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  • Report:  #185917



  • Reported By:
    Everywhere Florida
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 10, 2006
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 20, 2010
    Byrd Street
    Richmond, Virginia, Nationwide
  • Phone:
  • Category:

All i gotta say is before you work for any of these companies under Cydcor, Granton, or DSMaxx....DO YOUR RESEARCH!!

Some of these companies include Amy Connelly @ MAC MARKETING INTL,Sarabeth King @ MIAMI MARKETING WORKS, Alex Ferero @ LEXERO INC., INNOVATIVE, DYNAMIC, JOHNSTON, etc.

Im not gonna completely trash these companies. However, I am warning you that you will be working long hours, with very little pay. The 9-5 that they say in the interview IS NOT TRUE. Its more like 7-6 and longer when you finally become a trainer...more like 7-8.

They dont reimburse you for gas even though you are going to be running around the city or STATE all day in YOUR OWN CAR. As a trainer, you will have to take out interviews and the company encourages you to buy them lunch knowing that you are broke.

The promise they give is that you will move into a management position in a few months, which can happen, IF YOU LIE TO YOUR CUSTOMERS, TO YOUR INTERVIEWEES, and TO THE PEOPLE YOU ARE TRAINING.....all of which i chose not to do.

Alot of these so called successful managers live in cramped apts with their employees because they themselves can barely afford to pay their bills....and all this crap is in the name of OPPORTUNITY. While this opportunity does exist, it is not worth all the s**t you will have to put up with while trying to attain it.

Unless you enjoy all of the aforementioned, RUN FAST. HERE ARE 15 TELL TALE SIGNS that the company you are about to interview/interviewing for is a division of Granton, Cydcor, or DSMaxx, Quantum....

1. you were found online at careerbuilder, monster, hotjobs, craigs list...some ICLs (name for divisions of the aforementioned companies) advertise in the newspaper as well.

2. you ask a question when contacted by the administrator and are given a vague description of what you would be doing which includes "marketing for Fortune 100 companies".

3. you ask detail about the position and they tell you the hiring manager would like to explain more in the interview.

4. you get to the 1st interview and there are 2 or 3 people in the lobby with you as long as an administrator who is there strictly to monitor and control your conversation.

5. you finally meet the "c.e.o" and the interview is very brief (5-7 minutes) with little room for you to talk.

6. you are told by the "c.e.o" that he/she will contact you later after all the interviews.

7. SURPRISE!! unless you are a complete moron, you are called back for a second interview. When you arrive for it, there are a million other people there as well due to such selective screening.

8. They tell you that you will be spending the day with an account manager....THIS IS WHERE YOU SHOULD RUN.

9. You are being walked out to their car.....FAKE AN ILLNESS OR SOMETHING. RUN!!

10. You are in their car riding out to an appointment....GO TO THE BATHROOM AND FAKE AN EMERGENCY PHONE CALL...YOUR MOMS IN THE HOSPITAL OR SOMETHING.

11. You are walking into some appointments in the morning maybe, and then going into random businesses who are not expecting you, or getting pissed at you, posisbly cursing or throwing you out.

12. If you make it to lunch, you did not pick on anything I have said. BOMBARD YOUR INTERVIEWER WITH QUESTIONS....and watch them squirm and dodge and possibly get pissed off.

13. The rest of the days goes like the morning.

14. You go back and will "possibly" get a 3rd interview...after you fill out a QUESTIONNAIRE.

15. You meet with the "c.e.o" and unless you were a total TOOL you are either hired with promises to make 400-600/wk or 600-900/wk depending on your city, and management within 6 months to a year...or you are told you will be called later with a decision. This is just a FEAR OF LOSS tactic b/c they will hire just about any sharp looking idiot.

IF YOU ARE CALLED/HIRED.....DECLINE! They might try to talk you into it anyway or ask what your concerns are.JUST TELL THEM YOU SAW MY REPORT ON They wont have too much to say to you afterwards...unless they are desperate which alot of these ICLs seem to be. If you chose to take the job after everything I have written here....JUST BE PREPARED FOR A BIG FAT "I TOLD YOU SO". Trust this experienced leader. Good luck with journey into "management" and I sincerely hope you are able to reap the benefits of this "GREAT OPPORTUNITY"

P.S. Like I said, I wont trash everyone. There are a few honest people working under Cydcor, but they are few and far between. DONT TAKE THE CHANCE. I made some good friends from this experience but thats all about all i gained. But d**n!, I could have made friends at a nightclub.

