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  • Report:  #1324063

Complaint Review: David T. FAGAN

David T. FAGAN ICON Academy, ICON BUILDER MEDIA, ICON Coach Teen Icon Academy a FRAUD!! Oceanside California

  • Reported By:
    Elizabeth — Jefferson South Dakota USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 23, 2016
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 23, 2016

I have a daughter that's 15 years old and had a little business. In my quest to find an "Entreprenuer Camp" for her, I went to Google and entered "Entreprenuer camp for Teens" There was an article on the website about him and his camp. 

The $3000 Six-Day Summer Camp That Turns Teens Into Entrepreneurs - 

It looked really great! He had a robust daily schedule, and it seemed to have great reviews. There are testimonial videos on the site that have parents raving. As it turned out, the testimonials AREN'T from the camp. They're from other teen events that were done in one day or so. These were not from the weekly teen camp. He has since removed this robust schedule from the website to avoid legal action, but I have a copy of the origional website as proof. He also changed the wording on the current site as to make no guarantees, as he did on the one i saw.

Also, the camp cost $3900.. not $3000. This initially did not include housing, just the camp and food while they were at the camp. Parents were to find housing for the kids, they told me preferably in the hotel they would be having it at. 

They also told me that I could attend with her at no extra cost. I really liked that! So, because the website said the event would be at the Holiday Inn Express in Newport Beach, I booked an Airbnb for the week and we would drive to the location. 

A week before the camp, we received this message in an email:

"We have secured a great house located in Carlsbad that will be a central location for the duration of the event. Your teen is welcome to stay at the house with the other teens that have opted to stay there. It can help enhance the experience and their ability to connect with the other teens attending. But ultimately it's up to you and your teen what you want to do. "

So, I had already booked the room in Newport Beach. Carlsbad is an hour away. So, I had to cancel and eat that cost, and rebook in San Diego. 

We show up to this house. It's the night before the first day. This was Sunday night, the camp started Monday morning. We were there to drop things off and say "hello". Weeds everywhere and no sign to let us know we were at the right place. There was a "beware of dog" sign on the iron rod gates that led into a courtyard that led to the front door. This house was supposed to sleep 20 teens? 

So, a strange, half-naked, 65ish, woman answers the door. She's wearing a spaghetti strap top that's too big for her and falling bra and ripped sweat pants. She seems nice enough, but kind of creepy. We step in and it's about 85 degrees, humid, filthy, it smells badly and no sign of David. I'm met by Pam, who informs me that she's not really sure what's going on because she's only been with the company for 2 weeks. She apologizes for the conditions and assures me it will be taken care of, but isn't sure what the plan is. This woman has her kids running around and the home is sparcly furnished. It's beyond grimy. Someone is sweeping the floors and trying to clean up. I don't think the wndows have been cleaned in years. Some of the teens have arrived and are sitting around talking and watching TV.

Another family arrive and they are also horrified. They have brought their daughters that are 11 and 13. The mother told me that she didn't want to let her daughters stay, but that they strongly recommended the stay at the house to bond with the other team mates. Oh, and we were informed by the creepy home owner that there was only ONE working bathroom for 20 kids and 3 adults. Yep. :) My daughter stayed with me in San Diego.

So, David and his wife finally show up around 9:30pm and I'm on my way out and I've asked Pam for a itinerary for the week. She said they were still working on it. Working on it! When I asked David about getting a copy of the itinerary, he told me there wasn't a printed itinerary, he would just tell me, right then, what we would be doing each day. 

He then proceeded to tell me that they would be creating a TV show. I expressed my confusion and frustration with a TV show, since the website stated they would create a business, write a business plan, marketing plan...etc. He asked me who told me we would be doing these things, and i referred him to the website. He blew me off and said that he needs to change the format every year to 'trick' kids into learning. Excuse me, but I'm not paying $4,000 for someone to 'trick' my kid into leaarning...She wants to learn. I expressed my concern and he tried to reassure me. I wasn't reassured. 

This is what it stated on the website:

JULY 25 – 29, 2016

Dear Parent,

What do you want most for your teenager? Is it to get good grades? Maybe you want them to discover and develop their talents?

