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  • Report:  #135704

Complaint Review: Davisoninventegration

  • Reported By:
    KIHEI Hawaii
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 20, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sat, June 25, 2005

Thank you for all your postings!
I received my legal packet last week and was supposed to have my follow up phone appointment yesterday. Fortunately I missed it and with no answering machine I called an left a message that I apologized for my unexpected absence and requested a return call for Monday (two days from now). Finally I went thru all the documents in the packet today. A number of items stuck out like a sore thumb and reading a few of the previous postings helped affirm my thoughts.

No one likes reading all the legal mumbo jumbo, but it's very important because what it reveals is...well, read on...

Basically my prior signed "confidentiality agreement" will become null and void if I sign the new "confidentiality agreement" and the added "contingency agreement."

The new agreement forbids me from discussing my idea with other potential companies who are interested in licensing my invention - clearly Davison wants a cut no matter if they are the ones who secure a contract for me or not.

Under the ownership section, Davison makes it very clear that they have "development services, under a separate contract" (of course!) and that I am "free to obtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtain them at all." That's nice, right? Well, the next sentence is, "However, (any time a sentence starts with "however" you know there's trouble) materials obtained elsewhere or made by the client (meaning if I make my own prototype) are subject to Davison's approval proir to submission to a licensee." It gets worse, "If Davison does not approve the materials made by client or obtained elsewhere.....and client is unwilling to make such required by Davison, this agreement will be terminated."

Then the clincher in this section, "Davison is not responsible for any lost or damaged production samples and/or prototypes." So, what they are saying is that their level of care regarding your prototype can be whatever because they are not responsible for it anyway. Hmmmm....

Also, they include in your agreement, that you acknowledge they they have "assisted 3,271 clients wanting licensing services in the last five years." (NOTE: this is a new legal requirement of invention companies due to previous fraud complaints.) Back to the 3,271 clients..."Davison does not provide evaluations of commercial potential." Then, ask yourself, WHY DO I WANT TO USE THEM??? Aren't we looking for "commercial potential"?

The bad news continues, "Davison is aware of 109 projects that have been licensed for individual clients, of which ten (yes, that is 10) have resulted in net financial profit to the project owner" ready for the end of the sentence???? "...since 1990."
O.K. - now, ask yourself again....Why am I paying $685 (to get started) and signing an agreement with a company who is not providing any evaluation of commercial potential AND who in the past 15 years only knows of 10 individual clients who have netted financial profit????

There is a lot more mumbo jumbo included in their paperwork, but these points are enough for me.
Also, a quick review of the online access to the Better Business Bureau ( and easy search on "davison" in PA will yield enough info to tell you that there are a number of unsatisfied clients and pending investigations to make you want to hold onto your checkbook.
Thank you and best of luck.

KIHEI, Hawaii

2 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

I know how you feel . . .He just asked for more money

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, June 25, 2005

Sean Minor is the guy I have been speaking with as well. He just asked for more money today, and when I told him I didn't have 10K sitting in my pocket to send to him, he got upset. Basically said I knew this was going to happen and I never told him I couldn't afford it. He was pretty defensive and upset . . . which is why I started doing some more research tonite. Guess I got my answer!!!

Oh, I questioned those 10 people in the beginning, too. He basically said that number would never change because then everyone would expect to make money. WHATEVER!!!



Davison Inventegration - backed down from me!

#3Author of original report

Tue, April 26, 2005

I apologize for not posting this earlier. With a week off during Spring Break and trying to catch up from it, I totally forgot.

The sales rep, "Sean Miner" called me weeks after my "missed phone appointment" and a week after he sent me a letter telling me that my missing the appointment showed my lack of interest so he will wait for me to call him.

When I mentioned I was surprised to hear from him after the letter he sent, he sounded taken aback like he didn't know anything about the letter.

Our conversation started off with only him talking. He talked about how he and his team have been discussing my idea and that they felt it was not only useful for one type of person, but several others. The others he mentioned were the same I included in my original submission so he was not impressing me much.

He had a lot to say so I let him :-) He talked about how we needed to move forward to the next step and get my contract signed and returned. That was when things got interesting.

Clearly, I was not planning to sign anything, but I wanted to see how he would handle our conversation. He was doing such a nice job at talking. Why not?

I told him that I did finally have a chance to review the contract and that it raised a few concerns that I felt uncomfortable about.

His tone completely changed from being pumped up and enthusiastic to being defensive. He even raised his voice a couple of times. I intentionally kept emotion out of our conversation which seemed to only incit more emotion on his part.

Then, before I had even asked the specific questions about the contract, he suggested that I send him a postage-paid self addressed envelope and he would promptly return all my information.

I told him I would be happy to and he abruptly hung up. Hmmm....

So, I wrote a letter to "Sean Miner" with a SASE and informed him that I found his behavior rather suspect and that I feel relieved to NOT be doing business with Davison especially after that last phone conversation.

I received my "paperwork" a week later.

Now, the real question is: will I see my invention in major markets in the next 6 months?
I hope not as I detest lawyers and the need for them. I haven't had any positive experiences with lawyers. They make nice friends, but lousy business contacts.

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