DO NOT WORK FOR RAFAEL DIAZ, SARABETH KING...wolf in sheeps clothing, SHENARA ANTHONY, JULIE EDMONDS, JEANINE TEDESCO, homegirl in RHODE ISLAND, forgot her name..shes a b***h, JOHNSON in Pittsburgh, that blonde h*o in BALTIMORE(pretty sure she took a few rounds on the casting couch), HEATHER HERMAN, CONSULTANT JOHN "i like em young" WIGGINS, ALEX FERERO, AMY CONNELLY...she really lies alot, I COULD GO ON AND ON. And once i remember more names I will, but I am getting too pissed right now just writing this.

Dont Walk...RUN!!
Everywhere, Florida

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on ds-max, dsmax, ds/max, granton marketing, cydcor

14 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Blue Rock Partners

#15General Comment

Thu, May 20, 2010

Well I just graduated and got an email from Blue Rock Partners after i applied to it on and it seemed great.  It told me I could become a Manager within a year, and my major was business management, so i was excited when they called me in for an interview.

I wandered the streets a little bit in Philadelphia, PA before i finally asked a nice store lady selling shoes, who stated it was on the side of the building... I got a little nervous, but went to the side of the building, and there next to a busted door, was a door bell that had a typed out laminated piece of paper that said Blue Rock Partners. I get buzzed in, go to the third floor of this place, and it's even shadier in there. I wasn't sure how the interview would go since I couldn't find a single thing about the company online, and their website was VERY vague.  I filled out a 1 page semi-questionnaire paper that could have been avoided if they just looked at my resume.. anyway, the interview took about 10 minutes, and i could tell this "something" Kim lead manager guy (can't remember his full name) wasn't even interested in my responses, and just wizzed through it.  Sure enough, i go home and get a call back for a second interview that's going to take the whole day to do...... this was the last red flag i was going to take. apparently this is the new Cydcor, Grandton, DSMaxx or whatever this ripoff company is called.

Wasted an hour of gas to get there and back.  Now i have to waste more time to think of a reason not to go back to the follow up interview, since unlike them, i actually feel bad about wasting peoples time

Juan Ramos

New York,
New York,

Juan again...

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 03, 2008

Well being I have no clue who you are - and probably have no way of doing so LoL - thanks for the info and the head's up. I'm shocked that my being there for all of like 3-4 weeks was etched into your memory! :) I feel special! LoL



I remember Juan!

#15Author of original report

Thu, April 03, 2008

Well i remember you. MiniCooper girl is doing great. I lost track of girlfriends Lexus guy, but last I heard he was doing fine working for his girlfriends families company....and Miami Marketing Works is still up and running. But i'm glad everything is great with you!

Juan Ramos

New York,
New York,

Sad but TRUE.

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 03, 2008

I lived in Miami for 2 years before returning home to New York. I faced the same easy-in, easy-hire situation with Miami Marketing Works. Even though I don't have good things to say about Miami Marketing Works as an operation, I have to give credit to the non-managers in there (including the leaders). These are nice people that really mean well and really want to make things work so they can feed themselves.

But everyone's claims on here - sorry - they're all-too-true. When they train you, they send you out with someone and have you to observe them. All their sales that they make are theirs. Yes, they'll always split the work with you so that they can monitor your abilities and recommend to management whether you're ready to go out or not.

The demotivating side of things is that if and when you make a sale, it's not yours, it's THEIRS. So, the more time you are sent to spend time with someone, the more the guarantee that you're wasting profitable time. You can't make or talk management into letting you go out on your own and earn your money. Being it was commission-only when I was working there, those days were full days of pure volunteer observation and volunteer work. I had just gotten laid-off my previous job and rent was coming up. I was doomed with this scenario.

But yes, same quick interview with SaraBeth, the same website back in 2005 is THE SAME WEBSITE here in 2008 - I don't see any new changes or information. Same Day-of-O with a really cool woman around my age (I think I was 25 back then) who drove a Mini Cooper and also with someone who worked there at the time but actually used to be a television personality on Univision or Telemundo (I forget) - also around our age. After that, being desperate for a job and rent money, I filled out that after-the-day-of-observation evaluation form, giving all the answers I knew they wanted to hear so that they'd hurry up and hire.

But with me, I have a bigger story because on week-2 of my being there, I took a road-trip up from Miami to Tampa with some of my co-workers. Apparently Cydcor puts their ICL owners in touch and (for some reason that I don't quite understand but just went with and took as an opportunity to go somewhere I've never been before) they send employees between ICL's for visits.

