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  • Report:  #902186

Complaint Review: CYF Allegheny County PA

CYF Allegheny County Pennsylvania Joanne Witkowski, Genefie McKnight, Rebecca Thompson, Judge Michael Marmo How CYF ruined our Life Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    Nixie — Vandergrift Pennsylvania United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, June 24, 2012
  • Updated:
    Fri, August 31, 2012
  • CYF Allegheny County PA
    1 Smithfield St, Pgh, PA 15222
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

here's a copy of my latest email

Dear Mr. Zappala, please take the time to read the information I'm sending.  I assure you, you will find it interesting, what and how CYF destroyed our Life in Allegeheny County.  Thank you for your time Sir and God Bless you and the great work that you do.....
there is more to this, I've enclosed the scenerio of what they did, especially as it pertains to our children.  Richard (13)  Kelsey (9) and Anthony (2)

Hi Jim. (Attorney) I got your message, sorry we were cut off.  I received a letter from Dan Robinson who is the Manager, Department of Human Services, Director's Action Line back in May.  He requested to speak with me AFTER I sent him, through the complaint email, what these CYF workers did to me and my family.  I will explain what he said to me about what would it take to "rectify this wrong" when we meet.  I have not yet had the power of attorney notarized yet but my daughters have copy's.  So Jim, here's a sampling of what Witkowski, McKnight and their Supervisor Rebecca Thompson did to us.  Keep in mind, I have all the paperwork, especially the letter requesting I attend a Family Care Plan Meeting on 15 June 2010.   This just happened to be the last day of school for my kids.  I never went and then I found out from my wife Jennifer that I had TWO more warrants issued for me, after my hearing in front of Judge Michael Marmo.  He rescinded the previous warrant that was out for me at the May 2nd 2010 hearing.  I have no idea what these were for since I never left Westmoreland County after the May 2nd hearing.  Thus, Witkowski was STILL trying to have me put in jail.  .

Hello Mr. N,
I am acknowledging receipt of your email. Also, I was notified of your contact with the County Information Center. Moving forward, any pending legal actions will be handled by the County Law Department. I wish you and your family well.

Dan Robinson, Mgr
Directors Action Line
Department of Human Services of Allegheny County
Office of Community Relations

Mr. Robinson  When we last spoke you asked what could be done to right this and I told you my answer. If you cannot give us back our 2 beloved pets or give my Children a new HOME then there is NOTHING you can do for my Family.  Not tooting my own horn Mr. Robinson, but after 26 years in the Military, I have met many people like Witkowski. They get away with something for so long that they think they are impervious to reproach. When in fact, I've learned that if you let someone THINK their in charge sooner or later by giving them enough rope per say, they will ultimately HANG themselves.  Please keep in mind that I am not doing this out of vendictiveness or for seeking vengeance. I am doing this for my CHILDREN and to make sure everyone involved is held accountable for their actions  Especially Witkowski, McKnight and Robinson and that this nitemare does not happen to another family.  It was a pleasure talking to you Mr. Robinson and you gave me the impression that your a sincere and just man.  If God would decide to take me tomorrow at least I will be at peace knowing that I've kept my promise to my Children.. God Bless you and the work that you do. Warmest Regards, Richard W.N

I am enclosing a statement that my wife and I included in our Power of Attorney as it pertains to Allegheny County CYF and its workers, Pyramid rehab center (South Side Office) for making my wife go there with threats of taking the children by McKnight, even after she reported an attempted sexual assault by one of the patients, and letting him come into contact with Jennifer on a daily basis knowing full well that he tried this with other women. These Women were too afraid to say anything until Jennifer reported it.   Also the Humane Society of Western Pennsylvania.  I don't know if anyone can understand this, but as a Father, I made a promise to my Children to protect them and that these people would be held accountable sooner or later for what they did to our Family and it's a promise that I must and will keep.. I guess you could call it one of those story's that you read about or it happens to someone else and could never happen to me. Who gives these CYF caseworkers the Authority to talk to Judges before hearings to influence the outcome or to get PFA's filed not to mention arrest warrants, wouldn't this be a Violation of one's Civil Rights to Due Process under the law.. On Witkowski's card it says she's a Child Advocate and NOT a CYF Caseworker. So, why was she spending so much time with MY wife. 

