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  • Report:  #434542

Complaint Review: Dallas 'Eric' Or 'Tex' Tanner Destination X Television Series Beach Bodz Worldwide Dallas Tanner

Dallas 'Eric' Or 'Tex' Tanner, Destination X Television Series, Beach Bodz Worldwide LLC Dallas Tanner Ripped me off and Violated my Private Home and Space Santa Ana, California

  • Reported By:
    las vegas Nevada
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 16, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, April 18, 2009
  • Dallas 'Eric' Or 'Tex' Tanner, Destination X Television Series, Beach Bodz Worldwide, Dallas Tanner
    The Past Address Was 5 Hutton Center Penthouse Suite
    Santa Ana, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I need to write this statement of my opinion without using defamatory or derogatory names even though I'd like to give the reader the permission to fill in the blanks at any time from A-F.

The following report is my opinion of my relationship with Dallas Tanner. Dallas has not done one thing he said he was going to do whether it be paying me back for the money's of over $9,000.00 I lent to him, and/or paid me for staying at my house, eating my food, using my computer and printer, expecting rides around town in my vehicle, being expected to be at his beckon call and most precious of all-my time.

In my opinion the energy Toxic leaves is like an energetic rape-a violation of the soul. One time I heard him say that bad publicity is better than no publicity so he probably gets off on these rip off reports similar to the way a serial killer gets off taunting his victims and the media.

The name Con Artist is defined in the dictionary as a person adept at lying, cajolery, or glib self-serving talk.

Please report all information on Eric Dallas Tanner to Hawaii PD, LAPD and Las Vegas PD.

The name Con Artist is also defined in the dictionary as a person adept at swindling by means of confidence games; swindler.

So far his legal team is nothing more than Dallas Tanner himself. He'll say anything to get you off his back and he challenges everyone who defies him with a lawsuit.

Dallas has threatened me with a lawsuit for slander of his name and a restraining order but I have yet to hear from his, Legal Team. If Dallas did take me to court than he'll have to confront the debt that he has with me and his debt to me is worth more than the cash he physically took from my hands. I'd sue him for all the time I lost at work and all the aggravation that he has caused me.

He has insulted me saying that because I was working in nightclubs when I met him and his associate Richard, that my integrity would be compromised and that anything I said wouldn't hold up in court. He seems to suggest that not paying people back for personal loans is justified if they don't have to work hard for their money.

I work VERY hard for my money. I've owned the same truck for more than 12 years with almost 200,000 miles on it. I own a house in an inflated market with bills and I have dreams to fulfill. It is NOT in my highest and best interest to give it to men like Dallas Tanner. Dallas went to the bank with me and saw me withdraw $7,000.00 + fees from my bank which was transferred from a credit card, which in the end, is my responsibility.

The following details are my opinion of what happened and for those people interested in the details for future reference. I will note that Dallas has a habit of reflecting negativity back onto the other person and he doesn't seem to take responsibility for any of his own actions. He makes people feel bad if they question his integrity and he will insult their judgement if they question him. He will say anything to make himself look good and everybody else look bad.

He likes younger more impressionable girls. I was a little older because I was 30 and because of some past experience I questioned him more and he didn't like that. The younger girls fall for his lies a lot easier and are scared to question him.

He will use people for anything they have to offer whether it be their expertise, their looks, their talent or their time. And he will promise the world to those people for being a part of his project. If he can't pay them at the time for their work then he will make up bogus contracts to keep the people interested and entice them to give as much as they can so they have a reason to want to protect their personal investments in the project and they will end up trying even harder to make it work. Usually they end up just giving and giving and not receiving anything but lies and aggravation.

I was like a gold-mine for someone like Dallas Tanner. I thought that I was going to be the one person that would help make it all come together and I was always there to fill in the gaps and I truly did believe that good things could come as a result of all my hard work. My gold mine has now turned into a land mine for Dallas Tanner.

He knew I was looking for another source of income so he preys on people's emotions and weaknesses and uses them as leverage to gain more power and control over people's psyches. He makes you feel like you need to prove your worth and by proving yourself and how much he can count on you, he will keep milking you as he challenges you to see if you're willing to go the distance. But what does this reflect back to Dallas Tanner? Is he going the distance to prove his self worth and live up to his promises?

