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  • Report:  #1298934

Complaint Review: Dallas Polygraph Examiners

Dallas Polygraph Examiners Michael Park Do NOT trust this "polygraph examiner", he thinks he is a detective. He is a scam artist. Dallas Texas

  • Reported By:
    Anoymous — McKinney Texas USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, April 10, 2016
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 11, 2016

To whom it may concern,

    On Tuesday March 22, 2016 at 12:00 PM my wife agreed to take an infidelity polygraph given by Michael D. Park of Texas Polygraph Counselors aka Michael D Park and Associates. Website is and the phone number is 972-850-6599. I feel the exam was likely not even administered as we paid and was falsified. I believe he is claiming to offer polygraph services that he cannot adequately perform and I request you do a full investigation. Here is our story.
    My wife and myself went into Mr. Park's office looking for an infidelity exam that my wife agreed to take. She became mentally ill for a period and had stabilized. She had admitted she did have oral sex with another man on one occasion, but it was isolated. I was skeptical but it was her idea to perform the lie detector test to clear my head. I wanted to know if she had actually had intercourse with another man during our marriage and if the incident of oral sex was a one time occasion.
    When we arrived at Mr. Park's office he sat us down and wanted to know the full story of our lives and said it would help us formulate the questions. We had to explain about her mental illness, and the fact that she did have an inappropriate relationship with another man as explained above. She had been on out of town trips with this person so I was concerned. He said he would help me find out about the trips she made to Mexico, Houston, and in general if she was telling the truth. He started interrogating her in front of me saying that her story did not really make a lot of sense and it was hard to believe based on what she told him (he had quite a few details but not all of them). This started to make me feel uneasy and I kept thinking what does his opinion have to do with anything? He attempted to get her to confess to any further wrong doing on social media or anything else he might need to know. Kept insisting that the story just did not sound good. 
    We formulated several questions and helped us decide to ask about infidelity when she was on a Houston trip, and trip to Mexico, and just in general. He used the other mans name and my name in several of the questions ( I have been told by another polygraph examiner that's not a good idea). He quickly went over the questions and then told me I needed to leave the room so he could do the examination.  He told me the exam would take about 20-30 minutes. My wife stated that when I left the room he sat her down and told her this was her last chance to confess anything that he needed to know. I believe that to be true because he made those type of statements in front of me as well. He acted like a police detective. I could not figure out why he needed so much information. It seemed to me pretty clear cut the information I was looking to find out. 
    Before starting the exam after I left the room he took phone calls for about 5-10 minutes. He then ran through the questions again with my wife and then put her into the chair. He asked the questions to my wife in the machine she felt he changed the wording of the questions and that was not discussed. After about 45 minutes he showed up in the waiting area and stated to me that "she is not doing good in there". I went on to ask what does he mean. I am thinking she failed, he told her she failed, and she was in the room crying. He went on to say that based on the results she is lying about her Houston trip and had sexual intercourse with the other man. He needed the extra 15 minutes just to make sure.  I asked him how was the response to the various other questions that we discussed and he stated it just does not work that way. Because of her answers about the Houston trip were not truthful, it caused her to fail. He kept saying that the other questions did not matter because of what the results showed on the Houston trip. When I went with him back in the room she was still sitting in the corner behind a partition still strapped in the machine. She had no idea the test was even over or what was going on. He just got up without saying anything and left the room when he was done. 
    He sat us both down and told her based on his findings she is lying and that she had intercourse in Houston. She obviously got very upset and was crying. He went on to say there is missing information and if she could possibly provide that information it might explain the results. He pressed her and continued to tell her something is missing in her story and she needs to come clean. He felt the "missing" information could possibly explain this result or maybe because she had been mentally ill she did not know the difference between sexual intercourse and oral sex (which is not the case). He stated he could do a re-exam for another $100 if we think the exam came up incorrectly and admitted it could happen. I continued to ask questions about other portions of the exam and questions we discussed and he would not address my questions. He then proceeded to show us what looked like a screen shot of a lie detector test and it said "Houston" in green on the top right of the screen. He was pointing at the lines and saying when he started asking her about Houston that is when the lines changed. I tried to ask about the exact question asked during the period of change on the lines and he would not say. I asked him to show me the lines on the other questions and how they looked so I could see the difference. He kept stating that did not matter and that was not how the test was scored. He only showed us the one screen on the "Houston" questions. When we left I felt my wife was possibly suicidal and I did not even want her to drive a car she was so upset. I did not believe Mr. Park because he could not answer simple questions about the test after it was complete. The overall process was horrible and I did not understand why he interrogated her. I felt that he should only ask questions without prejudice and give the answers according to what he saw. I talked my wife down and told her we would re-test somewhere else. 
    I went ahead and called a company called different polygraph examinaner and told him a little about my story. He seemed pretty concerned and told me he felt the other examiner tried to cover too many subjects and he should not have interrogated her. He did not say much after that but he felt like based on what I told him to not trust that test. We moved forward and had a totally different experience. He did not seem to care very much about  any of the details of our marriage or what happened. He basically asked me what my concerns were and I told him. He formulated the exam into three questions that addressed all of my concerns. After the test was completed he called me back into his exam room. He went over each individual issue (on a series of screens), showed me the different graphs, pointed out questions where he intentionally asked to her lie about simple questions and then compared them to the real questions on concerns. It was very detailed, he was able to show me on every screen which questions he asked. The result showed that my wife was telling the truth about everything, she scored a +13 on the exam. He explained that with a score like that there is no room for misinterpretation.
    After her test the examiner asked a few more questions about our previous experience with the other polygraph examiner. We told the story above and the examiner seemed visibly distrubed. The examiner said I should consider filing a compaint with Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (which I did). 
    In conclusion I feel that Mr. Park's was unethical and I do not believe he actually administered the test. He already decided during his interrogation she was a liar. It explains why he avoided showing me results from other questions and only had the one screen. I really believe that was just a screen that he typed "Houston" into the top corner (over part of the results line at the top I might add). I would suggest TDLR request the exam and see if he can even actually produce it. I already sent an email requesting a report and a audio recoding of the test. He did adventually provide a written document about the exam, but the statements he made were not correct. He falsified the report, its quite obvious. Please do not use Mr. Park he is ruining people's lives based on his opinions. I have since found a report of of another one of his former clients that had a very similar experience. After more research on my part I also know now that the way he interrogates someone he feels is guilty will cause false reports on testing. I also cannot understand why he kept saying the only thing that could explain the charts on Houston were if he was missing information and she needed to clear that up. Lie detectors only tell if a person is lying or not. There is not room for an explanation. 

