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  • Report:  #929123

Complaint Review: David Antoni Bussiere

David Antoni Bussiere LOUDBUS Stolen compensation, stolen graphics, marketing scam, business con artist Salem, Massachusetts

  • Reported By:
    laura — Salem New Hampshire United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, August 18, 2012
  • Updated:
    Sun, February 01, 2015
  • David Antoni Bussiere
    50 Grove Street
    Salem, Massachusetts
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

David Antoni Bussiere and his scam start-up,, has only been in business for 2 months. He hires employees and fires them just before they're owed their first paycheck, and replaces them to new unknowing young people. This means he gets free graphics, free websites and free work.

Loudbus has a staff of 4-6 right now (depending on who he fires this week). Additionally he requires each new hired person to sign papers that screw them when they're fired or quit. This contract enables him to push fear onto his young/newly hired staff to keep their mouths shut.

He currently has 2-3 clients, all of which are unhappy. This is not enough money to pay even one full-time employee! Clients come and go often because they realize he has such fast turnover and the web is filling up with complaints.

Last week the Loubus team realized together his con artist ways and left the Loudbus scam all at once. He knew we all found out and started posting Craigslist ads to hire new staff right away. He is very persuasive as a person. He lies about his work history, his funds in his accounts, on his tax documents, promotes employees stealing software, lies about who his clients are and more.  His business looks legitimate because he's always able to keep 2-3 other people in the office while he interviews new unsuspecting victims. Naturally, when you see multiple people in an office setting, it seems more legitimate.

He'll promise you whatever salary you want just to string you along until he can replace you with another unsuspecting young prey. He steals websites, graphics, and gets companies locked into unreasonable contracts so he can suck them dry of their marketing budgets without producing anything substantial. The LOUDBUS Scam will only continue if people don't research companies online first. Trust me, David Antoni Bussiere and the scam sucks and will steal your work!


18 Updates & Rebuttals



A Little Credit for David Antoni Bussier

#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 01, 2015

Okay. I just got an email back from Mr. Antoni Bussier. To his credit, David does respond to emails.

LOUDWORK is apparently a dba for LOUDBUS. It's not large enterprise. According to Manta, it's a one-man band, generating about $65k a year in revenue:

So the dude works really hard just to make ends meet. He's got a Masters degree in business management, and he's very personable.

The confusion was mine. I misunderstood his Craigslit ad about base compensation. To me, it's a weekly, monthly or yearly salary. But that's not the case for LOUDWORK. Since Dave's got a Masters in business, I'll take the short straw here.

Traditional business models are changing all the time. So we've got either to change with them, or get left behind.

Good luck to you Dave!



Probable Misunderstanding - Possible SCAM

#19Consumer Comment

Sun, February 01, 2015

I responded to a Craigslist Ad promising base pay and health benefits for salespeople in early 2015.

What I got was two one-hour interviews with a fellow claiming to be 'David Anthony'. A quick look through my emails show that I'd interviewed with the same person before a few months ago. But under the name 'David Bussiere'.

An online search through the Massachusetts Secretary of State shows that LOUDWORK simply doesn't exist. The closest thing is something called LOUDBUS. With a person named David Antoni Bussiere as the owner.

When I pressed him about the base pay he'd promised, he said that all LOUDWORK employees must be 'client facing for their compensation'. Which in my experience is code for no base pay or health benefits. Under the rules of Craigslist, what I'm describing here is known as a SCAM.

With all due credit to Mr. Bussiere. He seems like a very knowlledgeable fellow with a solid company. People have been known change their names on occasion. Misunderstandings can happen.

I've asked him via email to explain how his Craigslist posting isn't a SCAM. But I haven't heard back yet. As soon as that happens, I'll let you know.




#19General Comment

Fri, May 16, 2014

David Antoni Bussiere is back again with a new company offering non exsistant jobs with high salaries on craigslist. The new company is LOUDWORK now. I know the owner of this company personally and he is certifiable. Another note is he has changed his Masters Degree from Northestern from a Counseling degree to a MBA on linkedin. It never ends with him. Although I never worked for him I've known him for years. And I'm putting this out for cautionary reasons. 


Boston ,


#19General Comment

Wed, February 12, 2014

I feel the need to respond to the people that have posted so much negative and outrageous lies here and have done so just because they can slander someone without having to do it face to face......all people have been paid what they were owed regardless of the fact the brought no business into the company.  They can be critical of David because he is an easy target for the cowardly people......why didn't you say this face to face.....???

