotnose, spoiled frat boy.

He acted like an animal, and framed me like I was some deviant, and then started whispering to the manager Dustan Binzer (I believe that was his name), something like, "that guy smoked something in the bathroom" or similar.

I have NEVER smoked a cigarette in MY ENTIRE LIFE, EVER! How many people do YOU know that can say that? I dont know how to smoke a cigarette or even inhale one, and they make me choke. I cant even be near one when people sit near me, or anywhere close as it makes me choke. I am also one of the few people I have EVER MET, and probably that YOU have ever met, unlike probably that sick evil jerk, that NEVER EVER did pot, or tried it once! (which is what he accused me of due to an apparent pot smell or something)

My mother smoked cigarettes, and went into the hospital at 49, and died not too long after that, and I DONT SMOKE!!! Nor have I ever SMOKED OR DONE POT even one time! Nor HAS ANYONE IN THAT STORE EVER TOLD ME NOT TO COME BACK AGAIN OR ASK ME TO LEAVE!!

This was not just mistaken identity; it went way past that this is a PURE EVIL PSYCHOPATH that PERSISTED AND INSISTED THAT IT WAS ME AND THAT HE TOLD ME NOT TO COME BACK TO THE STORE. It was like dealing with an entity of darkness.

I am now viewed like a deviant with those people who saw me there (and with the police threat), and that is bad enough, BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, I work and play on this street and its a closeknit type neighborhood. Many people in this neighborhood know me.

This evil man threatened to call the police on me, as you see above, when I didnt do anything, and never did in that store. He framed me, in my view criminally and to the point that in my view he should be in jail, and he KEPT LYING and would not back off and got even more humiliating and beliggerant.

He is a very, very sick, dark, evil b*****d, and I dont mean mentally ill. Unlike the violent, hypocrite, fake, out of control vicious, lying cops in this country, I have respect for the mentally ill. Some of the best people have that (Jane Pauley, Robin Williams, countless others) and I look at it like any illness, and I dont stigmatize them like the jerk cops do.

This guy isnt mentally ill. I can handle that. This guy is an EVIL, SICK, DEMENTED b*****d who framed me and lied and humiliated me and threatened me and tried to intimidate me. He did it intentionally and refused to back off.

I am going to expose him all over Tampa, especially in Brandon and in Soho, so EVERYONE knows who he is, and what he did.

I have advised CVS Pharmacy that if he is not terminated, (and creepy stores like that never admit they are wrong and do that) I will be putting up a website on an overseas server regarding Tobin Myers, CVS Pharmacy, and CVS Pharmacy's CEO. I will also build a site with Tobins name and the CEO's name.

I dont need this stress or health problems and I dont have a lot of money, as I have a normal salary, but I will do anything to clear my name. That includes a lie detector test at my expense and asking only the relevant questions as these people have no right to violate my life or anything about it. I plan to take a lie detector test and give the results out in the neighborhood. I am not dropping this until CVS does something about him. They unfortunately can never give me back my name with those people, and on this street, but they CAN do something about him.

I am not religious, or belong to any cult or "religion", like this FAKE evil boy, Tobin Myers, and so many like him who I also have little doubt was brought up by arrogant, hypocrite, fake parents just like him. I am NOT scared of him, his wealthy or powerful parents or anyone else.

There is something called "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor" and he is going down in the end at the hands of his maker for what he did to me. He has PERMANENT KARMA heading his way, and his parents way, if they back him.

When his maker wipes him out for the way he lives his life, this little animal and creep will pay for the way he acts and the things he does.

May my eyeballs be taken from me, and me be blinded permanently, if I and lying about this evil false accusation, or the fact that I dont smoke cigarettes, have never tried pot, or did anything wrongful in that bathroom or anywhere in that store, or that I was EVER told BY ANYONE THERE, AT ANY TIME BEFORE to not come back in that store. May I also be set on fire and perish eternally if Im lying about this situation.

CVS has not terminated, and probably wont terminate this overpaid, frat boy like, deviant liar who in my view should be put away behind a steel door for what he did to me. How would you like it if I accused you of molesting a kid in front of other people, or that you smoked pot in the bathroom and that you were told to leave the store previously, and that Id call the police if you didnt? Did you do it? Of course not, you just read this. Well imagine that in person in a PUBLIC PLACE! IMAGINE IT!! Put yourself in that scene!!! TRY!

From what I hear, this guy is an FSU grad. I couldnt care what he is, or who he is HE IS EVIL and he will get whats coming to him in the end, as will CVS's CEO, and the people in that company who don't take responsibility for the PURE EVIL actions of their employees, because they are JUST LIKE HIM. They have the same Karma coming to them.