Dallas was the #1 guy for making the contracts, holding the money and paying people. He wanted to be in control of everything so that he could take advantage of people and play them like puppets.

I met Dallas Tanner with his associate Richard though at that time, Dallas and Richard seemed more like partners. I can't say too much about Richard because he was nothing but a pawn of Dallas and in fact Dallas ended up throwing Richard on the street. In the end Dallas couldn't even give Richard $ 2,000.00 to fix his car even though he promised him thousands for his hard work.

Richard stuck by his side through thick and thin, and was able to get the girls to talk to Dallas and was able to get Dallas into places he couldn't have gone himself. Dallas would've never had a place to stay with me or any rides or food from my house or any loan for that matter if it wasn't for my relationship with Richard.

At the time that I met Richard and Dallas, I thought they were spending a lot of money on hotels so I had no idea how broke they were. I found out later that Dallas and Richard were homeless and they were trying to look like things were moving up with Dallas' show Destination X. They just needed a little cash to finish the half baked product and then they could make everyone's dreams come true.

I didn't know that Dallas and Richard were homeless because they had an L.A. address and claimed that they just needed a place to stay in Las Vegas to finish some work. Richard told me everything later, he said that they were homeless at the time and were down to their last dollar and at one point in the process they had to sleep in bathrooms to survive. I had met them when they had a car and an L.A. address. But only one week later, after they were renting my house, I found out that the car was a rental car when it was forcefully taken back.

Dallas wrote a contract on 2/18/2006 that in exchange for providing a place for Dallas and Richard to stay, for a maximum of up to 4 weeks, that I would be getting 1% of the net profits of Destination X. Months after they used my house, my resources and my time, Dallas tried to say that the contract was not valid because he only stayed with me for two weeks. Even though Dallas wasn't staying with me the entire time he would still come and eat my food, use my computer, and continue to ask for rides and loans.

Dallas had left Richard, who at the time was his business partner, at my house for almost two months with zero money and no car when he went to Hawaii to film the rest of the series for Destination X. The fact is they used my house, money, time and vehicle to make the rest of it fall into place. I even had to give Richard $100.00 just to get back to L.A. in the very end.

I couldn't put Richard on the street because that is not my nature and Richard and I got along better than Dallas and me. He was supportive of me and never tried to hit on me once. He seemed to care and made comments about how he wanted the best for everyone, including me. Richard at that time was still involved in the project with Dallas and I had to hear about it everyday.

I hope this next statement doesn't throw too many people off but I want to make a note of why I was trying to make things work. Some people have things that they use as a guide in life and I use tools like Astrology sometimes. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a hold of this particular astrologer when I met Dallas and Richard because she had moved and I didn't talk to her till much later. Because it was all so immediate and fast I was just swept away in the drama of it all. This is another technique Dallas uses- immediate response and no time to think about anything because he makes you feel like you have a real chance on winning if you believe in him and Act NOW.

A couple of years earlier this psychic/astrologer told me that I would be meeting a man that would be traveling with a group and this was going to be a special opportunity to travel overseas and make lots of money and that the angels expressed that I needed to do whatever it took to make it work. In fact, this had a huge impact of how I interpreted the meeting of Dallas and Richard. Later, I found out that Dallas was not who she was talking about. Hmmm, I wonder why?

When I met Dallas and Richard together, I spoke mostly with Richard at first, and he talked about the DX group traveling to exotic places overseas, working as a team with a potential for a new career, and that they were looking for talent and I had a chance to become a part of this, Most Amazing, Grande Experience. How could I possibly over look this magnificent opportunity? Oh Geeeezzzzz, it would've been more fun if they just dropped me off in the middle of the desert on the side of the road then to get to know Dallas Tanner.

On another note, I realized that Dallas knows a lot of different views of spirituality and he doesn't necessarily practice them but he uses them as a tool to speak someone else's language to gain their confidence in him. He even had the gull to use the example of the movie The Secret when he was trying to tell me that my frame of mind was negative and that I can turn things around for myself if I have a better attitude. He told me this when I was upset after he took off with my money, used me and gave me nothing in return except a circus of nonsense.

