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  • Report:  #310420



  • Reported By:
    Las Vegas Nevada
  • Submitted:
    Wed, February 20, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 20, 2008
    3333 Blue Diamond Road
    Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Phone:
  • Category:


I would like to remain Anonymous only out of FEAR. The manager took a picture of me with her phone camera and I don't know why. She is the person who is causing me problems and for NO REASON EXCEPT DISCRIMINATION.

I was hired to work for Bluegreen Corporation, OUTDOOR TRAVELER in the Bass Pro Shop at the Silverton Casino.Approximately 6 weeks ago the manager gave notice to vacate his position. I called the HR and asked if I could be considered for the Management position since I had been there longer than the rest of the employees. My name was given to a man by the name of David Spriggs.

David called me as he was boarding a plane to come to meet me and talk to me about being the manager. He was supposed to have arrived on the following Monday, David Never arrived and did not call. I told the outgoing manager about it and he said "give him another few days as he is also new to the company".

I waited another week. Then the outgoing manager said "I spoke with David and he will be here next Thursday". The next Thursday, David did NOT arrive. I called and left my name and number. He still did not return the call. The following week, on Thursday, the outgoing manager called me late in the evening, about 10:30 PM and said "Did Darren tell you that you will not be the manager?". I said :"No, why would Darren tell me anything. He is just my co-worker". The outgoing manager said, "David emailed me that he is bringing a woman from Dallas Texas named TAMMY WOOD here to be the manager." I said "that isn't fair." He never interviewed me or gave me an opportunity and I have been here for three months. I am experienced, know the traffic, sales etc. *People are hired and work one day, sometimes 3 days then quit because they are not told the truth about the money they WILL make. It is a constant turn over with employees, because most of the people NEED a Job.

When the woman arrived, she was very "Hostile" toward me. She is not the type one would expect to be a manager. But I didn't know where she came from until she told the "training class" (we were already selling for three months before she came there) that she was new in the company, had been a sales rep for a week and put into the management position by her close friend Gary, who is like family, David Spriggs and the Vice President Jeff Martin. So there is the Picture...Collusion ! UNFAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES.

To make things worse, David finally shows up and he also states "We are 100% behind Tammy and she has a job even if all of you quit. "Whether Tammy makes a sale or not, she is here to stay".

He proceeds to tell us that Jeff Morton (or Martin) is the Vice President and his Best Friend, who hired him to work with him as they worked at MCI together. So, now we have Gary in Dallas,Texas, Tammy, David and Jeff, ALL FRIENDS. Where is the FAIR EMPLOYMENT ACT ?

Because I am Jewish, I don't work on Shabbat. Tammy came in and changed the scheduling that had been working for us. She began to DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ME telling me it didn't make any difference if "you are Jewish, I am Christian and I work on Sunday" (which isn't true, as her days off are when she wants them. She comes and goes when she wants to). Then she began to "Harass me in every way possible" but I just let her do it and continued to sell.

My Creed "Belief System is in Integrity, Honesty". I told them they were "wrong" about teaching the class to deceive the customers. I told them that they do not exhibit Integrity and a good image of Bluegreen corporation. So they discriminated against me. I made 7 sales last week, and one each day of this week (only days that I worked- only one night person made 2 sales all week).

People are seeing that this is a SCAM as one man came and told us to call the Federal Trade Commission and report them. Others complained of being treated RUDE when they did not buy the Time Share and of being placed in rooms that were old and filled with mold. In their words, they described the rooms as "CRAPPY".

David and Tammy told us to tell the customers that for $49.00 they would receive 3 days and 2 nights in one of the MAJOR HOTELS ON THE STRIP, all of them except the Wynn, Belagio, Mandalay Bay or the Venetian, which is A LIE. They then told us AFTER I confronted them in class about the Lie, "Tell the customer you do not know what hotel they will get". Again, I confronted them and said "Where is your integrity"? They began to Harass me and try to make me "quit", but I didn't.

The truth is that the customer receives 3 days and 2 nights in one of the older hotels, ie: Circus Circus, Riviera, Sahara, Imperial Palace and on RARE occasions, the Tropicana or the Flamingo. THIS IS A SWITCH AND BAIT SITUATION.

Tammy pushes the OPC's out in front of the Booth and tells us to bring the people in. She grabs them by their shirt sleeve, then threatens them by saying "Now I have your phone number and address and you Will buy one of these packages" because I know where to find you. She shoves a pad with a pen in front of their face and coerces them to SIGN UP to get their PERSONAL INFORMATION FOR TELEMARKETING.

She said "that unless the information is there and Signed" (to agree to let telemarketers call the person) they cannot be in the Drawing", which is mis-leading. It is supposed to be a DRAWING FOR $25,000 BASS PRO SHOPPING SPREE.

To be in a drawing should not require your "personal" income, etc. They are using these ballots for Telemarketing of Time Shares, which is NOT part of the Drawing !

People complain. Some of the people walk by and SHIELD their faces. Others come up and tell us how they can't stand the tactics and how they were in and I quote "crappy, molding rooms" in old hotels. Those people had to pay their own travel expenses to get to Las Vegas, where they dreamed of their vacation in a luxury hotel! WHAT A SCAM!