So, I drove in to MMW and parked my car in the building garage and rode up with some cool co-workers of mine - some of which I hate that I lost touch with. (So, if you who drove your girlfriend's Lexus SUV to Tampa happens to read this email, try to get ahold of me.)

Same story up there though. The first 2 or 3 days of the week-long visit was me being strung-along with someone else and not making any money but watching them make money. That's irritating. I had to take a chance and vocalize my irritation for them to finally turn me loose.

The other claim that someone else made that they all room together is also true. I don't know SaraBeth's living conditions but, the Tampa ICL known at the time as Direct Outsource Group (or Outsourcing - one of the two) - the owner's name was Jason Menschen - really cool guy. Outgoing and everything. But let's talk living arrangements. You get sent on a business trip I'm thinking probably we'll be in a hotel. NOT! Jason lived with 3 of his employees and we guests from Miami were split up among one of the bedrooms and the living room floor and couch. Lucky it was a really nice apartment. We went in two carloads. I'm thinking there were between 6 and 7 of us that went.

Where it gets worse - on one of the nights after a regular weekly happy hour (we had them once a week in Miami and apparently Tampa did the same), I was laying down on the floor in the living room and hadn't yet dozed off, and clearly heard sexual interactions coming from behind Jason's closed door, which by the way, was directly connected to the living room where we were sleeping (no hallway or anything). It was with AN EMPLOYEE of the Tampa office!!! Oh and yeah, the employee IS a female. LoL

When I told my coworkers about it the next day, it was something that we all laughed and talked about as if we were talking about one of our own personal buddies or something. I get how that could be a really great thing - thinking of the people you work with and talking about the people you work with in a personal way instead of keeping it "strictly professional". But still. Where's the professionalism in the big picture? In-town guests form a sister-site sleeping on the living room floor where the company owner and 3 employees live and share an apartment? Severely abnormal.

Oh - before I forget, all of the commuting between Miami and Tampa and the necessary in-town incidental trips were initially not compensated. One of the leaders (the one with the Mini Cooper) had to call down and reason with SaraBeth about it, and that's when SaraBeth agreed to reimburse the $100+ dollars in gas to the guy who drove his girlfriend's Lexus SUV.

Speaking of gas, on my first day being sent loose by myself to make my own money, I ran out of gas. Yes, MMW and Cydcor ICL employees truly are broke. And, no, gas on the field is not reimbursed. One of the big managers at MMW - thank you - was nice enough to come and give me a full tank.

Sadly, he lost that $30 because the next day after trying to work my "T" (meaning "Territory"), I quit because I was a wuss and a weakling at the time and was really torn down by the pressure of not knowing where my rent was coming from, being incessantly given the s**t-treatment by my potential customers, and hating seeing everyone else apparently having zero problem doing their jobs. Instead of returning to the MMW office after my day in the field, I just went home and faxed a letter in to the office the next morning.

The physical layout of MMW's office is similar to how they described other Cydcor offices. A nice lobby, yes. But the meeting area is purely non-furnished and everyone stands. I had a weak back at the time and the on-my-feet-all-day routine was starting to take its toll. SaraBeth - though she probably meant well being she didn't know about my back, told me to stand up instead of leaning my back against the wall during our morning meeting. I brushed it off. But my back was killing me. They didn't get a true sit-down conference table until a couple days before I quit... and I later found out that the conference room table was only for leaders when they were going in for their 7am meetings. Not for Account Managers.

Everyone tries their damnedest to make the job fun. It is true that no true sales or marketing job is really "for" everyone. You have to be a certain Type-A personality when it comes to generating revenue. A lot of people are Type-A's but will morph into Type-B's when it comes to putting yourself at the mercy of potential clients. Another thing that will add to your weakening process is knowing that you're doing something that you literally hate other people doing, which is going door-to-door for any reason whatsoever.

In ANY sales operation - if the employees or distributors don't BELIEVE in what they're doing, they should get out - fast. It truly has nothing to do with someone giving 100%. It has first to do with - DO THEY BELIEVE IN WHAT THEY'RE DOING. If they don't, they won't have the motivation to even entertain 100%. And those who did make it gave it their 100% which means they believe in door-to-door selling. That's a unique bunch of people. I just couldn't be one of them.

James Jackson


Cydcor is a freaking Joke

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, March 06, 2008

I TOTALLY agree with this posting I worked for a Cydcor Vendor in Louisville Ky Called Global Marking a 3rd party seller of AT&T formally Bellsouth Products They lie they cheat they steal and anyone who has the balls to stick up for this company is less than human.
Feel free to call up this company the owner or whatever she calls herself is Karla Alvarado look her up in other ripoff reports cydcor NEEDS TO BE SHUTDOWN to bad the Federal Government won't involved. freaken creeps.