After I found out my son's dog was put to sleep, I spoke with Joanne Witkowski's supervisor and flat out asked her how in God's name can one Woman have so much Power and Authority. She basically BLEW it OFF by telling me what I was telling her couldn't be true because Witkowski didn't have the Authority to do any of the things I spoke of.. Kinda made me think when I found out from Jennifer that Witkowski and McKnight were REMOVED from the case without any explanation as to why.. Oh, she did tell Jennifer that she RESIGNED from the case because she feared for her and her family's lives.. Sounds just like what she tried to get her husband for in the PFA she filed for their 4th Court visit which was 4 outta 13 visits. The PFA was dropped. I also spoke with Witkowski's EX-HUSBAND after researching their Divorce on line (Witkowski vs. Witkowski). She has the audacity to parade herself off as a VICTUM of Spousel Abuse, when her husband came away with Custody of their 2 Children...

There is much more to tell and I hope you give us the opportunity to tell you the whole story so that this DOES NOT happen to any other Family, you would also be showing our Children, Richard 12, Kelsey 8,  by teaching them a very valuable lesson that most people do CARE and NONE should get away with doing as they please because of WHO they know.. Witkowski went so far as to tell my wife how PRETTY she was and she could do much better because I was too OLD for her, and I tried to HIT on her and sent her text messeges.. She also told my wife that I asked for a girls phone number that I was talking to at the Court House.. This woman was PREGNANT and we were talking to each other about why we were there. My daughter Nicole stood by Witkowski the whole time we were there. Then Nicole told me when I went into the bathroom for the drug urine test, Witkowski had her ear pinned to the door listening to what we were saying in the bathroom. Just my opinion but maybe Witkowski needs to be evaluated to find out how she could undo in 2-3 months what I had been desperately trying to keep together for the past 3 years. It also must be mentioned that after friends got the appliances out and Jenn got what she could for up here people were in MY HOME and took what was left especially mine and jenns wedding bands, my power tools, my tools, our basketball hoop, my daughters outdoor log cabin play house and many many other things..

Lastly,`Please keep in mind that my Children lost not their house BUT their HOME. Their 2 beloved Pets, friends, a familiar enviornment, because they are afraid to go back to Pittsburgh/Allegheny County because of what they went through with CYF and Witkowski and McKnight.. I called and spoke with McKnight a few months ago, requesting copies of everything in our file.. Her response was I had to do it in writing and it would have to go through the LAW Dept.. So, in that case I will submit a formal request on The County of Allegheny Standard Open Request Form and submit it to the County Open Records OfficerI have PROOF of everything I have accused them of especially paperwork from CYF. Please don't disappoint my Children because, right now, I do not have the answers that they need to hear and they are afraid that this could happen again. by the way, when our case was transferred up here to Westmoreland County, a Woman came to the house checked it out asked us and the kids a few questions. 2 weeks later we received a letter telling us our CASE was CLOSED.. So why does the paperwork we have stating TWICE, the charges were unfounded and that our case would be closed by CYF, Allegheny County on March 11, 2011. 

So why were Witkowski and McKnight involved and why they ALWAYS said, which btw, I was beginning to think was CYF's catch phrase, and I quote " I spoke with my Supervisor today and your kids are this close (fingers joining slightly) to being taken off you and put in Foster care. My God, is this what they teach you in school to say.  Does anyone fully understand what effect this had on my Children hearing this over and over again. That phrase was said every time they came to my home.. My Children also want to know why McKnight gave my mother-in-law and her husband permission to physically PUNISH them if they were bad. I have NEVER hit my Son and I admitted fully to smacking Kelsey WITH A SMALL belt ONE time after talking back and severley mis-behaving.  RJ was hit numerous times while he was living there and my Kelsey was subjected to physical and mental abuse and they will testify to this. The travesty here is that I know CYF has a tough job to do and they do a lot of good to protect children when no one else will, so why were these women allowed to do all of this and act like they had Cartblanche to do as THEY pleased.  There is NO DOUBT in my mind that after I told Witkowski, I was NOT afraid of her and she did not intimidate me and that I was sick and tired of people coming into my home, threatening me and Jenn and terrorizing my children.  I was tired of hearing, sign here, sign there.  We are here to help and get you into Family Counseling to keep the Family Together and then not doing ANYTHING they promised to do from Nov 2010 to March 2011,when Witkowski FORCED me to leave my home.    It is quite obvious that Witkowski used her position and influence to crucify me and alienate me from my Wife and my Children.