I was a good host and celebrated our first official meeting with a nice bottle of champagne that I had around the house. Then when Richard fell asleep in the other room, Dallas had me try on a bikini and show him my body to see if I had the right look. Then he signaled for me to come closer to him and I made a statement about my couch being a producer's couch, and he charmingly redirected the energy.

I was truly uncomfortable and I made this clear to Dallas but he didn't respect my space and all I heard in my head was, Do whatever it takes to make it work. So I begrudgingly succumbed to his requests and felt like vomiting the entire time, especially when he made such cliche statements like, oh, you're going to be a star, while feeling his hair plugs. Please note that I didn't have oral sex or intercourse with him-Amen.

So, the next day I told him that I wasn't going to do that again and I knew it wasn't right for me and by telling him this I knew that I would probably not get on the show but I had to be honest with myself-no matter what. I thought if I was at least in a contract with them for my house that I could still potentially make money. I knew that the contract for renting my house was a little risky because they might not make the money back but there was also an opportunity to be part of the team and he made sure I had that impression.

Dallas continued to dangle this carrot over my head suggesting that I needed to prove myself. He was abusing his power as a producer. He was eating my food, using all my stuff and totally disturbing the peace in my house in leu of a chance to be on his show. He would say things like, You have to show me how bad you want it. It seems that his interpretation of this meant that I had to put up with his crap without any complaints whatsoever and tolerate his abuse in any and all forms possible.

Then one day there was a fashion show in town called Magic and this is where vendors come to show their clothes. Dallas was getting all his girls to go to the different vendors and get them to ship free clothes to Dallas as a product placement on his show. There was a part of me that felt like what he was doing was not honest and I really didn't want to be a part of this, especially when he was dangling this carrot over my head and seeing how much he could get out of me before letting me know whether I was actually going to be on the show or not.

It seemed like he was taking advantage of his, Producer, title and he was trying to get as much free stuff as possible even if the clothes had nothing to do with sports as his show suggested. He would tell the girls, including me, that he would let them have all the clothes after the show. I never saw any clothes but I know some of the other girls did get them.

Against my desire, I went to the show at the last minute to show an effort and to keep the peace and he got different girls to work different departments. I really didn't talk to anyone because they were starting to shut their spaces down. But I did get there in time to meet girl #1, the,Star of the Show, of that time. Soon after he used her to get the interest of the key investor, she became old news and I got to meet the next, Star of the show, called girl #2 later in New York.

When I met girl #1, she was a little threatened by me because she thought she was going to be the star of the show at that time and wanted absolutely nothing less than that so when she asked Dallas, in a rude way, "who is she and what is she doing here?" His response was, She's my assistant. That's when I knew that I would never be on the show.

I was triggered with his response, especially for him not standing up for me in front of that girl, after all I did to carry them through, keeping them off the streets and food in their stomachs. He didn't have the balls to tell her that I was maybe going to be on the show. Up till that point he kept leading me to believe that there was still a chance that I could get on the show, if I proved myself. I could see how he was using his position to milk me for as much as possible.

He was good at playing people against each other so they would get caught up in the drama and divert the attention off of him. Then he would use this drama as leverage to get people to act out of fear. He would use people as pawns all the time. If it wasn't for Richard I wouldn't have gotten involved as much as I did. At this point, I should've just kicked them both out of my house for good.

I put their stuff on the back patio and tried to cancel the contract but Dallas sweet talked me into giving them a second chance. What really got me was when I realized how hard up they were and that Richard had no where else to stay-not even family. I couldn't put him on the street so I let Richard stay with me and Dallas went on to stay at girl #1's house.

As far as I understood, the contract was still valid because Dallas said so and Richard was still at my house and they were a team at that time. Even though Dallas was staying somewhere else he continued to come over, use my stuff, eat my food, and ask for loans.

I kept thinking that there would maybe be something good that could come out of all of this effort. And I knew that they had a halfway finished product and they just needed that last ditch effort to make it all come true. So I believed that somehow I could be that last bit of hope to make it all come together.