Summer Worker

#15UPDATE Employee

Sun, November 11, 2007

Hi everyone, I worked with a smart circle office in north york over the summer and have had no regrets. Everyone that you hear of complaining about this and that would make it through the program. I will admit that the program is HARD, and not for everyone.

Not everyone is meant to be managers. If everyone that walked through the door became a manager then the everyone would be dong it. The fact is we need customers too.. lol. Again I was a summer worker. I was in a new division (HI) home improvement and was making on average 650 a week. Now you dont have to believe me if you dont want to, but all you guys do is complain.

I will definitely be pursuing a career with smart circle after university and will put forth 100% effort. One of my friends recently got promoted.. so just because you couldn't make it, doesn't mean it is impossible. My manager stresses legitimacy, and people who lie in the field are always fired.

Yes turnover is high, because not everyone is meant to do what we do. They don't want to promote people who quit when things dont go well or them. People who make it through the tough program are qualified to be managers... think about it. You guys who quit. If you were promoted to run your own office. would you be able to fight through a slump? probably not, you would quit like you did when you started at the bottom.

At smart circle there is no glass ceiling. They tell you on your day of "O" or at least I do that to be successful in this business you MUST have an ABOVE average attitude, an ABOVE average Work Ethic, and a GOOD sales pitch. without one of the three will result in you either being fired or you quitting (Most probable) I made like nothing my first 3 days. But I had a good Leader to take care of me, A good Manager to motivate me, and I had a Dream to become a manager.

The turnover is high because the Manager wants to see his or her employees as strategical assets. Honestly, Why should they put effort into you if you are not putting forth 100% effort? Its a waste of there time and a waste of yours.

So you guys all did the right thing by quitting and I congratulate you guys in being PROMOTED to customer status.



you were a month away from promotion and you left and you're calling someone stupid?!

#15Author of original report

Mon, November 05, 2007

Well im glad your experience was superduper. Its funny that you were a month away from promotion and chose to leave this fantastic company for a better opportunity....especially since you claim it was so great.

And no YOU must be stupid...or really just a manager trying to make this glorified pyramid scheme look better than what is....because if you were with that company as long as you claim I know you saw a high turnover rate...and its not just because people didnt work hard enough. You definitely sound brainwashed.

Good luck with your future endeavors and I am definitely glad you got something out of Cydcor. Whatever!

Common Sense


you must be stupid

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 02, 2007

Just to answer some of this on this report:I am an ex employee of the company and unless you are an idiot would you listen and believe everything you read off the internet. I could goggle any major company and read about supposed or true scandals that have occured. The truth is that this company grooms you to manage your own company. You may not have to continue with this company and open with them (which is a whole lot easier) but the principles I learned while being there have helped me be successful in opening my own company. Most people do not make it in this business because they are not emotionally ready to change or improve themselves within a year in order to open their own company. Who ever heard of someone starting their own company without working hard? Honestly if you want the dream you go after it and if you stick with the company you will be successful. I left the company a month before I was to get promoted to management but only because I wanted to open up a business that the company did not aleady have as a client but I still never regret my experience because without them I would not be opening two more restaurants and have great backing from a major company. I have learned how to create marketing ads,train and develop a large group of people, run meetings, locate a good market to open up business, payroll, networking, and mutiple programs. You may opt to believe what you wish but I suggest you check things out for yourself before you take the word of disgruntled ex-employees



DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT...or do, but if I could do it over I WOULDNT

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 02, 2007

Whoooooa! LOL. This person seems angry but everything theyve said is true.

I worked for the company mentioned above for a good period of time by their standards.

This is not a company I would recommend working for if you cannot deal with, first and foremost, long hours with little pay.

The hardest part was it being 100% commission with lots of driving and with todays gas prices, it was almost like I was working just to put gas in my car.

Trust me, you need a special kind of mentality and parents who support you financially to make it in this company. You also need to be able to eat ramen everyday and run on very little sleep.

Now my time at the company was not all bad. i met some incredible people and learned alot of valuable lessons that can be applied to everyday life and in my current career path. But everything I needed to learn was learned within the first couple months so I definitely shouldnt have stayed as long as I did.

Before you take this job, you need to really think about it. It is definitely NOT for everyone.

The promise of owning your own company is somewhat true. When you finally meet all the criteria, you get to open your own office as a manager. I saw 5 people who I worked with get their own office. But alot of what you can do as a manager/owner is controlled and if you dont produce you will be shut down.