  I witnessed these supposidly hard working employees when I would stop in from time to time.  Most of the time when I came in to check on them they were not doing anything worthwhile or bringing in business but expecting a paycheck. Their work was less than impressive and they brough no clients in to the company.  They complained and usually never worked a full day.

In the end, Many stole from the company both supplies and clients and then complained that there were only a few clients.....yeah you were taking clients, bad mouthing the company and then not doing your job with the clients that were left.....gee that is convenient 

When we confronted one of the employees we had to let go about her actions and lack of work ethic,  she left in a huff with some threats towards day the office was broken into and lots of things were stolen.  Luckily the computers were not there.......No one knew anything about what happened of course.   They are all complaining because the gravy train is over and they figured they could just keep on taking without delivering.

Maybe David made some mistakes and could have done a better job but he was a novice business owner that hired the wrong employees that took advance of his inexperience.  Isn't it a telling story that these folks have so much time to assasinate their ex-employer but if they had a real case would have found their way to the courts.....not one employee did because they were all paid in full even for shoddy work.  Warning These employees are out there now looking for their next victim........BEWARE.....DON'T HIRE THEM.......

Curious Onlooker


New name, same game?

#19General Comment

Wed, December 11, 2013

I interviewed for a position with Loudbus, and at the time something seemed a little fishy.  More recently, I came across this:  More specifially, this:

Same guy, same game, new name ... still fishy.  


United States of America

Concerns From a Business Owner

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, November 28, 2012

I have spoken with a fellow business owner who hired Loudbus and I have reached out to a couple of former Loudbus employees...  The business owner was completely and utterly burned by hiring Loudbus. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.  There is little honesty here and there is plenty of deceit, should anyone bother to investigate.  I have some questions, which may never be truthfully answered, but I figure I'll leave them as food for thought for others who may stumble upon this report.

[1.] How is it that there are new workers there every two weeks or so?

For SEVERAL months there have been posts on the Boston area Craigslist asking for a wide variety of positions at Loudbus.  It sounds like there is some truth to claims that Loudbus was constantly looking to replace employees who were already holding said positions.  (likely because they can't be paid).  These positions have absolutely bogus salaries for a "company" that, to my knowledge, is still based out of one room in an old office building and can't possibly have more than five clients (with nothing significant done for any of them yet).

We are offering two options for sales members

1. Referral program: Plain and simple. Our sales person refers new business to our company, they would receive $5,000 for each client. This is relatively easy for a person with a solid network of business relationships. If you have bussiness connections or a strong rolodex, this is so easy. Imagine that uncle, cousin, friend who owns a business that is in need of help, you make the introduction, and if they close, you receive $5,000. Literally that easy. 

2. Sales director: $38,000, plus a commission of 15% commission, (typical around $1800 per client, average of 4 clients per month that close)

LOUDBUS clients hire us to sell their products and services in addition to selling advertising space in local television and television news stations. Our sales team individually works with clients to define their team. LOUDBUS works with specific industries based on sales team experience and background. 

^The text outlined above is from a craigslist posting from the 16th of this month (Nov 2012). (PostingID:3413894849).

How in the world is a place like Loudbus going to pay $5000 to an employee for bringing on a client? If a company isn't signing clients for large amounts of money and failing to generate any revenue, just how is it mathematically possible to get $5000 from $ZERO?

[3.] Why does the Loudbus website not feature any work that has been done for clients?
It has been a month since it was last pointed out on here.  Has any client had a website built for them? Or does Loudbus just run Facebook pages for small business owners?

[4.] I have NEVER seen LOUDBUS on TV.  I 100% strongly believe that LOUDBUS does not have a team nor the equipment capable of making a TV ad, nor do they have any ad space on local tv.  This claim is extremely misleading.

[5.] I have spoken with two former LOUDBUS employees who claim that the lack of professionalism carried out by the "company" & "CEO" is what is single-handedly destroying the business.  (for citation, please view the previous posts where it seems like employees were instructed to defend Loudbus online) *(also note that neither of those employees work there now.)  Other sources have noted lateness to client meetings, unacceptable delays for projects (likely due to employee departures), lack of capable office equipment as well as other examples of extremely unprofessional harassment.
(I'll gladly elaborate if called out on any of this.) 

