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  • Report:  #1498300

Complaint Review: Danny Tran (ROTARY MOTORENWERKE LLC)

Danny Tran (ROTARY MOTORENWERKE, LLC) Daniel Tran, Donovan Daniel Tran 100% Pathological liar and a ill-will, mentally unstable person Canyon Country CA

  • Reported By:
    ahmed — United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, August 01, 2020
  • Updated:
    Sat, October 15, 2022

His company doesn't exist and he has contacted several of my colleagues on LinkedIN for some sponsorships with some sob story about his life for some pity. We wanted to be nice and hopefully he would go away, but he hasn't and continues to stalk several of our colleagues on social media asking for funding.

This guy is a CSU reject with big and unattainable dreams, to make everything worst, he has also said sexist and disgusting things to several of my female friends exuding toxic masculinity as he has no sense of identity and as you can see changes his name all the time. Rotary Motorenwerke DOES NOT exist, it is a front for a closeted homophobe and women hater. 

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
United States

Response to comment #7

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 15, 2022

First off, (Flying Dutchman) you don’t know our whole situation. Before my father died of cancer in 2020 he told me to live with my mother and watch over her because he saw how dishonest and abusive my sister was to my mother. You think I really want to live with them? No normal rational person would want to live with such toxic family members.

Well my solution is this, I invented over 7 very useful products and I am getting patents for all of them. I am actively looking to find a US based manufacturer to produce my products because I don’t want my stuff being made in China. These USA factories are hard to find but I am a patient person and I will eventually find it. My solution to this problem is to make a bunch of money like $300,000 per month from all of my inventions and then hire caretaker to watch over my mother and not let my sister keep abusing her so that I never have to deal with them ever again for the rest of my life.

You don’t know and don’t care about the type of bullshit my sister has put me through and what I had to deal with. I had to help her move to two different apartment complex because she wanted an eco-friendly place and in each apartment she did nothing but caused problems for all of her neighbors. We had to move her to 5 different rooms in total. Of course that didn’t work out for her. If any of you want to know what the mold disease hoax is then read this article....

As far as mold disease is concern let me tell all of you what these self-proclaim mold patients say about their illness. My sister thinks she has an illness called mold disease, which is not even a recognized or defined disease by any medical establishment due to the lack of scientific evidence and clinical data. More than 60% of these so-called mold patients reacted to the placebo, so you know it's a bullshit illness with little credibility. She gets all of her wacky ideas from the internet and force them on my mother.

All of her doctors believe she has some sort of psychosomatic disorder, because her lab results show that she is physically fine but she doesn't believe anything a real doctor says. Then she forced my mother to spend like $40,000 seeing this quack functional doctor who basically scammed her with all her nonsense and invalidated treatments. I document everything because I want people to see the truth. I took a chest X-rays in 2019 and 2020 and my lungs were fine in 2019 and actually got better in 2020.

So I know our old house was clean and not contaminated. Then we built a log cabin in the backyard for my sister and she lived in it for 2 months and didn’t see any improvements in her health. So she blamed the molds coming from the hill in our backyard was causing her to be sick. There is no scientific evidence to prove any of that. She forced my mother to sell our family home and move into a much older and unkept home with a leaking chimney but with a bigger backyard without any hills just so my sister can build a clean guesthouse in the backyard.

We are building the guesthouse as I speak and I will update all of you how that goes, but my doctor cousin doesn’t believe it will solve anything. Instead of admitting she has a psychosomatic disorder my sister blames everything on her environment. She doesn't even let us use wifi in the house because she thinks it causes her to be sick. She doesn’t let us use 5G internet because she read a bunch of stuff on the web.

She thinks the dry wall has molds in it. She blames the paint in the wall has chemicals. She doesn’t allow anyone to sit in our car because she thinks they will bring in toxic mold and contaminate it. She doesn't let us use fabric softener because she thinks the chemicals cause her brain to swell even though the dryer is in the garage. She doesn't let me use Head and Shoulder shampoo because of the smell it emits, and the list just goes on and on.

She forces us to make all sort of unreasonable and crazy accommodations for her just because she gets her wacky ideas from the internet. I can tell you (Flyin Dutchman) have zero medical training or any scientific background. Two of my closest friends and a cousin of mine are all doctors. I myself am a scientist. Every single real legit doctor I have spoken to will tell you the same thing, that mold disease is not a recognized illness. It is a hoax and mass hysteria.

