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  • Report:  #621478

Complaint Review: Db Advertising

Db Advertising Boss Advertising, Boss Executive Group, Boss Marketing, Altoni International Db Advertising, Boss Marketing, PR and Marketing Job Scam Auburn Hills, Michigan Scam, deception, unclear, not legitimate Auburn Hills , Michigan

  • Reported By:
    Intelligentyetgullible — Macomb Michigan United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, July 08, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, September 23, 2011
  • Db Advertising
    2851 High Meadow Circle. Suite 190
    Auburn Hills, Michigan
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My day began with an interview at a company called Db advertising/ I had previously sent my resume to the company a week earlier. They sent me an email that said they were interested in having an interview. I met the owner of the company Paulo who seemed really nice and cool for the most part. He said that he would give me a shot and sent me out in the field to shadow one of the sales reps. The following monday when i arrived into the office i was sent with an 18 year old named Cameron. He was a nice guy, but things seemed shady from the very beginning and i did not realize that i was going to drive to a neighborhood and start canvassing houses to sell golf packages. On the first day i did alright, and i put a strong effort into understanding and learning the business from cameron. He had told me that sales reps can make $100- $200 in an 11 hour day of working. Personally it seemed like this business had a cult feeling to it, as they worked 11 hours a day 6 days and called each other multiple times during the day. He also kept saying how great of a job it was, and i started to get suspicious. After a long day of driving around neighborhood's in Lapeer and Oxford, i was exhausted. When i got back i was given a final interview and they said i was hired over 9 people. Good news right, (not really.) This was very exciting for me and i had a great boost of confidence for the rest of the night. When i arrived home at about 9:00 at night i had the usual talk with my brother nick and i was telling how much money i was going to make, and how great it was going to look on my resume. I also thought that i was going to be paid hourly, which turned out to be false. He told me it sounded suspicious and then i went on google later that night to find out that the first two pages that popped up were ripoff report. I mean the internet can be wrong sometimes, but many websites were saying this about Db advertising with very little positive feedback. I had a very bad feeling about that and i went to bed tired and nervous.

The next morning i went in for the first day on the job and i had a bad feeling that this company is probably not legitamate. I made it to the office 15 minutes early to learn that i was just being paid by commission and got paid $5 for every survey sold and $12 for every cupon sold. When i originally applied for this position i was optimistic in thinking that i was going to work for an actual marketing office with employers in cubicles, it was not like that at all. The appearence of the company was odd, but most of the people working in the management seemed nice and friendly. I once again left the office with Cameron to canvass neighborhoods for the rest of the day. The day went off slow and we sold very little cupons or surveys. (Which were the two products that we were soliciting) Cameron kept bragging about how revolutionary the company was and how he was going to own his own business. He also said that he turned down a wrestling scholarship to Notre Dame to work at Db advertising. He was either stupid/naive or he was lying either way, that made me very suspicious. He also told me that paulo would try and get me college credit by working with this company so i wouldent have to take a summer class. I told him that i did not need internship credit and i doubt it would be legitimate even if i needed it. What was strange was Cameron kept smoking in the car, and said he never started smoking until he started this job.

After many failed attempts at the local businesses we made it back to the subdivisions and we sold almost nothing. He kept critisizing me for lack of sales and not keeping my usual positive attitude, and then i told him that i was not comming back tomorrow. Which made the rest of the day extremely awkward until he dropped me off for good. Sure i love making money and working with people along with building my resume, but that company was not legitimate and i am sure that it would not help my resume and would ruin my summer. I only have one more year left of college, and now i realize that you always have to do research on a company before you interview with them because there are a lot of scammers out there to manipulate people into thinking they have great oppurtunities ahead. In closing you learn from your mistakes and learn not to make them twice. I would rather work at mcdonalds than do that over again. At least Mcdonalds is actually legitamite and doesent make people go door to door trying to sell things. I am confident and optimistic for the future though, and i look forward to getting my Bachelor of Science in the spring. Watch out for scammers guys, they are everywhere.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