The whole business is kinda shady but if you are able to deal with that then you are probably just what this company is looking for.

I guess I might have been more successful if I was interested in lying to my customers like one of my coworkers who I personally saw do just to make a $400 commission.

Thats pretty much the event that turned me off from the business. She was the top producer in the office and thats when I realized how she got such high sales. Sure enough she got her own office.

Thats when the formula became apparent: lie to your customers = making yourself $ and making your manager $ = getting your own office. I think her office was eventually closed down which made another formula evident: lying to get ahead = eventual failure. What goes around comes around.

All in all, not the place for people with morals and scruples and common decency. However, great if you have that " do anything to get ahead" attitude.

Be cautious.



Ripoff Report Members: Thankx!!

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, August 02, 2007

It is about 2:48 A.M. and, just a short while ago, I decided to sit at my computer and look up a seemingly odd company named Miami Marketing Works. After being contacted by them because of a resume that I posted on, I was told to come in for a meeting the following day (a.k.a. today at 11 A.M.). Something seemed a little fishy to me, so I decided to look this company up online. All that I can say is "Thank God for Ripoff!"

After reading peoples' comments on this company, I am extremely glad that I decided to do my "homework" before going in for the meeting today. First of all, things began to seem fishy when I was called because of a resume I posted on (I usually never get any luck from those types of sites) and was told that I was chosen for a meeting.

At first, I was more excited than anything and was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready for a possible job in Advertising that I have been looking for. But then, when I was asked what days I was available and answered that whatever day is fine, I was quite surprised to hear "Well, how's about tomorrow?"

So here is where I began to be a bit wary. 'Tomorrow?' I thought 'NO company wants to hire somebody THAT bad!' Ignoring this flashing warning sign, I said that tomorrow would be fine. I was then told by a woman named Jessica that her boss, Sara, would fill me in on the details of the company the next day at the meeting.

Completely unecessary comment. So I asked what position they were thinking of allowing me to apply for and she gave a very vague response: "Well, we're thinking of interviewing you in order to see if you will be good in jobs in either PR, Marketing, or Sales." 'Hmmm, how oddly general,' I thought.

So I asked something about the job I would be applying for once again, if I can recall, and I was told once again that Sara would be briefing me on the specifics. I was told this line probably three times in the whole 5 minute conversation.

So, learning the hard way that there are various businesses out there that are geared toward ripping innocent people off from a job I almost considered taking a long time that was a scam (affiliated with Donal Trump my @$$!), I asked what their website was.

They gave me the site address (the name of the company followed by .com), and, when I went to the site, I was even MORE wary. Apparently put together well (graphic-design-wise) the site still seemed to be missing something. The company information all seemed to be very run-of-the-mill, "we're a respectable company that is here for the people" crap. Not only that but, lo and behold, the page where you "meet the staff" only displayed the name of one person: Sara (not even a picture!).

But of course, although I forgot to mention, Jessica from the phone call told me when she gave me the website address that it was still under construction and had been so for, and here's where it CONTINUES to get good, MANY YEARS! I'm sorry, but no respectable company leaves a site unattended for many years.

And THAT, my friends, is my ALMOST HORROR STORY. Lord knows it would have been a real Frankenstein tale if I wouldn't have come on this website. Thank you to all of you who put up these warning and thank you to You guys saved me time, peace of mind, and dignity. I'll be sure to call tomorrow to tell them tha tI won't be going to the interview and to tell them that rats belong in the sewer, not in business coats.

Much thanks,

Mr. Saved By The Site


New Jersey,

MAC Marketing, Intl.

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 13, 2006

Hello All.

My name is Wayne M. Ryan, and I was conned by this "oh so savvy" company.

First of all...I found them. They didn't find me on monster or any of those resume factory websites. I found MAC from being in the Wachovia Securities building just a few days prior.

Allow me to give a brief history of myself. I was the head Project Manager for a large subsidiary record company in New Jersey. I was sent out from NJ to Richmond to work on a soundtrack for the new movie "The Hills Have Eyes"...where I fell in love with Richmond and wanted to pursue a career in advertising. I hold a BA in marketing from American University in Washington, DC. The record company wasn't allowing me to advance any further than my current position - so I started to look for other opportuinites while here in the state of Virginia.

To my surprise, the administrator Dion set up an interview the very same day I called. I was very surprised on this matter; but at the time I was glad to get to see a fresh new company with what LOOKED like amazing growth opportunities.

