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  • Report:  #19486


DAVIDSON, DAVIDSON & KAPPEL, LLC ripoff New York, New York

  • Reported By:
    Staten Island NY
  • Submitted:
    Wed, April 24, 2002
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 03, 2002
    485 Seventh Avenue
    New York, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I was employed by this firm from Dec 2001-July 2001. I was sexually harassed by a male associate for most of my employ. His mild flirtng gradually became sexually crude & graphic. This attorney, Salvatore Maoirino, Esq. has prior discrimminatory behavior at this firm which has since been settled with the firm and is being sued for sexual misconduct with a minor presently.

I complained to the Office Administrator, Desiree Whyte (who is African American) who did told me "What do yuo expect your a Puerto Rican slu*" and did nothing. After my complaint she began to bully me severely. I know this was retaliatory due to my complaint. She finally forced me out of my job in July 2001 by verbally assualting me.

When I told her that I would complain to the managing partner she retorted "If you get me fired I will make sure your yellow-a*s gets fired". I left in tears. When I returned the next day to work she told me that I told her that I had quit. I never did. Also, I told her why would I have traveled one and one half hours into the city and leave all my personal belongings at my desk. She told me she didn't have an answer to that but to her "recollection" I told her I quit.

I left that day and promptly filed a complaint with the EEOC for racial & sexual discrimination. Also when I left that day I noticed that some of my things were stolen. I also filed a complaint with the NYC Bar Association Disciplinary Committee and with the Dept. of Labor Unemployment Insurance.

After many months of pending I was denied unemployment due to my leaving my place of emply "without just cause". This matter is still pending with the Unemployment Appeal Board. Also, the EEOC investigatin is still pending as well as the the investigation with the NYC Bar Association.

I also have Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton's office investigating this matter as well as the Attorney General Eliot Spitzer's office. I had hired an attorney who sent a demand letter to this firm and the firm's counsel replied that if I dropped my suit they would uncontest my unemployment benefits!

Since I had no income I had to close my 401(K) account which severely penalized me ($7,000) and when that money ran out I had to apply for Welfare. Luckily, I got another job before I recieved any public assistance and am now with a wonderful firm!! But, all the cases and investigations I opened are still pending.

Also, while I was in their employ my wages were being garnished for CHild Support payments. For some reason I was never registered with the Child Support Unit in Albany and the checks that were sent were returned. The office Administrator assured me that she would be place these monies in a separate bank account until the matter is resolved.

Recently, I went to Family Court and to The NY State Supreme Court to have these monies collected and they called my former employers demanding they release these monies. This firm still has $4,500 in payments that they refuse to forward to my child.

I implore any of you out there to give these people a call or write them a note and let them know that their flagarant disregard to an individual's rights will not be tolerated!!

Please assist me in this!! I have been financially, emotionally and my children have been unduly injured by this firm.

The Firm partners are: Clifford Davidson, Leslye Davidson and Cary Kappel. The sexual predator is Salvatore Maiorino, Esq.

New Yorkl, New York

2 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
New York,


#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 02, 2002

In response to SAl, New York, New York-THE HARASSER!!

In response to your ignorant and misinformed comments-my various civil issues and investigations are presently OPEN!

With the following City, State and Federal Agencies:
Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton's Office-I rec'd a letter just last week assuring me that the investigation is ongoing.

Attorney General Eliiot Spitzer
Open Case-Same as above

The NY City Bar Disciplinary Committee
Contact: Investigator Kenny Van Lew

The Unemployemnt Appeal Board
Hearing Date: May 2002

The US Human Rights Division
Sexual Harassment Unit
Case: Open-I just rec'd a letter from Ms. Yearwood affirming that this matter is still being invesitgated.
Contact Joyce Yearwood

And, further, just to show how misinformed you are as to my former legal represenative-it was a women, not a man as you claim in your weak and futile rebuttal-she and I amicably went our seperate ways. Actually, she thought I could save my money and let the EEOC investigate the matter. It was not, as you state, because my matter was without merit.

And, I have filed this complaint online so that others, your friends, family, business associates can see what a sad, shameful person you are. Not because I had no other recourse.

If my case was as frivilous as you ignorantly imply, why then, are the foregoing agencies presently investigating them?? It has almost been a year since I complained to these agencies and the investigation is still ongoing.

And, Sal, of course you would deny the civil suit you have pending for sexual misconduct with a minor. Unfortunaltely, you regaled half the office with your smug recounting of the story of how you took pictures in your hotel room with this child in uncompromising positions.