I found out later on the internet there is a link to a Scubagod website that exposes people like Dallas Tanner and this man says that Dallas got over $100,000 from him and some other people and took off to CA with it, never to be heard from again. This was before I even met Dallas. This is what helped to get the show started in the first place. I had no idea. I wish that I knew about googling people's names before.

Also, in the first month of this circus, I met a key representative of a company (who I want to keep private at this time) that marketed text message services and this was a great potential source of income which looped me into things even more. Dallas wrote up another contract for TV Sales on 5/11/06 and I was suppose to get a commission on that deal. But I heard from the other company that there was no consistency from Dallas and the technology and time put forth by this company was wasted so they had to drop it. They invested a lot of their time and money for nothing. Dallas used this contract as leverage with me and would promise all kinds of potential income to keep me in the loop.

Dallas continued to ask me for money and rides to meet potential investors. He needed a ride to the casino to meet a key investor in a suite. He didn't want the investor to know that he didn't have a car so I would come along and look like an assistant. He got the key investor interested by using, the star of the show at that time, girl #1 to lure him in. He made her dress up to impress him and act like she was interested in him. I knew it wasn't fair for anyone but at the time I didn't really care much for her after the way she treated me and after all, she wanted to be, The Star.

Dallas would get me to dress up to impress his other sponsors or other potential investors so that they would like him more or maybe to keep people off his back. Dallas Tanner and Richard were actually flat broke. If I didn't drive them or give them a place to stay they could have never pulled it off with the key investor that gave Dallas $ 250,000.00.

There were times he would try to get me to party or suggest that I spend the night with these people to make them happy. I didn't partake in any of it and I just avoided it. One investor actually visited my house one day and he is successful in Hollywood finding stars for shows and money for films. He was on the phone doing business and dropped big names of stars for one of his projects so this is an example of how I could be impressed with who Dallas knew and get drawn in to his circus a little easier. As far as I know that guy is no longer on good terms with Dallas anymore.

When Dallas had the $ 250,000.00 sitting in a bag in my house, he had me drive him to a cash place where he distributed the money into various credit cards or other accounts and then had me drive him to the airport to meet the key investor for a ski trip that the key investor planned. That was the last time he asked me for money until he got back from Hawaii.

When Dallas came back from Hawaii after filming the rest of the show, he presented a newer and even better offer to me. Even though I didn't like what Dallas did before and how he left Richard at my house with no money and no car after getting all that money, he still managed to charm his way back to my trust. He had a sob story about how the key investor almost ruined it for everyone with his behavior and that was why he left Richard wondering at my house 95% of the time. The key investor didn't like Richard so Dallas had to keep Richard low for awhile. But soon after the key investor was not a part of the picture anymore then Richard was back in, just enough to keep me in the loop.

Dallas said that if I gave him a personal loan that I could have first dibs on whatever category I wanted in licensing rights for merchandise for DX. Then he wrote up two more contracts on 5/12/06. One for licensing privileges and one as a personal loan for $ 7,000.00.

He got me so excited about Licensing because he was almost done with the show. He just needed a little extra cash to finish the editing of the show and to live on before it could be finished so I thought once again, I'm the last bit of hope for this show to manifest. So I agreed to give him a personal loan and I made sure that he wrote up the contract as if it was a personal loan and not an investment in his show. I had a lawyer review it and he validated that it was, in fact, a personal loan and not an investment.

I knew that he was in over his head with investors and that investors often don't see the money back after all the paperwork and expenses so the last thing I wanted to do was be another investor. Dallas told me that he was expecting some big money coming in from Asia and some other distributors of the show and that they pay bonuses upfront for the footage and he swore up and down and wrote it in the contract that he was going to pay me by 8/31/06 or there would be a high interest rate of 16%.

As long as Richard was part of it all, I felt better about the loan. I think Dallas knew that. He used Richard as long as he could to get as much out of Richard as possible-without paying him a dime. When the key investor gave Dallas the $ 250,000.00 and it was sitting in a bag in my house after he won it in a casino, Richard didn't get any of it. Nothing after months of being a puppet. I understand that Dallas needed to spend that money for the show but he left Richard at my house with not even a $100.00. No money, no car and no food. Nothing. And now it's been past the 4 weeks maximum.