So I got to the office. It was a 250 sq-ft office with 4 rooms. A tiny main lobby, Amy's 'office', a conference room with no table or chairs, and another room I never really got to see. This was bizarre. I thought to myself "Where the hell is every's offices and desks?" I figured that there were other offices in the building where people did their advertising strategies and worked at.

So I had the interview with Amy. I was the only one in the lobby. That SEEMED like a good sign. This interview was practically read off a script. Stupid, short, and uneducated questioning was used to determine if I was worthy to come back for a second interview. Apparantly I was....and so was everyone else.

So Amy told me to come back for a day of observation with her best employee. Even though I thought the interview was bogus, and it would NOT be a paid day...I was tired of working at the studio 15 hours a day - so I took her up on the offer.

I'm not going to discuss what happened on that day of observation b/c I can promise you that the same thing that happened to all of you - happened to me. To make a long story short....I got the third interview - and took the job.

So it started off as being a marketing firm that fabricated advertising for fortune 500 a factory that hires everyone that walks through the door knowing d**n well that they will fail - just so that these 'employees' can be door-to-door salesman.

So I showed up for my first day of work. The lobby was PACKED with people waiting for first interviews. I immediately thought "MLM", and "Pyramid Scheme" --- but I kept quiet and stayed. In the room that had no conference tables, or chairs...there was loud vulgar music that was always playing. This was to make sure that everyone was kept "upbeat and alive"...but I can guarantee this music was to keep everyone from talking about what was REALLY going on.

The activities that took place in this room were utterly cult-like....from chanting, and rooting, to silly games, and mind-blasting hypnotism.

I actually stayed with this company for two weeks.

I met SaraBeth the day before I left. What a slimy b***h. This woman had the balls to stand in front of everyone in the Richmond office and brag about how many hundreds of thousands she was making on overrides. I wanted to smack her.

So, I went from a Record Label Exectutive (pulling 75K p/ year) to a d**n B2B seller? I think not.

The same day I met SaraBeth I found out that Dion (the administrator), and Amy (the owner) lived in a merch house. For those of you that don't know what a merch house's a income-based apartment where several co-workers live to save money.

I thought Amy was making a killing? Apparantly not.

Do not....fall for any of this trash that this place will spit at you. They are full of s**t, and will never look you in the eye and tell you that your working for pennies a day.

The day after I quit Mac Marketing...I got a phone call from the founder of the record company I once worked for. They offered me a full partnership in the label...and I moved back to New Jersey to pursue that endeavor.

Amy Connelly. I thank you for 2 weeks of the worst feeling I've ever had working ANYWHERE. Thank you for my $75 dollar check for two weeks worth of work.

Don't fall for CYDCOR's s**t!

Best Regards,


New Jersey,

MAC Marketing, Intl.

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 13, 2006

Hello All.

My name is Wayne M. Ryan, and I was conned by this "oh so savvy" company.

First of all...I found them. They didn't find me on monster or any of those resume factory websites. I found MAC from being in the Wachovia Securities building just a few days prior.

Allow me to give a brief history of myself. I was the head Project Manager for a large subsidiary record company in New Jersey. I was sent out from NJ to Richmond to work on a soundtrack for the new movie "The Hills Have Eyes"...where I fell in love with Richmond and wanted to pursue a career in advertising. I hold a BA in marketing from American University in Washington, DC. The record company wasn't allowing me to advance any further than my current position - so I started to look for other opportuinites while here in the state of Virginia.

To my surprise, the administrator Dion set up an interview the very same day I called. I was very surprised on this matter; but at the time I was glad to get to see a fresh new company with what LOOKED like amazing growth opportunities.

So I got to the office. It was a 250 sq-ft office with 4 rooms. A tiny main lobby, Amy's 'office', a conference room with no table or chairs, and another room I never really got to see. This was bizarre. I thought to myself "Where the hell is every's offices and desks?" I figured that there were other offices in the building where people did their advertising strategies and worked at.

So I had the interview with Amy. I was the only one in the lobby. That SEEMED like a good sign. This interview was practically read off a script. Stupid, short, and uneducated questioning was used to determine if I was worthy to come back for a second interview. Apparantly I was....and so was everyone else.

So Amy told me to come back for a day of observation with her best employee. Even though I thought the interview was bogus, and it would NOT be a paid day...I was tired of working at the studio 15 hours a day - so I took her up on the offer.

I'm not going to discuss what happened on that day of observation b/c I can promise you that the same thing that happened to all of you - happened to me. To make a long story short....I got the third interview - and took the job.

