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  • Report:  #1517964

Complaint Review: Dawn Marie Murphy

Dawn Marie Murphy Dawn Murphy. Dawn Amin. Dawn Marie Amin. Dawn Marie Amin Murphy. Dawn Marie Murphy-Pattona. Dawn Marie Olvitt. And, others. Dawn Pattona. And, others. There are many. Scammed out of/stole thousands of dollars in money and property. Irvine/Costa Mesa California

  • Reported By:
    United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 28, 2022
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 09, 2022

Dawn Marie Amin Murphy aka. many other names lied her way into my home, and stole thousands of dollars in money and property (heirlooms and collectibles included). She did this in, "The Name Of Jesus". Dawn is a religious zealot, and a fake at that. It started as courtship. Dawn proposed to me. That should have raised a red flag, but I was flattered.

She told my mother (unbeknownst to me) that, "Jesus told me (her) that He brought us together". Well, Jesus didn't tell me, and I've divorced Dawn. Jesus doesn't create unions that people can dissolve. Dawn is on multiple medications that she hides the knowledge of from others. These include Adderall, Depakote, and Lithium. These are the medications that I know of.

These are all psychoactive, and are used in the treatment of psychotic conditions. One week before our wedding (which I dissolved within 6 weeks), Dawn discontinued these medications, citing that Jesus had taken her off of them. Dawn spiraled into psychotic rage and delusion, immediately upon discontinuation of these medications.

Dawn also defrauded Unemployment Insurance Benefits as a front to get out of her portion of our rent and bills. I'm writing this to any potential suitor or employer who Dawn may defraud, rip off, or leach off of. Beware of this person.

Ps. Dawn placed a Domestic Violence Restraining Order on me, which I had a lawyer reveal the fraud of causing Dawn to recant. This is how Dawn stole my property and money. This is public record which can be confirmed via the Orange County Family Court and Google. I have no shame or guilt. Dawn lied and got caught.

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