2 Updates & Rebuttals

The state

#3Author of original report

Mon, April 11, 2016

 In fact I did talk to a lawyer that is farmilar with polygraphs and a representative with TDLR. Both found our experience horrific and the representative from TDLR was the one who actually suggested I request a recording of the examination. He said the process is slow but told me how to file the complaint and that it would be investigated.



So what you really wanted was...

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, April 10, 2016

Okay so I get it. 

What you really wanted was someone to tell you that your wife was telling the truth. 

As isn't it amazing how great you think the second polygraph examiner is.  After all he has basically told you everything you wanted to hear.  You know that your wife gave a great score, and that the other examiner didn't know what he was doing.

Sort of sounds like the Used Car salesman who when you tell them of a previous bad experience with a different dealer thhey will do everything they can do to gain your trust.  Even to the point of bad mouthing the other dealer.  Where since they tell you what you want to hear, you think they are "on your side"...only to find out a month later that they ripped you off more than the first dealer because you let your guard down.   Now, I am not saying that the examiner is like a used car salesman or was just doing this to get on your "good side"...but just to get you to perhaps not take everyone at their word and do some critical thinking on it.

How about this...if you REALLY want to know the truth why don't you go to a third examiner and see what they come up with.  Because right now if this was a ballgame the score would be tied.  You can believe one of two things.  Either you have a totally inept examiner who failed your wife, and a pefect examiner who passed your wife; or you have two examiners who actually performed the test with accuracy but because of how/what they asked they got different results.  Because until you get that third examination if you really want to know the truth this will always be an open question in your mind.

Or you can just take the other approach and figure that you got the answer you wanted from the last one and that is good enough for you.

By the way, what did the board say when you filed the complaint?


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