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  • Report:  #1233808

Complaint Review: Dave Gesch

Dave Gesch One Touch Espresso Dave Gesch is a psycho con man Portland Oregon

  • Reported By:
    Laughman — Las Vegas Nevada United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Fri, June 05, 2015
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 31, 2015

I interviewed with Dave to set appointments for him for an industrial coffee machine to place in donut shops, convenience stores, etc.


He bragged and bragged how he had built a huge insurance business before but this was his baby now and he had huge plans for it and was his future. His contract said if he stopped doing the business, he didn't owe anyone money, but I didn't think anything of it because of how devoted he said he was to this coffee thing and how he invested so much into it.


He and his wife promised they'd give updates every day on the leads that were turned in. That turned out to be a lie. Any time I asked what was going on with my leads, they were extremely rude and said they were “too busy” to tell me what was going on with the leads I turned in and to quit bugging them.


There were many lies after that too. After one sale, I heard, “It's getting installed tomorrow” for over a week. Many of the leads would sit there for weeks with no one calling them.....and he had a team of salespeople to call on them. He also had a bunch of telemarketers calling the same people over and over and didn't care these business owners were having 10 different telemarketers call them.


Then suddenly, I got an email saying, “I decided to quit. According to the contract you signed, I owe you nothing. Don't contact me anymore.” Yet when I did contact him asking about the money I was owed, I was told I was”emotional” and to never contact him again.


My guess is most people would be “emotional” after working for over a month and getting zero money for it and then, on top of that, basically told to go to hell.


I also guess this was his plan from the start. It made no sense to me at the time why he would hire so many telemarketers and salesmen at once. If he had all the experience he claimed, he'd know hiring such a large number of people at the same time, with no infrastructure to support them all,would create nothing but problems.


It's pretty obvious he just wanted to flood the market with as many people as possible to get in a bunch of sales really fast and then “quit” so he could say,”Hey, screw you. You signed a contract saying I don't have to pay you if I quit doing this” and keep all the money for himself.

Why else would you put that in the contract, especially after bragging this was what you were going to do the rest of your life.....unless your plan was to get a bunch of sales fast and then quit and stick it to everyone?


The fact that he's amazed people are mad for working for over a month and not getting one dime for it proves what a psycho con-man he is. He actually acts surprised anyone would be upset for working for over a whole month for free and thinks we should just “get over it.”


And when I told him I was going to out him for being a con man on places like here, he said he'd send his lawyer after me. I told him to go for it. Everything I've said is true. I would love nothing more than to see him in court over this. I bet the other people he screwed over would love to testify as well.


I don't know what his new venture is (for all I know he's still doing the coffee thing under a new name), but whatever it is, anyone would be an idiot to believe one word the guy said. That goes for any boss, employee or client. He's a pathological liar.


He truly has no conscious or morals, which is ironic because he kept telling me not to trust this other person because, according to Dave, he was “very shady.” It's the very definition of projection.

4 Updates & Rebuttals

More lies but finally got paid 4 months late

#5Author of original report

Mon, August 31, 2015

The lies just keep piling up and the story gets more bizarre.


I contacted the new company he's selling for (It's not The Coffee House he kept mentioning in his reply to “throw off” potential clients) and told the owner all of Dave's lies.


The owner confronted Dave with them and Dave called me a liar. His new boss kept saying, “It's he-said, he-said” and refused to believe me.


Dave told him he didn't owe me anything because I “Only gave him the name of some random server.” I sent his new boss a link to the website of the lead and it had the manager's name I talked to on the website. It wasn't a “random server.”


I told the owner Dave said he wasn't going to pay me because, “They have 90 days to cancel the lease and he didn't want to get stuck with a charge back.” The owner said there was no such lease program. (I talked to the person and she wanted to cancel the lease based on Dave's promise/lie but she wasn't allowed to. She also said Dave promised to service the account every week but never saw him again after they signed the contract).


After I sent several emails to the owner proving that Dave was lying non-stop, I got an email from Dave saying, “I never planned on not paying you.”


This is why Dave is a pathological liar.


He first told me he quit the business....which was a lie......and that he didn't have to pay me because of some contract that didn't exist and a lease program that never existed. Three lies at once. Impressive.


It was only after I pressed him on why I was owed the money that he said, “Even though I don't really owe you the money, I'll pay it to you as a gift.” He said that about 5 times.


And after I never got that “gift”, I confronted him again. He blew up at me and told me I was getting nothing. I waited over 3 weeks to see if he was going to send a check and nothing ever arrived. That's when I tracked down his current company.


They told me Dave worked there so, as I said, he lied about leaving the business as his excuse to not pay anyone. I wonder how many people got screwed over. Dave said he had several telemarketers and salesmen before he “quit” and “didn't have to pay anybody.”