The key investor of the $ 250,000.00 was a multi-millionaire and everyone knew that he could write it off easier than most people but that is not an excuse to take advantage of someone. In my opinion, the investor was misled because Dallas had lured him in with girl #1, at that time, the, Star of the Show. He wasn't a very pleasant person so I didn't feel too sorry for him. But that doesn't mean what Dallas did was right. He used the star of the show as a puppet to bring in the key guy and then he upset her when he went on to make girl #2 the star of the show after he got the money.

Also, before this next trip to NY, Dallas was trying to convince me that he was going to be getting a consistent income after he got back from the NY trip and he didn't have good credit so he was asking if I would sign on a car loan for him. I told him I would think about it just to keep the peace between us in NY even though there was no way I was going to do that. I had already given him my money which he said he was going to pay by August, so I felt trapped.

As he was talking to me about the licensing of merchandise there just happened to be a conference coming up in NY for toy licensing on June 24, 2006. That is something I was interested in so I wanted to go and he wanted to go as well. I originally wanted to get a room by myself but Dallas asked me later if he could stay in the same room and that he would help split the cost, so I changed my reservation from a modest room to a bigger place with another room attached for privacy which cost a lot more money.

Then I got great deals from a friend on 2 plane tickets and I offered to pay upfront for Dallas because it was going to save him over $ 500.00. He was supposed to pay me back for the ticket and the room in NY because he got some money from another source. Then I paid $ 800.00 for a workshop at the conference that was going to teach me about licensing of merchandise and he was so excited he was going to do the same thing. But he was going to wait till he got to the show to pay for it.

When I first arrived in NY, Dallas called me and asked me if he could bring girl #2, who at that time was, the star of the show. Because it was the last minute he wasn't really asking me, he was basically telling me when they were both already on their way and that I was soooo great for letting him bring her along. And that in fact she was going to make him look really good because they had an interview with a Big Television Network that I wont mention at this time.

So then they show up and I wanted him to pay me back right away for the plane and the room. There was a disagreement on whether I should pay half or 1/3. And whether he should have to pay for the one night he wasn't there, even though I had to get a bigger room on his behalf. I thought it would be fair for him to share the cost of the room for the one night that he wasn't there.

For the entire expense of the trip he owed me $1950.00 and he ended up giving me $1100.00. He agreed to pay me the rest of the NY trip in a later email on 7/4/2006. In the same email he was also asking me to provide my banking account info-again. The same day, he also asked if he could borrow more money.

I thought it was fair to pay 1/3 of the room since I had to share with a 3rd person. I had to share my bed with another girl. But he thought that I should pay 1/2. So that created tension. And then instead of paying me fairly for everything right away, he only gave me a part of the total cost and instead took girl #2 out for every meal and wined and dined her, trying to impress her.

I was upset in NY but I remained calm for most of the trip. I had regrettably given him a loan for $7,000.00 and I needed to protect it. In my opinion, Dallas knows when he has people by the balls and he will just turn his nose because then he can blame anything that goes wrong on the other person and wont have to feel so bad about not paying them. He will make the other person, the bad guy.

I was left feeling very used and disgruntled. There was only one meal in which he offered to treat me to. At the beginning of the one and only dinner I was going to have with them, he told us of some great news about how he was going to get an exotic car company dealer, who I wont mention at this time, to loan their fancy cars for the show for free. So I was elated because I instantly thought I was off the hook to have to sign on a car loan for Dallas.

So then I said, Great Dallas, you wont have to get a car after all! Something that was suppose to be light and fun, instead made his face instantly change and he got a ferocious look and even banged his fists on the dinner table and started calling me names like, you're so negative and you're a b***h...blah, blah. He thought I was being negative because I was so grateful to hear that he was getting a car! He said, Those cars are not cars that you drive around, they're cars that you keep in the garage!

So I couldn't believe after all he put me through and after all I did to get him to NY, that he treated me like this. So I had to hold back my tears as I quickly left the restaurant before the food even got to the table. I never ate another dinner with them again on the trip and he continued to wine and dine her instead of paying me back. He did come looking for me that night by showing up in a limo and tried to make things right by insulting someone I was talking to and insisted I come with him and the girl #2.

