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  • Report:  #651896

Complaint Review: CYFD-CPSSheriff's Dept Courts AG's Office DA's Los Cumbres New Vistas Legal Aide

CYFD-CPS,Sheriff's Dept, Courts, AG's Office, DA's, Los Cumbres, New Vistas, Legal Aide, Delfina Medina, Susan G. Smith, Matthew A. Esquibel, Kurt Smith, Stephanie Vasquez, Natalie Spain, Sally Nelson, Elizabeth & Adreien Jaramillo (GSD), Orlando Gallegos, Ida A. Gallegos, Failed to Protect Abused, Neglected, Child from Manipulative, Deceitful, Mother Santa Fe, New Mexico

  • Reported By:
    AbsoluteJustice — Santa Fe New Mexico USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, October 17, 2010
  • Updated:
    Sun, October 17, 2010
  • CYFD-CPS,Sheriff's Dept, Courts, AG's Office, DA's, Los Cumbres, New Vistas, Legal Aide,
    1920 Fifth Street
    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

State employee CYFD-CPS, Delfina Medina did not respond to complaints of a mother battering her child; rather, Delfina Medina has direct ties to the mother and did not disclose that information.  Instead, Delfina Medina conspired with her co-workers to abuse, harrass, degrade, defame, and antagonize the child's father, in efforts to force him to give up custody. Delfina Medina misled the courts, provided false and inaccurate information to her supervisor, her co-workers, the sheriff's department, social networking agencies, and others.

Delfina Medina used the knowledge of her job, to obscure justice, to protect a worman who may be a felon, completed false and misleading documents, or caused their initiation, used her ties to state employees prompting the illegal search and taking of weapons, (whoever was sent to get them knew exactly where to find them!), but for some reason the weapon under the name of this abusive mother, mentally challenged, control freak, was not touched!  This leaving behind of "her" weapon, and taking all the others, raises some interesting questions, and it did raise the eyebrow of one attorney.

Close to two years ago, CPS was given detailed history of the mother's on-going abuse of the child, an infant at the time. The times & dates, were given to the intake counselors, who acknowledged and documented the information, most were quite helpful. 

 Delfina Medina from CPS gave orders to the Child Protective Services 1-800 counselors to disqualify calls made regarding this particular mother, furthermore, Delfina Medina made sure that when calls were made regarding abuse to this child, the counselors were coached beforehand, convinced that the allegations were "frivilous" and not to pay any attention to the caller.  From that time forward, calls to the Child Protective Services Help Line were in vain, no one would give us the time of day.   Smoothe move Ex-lax.

 (Last Summer) The day after the child was abducted by her mother, Delfina Medina contacted a family member by phone, acting rude, spiteful, and harassing, she tried to ID who had made the phone calls. 

On the evening when child was abducted from the family home, the mother was partying and drinking alcohol at the home of her friend, Tracy, who has involvment with illegal drugs.

The mother was being neglectful of her infant at this party, not paying attention to what the child was doing, (everything could be seen from the child's family home across the street). This was not an isolated incident, the mother's being neglectful of her child was the norm - much like her intentionally hurting the child at the time of infancy to present. 

  At this party, the child had an accident, as witnesses had stated, the child was being hidden from the father & his family by the mother, who did not want to explain what had happened, as this was not the first time the child had a severe accident while being with the mother.

On the day the child was abducted by her mother, the mother took with her the child's birth certificate and social security card, indicating that the mother had planned to take the child away.

The mother's only thought is of how she can make herself appear more demure, shy is the word she likes to use, she portrays herself as being a "victim."  Anyone who knows her and knows her well, soon become her victim, if you do not cater to her every whim, she will devise ways to "get back at you." Lie, cheat, steal, pout, argue with you saying you are the one who is uncooperative, bang things, destroy your personal property, give you the silent treatment, act aggressively hostile, accidentally hit you and say she is sorry, gossip to others about you in a demeaning, derogatory manner, you name it she has been this way since childhood. Actually, as a child the mother learned this in order to survive. But she is now an adult and no longer a child.

 Further investigation reveals the mother was herself an abused child, who has attempted suicide and had made several members of the father's family swear to secrecy, stating she had a cancerous brain tumor and not responsible for her actions. This also is a lie. The mother's entire life has been based on falsehoods, misrepresentations, designed to control and manipulate and excuse the mother from facing reality.