As you can see above, Dave said he wasn't going to pay me because I gave him a “random name”, just like he told his new boss. He was ADAMANT he owed me NOTHING. So for him to claim, “I never said I wasn't going to pay you” is beyond ridiculous. He told me that many different ways/times.


His new boss said he would pay me on Dave's “next deal.” That's more proof that Dave never planned on paying me because he spent the money he was supposed to send to me.


Three months ago after Dave got busted for lying on this, he said I'd get paid “after I took this report down.” I told him there was no way in hell I was taking this down until I got paid. His new boss made a deal with me saying he'd pay me directly out of his next commission and then I'd take this down. He said he had some deals “very close” to closing.


After three months passed, I finally get an email saying a deal closed and he was ready to pay me the $500 I was owed. However, his new boss tried to renege on the deal saying I had to take down this report first. So, he's as much a liar as Dave is....which I already knew because Dave had lied and lied and lied and lied and lied and after I proved it all with Dave's emails, his new boss kept him on staff anyway.


Any legit company would have fired him in 5 seconds. Go lie to your boss 10 different ways and see how long you keep your job.....especially if you're in sales. You want that person out talking to your clients.....especially when I busted him for lying to a client to close a deal? Not in 1,000 years.


What made it even more pathetic was his new boss kept whining he didn't want to pay me until this was taken down to “be fair” to Dave and to “protect him.”


Are you freaking kidding me? Seriously?


Dave lied and lied and lied and lied and lied and LIED trying to screw out of the money I EARNED and his boss' ONLY concern was “being fair and protecting” that scumbag? Unbelievable.


I told his new boss he was as big a scumbag for reneging on our deal and only being concerned about “being fair” to Dave-the-Piece-of-Garbage. I told him if I didn't have my money in 24 hours, I was starting a new Rip Off Report just on him and his company for not only keeping Dave on staff but also reneging on our deal and only being concerned about “protecting” and “being fair to” the lying piece of crap on his sales staff.


“Be fair” to HIM? Wow.


I finally got paid. However, as it turns out, these reports cannot be taken down. I may not have taken it down any way after he tried to back out of the deal with me and his whining about “protecting” the guy who lied repeatedly while trying to screw me.


If Dave or his new boss want to come after me for not taking this down.....or changing it to say what great people they are.....I welcome taking this to court or an arbitrator. I would bet anything Dave screwed me out of many deals using excuses like, “He only gave me a random name so I owe him nothing” like he tried with this one. I gave him MANY leads of people that were VERY interested and he told me they didn't buy. I don't believe him for a second that none of them did.


And I'd also love to get the names and numbers of all the employees he told he “quit” when he lied and just switched companies so he didn't have to pay them either. Wonder how much money Dave owes everyone that worked for him.


His new boss should be thankful I don't put his name up or the name of his company as it's obvious he has zero problem with a serial liar on his staff AND he reneges on his word.


Also, why in the WORLD should I have to agree to take down a bad report for money I am OWED? It's sounds like extortion or illegal in some way. I EARNED that money. Period. End of story. And everything I said is true......which is why his new boss agreed to send me the money because I backed up EVERYTHING I said.


And his excuse for trying to renege, “Take it down and then I'll pay you and if I don't pay, you can put your report back up” was stupid because if I took down this report, Dave's reply would also vanish. And if I put up my report again, Dave's comments would be gone.....and they show he's a huge liar, which backs up my accusation. I would have been a complete idiot to take it down before getting paid. So, it looks like they were trying to screw me by getting Dave's reply erased.


As I said, I FINALLY got paid. But only after chasing Dave non-stop and exposing his constant lies and his new boss' attempt to back out on our deal.  My money was 4 months late.


Also, when Dave “apologized” to me and said he “never planned on not paying me” (which was a lie 5 different ways), he also said he “never planned on this getting so out of hand.” What complete nonsense. He lied to all his workers saying he quit so he could get out of paying them. If I hadn't tracked him down, I would have seen nothing for my work. If I hadn't exposed all his lies, after he was ADAMANT to his new boss he owed me NOTHING, I would have seen nothing.


He's truly a pathological liar.


I wouldn't trust either of them if they were giving away free $100 bills, let alone whatever service/product they were pushing.


I just got off the phone with the client

#5Author of original report

Tue, June 30, 2015

that he never paid me on.


I asked her how the coffee machine was working for her and she said, "It's been a disaster from day one and hasn't worked right.  And Dave promised us he'd provide great customer service and we've never seen him." 


It's been almost 3 months.

She also said she talked to Dave a week or so ago and he that he would come pick up the machine and they never heard from him since.  The reason he lied to them about getting the machine is because they can cancel the lease within 90 days....which is almost up.