What would have impressed me is if he paid me the rest of the money for the trip instead of spending thousands of dollars on meals, a limo, and a new video camera.

He should've paid me another $850.00 for the trip alone. That's not counting all the free material I gave him for the Licensing workshop. I paid $800.00 for the workshop and at the last minute Dallas said he wasn't going to take the workshop but it would be great if I could get extra copies of all the materials for him. So he basically used me for free materials too.

On 5/11/06 Dallas signed a contract before the NY trip claiming that if I made any contacts for product placement or investments that I would get a finders fee. During the Licensing show I met a man who I'm naming Joe for his sake in privacy. Joe had a business doing product placement for companies. I didn't know that Dallas wanted to use Joe as an investor. In the beginning, I thought he was only interested in getting product placement for his show.

Dallas wanted me to warm up to Joe and try my hardest to keep Joe interested but I just handed Joe to Dallas and let Dallas do the rest. At this point I was doubting Dallas' integrity so I was having a hard time knowing how involved I should be in bringing him more contacts. I needed to protect my investment so I needed to show some kind of loyalty. This is a perfect example of being between a rock and a hard place.

During the show in NY, I realized that Dallas was trying to get me to get contacts for product placement and licensing but what he was really looking for were other streams of income. He wanted the other companies to put up their money upfront before his show was finished. He wanted them to produce products and/or pay for products to be on his show.

He wanted people to believe that if they invest their money, they could get locked in on a great percentage of the return in sales. And he wanted to use their money to fund his own needs. He was looking for more streams of income to support the making of his show and to help fund his lavish lifestyle.

Dallas raised his voice at me when he realized that I wasn't putting an effort to raise investment money for his show. He thought that by me learning about licensing that I would somehow get money from people and I didn't want to be a part of that. He would say things like, You have to put yourself out there and have balls and this and that... And he would give me examples of how other successful people made things happen without the finished product. But I'm sure that some of these other shows were a lot more legitimate and had better producers working with them. I wasn't going to be his puppet and I wanted to feel more secure in his product before I would start talking to people about investing their own money into licensing products for his show.

Then after all this, we missed a flight because he was on the phone with someone and wasn't paying attention to our signals to get into a cab. We missed the only cab that could've gotten us to the train in time. Because we missed the last train that would get us to LaGuardia Airport we ended up taking a town car.

We missed our flight anyway so we had to stay overnight in another hotel room and he insisted that because he paid for the town car that I pay for the hotel room and so I paid for it on my credit card. We got into another fight over this and because the other girl told him that he was a jerk for expecting me to be responsible for the room, he finally paid me cash for the room in the morning.. My old ticket became invalid because of the missed flight, so I had to pay for another ticket home which cost me $ 320.00. This could've all been avoided if Dallas was more considerate in the first place.

After all this, he had the nerve to ask me if he could stay at my house again. I told him no but in order to keep the peace with him and to protect all my other investments I felt like I had no other option than to send him more money till he got paid again.

On 7/4/2006, I sent him $500.00+50.00 fee through Western Union. I denied him my place to stay, so he needed money to stay somewhere else. I refused to send him any more money unless he agreed to pay me back, in an email contract, for unpaid moneys from the NY trip. He agreed to my reasonable request in leu of receiving more money.

That was the last time he ever asked me for more money-amen. When my river ran dry, he went somewhere else.

Soon after the NY trip, Dallas dumped Richard with nothing somewhere in L.A. I was left feeling out of sorts because all of a sudden my only sense of support was gone. Richard once again became car-less and homeless. Richard needed like $2,000.00 to get his car out of the shop and Dallas wouldn't pay up leaving Richard stranded for almost a year without a car. I knew at that point that I would probably never see my money again. For the record, Richard is doing fine now.

The following are some details on other loans:

I gave Dallas installments of $ 7,000.00 from 5/16/06-5/18/06 under the notion that Richard was still involved but shortly after this, he was dumped from the project.

On 6/01/06 Dallas got 300+30.00 from me Western Union for some emergency.

He still owes me $850.00 for the NY trip.