It is what it is, and what it is, isn't for everyone

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, September 23, 2011

I worked for Paulo for over 3 years, he is a great guy, the company in general is a great company. They aren't out to trick or decieve people. People don't like it because it all commissioned based, and that scares them. Sales is what you make it, no matter what company you work for. You are either good at it, or your not. Personally, I kinda enjoyed doing door to door. Sure, you get your assholes but for the most part people are really friendly. I can't tell you how many times I've been made lunch or dinner by a customer, or have been invited in for hot chocolate when its cold. I've made $300/day in the field, I've also made $15.00. I've worked with x-Owner. I've met a lot of amazing people, and I've met some not so awesome people. The long and short of it, anyone can do that job, it honestly really is about your attitude. But 99% if people dont have what it takes and will never understand the business. To the guy that first posted this report, you probably should have stuck it out a little longer instead of being a p***y and running away. There is a lot of money to be made doing this kind of sales. To the guy that wrote the rebuttle, I hope youre still working hard at this if this is truly what you want to do. And to x-owner (drew) how the heck are ya!?



Mr Lee you are a true DB

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 06, 2011

Just reading you response to the above post Mr Lee gets my blood boiling. In true Paulo form you have pulled the classic "Get a job at Mcdonalds" line, your not him so stop trying to be Paulo. Here is a piece of advice for you, got get an application yourself. While i was an ownder in CMS if i had ever heard you say something like that to any single day of O i would have terminated your IDA on the spot and taken said day of O out myself vs expose them to your illmannored immaturity. The field is not for everyone so no need to bash someone who simply did not want to go through it.

Id recommend you get really good at the door to door aspect of the buisness Mr Lee, because you are going to be in the field for a very very long time. You do not have what it takes to make it to managment, it takes a certain breed of person and i can already tell you from my own personal experiance that you dont even have a clue what it takes nor the moral fibor or back bone to pull it off.

Oh and do me a favor, when i come through that Mcdonalds and see you working there make sure you get the right ammout of toppings on my burger.

If you have any doubts as to who i am ask Paulo F about the owner in Livonia prior to Nick V.

See you at Mcdonalds.



United States of America

go get a job!

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 24, 2011

just saying....99% of the people on here saying "bad" things about these door-to-door companies are probably the ones who STILL dont have jobs! so you can all go get jobs at mcdonalds and sit and watch the "door-to-door" sales people makes hundereds of thousands of dollars who actually have a chance to move up in the company and an opportunity to own their own business. what kind of moving up will you get offered at your job???...the people who complain are the people who really have NO IDEA why these people are out here doing this! the local business come to them and WANT them to go door-to-door! it gets people in their front door! also the people who did shitty on the obeservation day or while they worked there are lazy, un-motivated, whinners!!!!


United States of America

My opinion has not changed yet and never will

#7Author of original report

Wed, September 01, 2010

Well dan, It sounds like much of your argument is illegitimate and very poorly described Let me just point out the faults in your argument shall i?

When you say when you are good with people you are good at sales , is not true at all There is a difference between being a good salesperson for a company and going door to door annoying people who want privacy. Just the ethics of the job alone made me quit, i could not handle doing that a day linger

I have not changed my opinion yet, also those numbers that you toss around in your rebuttal does not take into consideration the down sales days that you guys have. I have a friend that used to work with you guys in the past and he told me there were some days where all he would make $15-20 in in an 11 hour shift. Since it is all paid on commission. That doesent sound very appealing does it??

Your next paragraph has an introduction stating "everybody wins" This is not true in the slightest bit. How can you win when you sell 2 or 3 items the entire day and make $15. That is not winning anything except being drained physically and a long wasted day of losing.

Also congratulations if you like your job, it makes sense why you guys are always hiring. Because people get fed up with the guild of annoying people on a daily basis

I am harsh in this rebuttal, because i believe you need to be more realistic dan and stop living on a cloud (so to speak)

Mr. Anonymous ;)


United States of America

Thanx for the confirmation Dan!