The real problem and root cause that these self-proclaimed mold patients are dealing with is something else and it has nothing to do with molds. But uneducated fools like you keep spreading misinformation and think you know it all. And lastly my sister goes on the internet and tries to destroy my reputation on websites like Ripoff Report.

Let me copy and paste what the medical experts say about this mold disease hoax.... "The topic of building related illness came into the public's eye as a major health issue in the mid 1970s, when several cases of pneumonia were found to be associated with an infectious agent in Philadelphia. This agent was subsequently found to be a gram-positive bacterium known as Legionella pneumoniae. During the ensuing 30 years, a myriad of symptom constellations, disorders, clinical syndromes and illnesses have been attributed to indoor living or working environments.

Over time, there appeared to be no limit to claims of building related illness, and it was "reported" that almost any kind of clinical symptom, real or imaginary, could be blamed on indoor environments. As society became more and more litigious, many of these disorders were erroneously played out in courtrooms rather than medical offices, creating a circus atmosphere surrounding this class of disorders.

With the advent of the internet, as well as other advances in telecommunications, these issues eventually became part of a media frenzy, and all truths could be thrown out the window as issues became more and more decided upon by emotions and unfounded beliefs, rather than scientific data and logical thinking"


Los Angeles,
United States

Fake review by my sister's loser friend

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 13, 2022

This fake review was written by that loser IT computer geek and white nationalist from Germany trying to pretend that he is our cousin.  Our house has never broken into.  I document everything and have proof.  I also have the report from the social worker handling our case as proof.  Notice his terribe and broken English.  My cousins have better things to do with their lives than go on the internet and try to ruin other people's reputation.  Stay out of our family business you clown.  I got better things to do with my time like trying to invent useful things and trying to solve problems.  


Los Angeles,
United States

Fake review by my sister's loser friend

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 13, 2022

The guy who wrote this fake review with his broken English is a German dude who has zero science background and zero medical training.  He is just another computer IT geek but tries to act like he knows it all.  Notice how he cannot even write English properly.  This dude is a hateful far right white nationalist who has a unnatural hatred for femininsts and for immigrants, but tries to make me look like a bad person. 

I actually voted for Hilary Clinton in 2016.  Mold disease is not a recognized illness by any legitimate medical establishment in the entire world because there is not enough scientific evidence or clinical data to prove that it is a real illness.  My sister self-diagnosed and basically misdiagnosed her illness, because she read a bunch of stuff she found on the internet.  All of her doctors said she was physcially fine based on her blood results, but my sister didn't listen to them. 

She thinks she knows what is wrong with her but in reality she has no clue.  There is too much misinformation on the internet and people like you are not making it any better.  My sister is also one of those anti-vaxxer because she believes in all of these conspiracy theories.  Two of my closest friends are doctors and I listen to their sound advice and got vaccinated. 

My sister tried to stop my elderly mother from getting vaccinated but I was able to convinced my mom to get vaccinated only after a huge fight with my wackjob sister.  I suggest you stay out of our family business you loser.   If you want a piece of me come see me in person.  Don't hide behind a computer.  You make all these lies about me but cannot show any evidence.  

My sister forced my mother to sell our old house because she claim it had a mold problem but we did environmental testing on it and the results showed that it was fine.  I have proof of all this.  I document everything.  Neverthesless my sister still forced my mother to sell our beloved family estate and move to a much older house and guess what when we moved to the new house my sister claimed she felt better, but after living there for 6 months we found out that the new house had a serious mold problem and we had to get it remediated. 

Our old house was 10 times cleaner than the house we are living in right now.  Even our old neighbors know our true story.  If any of you have any doubts come see me in person and I can show you all of the evidence.  Come talk to our old neighbors and see what they have to say about my sister.  Our old next door neighbors had nothing but great things to say about me because I always showed them and their son kindness.  


United States


#12Consumer Comment

Fri, December 10, 2021

Amazing, to find all these poorly written comments which were sent to me via Google alerts, these are my cousins and none of this is true, that particular residence and personal property had been vandalized several times throughout the years by local teenagers , had property stolen which led to the decision to move. It is just a side effect of what society has become if you have different opinions and can think for yourself and earn your own living.

flying dutchman

North Carolina,
United States

calumniation and self serving

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, December 10, 2021

This rebuttal is asinine and it is clear this was written by a self-serving individual, in fact, written by a 42 year old brat still living at home, a sorry husk and shell of a man with a history of inflicting verbal, intimidation, physical and mental torment, if you do not do as they say, pay the price causing years of unresolved trauma, duress, PTSD. In fact, this is utter shite and would qualify as malicious prosecution and seems to like picking on people that in  are in no position to defend themself and drags others down to their level.