Here is a former co-worker's own words;

Sal knows d**n well he was brought up on charges by the underaged girl's mother because he never stopped whining about it. he worried aloud for months that if new jersey didn't find in his favor he wouldn't be able to be admitted in new york. he fretted for months over the thousands it was costing him in court costs, that he might alienate his parents if he had to ask them for more money BECAUSE AT NEARLY 30 YEARS OLD HE STILL LIVES WITH HIS PARENTS. and the REASON he has to live with his parents is because he couldn't get a proper salary at a decent law firm because of this pending court case he had for statutory rape (or whatever it is when you're stupid enough to sexually play with an underage girl and take polaroids). if none of this is true then why did he complain about it for over a year to anyone who would listen?

I know that this crimminal suit is pending in New Jersey and I will provide a Docket number for same in the near future. You are a SMUG PIG. Nothihg more or less.

And, although, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS I pay child support like many, many mothers do due to the fact that I had to leave my home under extreme circumstances. Are you ludicrously suggesting that any mother who pays child support is unfit?? Again, in your ignorance you are insulting thoussands of hard-working, law-abiding women. And further, I have FAITHFULLY and consistently paid my payments to my son. Now, that speaks VOLUMES about my character. You would know nothing about integrity or character so I will not even attempt to discuss that at length with the likes of you. CHILD MOLESTER and PEDOPHILE.

Why don't you explain why all the females in your office are warned by THE PARTNERS themselves to stay away from you?? Maybe because they knew how unethical you are and didn't want another lawsuit.

Why don't you explain why not one of the Support Staff will give you the time of day?? How come they all destest you includng the Partners of the Firm?.

Why don't you explain why I have signed witness affidavits affirming your sexually depraved character and work ethics??

Why don't you explain about the unethical behavior which caused your firm to settle a racial discrimmination suit becuase you made racially degrogatory comments to a Indian-American associate at your firm and he sued the firm for racial discrimminiation. How do I know this?? Because, you again, went around your office laughingly retelling this story.

It's hard to believe that you are an attorney in light of all the FACTS stated above. You are a discredit to your profession.

And, as to my working with Desiree before. I did. We were never friends. We had a professional, working relationship. I was a Paralegal while she was an Accountant. We never socialized outside the office. I expected the same relationship here at this firm. This changed when I complained of your unethical and sexually harassing behavior, Sal. Desiree Whyte began retaliatory behavior against me which concluded in July 2001. Ms. Whyte assaulted me with racist words.

And, that Dee is married to a white man is neither here nor there. This doesn't exempt her from being and saying racist remarks to others. So, please desist in attempting to tout her candidency for the Nobel Peace Prize. She made those insulting remarks because I am a Puerto Rican. And, in light of her experience she should've been more sensitive.

In Conclusion, let me just add that all your rebuttals are WITHOUT MERIT. Your unfounded ramblngs are those of a desperate man who sexually, depraved nature has been unveiled. And it's interesting that you don't deny sexually harassing me!!??

Anyone can check with the agencies above to confirm the veracity of what I claim. UNLIKE YOU WHO HAS PROVEN TO BE RACIST, CHILD MOLESTER AND SEXUAL PREDATOR!!


New York,
New York,

Betty Parilla is just a disgruntled ex-employee

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, April 26, 2002

The truth of this matter is that Betty is a disgruntled ex-employee who refused to do her job and poorly performed whatever few duties she actually did do. She was not fired, but stormed out of the office and did not return until the following day, after she had already been replaced with a temp.

All of her cases and complaints have been dismissed and her attorney has refused to represent her further in a civil matter because he has realized that her claims are fabricated and without merit. These cases and complaints, which she claims to have pending, but have already been dismissed, are a matter of public record. Anyone interested in knowing the truth may contact the offices with which she claims to have cases pending, inquire about the matters of Betty Parilla, and find out that they have, in fact, been dismissed by the offices themselves.
This is the truth as to why she has no recourse.

If, in fact, Mr. Maiorino was in the situation that Betty claims, would he be facing a civil law suit or a prison term? Would a mother want to sue such a "SCUM", as Betty puts it, or want to have him arrested? Mr. Maiorino is not facing any law suit, and in fact, is currently practicing law. His record as an attorney, like every other attorney's record, is also a matter of public record and the truth may be found simply by inquiring with the State's Office of Attorney Ethics.

As for Ms. Whyte, she is an African-American married to a white male and has been for over 20 years. Ms. Whyte was involved in an interraccial relationship at a most difficult time, over 20 years ago when interacial relationships were taboo and marriages were practically forbidden. She, obviously, is not a racist. In addition, Betty fails to mention that fact that she and Ms. Whyte were friends for seven years as co-workers and Ms. Whyte was the one who got Betty her job here. Why would Betty go work for someone she worked with before and knew for seven years if she was so horrible?

I know nothing of the child supporet payment situation, but what I do know is that in NY state, as with most states, the father usually pays child support and custody is given to the mother. Only in the most extreme cases, where the mother is obviously unfit, will the father get custody and the mother have to pay child support. The fact that Betty Parilla pays child support speaks volumes in and of itself and is further evidence that she is unstable and of questionable character. A family court judge obviously thought so.

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