We delegate to our Agent's/Attorney-In-Fact to transfer this power of attorney to any of our other 4 adult daughters and set up trust funds for Richard Joseph Nix, Kelsey Leigh Nix, Anthony Joseph Nix. They also have Power of Attorney to pursue Criminal Charges and a Federal Civil Suit against everyone that has been involved in our CYF case, Allegheny County, from November 2010 to present date, especially as it pertains to Joanne Witkowski, Genafie McKnight, Supervisor Rebecca Thompson, Judge Michael Marmo and any other Court Judge or Court employee that Witkowski used for her favor.. Examples of her conduct is as follows. Please refer to PA Code of Ethics for Judges, Canon 2 Para B, Canon 3 Section A Para 4 especially as it pertains to ExParte Communication. This pertains to her talking to Judge Marmo Before a hearing that I knew nothing about, and asking him to put me in Jail for a Year and Judge Marmo entertaining the thought by telling her " if I put him in jail, I'll have to postpone the hearing and you'll have to come back" and by the Judge telling me in Court he has known Witkowski for a long time for a long time. Also defemation and slander. Obstruction of Justice and Using coercion by threatening my wife if she didnt do what Witkowski or McKnight said, the kids would be gone and put in foster care. All this was done in front of my children. Slander for accusing me of having a drug and alcohol problem which she didnt know I can not drink because of the meds I take and I was subjected to random testing because I was a driver for a major auto parts store.

Witkowski and McKnight constantly threatened the children with being put in foster care especially Witkpwski constantly threatening my Son with putting him in a boys home.You all knew my wife was addicted to pain meds, the evidence was there from Mercy Hospital and Western Physc but you ignored it even though they put her on withdrawel meds. I sat with Jennifer for 3 days helping her through it and then on wed nite/early thursday morning, Witkowski came to the house and picked Jenn up and FORCED her to file a PFA against me going so far as to actually FILL the PFA paperwork out herself which my wife did not want but was again threatened by Witkowski  if she didnt sign it the kids would be gone. then to be served with the PFA Thursday afternoon which again, I was forced from my home which started the ball rolling for Witkowski.. Witkowski and Mcknight played us against each other making each of us believe that the other wanted a Divorce which neither of us wanted at all. I BEGGED FOR THEIR HELP TO GET HER INTO REHAB BUT ALL THEY did was persicute me. Witkowski used her position to call down court to find out what Judge was on so she knew which ones would work in her favor especially using them to issue arrest warrants for me. To this day I have no idea what the warrants or the charges were for because they were all dropped for SOME REASON..

Since I was forced from my HOME in March and Jenn forced to live with her Mother, my HOME of 30 years is now in foreclosure because Witkowski threatened to put me in jail for a year if I was caught anywhere near the property. Then to find out she went with my wife and another worker to the Humane Society to turn our 2 dogs in knowing full well after 2 phone calls messeges left and noresponse that I was able to take the dogs after moving into a house May 1st.