Hello, my name is David T. Fagan. I am a father of eight kids with the three oldest being teenagers, and I have determined that what I want most for all my kids is for them to become 100% self reliant.

Meaning, I want them to be able to provide for themselves, create profitable opportunities for themselves, and make priceless memories that they can treasure for a lifetime. And, although the first priority is self reliance, the second priority is almost equally as important to me. I want my children to reach their full potential.

Think about that. What would it feel like to know you helped your child become their best and most profitable self? What kind of joy might be realized for your family if your child experienced all their talents at the highest levels and developed new talents they never knew they were capable of?

With eight kids, I really see how different they each are. All our kids are actually very different even though they may share certain similarities. They have potential for sure, don’t they?! It isn’t even really a question of whether or not they have potential; rather, in what aspects of life and in what industries do they have the most potential are the real questions.

But here is an even more important question. For me, this was as much an answer as it was a question. It was a break through and epiphany that changed my life and my kids’ lives forever. Here it is:

“Does my child’s current education live up to my child’s full potential?”

This led me to wonder, “Are the schools, teachers, and coaches giving my children everything they need to transform their talents into profitable careers and businesses?”

These have become all too common questions that almost always end with failing answers.

It was from this government and public failure that the Icon Academy was created. This alternative learning institution was built to teach teens how to monetize their talents.

As the former CEO of Guerrilla Marketing, an author of several successful business books, recipient of multiple marketing awards, facilitator of many young entrepreneur events, owner of Icon Builder Media, a marketing and PR company based in Beverly Hills, CA, and father of eight kids becoming successful entrepreneurs, I proudly lead this Icon Academy.

Our new Summer Session is the most rewarding program you will ever witness. It puts more valuable content in a week of training than most colleges do in a whole 4 year degree.


Checkout the topics and the agenda…

– Marketing
– Sales
– Business Development
– Publicity


– List Building
– Social Media
– Automated Marketing
– Direct Mail
– Video Marketing
– Mobile Marketing
– Copywriting
– Design


– Branding and Experience Marketing
– How to build a movement of Fans and Buyers
– Fan Funnels
– How to Inspire Action in Every Audience
– Images, Layout, Colors, and Design
– Copywriting that converts
– Speaking, Communicating


– Image and Media
– Clothes, Fashion
– Picture posing
– Video shooting
– Green Screen techniques
– How to shoot with no editing
– Applying Day 1 to Day 2


– Websites that work
– Landing Pages/Squeeze Pages
– Design
– WordPress
– Opt ins
– Web forms
– Applying day 1 and 2


– Social Media Mining
– Ads/Posters
– List Building
– Focus Groups
– Publicity Events
– Pitching the Media
– Joint Venturing


– Affiliates
– Media coaching
– Interviews
– Writing Proposals
– EMK (electronic media kit)
– Bio writing
– Booking speaking and performing gigs
– Hiring
– Outsourcing
– Team Building
– Networking
– Graduation Ceremonies and….


By completion of the advanced course of studies, your teenager will be able to:
– Launch their own business
– Create expert sales and marketing campaigns
– Pitch the media 
– Know what it takes to build a good website and build a list of fans
through social media
– Get hired and make money providing marketing services for their own
– Market themselves and their talents both online and offline
– Run photo and video shoots
– Write sales copy and compelling video scripts
– Hire and outsource various business building services as needed
– Better understand what their full potential really is

BONUS ITEMS You will get:
– Personal pictures from a photo shoot
– Personal videos from a video shoot
– An EMK of your very own
– A full recording of the whole event and $10,000 worth of information

Adult team leaders and academy counselors supervise this hotel night and day!!! As a parent myself, my wife and I take you child’s safety very seriously, and it is our top priority.

The next morning we show up to the house to find that he's holding class there! It's hot, humid, fans are buzzing. There were NO materials provided. No note taking was happening. No notebooks provided or requested. In is the list of items they were asked to bring:

"Things to pack: their regular clothes (dress for the weather), a swimsuit, one-two nicer outfits, toiletries, and some spending money (maybe $20)." 