The mother's fear for her life as she was telling everyone, was not from the child's father, but rather from being brought up on charges of attempted murder to her child.  The mother and her sister both have obtained life insurance on the child in the past few months. This is not heresay, like the mother and her family are used to telling, there is evidence that has been documented, but thanks to Delfina Medina, the child will have to undergo years of intensive therapy.  Perhaps the child will be rescued,  growing-up to sue each person who allowed and promoted her misery, pain, suffering, at the hands of her mother and her mother's family.

Or perhaps CYFD is hoping that the mother will again attempt to kill the child and will succeed, then CYFD will state that they no longer have anything to do with the case, and everything happened after the case was closed.

The mother and her co-conspirators decided to report to the courts claiming the father was abusing the child. The mother took the child with bruise marks to the court house and stated the father had been abusing the child.  This cruel and hateful act by the mother and her family prompted each member of the judicial system to turn their backs on justice for a small child.

From that day forward, the father and his family did not receive any type of courtesy, information, help, nothing from members of the courts, nor any assistance or cooperation from any social agencies or government offices, or government funded programs.

 Members of the courts bent over backwards to help the child's mother, giving her their home phone numbers, just like each member of CPS did for her. Susan Smith must have received her age old degree in 1902, when the information was old. Susan G. Smith, and supposidly knowledgeable social workers, act like the mother's puppets; they are so wrapped up in adoring themselves, they fail to see the unhappiness in a small child.  A child who pleads for "help," and she is looked upon as a bad child, because her mother tells everyone that she is a bad child. The mother fails to see that she is the reason her child is unable to relate.

Based on false and misleading information first provided by the mother, who herself spent most of her days watching tv, playing video games, eating junk food, feeding it to her infant, refused to take responsibility for her actions; she hid behind a veil of "innocence," portraying herself as a victim of domestic violence, when she is the one who continually demonstrates an unsettling state of emotion.

Members of the mother's family all believe that they are all above reproach, the image of "perfect people," they are an exact opposite.  People like this who continually lie without a moral conscience, ramble, they have to continue one lie after another to convincingly state their perfectness.

CYFD, the courts, sheriff's dept, social agencies, they all have their big egos and personal agenda, quotas to complete, all to make themselves look good and maintain the integrity of their respective departments.

They all lied! One had to lie to cover for the other, and so on and so forth. The lie originated with the mother lying to her crank and pothead buddies, then lied to her family to solicit their help, ultimately connecting with Delfina Medina, who gave the orders to trash all the phone calls made regarding the mother's deliberate actions to harm her child, the child she did not want in the first place. The child the mother used, to get the father back into her life.

The child that the mother along with her family tried to abort by taking illegal drugs, home remidies given by Ida Gallegos and Orlando Gallegos, supposidly they were beneficial herbs!.  Herbs that the doctor told the mother to stop taking because they were causing complications.

You people from CYFD and the courts and everyone else, you think you know the story, you think you know the story, you know you don't.  But know this, you failed to perform the duties you were mandated to obey by law.

A petition is being signatured by thousands of people like myself, people who demand justice for innocent children. People who are requesting your resignation from your job and from ever working with children, and the vulnerable population of New Mexico.

I already have in my possession and in the hands of dozens of people, the documents you think no one knows about.  The documents you think were completed or not completed according to law. 

Citizens did you know that CYFD has a Citizen Review Board, maybe they are people and words on paper, just like everything else that CYFD has stated, they are one of those "at will" boards, where they are called upon once in a life-time, to prove it exists.

But the courts, come on, I know you think that many of us are too simple minded to complain the the proper authorities, everyday people are not considered "proper authorities."  One-by-one, as each citizen tells another, it does not matter who you are related to, your lies will catch up with you.

CYFD - CPS, "Do not continue using your job to satisify your punny egos!"  Matthew Esquibel, learn how to use proper English, this is America.

Did I mention the father is a battered spouse! Delfina Medina had a field day with that one, she battered the father into a corner, making him fear for the safety of his small child. Delfina Medina lied to the Sheriff, she is the one who took the child away, not law enforcement.  Delfina Medina did not question 3 other witnesses who were on the property, she choose to accept heresay from the mother and the mother's family regarding horrible bruises to the child.

Delfina Medina, do you think that a person who continually calls CPS over and over and over and over and over, might be concerned about a child.  Use some common sense, a person who is abusing a child does not call CPS, the sheriff's department, the police, the DA's office, the Governor's office, the AG's office, the Mayor, the State Police, I will continue to publicize the truth anywhere and everywhere until I see justice is served for this child. And, that justice is served for the countless innocents in the same mire you and others like you have placed them.

CYFD employees believe that they are untouchable, their own little government, not having anyone to answer to, hiring 60 or more attorneys to cover their sloppy work.

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