I was drug tested on May 2nd and my daughter asked her about the dogs. I have someone who was there watching her every move and will testify that Witkowski's reply was "Oh thier doin fine, vet checked them out and their being fed and taken care of because they have a hardship program at the Humane Society that holds them for 30 days. All LIES, I found out the next day that Tigger was transferred to the Rescue league being there 1 week in a cage and never walked and that our beloved Patches was put down the previous week the next day after he was taken there. Witkowski spoke with the workers and he was put down the day after they were turned in. I called the Humane Society and requested the paperwork and the girl told me she had to call me back and when she did she told me I would have to have my Attorney get a COURT ORDER to get any info. We also lost our AKC Siberian Husky, El Diablo Banditto Nix  (Bandit) because of her, he took off under the fence, the FIRST time she FORCED me out of my home and I told her I had to get him because Animal Control had already been to our house. Her response to me was and I qoute "I've given you enough time you need to go", Bandit never came back. Bandit ALWAYS CAME BACK NO MATTER WHAT THE WEATHER.  So what actually happened to that Beautiful, Majestic Animal..

My Son wants to know why his beloved Patches was put down when he was told they'd be ok and that I would be picking them up.  Witkowski knew Patches was DEAD when she talked to us in Court. Even Jennifers legal counsel yelled at her because she was taking a little hissy fit because she couldnt get anyone to arrest me before the hearing and that was AFTER she was called before she got there by the other CYF worker named ANDREA.  ANDREA informed Witkowski that they were not going to arrest me before the hearing.  I knew nothing about the warrant or that there was going to be a hearing.  So Witkowski WAITED for Judge Marmo and this is when she tried to get him to put me in jail before the hearing and then threw her little hissy fit because she tried to get the SHERIFF to arrest me and they REFUSED.  Jennifer see's a phsyciatrist regularly and is now on Meds for her addiction. She also gets drug tested once a week. She is back to being my Jennifer is willing to fight with me and our Children no matter how long it takes. I see a Physciatrist at trhe VA and the kids are now just starting to see Jennifers Doctor for Therapy.  Everyone and I mean EVERYONE that knows me can not believe this happened to us.    I am 100% disabled and am awaiting my Veterans Disability Rating being a 26 yr Army Veteran.  If I had my way, I would open up every case record that Wtkowski, McKnight and Robinson were involved in over the years.  Not only to see what Judges they used but to see if this travesty has happened to othetr family's.  But, as we all live in an imperfect perfect World we can only hope that someone or anyone would just pay attention to what I have written.  I would like to think that I'm Special BUT can anyone honestly believe I'm the only one they have done this to.. We may have lost our HOME but the most important thing is my Family is TOGETHER and we have every intention of taking this as far as we have to so this does not happen to another family.

I forgot to add that Jenn and I have put a considerable amount of money into our Old HOME after I received my settlement in 2005 from my Auto Accident.   Breakdown is 
new windows 4800.00

Leveling of yard for swimming pool.  500.00

Swimming Pool 3000.00

Retaining walls and walk way 5500.00

Concrete work, front and back to include parking pad  7500.00

Fencing for pool and dogs  3500.00

wood for deck 1400.00

landscaping and decorative stone 1500.00

removal of Large Pine Tree 1000.00

It took Kelsey and I a week to build the deck. She was so proud of herself for (helping Dad) and building the deck for my kids and grandkids gave me a renewed feeling of self worth after having so many different surgeries after the accident.  The dogs also loved the deck to lay on.  Bandit would jump in the pool with the kids, swim around for awhile and then climb up the ladder onto the deck..  Then Patches would chase Bandit around the deck and into the yard...  Now all we have are the pics, videos and MEMORIES.  God Bless

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

CYF Allegheny County and Judge Marmo

#2General Comment

Fri, August 31, 2012

After reading this article about this family I wanted to say that Judge Marmo has ruined my life and my four year old sons life. My Childs father perjured himself in court over and over and instead of having the jurisdiction in Pittsburgh where my son was born they moved it to the fathers state.

I had plenty enough proof that I had lived here in Pittsburgh for more than 9 months. The father lied and said I was going back and forth to visit and I wasnt. There was no proof. We had proof that he had killed a puppy due to his anger problem. He was arrested and charged with animal cruelty and was arrested. Its a shame that my son now is in an environment with his fathers family and they are putting his life in danger.

They do not put my son in his car seat. The other Grandfather put my son in the front seat and buckled him in. Police were called and no one cares. Its a shame that other peoples egos have to get in the way of the best interest of my son.

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