So he's figuring he'll let that time elapse and then say, "Too bad, you're stuck with the lease."

What a lying piece of garbage.


And it's odd that if I only called a "random person", like he claimed, that she would be the one handling everything on this.

My guess is, if you called up all his clients, they'd tell you the same exact thing:  It hasn't worked from day one, Dave promised great customer service but they never saw him again and for the ones that wanted to send it back, Dave promised he'd pick it up and never did so they'd get stuck with the lease after 90 days.

So, Dave, PLEASE sue me like you said you would when I first said I was going to expose you for being a con man so we can get the records of all your clients to see how many people you lied to and ripped off.


I'm begging you....sue me.

And if you show up at my door, the cops will be called in 5 seconds.  Psycho.

I also told the client about this website so she might be adding a report of her own on what a lying con man he is.  she's not happy one single bit.



So many lies in one post...

#5Author of original report

Tue, June 30, 2015

First, Dave said that he didn't have to pay me because of the contract I had with him that said he got to keep everything if he quit.  Now, he says the contract was with Coffee House.

He says he never interviewed me.  Complete lie.  I talked to both he and his wife before starting as they wanted to know about me before making calls for him.  Is he really trying to claim he's this "great businessman" but never interviewed a guy before letting him make calls for him?  Beyond absurd.

I would also never make calls for someone until I had an interview with them so I could get a feel for who they are and what their goals were.  So, he's flat-out lying about this too.

Also, when I was hired back, about a week or so later, Dave told me he was no longer working with the Coffee House and was working with the manufacturer directly.  So why would my contract with them be valid anymore? And why would they be paying me for any future deals if he wasn't with them anymore?


Not only is Dave a liar, he's a bad liar.

Just like he keeps going back and forth on the contract thing.  First, the contact was his excuse for not paying me.  Then, he claims there was no contract.  Both can't be true.


He and his wife never once complained about the leads I sent.  In fact, they thanked me and asked me for more.  So it's odd he's now whining they were "no good."  And for the deal he screwed me on (I know of at least one, there were probably more), I gave him the wasn't some "random name" as he keeps whining.

He then said, "Even though legally I don't have to pay you, I will anyway."  Well, if there was no contract between he and I, where did the "legally" talk come from?  And, he never paid me like he said he was going to.  Lies and more lies.

After I threatened to report him for being a con man, he said, "If you do, I will have my lawyer all over you."  Of course, he lied about that too.  I haven't heard one word from his lawyer.  And I never will because Dave knows he'd lose.  And that I'd get the records for all of his people that he screwed over and that's the LAST thing he wants.


And now, Dave is threatening me with physical viloence.  As I said, he's a psycho lying con man.


I'm calling the cops in both my city and his and putting a restaining order against him as he said he is coming to where I live to settle this "man to man."

Dave Gesch


Tim Weaver

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 08, 2015

Tim Weaver,

Your foul-mouthed, insulting, threatening, slanderous emails, texts, and postings need to stop. And insulting and threatening a lady is truly pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself. 

As you've been told many, many times, your agreement or contract was with The-Coffeehouse, not with me. It truly is that simple. 

They hired you back in January. Not me. They paid you. Not me. You even lied about me interviewing you. Never happened! I don't even know how you and The-Coffeehouse found each other. I only know the owner felt sorry for you because of all your ongoing health, personal, and work issues. He never told me how you two met or how or why he hired you.

My name is nowhere on your agreement. My name is nowhere on your paystubs. The-Coffeehouse paid you on the two deals that closed prior to your termination. Your pay came from them, not me.  

You were tasked with contacting owners of businesses that could make a decision and sign a business lease. Small "mom & pops" type businesses. You were told repeatedly that providing the names of random employees was of little value.

Back in January or February (It's now June) while representing The-Cofffeehouse you provided the name of an employee of a company. You did not get the names of the owners or find out they all lived out of state. You were terminated, I believe, in late March. I left The-Coffeehouse in April. If The-Coffeehouse wished to continue paying you that was up to them, not me. You had no contract with me, no agreement with me, and they were the ones that paid you, not me. Any agreement you have did not come from me and my name and signature are nowhere to be found on it. 

Yes, last week I closed the same company where you got the name of an employee back in January or February while you represented The-Coffeehouse but I am no longer with The-Coffeehouse. The deal did not go through them.

Back at the time you got the name of a random employee at that company, your agreement was with The-Coffeehouse. Not me and not with the company I'm working with now. 

Stalking my family & I, posting all your nasty crap, sending threatening emails, insulting my medically-fragile 14 year old son, threatening my wife... all of it needs to stop. 

You've been blocked from texting my wife and children. 


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