[6.] Is it possible to even get honest answers out of someone who appears to be a swindler?  You claim to be making strides in learning from your mistakes but you are STILL blatantly lying to unsuspecting victims who are looking for JOBS to support their FAMILIES.  Do you understand the gravity of a situation where you ask a person to relocate their family to work for you when you CAN'T afford their salary?  That kind of behavior is dangerous.

I honestly can't believe you're still in "business".  Word gets around very fast and I wouldn't be surprised if you struggle to find talented employees and have an even harder time finding clients.  You need to seriously get your priorities intact.  I've dug deep and found that you've done this start-up called "Loudbus" 'this' or 'that' in other towns.  I strongly encourage you to find another line of work.

For any business owners out there. Only read this post.  I have done extensive research and have numerous examples to back anything I have mentioned.  The original poster is correct, just do not do business with this group.  You will regret it.



United States of America

truth be told

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 28, 2012

I am that former creative director. and to correct a couple innaccuracies in the the owner's rebuttal:

1) I was paid - but the tax authorities, i suspect, were not given the funds deducted from my paychecks. (My final check was paid gross, under 1099 protocol - an honest move which I think was wise for the company). I will be watching my the W-2 I receive in January carefully--or am I going to get a 1099? My tax preparations could be interesting. If the tax authorities didn't receive payment, then it can be argued I was not paid in full.

2) I did NOT ask for more projects. Because I believe the owner's core vision is a worthwhile idea, I offered to help on a contractual basis. That is NOT asking for more work....and indeed, I have not once picked up the phone or sent an email asking for more work.

David has some very good and worthwhile ideas (and yes a few crazy ones, but he's creative and it goes with the territory). I hope a solid business partner emerges that can bring order and stability, and get David's focus on the things he is very good at, and keep David out of areas in which he is not at all well-suited. It's hard for any businessman to learn the most important lesson: their limits; and harder still to learn the next one: to trust someone to take over those matters (and let them do their work without interference).

David, I wish you success.



Sherman Oaks,
United States of America

Then show your work

#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 25, 2012

So far as I have seen  it you are using starbucks and a mock up for beverly athletic club which was provided to you by me. And ye, if you go to the actual site : you will see that the site has remained the same since it was first built. I was actually pitched on this project. Given the time stamp on the response to the latest entry - I would say they are now using overseas help. #loudbustotalbullshit. 

David Antoni Bussiere



#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 25, 2012

I feel sad every time I read one of these reports about me and my company. Especially when the person who was thanked, hugged, and appreciated when he left, writes a horrible report about me. I mean I could start using his full name, which he shares the same first name as me, but that would not help me and my company. 

Let me remind of the facts with him. He was paid in full for his services. Any work he did belongs to the company. Any changes to the company website are at the discretion of mine. 

Second: The company is not run by interns. The company has great clients and is proud to build progress everyday. We have nothing to hide and welcome anyone to see our office and the lies being spread are to hurt me and my company.

The very sad part of this story is the creative direct David who left, left two months ago, with full wages and praise for his work and was ready to continue to do more work for the company YES UPON HIS LEAVING HE ASKED FOR MORE PROJECTS!!!! The fact he is attacking LOUDBUS now is so sad, and his work is great, and we had more work for him. 

We are forever grateful to be helping our small company. We are NOT a scam artist, we do not cheat, we do not lie. The companies are working with are very happy. Please anyone who wants to talk, we welcome them. My current staff welcome anyone to our next open house. We will happily show what we are working on. 


Sherman Oaks,
United States of America

Total Fraudster!!!

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 24, 2012

Do not believe a word this guy says. He is super shady and totally unprofessional. I worked on the original site and even created a brand new one which has since been changed - again. He paid me because I basically made him. I feel sorry for the younger people he preys on though, because I have witnessed it myself and I know it's true. This "company" is basically a revolving door of interns and college kids who get sold on big talk from this guy. I have been tracking this site since I cut ties this summer and the about us page constantly changes. It seems like every week they have some new face with a new title. It is a joke. They claim to be providing online marketing services but one look at their alexa ranking or even their social media pages and it obvious they cant even market their own company properly. Their stuff looks like poison to my eyes. This is a fair warning to anyone who is considering doing business with this guy. I literally watched him completely B.S. clients because he would sell marketing and web packages and didnt know how to even start fulfilling the service. Do not give this guy your money or accept any kind of work from this company or anyone named David Antoni Bussiere . You will regret it. 