So it started off as being a marketing firm that fabricated advertising for fortune 500 a factory that hires everyone that walks through the door knowing d**n well that they will fail - just so that these 'employees' can be door-to-door salesman.

So I showed up for my first day of work. The lobby was PACKED with people waiting for first interviews. I immediately thought "MLM", and "Pyramid Scheme" --- but I kept quiet and stayed. In the room that had no conference tables, or chairs...there was loud vulgar music that was always playing. This was to make sure that everyone was kept "upbeat and alive"...but I can guarantee this music was to keep everyone from talking about what was REALLY going on.

The activities that took place in this room were utterly cult-like....from chanting, and rooting, to silly games, and mind-blasting hypnotism.

I actually stayed with this company for two weeks.

I met SaraBeth the day before I left. What a slimy b***h. This woman had the balls to stand in front of everyone in the Richmond office and brag about how many hundreds of thousands she was making on overrides. I wanted to smack her.

So, I went from a Record Label Exectutive (pulling 75K p/ year) to a d**n B2B seller? I think not.

The same day I met SaraBeth I found out that Dion (the administrator), and Amy (the owner) lived in a merch house. For those of you that don't know what a merch house's a income-based apartment where several co-workers live to save money.

I thought Amy was making a killing? Apparantly not.

Do not....fall for any of this trash that this place will spit at you. They are full of s**t, and will never look you in the eye and tell you that your working for pennies a day.

The day after I quit Mac Marketing...I got a phone call from the founder of the record company I once worked for. They offered me a full partnership in the label...and I moved back to New Jersey to pursue that endeavor.

Amy Connelly. I thank you for 2 weeks of the worst feeling I've ever had working ANYWHERE. Thank you for my $75 dollar check for two weeks worth of work.

Don't fall for CYDCOR's s**t!

Best Regards,


New Jersey,

MAC Marketing, Intl.

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 13, 2006

Hello All.

My name is Wayne M. Ryan, and I was conned by this "oh so savvy" company.

First of all...I found them. They didn't find me on monster or any of those resume factory websites. I found MAC from being in the Wachovia Securities building just a few days prior.

Allow me to give a brief history of myself. I was the head Project Manager for a large subsidiary record company in New Jersey. I was sent out from NJ to Richmond to work on a soundtrack for the new movie "The Hills Have Eyes"...where I fell in love with Richmond and wanted to pursue a career in advertising. I hold a BA in marketing from American University in Washington, DC. The record company wasn't allowing me to advance any further than my current position - so I started to look for other opportuinites while here in the state of Virginia.

To my surprise, the administrator Dion set up an interview the very same day I called. I was very surprised on this matter; but at the time I was glad to get to see a fresh new company with what LOOKED like amazing growth opportunities.

So I got to the office. It was a 250 sq-ft office with 4 rooms. A tiny main lobby, Amy's 'office', a conference room with no table or chairs, and another room I never really got to see. This was bizarre. I thought to myself "Where the hell is every's offices and desks?" I figured that there were other offices in the building where people did their advertising strategies and worked at.

So I had the interview with Amy. I was the only one in the lobby. That SEEMED like a good sign. This interview was practically read off a script. Stupid, short, and uneducated questioning was used to determine if I was worthy to come back for a second interview. Apparantly I was....and so was everyone else.

So Amy told me to come back for a day of observation with her best employee. Even though I thought the interview was bogus, and it would NOT be a paid day...I was tired of working at the studio 15 hours a day - so I took her up on the offer.

I'm not going to discuss what happened on that day of observation b/c I can promise you that the same thing that happened to all of you - happened to me. To make a long story short....I got the third interview - and took the job.

So it started off as being a marketing firm that fabricated advertising for fortune 500 a factory that hires everyone that walks through the door knowing d**n well that they will fail - just so that these 'employees' can be door-to-door salesman.

So I showed up for my first day of work. The lobby was PACKED with people waiting for first interviews. I immediately thought "MLM", and "Pyramid Scheme" --- but I kept quiet and stayed. In the room that had no conference tables, or chairs...there was loud vulgar music that was always playing. This was to make sure that everyone was kept "upbeat and alive"...but I can guarantee this music was to keep everyone from talking about what was REALLY going on.

The activities that took place in this room were utterly cult-like....from chanting, and rooting, to silly games, and mind-blasting hypnotism.

I actually stayed with this company for two weeks.

I met SaraBeth the day before I left. What a slimy b***h. This woman had the balls to stand in front of everyone in the Richmond office and brag about how many hundreds of thousands she was making on overrides. I wanted to smack her.