Dustan Binzer was fine; there was no problem there. He gave me CVS's #, and was dignified, and I have no problem there.

Evil, framing, and false accusations, threats, police stuff, and humilation, may not mean anything to anyone reading this, but there is not much worse that can be done to you, than being framed, and falsely accused, and IT BEING PERSISTENTLY INSISTED ON, by a deviant, vicious person.

He can never really remedy what happenned or clear my name in front of those many people he permanently stained me with on this street.

Pk Cos
Tampa, Florida

1 Updates & Rebuttals



Update and Personal Message To Some of The Underworld Men and Underworld Girls Who Post Evil Rebuttals On Here

#2Author of original report

Fri, January 27, 2006

I will update this issue in one second, but I want to make something perfectly clear.

Ive read throughout the Ripoff Report site, and it is MORE than apparent that there are a bunch of lowlifes that post evil, false rebuttals on here, because they are no good LOSERS and have nothing better to do with their loser lives.

Ive read outright, perfectly valid complaints, where I believed the person completely, and then some Underworld Girl or Guy comes on here and slams them, twists their words, and doesnt even read what they said in their post.

I wish upon ANYONE that backs this guy, defends him, or otherwise slams me one simple thing. I wish you a plague that comes upon not just you---but all of those you love and depend on. I also wish you to be falsely accused and have your name stained permanently on the street and neighborhood in which you reside, and moreso that that, to be incarcerated for something you didnt do.

After reading a large number of pages on this service, I have seen the losers who post attrocious, crooked, lying, and deviant rebuttals.

So, if you are one of those general people who are losers and diminish others on The Ripoff Report, or if you are little Tobin, or his friends, that pretend to be someone else to slam this 100% TRUE expose, then get ready for KARMA when you eventually pass.

Update on this issue: Nothing else has really occurred that could do anything about what this little crooked, evil deviant did, but I spoke today with a woman named Chris (or Kris), at the consumer relations dept with CVS.

She took my info, and this means NOTHING UNLESS CVS TERMINATES THIS PIECE OF FILTH, but she listened well, with respect, and with professionalism to everything I had to say, without rushing me, being arrogant, offensive, rude, or being impatient.

There is at least one person who was brought up properly, or became that way on her own. She was in Rhode Island at their headquarters I assume.

I was told that this would be forwarded to the regional mgr and the store mgr, which again, means NOTHING, and accomplishes nothing, unless he is terminated. (and even that can never fix what he did to me around those women and customers in this neighborhood)

I have full plans to totally and utterly destroy this kids name PERMANENTLY in this neighborhood through the use of thousands of flyers, direct mail to houses around that CVS, and other means.
I also called the police on him, but they did nothing. According to them, someone can accuse YOU of molesting a child or smoking pot in a bathroom in front of 100 people, and ask you to leave a store, or that they will call the police, and they can get away with it.

I called the police on him, and tried with 3 different people to have someone either arrest him, or at least take a report.

I also plan on putting flyers out where he lives in Brandon, not at his apt unit, as I dont do things ike that, but amongst all his neighbors---and I checked on this---I have every free, legal right to do this to expose him. (and this isnt exactly creative as Ive seen other people do this with companies, etc) (including a woman who put a flyer regarding an insurance company's criminal activity, (and some people in that insurance company who were involved) around my apt door several years ago)

I thought what that girl did was brilliant and very effective and I swear I would never do business with that company after reading that flyer.

I will wait and see also if they terminate him. If they dont, I am building a web site with Tom Ryan's name in the url, and will put it up on an overseas server out of the reach of our crooked courts who are owned by the corporations in this country. (the judges are almost universally former corporate attorney filth with no souls, that do the dirty work of these corporations--because they are prostitutes) Then , they get appointed as judges by these same types who become politicians, or the corporate dirty money gets them elected if the bench position is not by appointment.

Tom Ryan is the CEO of CVS Pharmacy in 2006, if this report becomes old, and they replace him.

If Tom Ryan thinks this is some game or joke, I hope he gets falsely accused for something and put away in jail.

I have already gotten involved with the overseas hosts and done significant research on this. If CVS thinks Im kidding, watch me. Im not scared of some "corporate security" demonic pig who is quite likely, AS ARE MOST ALL OF THEM, a former law enforcement thug. I've dealt with those lowlifes before, and know exactly what many of them are.

Tobin Myers is going to be taught the lesson of his life and its going be done on my terms, when I have time, continually, a little at a time until I take my last breath on this earth.

Apologies are not enough. its too late for that. The damage is done. He will be fired, or he will pay in every non-violent way I can possibly imagine.

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