David Antoni Bussiere



#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 24, 2012

Hello Investigators, 

My company,, or LOUDBUS has made a million mistakes and it has been a up and down roller coster learning how to run a small business, and build a team has been a huge part of that. I will never slam any employee or former employee of LOUDBUS because it is my belief that the success and failure of any part of LOUDBUS is my fault. If i screw up, if my team fail, it is ALL my fault. I want more than anything to own my failures, so anyone in future will know I made a lot of mistakes, and I own them. 

THERE IS NO FISHYNESS, NO CONNING, NO SCAMMING, NO INTENTIONAL DECEPTION ON MY PART. I want all members of LOUDBUS staff present and past to know that I wish I could fix every mistake but I cannot. All i can do is fight everyday to be better, and learn from past choices. 

Blaming anyone, including me or LOUDBUS does not change the past. I am here to fight for my company, it is my heart, it is my love, it means to me more than anything. If you can imagine, how hard it is, to defend my company, when I know I made mistakes. If there is anything I can do, it is apologize from the bottom of my heart to any former team member, and client we messed up. I am sorry. 

What I will defend is, my company

It is new, it started this year. I have plenty of history on the web about myself, but that wont change everything. I will happily open myself up t anyone that wants to talk, ask questions and learn why or how we made our mistakes. 

I apologize for way people feel, but I ASSERT that I have never been anything but open. Our company has been under a lot of fire, maybe I deserve it, but I hope people will see me being FULLY OPEN and acknowledging everything. 

If there is any questions about the company, while we build, please feel free to call, text, email, mail, come on by and have a cup of coffee. We want to be better about being transparent. 

with much LOUDBUS LOVE to everyone

David Antoni Bussiere, CEO/Founder


United States of America

Somethin' Fishy

#19General Comment

Wed, October 24, 2012

I first saw this report when it first appeared back in August.  I was curious as to how a dysfunctional place like Loudbus could stay in business, so I visited their webpage.  I saw a listing of 4-6 employees as stated in the original article.  The webpage looked very nice though, and was easy to navigate.  

Well, I suppose there must have been some fallout from this report because none of the people who were on that site are listed as employees there now (except for the owner).  I also noticed that the company's portfolio (or lack thereof) has not changed since August.  Their website has seen a total overhaul, though downgrade may be a more appropriate word for it.  So either there had been no prior work done for clients, or disgruntled employees took their work before they left the company.  

If there were contracts preventing said employees from doing so, then I'd imagine threats of legal action would stop them from taking work they did under the company's name.  Unless the company did not fulfill their end of the contract either?  Which would make sense, if people are claiming they were underpaid/never paid.

I also have a really hard time finding anything substantial on the history of loudbus, which makes me wonder if that is deliberate.  How many clients has Loudbus had?  Why are none of these clients presented on the Loudbus webpage?  The content on the new webpage appears poorly managed. 

As someone on the outside looking in, I can not help but feel worried for all parties involved.  None of these rebuttals present much professionalism. Why is it that employees whom were not around during the original reporter's stay with the company have come here to bash what the former employee has to say?

I always tell my kids whenever they are looking into new jobs to do research about the company.  Some start-ups can mislead young college kids or recent graduates into signing onto what could one day be a blemish on their employment history.   I pray that these people land on their feet and find another line of work.


United States of America

Somethin' Fishy

#19General Comment

Wed, October 24, 2012

I first saw this report when it first appeared back in August.  I was curious as to how a dysfunctional place like Loudbus could stay in business, so I visited their webpage.  I saw a listing of 4-6 employees as stated in the original article.  The webpage looked very nice though, and was easy to navigate.  

Well, I suppose there must have been some fallout from this report because none of the people who were on that site are listed as employees there now (except for the owner).  I also noticed that the company's portfolio (or lack thereof) has not changed since August.  Their website has seen a total overhaul, though downgrade may be a more appropriate word for it.  So either there had been no prior work done for clients, or disgruntled employees took their work left the company.  

If there were contracts preventing said employees from doing so, then I'd imagine threats of legal action would stop them from taking work they did under the company's name.  Unless the company did not fulfill their end of the contract either?  Which would make sense, if people are claiming they were underpaid/never paid.