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 30, 2010

Thank you for confirming what has been complained about all along.  What you have described, Mr. Lee, is a classic Pyramid Scam makes you about $12 per hour.  That would be acceptable for many but you left out some important details.  You forgot to tell us that you pay for your own transportation, gas, mileage, etc.  According to your math, one would have to sell at least 3 packages just to break even!  You see Dan, legitimate companies reimberse their employees for the cost of doing business. Also, whats up with the lies to all the people interviewing?  I find it very ironic that everybody that sends a resume not only qualifies for an interview and a ride along, but they are also always offered a job.  Your company must have one hell of a screening process.    The truth really doesn't look all that appealing anymore does it?  I'm glad things are going so well for you, or are they?  Only somebody with a guilty conscious would feel the need to explain themselves in a forum like this.  Hey Dan, one last thing, if things slow down there at DB Advertising, I heard Boss Advertising is hiring.  So is Altoni.  Wait, so is Rockland and Micahh too.  From what you describe, a sucker like you is exactly what they are looking for!!!

Good Luck, you'll need it...


Daniel Lee

United States of America


#7UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 11, 2010

My name is Daniel Lee, and contact details are provided below. *This is my opinion of the company, and sides shared today are my own, and not that of the company's.*

Notice all these people never gave the company a chance.  They went on our job shadow, and quit.  I had a blast on my job shadow.  I watched a guy work four hours, make over $200, then he bought me lunch, and cigarettes. The rest of the time was talking, learning, and meeting new people in the office.  Has your opinion changed yet?

First off, I work under the umbrella of Cause Marketing, also known as DB Advertising.  This company was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.  I stared off my first day selling nine $300 spa packages for $40 apiece, making a $12 commission per sale.  That total comes out to $108...on my first day.  I also continued to stay right in that range for the first week.  The job is simple.  If you are good with people, you are good at sales.  Has your opinion changed yet?

Promotions are goal oriented. You accomplish a specific goal and your promoted.  The first promotion is 50 sales in a week.  We do work Monday through Friday, with Saturday being a team bonus day.  On the team bonus day we all go out to breakfast and then head back to the office, for a summary of the days bonuses, then we get to work.  If you can't sell a $300 spa package for $40 to girls in Birmingham at a rate of 1 per hour...again, I can't help you.  On the first promotion you will get a commission bonus, and you may hire three people under you. You make $2 of every sale they make.  You can easily put together a team that does 25 sales, a week, apiece.  That comes out to 75 sales, and at $2 commission, that is $150 a week without even leaving the office.  You can continue to expand as far as you like up the goal/promotion ladder, and it's not difficult. Has your opinion changed yet?

Everyone always wins.  Businesses do not pay us, to do what we do.  Instead of a local store paying tons of money out the door for advertising on T.V., billboards, or radio, we offer them a better solution.  We tell them that we will bring in massive amounts of new clients, and all they have to do is give them a discount on their services.  In summary, businesses get tons of new clients, and all they have to "pay" is a few of their services discounted.  Also, regular people get to go out and save money on places, that before, they would have never gotten to enjoy.  Lastly, we benefit by charging $40 for a promotion package card that costs us about 75 cents to make.  Everyone always wins.  Has your opinion changed yet?

Lastly, my name is Daniel Lee, and I used to do vehicle repossessions for two years with M&O Recovery.  My father owns the business.  I am 19 years old and am already almost making more than my parents.   This job was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.  I like to consider myself fairly charismatic and if you are too, and you don't have the desire to go to college and make six figures, this is your chance. Has your opinion changed yet?

Notice how people never do this.  You can contact me at anytime by going up to our Auburn Hills office on:

2851 High Meadow Circle. Suite 190

Auburn Hills



United States of America

Phone:  248-377-8811

I'm in the office Monday through Friday, 9:15am - 11:15am. 

Has YOUR opinion changed yet, Mr. Anonymous?  Enjoy your job at McDonald's.  I hear the store on University and Opdike is hiring.

As always, have a great day :D

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