Today, Tammy came into the booth. She said to me "Where is your uniform"? I opened my jacket and said "here is my shirt" We don't have a uniform. I had a nice smooth dress leather jacket on. She said "take that jacket off". I said "No, I feel cold". She again said "Take that jacket off" and I said "No, It is cold in here and we always are allowed to wear our jackets". Then she said " Go in front of the booth and bring those customers in".

I usually call in 36-40 customers a day and I have been the only person able to sell this past week. But as an OPC, it is not my job to restrict the flow of customer traffic as they are shopping. And it is not the duties of an OPC to be a GREETER ...only to discuss the vacation package after the greeter brings the customer to the booth.

Bluegreen is Not in Code with OSHA. It is a health hazzard to make men and women STAND for hours, without sitting down. Especially women, who have had children, or a hysterectomy, ovaries resected etc. have a tendency to feel their intestines and bladder is dropping. OSHA sent a letter to the past manager to put three stools behind the counter for the employees to sit on when there is no traffic or their feet, back or stomach is hurting. However, they did not comply with the rules and regulations at this time. Tammy WILL NOT allow anyone to sit down at any time, but she does !

I would not lie to the customer, told the truth and they liked me. If it is presented for what it is, it can be a good deal; but if the person is promised MORE for their money and get Less, then it is NOT fair or a good deal!

Others were following Tammy's method and they DIDN'T sell. Tammy also Pulled from my hand an address and phone number that a Fox Employee gave to me as he was talking about doing a story on my charity. I was supposed to call him tomorrow, but she took his phone number and refused to give it back to me.

Then Tammy said "I am trying to read my emails. Go outside of this booth". I turned to her and said "I am not over your shoulder and I cannot even see at a distance. I am not even looking at you". She said "go out of this booth". Then she took the key and locked the computer cabinet, so that I could not use the computer for a Sale. She left for about 10 minutes and returned. She said "Follow me" and began to almost run across the store. I followed her up the stairs and into an office. Then she called David Spriggs on a speaker.
I said "who is this and what is this about"? She said "David, Christina is here now" David replied "Did you give it to her"?
I said "Give what to me"? Tammy replied to him "I just placed it before her".

I looked on the desk before me and there was a letter with the first paragraph saying "THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING. BECAUSE OF YOUR BEHAVIOR" and I don't remember what else it said. I was APPAULD...I said "What is wrong with my behavior?" I haven't done anything but make Sales for you and work the hours you gave me. I will NOT sign any such thing about my behavior and I have NEVER been Warned about anything."

The he shouted "You are Fired'! I said "Ok, I will collect unemployment and you will be FIRED next, because I will go to all the proper agencies and to the Chairman of the Board of Bluegreen Corporation. Then Tammy tried to push me out the door, tripped me and SCREAMED TO ME "GET OUT OF THIS BASS PRO STORE NOW AND DON'T YOU EVER SHOW YOUR FACE HERE AGAIN". I said "You don't have the authority to tell me to get out of this store". Then she called for Security. I was walking, slowly to leave and they ran up to me. When Security saw it was me "he told her to "go back to your booth" and he gently said to me "try to take care of this business out of the store". He knew that I had not done anything wrong!

I believe that she has harassed me, discriminated against me for Religious and Age differences. I am probably older in chronological years than she is, but I look about 30 years younger than she does and I am Jewish. I have communication skills and can handle most any situation. I have more experience than she does and in fact, my opportunity was given to her because of her "friends".

Please see me on the web at (((ROR REDACTED)))
I was working there to help raise more funds to keep the charity alive so I can reach out to many more Single Parents with Dependent Children and Seniors who need assistance. It is a shame that a company like Bluegreen,who knows that I was working to help raise more funds to reach out to Single Parents with dependent children and to Senior Citizens would allow such incompetant, incompassionate and self serving people to be their employees. If a company doesn't care about their employees, will they care about the customers?

I am asking for you to investigate this and help me. I am usually the one "helping" others, but this time it is me that is in NEED of assistance. I have worked like the late Mother Teresa to help many Single Parent Families since 1992. I don't need encounters with people like Tammy Wood and David Spriggs, who are teaching classes on deceptive selling dialogue and techniques, unethical promises to the consumer, unfair business practices and unequal opportunity in employment.

Bluegreen Corporation Fraud-Scam There are pages on how they are scamming the consumer from coast to coast. This information was given to me by a customer at the Bass Pro Store. Incidentally, Tammy Wood SNAPPED A PICTURE OF ME in the Bass Pro Shop as I was leaving. She had her phone Camera ready, so this must have been planned in her mind. Isn't it against the Law to take a picture of someone without their permission?

I suggest that ANYONE, who did not receive what they "thought they bought" from Bluegreen call the Federal Trade Commission and make a complaint. Also post on every site on the internet. Let us all STAND FOR PRINCIPLE AND SEE THE WORLD BECOME BETTER ! Let Integrity become a house hold word.


Former Employee

Nevada Attorney General -
Bureau of Consumer Protection
555 East Washington Street,
Suite 3900
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101;
(702) 486-3777 (Las Vegas),

To Whom in Charge:
Time Share Vacation Packages
Las Vegas Nevada

For the people
Las Vegas, Nevada

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