They didn't buy enough food for the kids, which included mostly teenage boys. David and Jill Fagan tout their "8" kids... I personally have 6 kids and know how much food they eat. How do they NOT have enough food for the first day??!! They had to go out and get sandwiches, which also delayed everything. If they've been doing this for years, like they claim, this should be a well-oiled machine, right? Not even close. 

In fact, there is nothing to even prove my kid even went to this camp! My daughter came from EFY (Especially For Youth) camp right before we went to this camp, and it was $450 for a week of room and board and instruction - she got a backpack, t-shirt and music to remember the event. For $4,000, my kid got a nasty place to sleep (if needed) and learn. No workbook, no t-shirt, no NOTHING. And Honestly, there wasn't much to learn. This guy is a JOKE! All he talked about was how awesome he was, the celebrities he knew (which I doubt).

At the end of the first day, after my daughter was completely frustrated because there was so much wasted time, and didn't want to go on his stupid boat, I pulled her out and requested a refund. It was obvious this was not organized and they were flying by the seat of their pants. 

I requested my refund in writing and stated my frustration and the utter lack of preparation and organization, not to mention substance. Only 5 kids could go on the the other kids stayed on the beach playing around unitl it was their turn. They left for the boat around 3pm and didn't get done at the beach until 9:30pm. What learning, exactly, occured? Not much. 

So, when I explored his website further, I saw he has some actors listed as his "Faculty". I contacted all 3 of them. No only have they NOT been working with him for some time, they had bad falling out and had NO idea they were associated with him and didn't know about ANY teen camp he had going on. FRAUD. FRAUD. FRAUD. One of the actresses is associated with Disney and this could have put her contract in jeopardy. They were very unhappy when they found out. 

So, the other family kept their girls at the house (they stayed 4 miles away at a resort) because Jill, David's wife, strongly suggested they stay at the house. They never found other accomodations. So, on Wednesday night, my friend told me that none of the kids had linens or blankets because the house was infested with ants and spiders and they were spraying everything down. When my friend came the next day to participate with her girls, the leaders said NOTHING about it. Her daughters told her later. When she asked Jill about, Jill deflected and said "I thought the girls were staying with you at your hotel"... when she said, No, they were at the house because she recommended they stay there, she didn't really say anything. She said it was really odd. She never really addressed it. Also, another girl that was there said, after returning home, that one night the creepy homeowner was seen walking around NAKED at 1am. WHERE WAS THE STAFF?? Sleeping. Also, a girl returned home with 3 hickeys on her neck. Nice. 

It should also be noted that he LEFT the country to Bangladesh sometime between Wednesday afternoon and Thursday. He wasn't even there for the 'graduation'. He wasn't seen very much at all. 

I kept insisting on a full refund or I would contact sites like this one, the writer of the Forbes article and I would contact other parents. He refused to give me a refund and apologized that I wasn't happy with the program. 

So, I told him that if I wasn't getting a refund, I expected to the the BONUS Materials promised on the website. There were:

Personal pictures from a photo shoot
– Personal videos from a video shoot

– An EMK of your very own
– A full recording of the whole event and $10,000 worth of information

They seemed to forget about the "full recording of the whole event" and the $10,000 worth of info...I did't see any video recording going on. I didn't expect a photo or video, since we left, but I wanted these items, since I paid for it. He said it might be a few weeks to get to me. Right.

With all my efforts and threats, including threatening to sue him, he still didn't do the right thing. So, my friend told me to call my credit card company and file a 'not as advertised' claim to have my money refunded. I was fully refunded.


One of his celebrity clientele told me that it seemed that he targeted and attracted wealthy and insecure Mormons... I found that interesting. He uses buzz words like "self reliance" ...and I'm Mormon, this celebrity didn't know that at the time. I found out about David from the Forbes article, but he has these events that are usually free to attract new clients. He isn't honest about his accomplishments. He claims he makes celebries into authors and authors into celebrities...I'd love to know who he's done this for. In talking to some of his clients, he pitches big, and doesn't deliver, all while charging a fortune. 


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