I myself, have had numerous health issues from mold exposure, my little brother started to suffer from asthma after a leak from HVAC system and things did not turn around until we moved into a new build in a rural area and began removing toxic people out of our lives. 

This is the very reason why people do not get the help they need and things go sour leading to death. Every year 7 million people die from mold exposure and do not get the help they need as they become isolated from lack of family support and a broken medical system that gaslights their patients causing financial bankruptcy, homelessness, humiliation.

You will not amount to anything in life as you live a very comfortable life with your mother for an extended duration and that is nothing aspirational and perhaps you should re-evaluate why you ended up on here nothing is peachy keen and you have to be a sorry excuse of a human to end up here.  A lack of success, a lack of GOD and a heart. 

We all know about you and you are not a nice and moral perso, a stubborn thorn one cannot dispose. 


Los Angeles,
United States

Fake review from evil sister

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 06, 2021

I have never been sued in my entire life from anyone. The court records will prove it. Do your research. My only curse in life is that I have a spoiled sister and mother who enables her and lets her get away with everything. She wrote all of these fake reviews on the web after I called 5150 on her based on the advise from the social worker from adult protective services. I have documented proof all of this. It's okay everything comes full circle and I will abandon my messed family and start over fresh after my first patent gets approved.

Check back with me in a couple of years and let's see how many patents I will have and see how many she has. Then all of you will know the truth. She could not invent a product even if her life depended on it while I am always tinkering with things and trying to solve a problem. Don't ever date a self-hating spoiled brat with an enabler of a mother. Trust me on that.


Los Angeles,
United States

Straight fabricated lie from a psycho sister

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 06, 2021

Beware of my sister who wrote all of these fake reviews about me because I called a 5150 on her. She will make all sort of lies just to get back at you if you call her crazy. I never done any of this and I challenge anyone to show me real physical proof. I will take a polygraph any day upon request and will post the results on here. I challenge her to take it too and you all can see who is the real liar. Btw it took her 8 years just to get a BA in history from CSUN and she never even had a part-time job during that time, while I have three master's degrees, and had a real job and career. She has never had a real job in her life.


Los Angeles,
United States

Crazy insane sister with no life skill

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, January 06, 2021

My insane and evil sister wrote all of these fake allegations and tried to spread all of these terrible untruthful rumors about me because I called 5150 on her after she kept abusing my mother for years. The social worker spoke to her and quickly recognized what was wrong with her. I had to beg them to bail her out of the mental hospital and still she goes on this site and spreads false rumors about me. She claims has an illness called mold disease but it is fake disease that has little to no scientific evidence to back it up and that is why no medical establishment will recognize it.

In fact more than half of the patients who claim to have mold disease reacted to the placebo. But instead of admitting that she has a mental illness or a psychosomatic disorder she decided to blame every aspect of the environment. She forced us to move her to two apartments already because blamed that our family home has mold which it didn't and everywhere she goes she has problems with her neighbors. Everyone thinks she is crazy. She then forced my mother to sell our beloved family home and move to another house because she blamed the hill in the backyard at our old house that was causing her health issues.

That traffic ticket I got with the Valencia Court was for holding my cellphone while driving which was dismissed. I have zero points on my driving record, have no criminal records, and ask anyone who has ever done business with me about my character. Ask them and see what they say. I have proof of all of this and document everything. This girl has zero morals or ethics, no work history and is nothing but a spoiled brat. She is a evil person beyond words. All she is good at is digging dirt on people and has written so many false rumors about everyone she has ever hated on sites like this and The Dirty. And sadly my mother is an enabler of this problem and that is why I will abandon them.

It hurts me so much that I have such a lousy sister that decided to change my last name because I don't want anyone to know I am related to her. I know she will do something shady eventually and end up in jail one day. She stole my mom's credit card and maxed it out and tried to hide it. I have proof of all of this. This girl has no friends and all she has is hate and bitterness in her heart.


United States

A rat

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, August 11, 2020

A snitch and a dirty rat with no sense of loyalty. 

the realist

United States

Full of issues

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, August 03, 2020

He would threaten you with bodily harm with a smile and feels no remorse only to harass you again and again--proceeds to belittle your work ethics and values. 

He's got problems and can't even follow certain rules of the road.


United States

Once a liar, always a liar.

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, August 02, 2020

He has no existing products for sale and so far is still trying to get venture capital from our small group of friends and this individual should be blacklisted from all of our circle and social media platforms. 

A pig with lipstick is still a pig. 

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