Some misc. moneys that I gave Dallas and Richard before all this other stuff including giving Richard $100.00 to get back to LA to meet Dallas in the end totaled to 330.00.

7/04/2006, 550.00 Western Union.

The loans just for Dallas came to over $9,000.00. This doesn't cover all the time I took off of work to help charter Dallas and Richard and be at their beckon call. Also, it doesn't count for the time that I spent trying to make contracts with other people in hopes of anything working out or time and money spent taking a workshop that I couldn't really use in the end.

In addition to spending hours on computer, needlessly mass emailing people, trying to schedule appointments in NY for Dallas and me or the cards I had made which should've been paid for by Dallas because I was promoting his show, he convinced me to buy an iPod to promote his show-which I never used again in 3 yrs.

Meanwhile, I held his belongings in safe keeping and returned them to him instead of holding them hostage until he paid me back. He was saying that he had a lot of valuable video footage that he could re-edit and sell to the Text Message Company or other companies for extra income.

I told him from the beginning all he had to do was pay me $100.00/month or less just to keep the peace. He kept saying that he was going to pay me back and it was coming and I'd be waiting... And he would keep asking me what my bank routing number was, as if it changed.

This could be false but I heard that Dallas was somewhere in Orange County or San Diego, CA making $7,000.00/month. If Dallas was making that kind of money then he could've tried to pay me back a little bit in 3 yrs. He did not make one attempt.

This is the worst part. I already got conned by one guy 2 years before Dallas entered my world and for the same amount of money. Dallas used that emotional string to gain an emotional advantage over me and he would warm up to me by saying things like, Yeah, we'll get your money back for you. You'll make more money with us than you could have with that other guy.

I thought that a real man would never want to take money from someone and not attempt to pay them back. Especially how I had been burned before and especially when Dallas knew I was sensitive to that. One thing these two men had in common was they both bullied me in their own way. When I was skeptical at first w/Tom in giving him all the money up front, he would say, "If you aren't interested in this project then I know a lot of other people who are." And he made me feel like it was a bad thing to question his integrity. Dallas would do the same thing. He would say, "oh, you're just being negative." You don't believe enough. You have such a negative view of the world. And he would make me feel bad for wanting to maintain integrity.

Now I know after talking to many professionals that, in fact, questioning a person's integrity is normal in business. That people need to prove themselves and that people need to earn their trust, they don't just demand it. And that it's a sign of respect if two people can negotiate without name calling or bullying someone into something.

The last non threatening email I got from Dallas was on 8/10/2007, one year after he was supposed to pay me back and this is what he said: Thanks Jen, call me today at #310-259-5249 and I will give you an update. Dallas

No thanks Dallas, I don't need to hear any more lies, thank you.

I'd like to borrow these words from a previous rip off report about Dallas Tanner. His words are as fake as his toupee' careful when you see him coming for this man is a sheep in wolves clothing with a bad rug on his head...his heart is ice and his pockets are deep with grandiose desires of having them filled with your money and he is going to extremes such as writing bogus contracts he never makes good on to get money. -Mary

Eric 'Dallas' Tanner.....Hey are a sneaky thief whom has been described by your siblings as 'one of the best con artist'.-Claire

This is what Dallas retorts with in one of his rebuttals: Stop! This is not how we do things in Hawaii. I dont know who you are or what you are out to prove, but like you said in your own message, you ended up with some bad kharma because you are already ticking off a bunch of people and wrecking other peoples lives and disturbing them. This is not how we do things in Hawaii. Hawaii is the state of Aloha and unconditional love. We also believe in Kharma here. You try and vent your anger and vinegar about something that was done to you you years ago, and you end up with a heap of coals on your own head. Thats what we believe here in Hawaii. So stop being a winer and move on with your life and leave XXX alone and anyone else that you have bothered.

See how spiritual he is? He knows what Kharma is.

las vegas, Nevada

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Hyde Park,


#2Consumer Comment

Sat, April 18, 2009

It is interesting to note that Eric Dallas Tanner has an Ex-wife and two children that he has not supported. If anyone knows of his whereabouts, please contact the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, Child support enforcement agency.

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