So, I went from a Record Label Exectutive (pulling 75K p/ year) to a d**n B2B seller? I think not.

The same day I met SaraBeth I found out that Dion (the administrator), and Amy (the owner) lived in a merch house. For those of you that don't know what a merch house's a income-based apartment where several co-workers live to save money.

I thought Amy was making a killing? Apparantly not.

Do not....fall for any of this trash that this place will spit at you. They are full of s**t, and will never look you in the eye and tell you that your working for pennies a day.

The day after I quit Mac Marketing...I got a phone call from the founder of the record company I once worked for. They offered me a full partnership in the label...and I moved back to New Jersey to pursue that endeavor.

Amy Connelly. I thank you for 2 weeks of the worst feeling I've ever had working ANYWHERE. Thank you for my $75 dollar check for two weeks worth of work.

Don't fall for CYDCOR's s**t!

Best Regards,


New Jersey,

MAC Marketing, Intl.

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 13, 2006

Hello All.

My name is Wayne M. Ryan, and I was conned by this "oh so savvy" company.

First of all...I found them. They didn't find me on monster or any of those resume factory websites. I found MAC from being in the Wachovia Securities building just a few days prior.

Allow me to give a brief history of myself. I was the head Project Manager for a large subsidiary record company in New Jersey. I was sent out from NJ to Richmond to work on a soundtrack for the new movie "The Hills Have Eyes"...where I fell in love with Richmond and wanted to pursue a career in advertising. I hold a BA in marketing from American University in Washington, DC. The record company wasn't allowing me to advance any further than my current position - so I started to look for other opportuinites while here in the state of Virginia.

To my surprise, the administrator Dion set up an interview the very same day I called. I was very surprised on this matter; but at the time I was glad to get to see a fresh new company with what LOOKED like amazing growth opportunities.

So I got to the office. It was a 250 sq-ft office with 4 rooms. A tiny main lobby, Amy's 'office', a conference room with no table or chairs, and another room I never really got to see. This was bizarre. I thought to myself "Where the hell is every's offices and desks?" I figured that there were other offices in the building where people did their advertising strategies and worked at.

So I had the interview with Amy. I was the only one in the lobby. That SEEMED like a good sign. This interview was practically read off a script. Stupid, short, and uneducated questioning was used to determine if I was worthy to come back for a second interview. Apparantly I was....and so was everyone else.

So Amy told me to come back for a day of observation with her best employee. Even though I thought the interview was bogus, and it would NOT be a paid day...I was tired of working at the studio 15 hours a day - so I took her up on the offer.

I'm not going to discuss what happened on that day of observation b/c I can promise you that the same thing that happened to all of you - happened to me. To make a long story short....I got the third interview - and took the job.

So it started off as being a marketing firm that fabricated advertising for fortune 500 a factory that hires everyone that walks through the door knowing d**n well that they will fail - just so that these 'employees' can be door-to-door salesman.

So I showed up for my first day of work. The lobby was PACKED with people waiting for first interviews. I immediately thought "MLM", and "Pyramid Scheme" --- but I kept quiet and stayed. In the room that had no conference tables, or chairs...there was loud vulgar music that was always playing. This was to make sure that everyone was kept "upbeat and alive"...but I can guarantee this music was to keep everyone from talking about what was REALLY going on.

The activities that took place in this room were utterly cult-like....from chanting, and rooting, to silly games, and mind-blasting hypnotism.

I actually stayed with this company for two weeks.

I met SaraBeth the day before I left. What a slimy b***h. This woman had the balls to stand in front of everyone in the Richmond office and brag about how many hundreds of thousands she was making on overrides. I wanted to smack her.

So, I went from a Record Label Exectutive (pulling 75K p/ year) to a d**n B2B seller? I think not.

The same day I met SaraBeth I found out that Dion (the administrator), and Amy (the owner) lived in a merch house. For those of you that don't know what a merch house's a income-based apartment where several co-workers live to save money.

I thought Amy was making a killing? Apparantly not.

Do not....fall for any of this trash that this place will spit at you. They are full of s**t, and will never look you in the eye and tell you that your working for pennies a day.

The day after I quit Mac Marketing...I got a phone call from the founder of the record company I once worked for. They offered me a full partnership in the label...and I moved back to New Jersey to pursue that endeavor.

Amy Connelly. I thank you for 2 weeks of the worst feeling I've ever had working ANYWHERE. Thank you for my $75 dollar check for two weeks worth of work.

Don't fall for CYDCOR's s**t!

Best Regards,

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