I also have a really hard time finding anything substantial on the history of loudbus, which makes me wonder if that is deliberate.  How many clients has Loudbus had?  Why are none of these clients presented on the Loudbus webpage?  The content on the new webpage appears poorly managed. 

As someone on the outside looking in, I can not help but feel worried for all parties involved.  None of these rebuttals present much professionalism. Why is it that employees whom were not around during the original reporter's stay with the company have come here to bash what the former employee has to say?

I always tell my kids whenever they are looking into new jobs to do research about the company.  Some start-ups can mislead young college kids or recent graduates into signing onto what could one day be a blemish on their employment history.   I pray that these people land on their feet and find another line of work.

a real creative director

United States of America


#19UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 17, 2012

former clients? or disgruntled former employees posing as former clients? there is much deceit in the complaints on these forums in general, and in this thread particularly.


United States of America


#19General Comment

Sat, September 15, 2012

Just do not do business with this guy. He is a true Con.  there is no solution with him. The fact he has been reported says enough he is reported on other sites other than this one. By his former clients. Do your research!

Brian C. Halloran

New Bedford,
United States of America

Facts or Fictions

#19UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 31, 2012

Fiction: He hires employees and fires them just before they're owed their first paycheck. 

Fact: I am one of the new employees and I received my first paycheck after working only 5 days.

Fiction: This means he gets free graphics, free websites and free work. 

Fact: Loudbus' graphic designer makes more than I do and I think he deserves every penny of it.

Fact: He requires each new hired person to sign papers that screw them when they're fired or quit.  The papers are a standard offer letter.  You sign one for just about every job position.

Fiction: He lies about his work history, his funds in his accounts, on his tax documents, promotes employees stealing software, lies about who his clients are and more.  How did you find out what's in his bank account and tax report? He could have fired you for invasion of privacy.

Fiction: He'll promise you whatever salary you want just to string you along until he can replace you with another unsuspecting young prey.

Fact: If he did that i would have asked for $300k per year, full benefits, a company car, and work from home.  The only thing i got was full benefits. 

I understand it didn't work out between you and the owner, but this seems more like revenge and sour grapes.  Every employee at one time or another may have personality conflicts or dislikes about their work environments.  But bashing someone because of your termination is childish.  I have only worked here a short time, but I know that childish behavior does not belong in this office.  We work hard and play hard but perform in that order.  Work. Play.  I actually heard through the grapevine that all you did was play...on you cell phone 8 hours a day.  

a real creative director

United States of America

Does that report above sound like a disgruntled ex-employee? Exactly.

#19UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 31, 2012

As the professional creative director who came in here to clean up the mess left behind by this disgruntled former employee, i can assure you we get paid, and that we are not 'stealing' any artwork. Moreover, were are quickly ridding the company of the low standard of work which was performed by this employee under the normal work-for-hire terms of a standard NDA (something every employee signs when they are entrusted with clients' confidential information). I have worked hard to make sure that each of
these clients are happy again.... and just this week another on the fence client has indicated they are ready to sign a contract.

It took only two weeks to establish the level of professional work and bearing that it takes to earn an employer's - and a client's - trust.

David Antoni Bussiere

United States of America

Unfortunate for Small Business Owner

#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 21, 2012

Loudbus, Inc.  Unfortunate Accusation, Internet
It is sad for a company, a startup company with aims to helps struggling small business, makes struggles of its own. As any business owner will tell you, its so hard to make good choices for the wellfair of your company. Dismissing a employee comes with potential consequences, consequences that incclude retaliation. One would hope that you can offer support, and help to them, and that was our goal with our former employee who wrote very horrible lies about our company. 

We understand why, because she felt damaged by her dismissal. We will not mention her name, as we know it was whom wrote defeamming posting on this site, we understand why, we miss her but had to let her go, it was a series of events that prevented her employment. We still wish her the best and hope we can be of help to her. She is a amazing, talented women. 

Loudbus welcomes any potential client or employee to call, visit or speaking with any curent employee to discuss the state of affairs that the company is in. We love our employees, and are so proud of the work they do. We would do anything to make their employment solid, strong, fair and safe. 

If anyone has a problem, please call us direct, ask for David Antoni Bussiere, feel free to do your homework and check us out. 

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