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  • Report:  #131133

Complaint Review: And AKA ripoff, scam, steal, fraud, paypal, e-gold Internet

  • Reported By:
    pullman Washington
  • Submitted:
    Sat, February 12, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sat, February 12, 2005
  • And
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  • Category:

The website (used to be will steal your money, flat-out!

Here's how they do it:
They advertise on search engines (I found them on searching for "work at home, business opportunities") with descriptions saying "double your money every hour, guarenteed!"

The deal is that if you give them for example $50, they will give you $100 back within one hour. However, they don't accept real money, they take e-gold. So, you go buy e-gold from a third party, transfer it to them, and within one hour they will transfer double the value of that e-gold into your paypal account in cash. They also say they can pay you your returns through paypal in advance if you are skeptical, and then you must transfer them the e-gold by the next day, but more on that crap later.

So, I started out with $10 of e-gold and gave it to them, and sure enough, less than an hour later there was another $20 in my paypal account. Now I was a believer! So I gave them another $570 in e-gold and like clockwork, got back that $570 plus another $570 just like they promissed.

I did notice one strange part though, at paypal where you view your transactions, there is a space that displays the name of the person who transfered the money to you. I now had a total of 4 transactions from them ($20, $570, $285, $285), but two of them were from one person, and the other two were from a different person. I was right to be worried.

Right before I was about to go purchace more e-gold to give them, I get a notice from paypal that all four of those transactions are being "investigated" and the funds "held."

I contacted both of the people from whom the money came through paypal and only one replied. She said she was not from that website and had never heard of it or e-gold and that someone must have accessed her paypal account and used her money to pay me. If this is true, paypal will transfer those funds back to her, and likely the other person who didn't reply to my contact with her, meaning that $600 I spent on e-gold and gave to this website is just plain GONE!

There are two other parts to their scam too: 1)I had seen their EXACT website before, but under the name of Before I had a chance to try them out they changed it to I asked them why and they said something about upgrading their servers to handle all the business they were getting. Bull$h!t.

2)If you are not aware of e-gold, here's how it works with that stuff: you go to and create an account, much like from this account you can send/receive e-gold to and from other users, you just have to fund your account by purchacing e-gold from a 3rd party merchant online.

This website frequently changes the account that you are supposed to send your e-gold to. I didn't ask why. I assume both parts 1 and 2 above are means of covering their tracks. I still have a couple of their former e-gold account #'s just in case.

Now, more on their offer to pay you up front. They offer on the website that if you are skeptical they will pay your return on what you are going to invest later, up front. For example if you promise to (they make you emial them all you personal contact info and call you first)send them $100 of e-gold tomarrow, they will send you $200 today. Sounds like a legit offer right? WRONG AS HELL!

Remember, paypal took back the money within about 3 days in my case! They are paying you through some other poor vitim's paypal account. So before paypal realizes it and takes back that money, you have already given them $100 in e-gold. They say that if you don't pay them their e-gold the VERY next day that they will prosecute YOU for fraud! This sounds like a scare tactic to me to make sure that you send them the e-gold before you get screwed and your money taken back by paypal. If you get the money up front and DON'T pay them the e-gold, all that will happen is paypal will take that money and give it back to the persone this website stole it from in the first place and you will break even. I don't see how these bastards can prosecute YOU for fraud in this case, do you?

I have written many emails to this website both before and after the screwed me over. Before it happened, they were happy to reply to my questions, but after the $h!t hit the fan I have sent around 20 emails with NO response at all as I was asking about what was going on and later accusing them of fraud. I tried to scare a response out of them with threats of hiring a PI or a lawyer and things of that nature with no luck. I would have followed through too but I'm a college student and can't possibly afford it, not that I could afford the $600 the jacked though! I had to put off buying text books for 3 weeks and failed my first exam in EVERY class because of it!

In my first emails asking about their business before this all happened I told them I am a college student and my future and education would be gone if they were lying and scamming. They assured me that they were legit. How could you steal someone's money after hearing what it would do to them!? That's like waiving a medical insurance card in the face of a mother who's child needs a heart transplant but can't afford it. People like this NEED to be punished! They are the FU(%ING scum of the earth and should be in prison for life, minumum! I wonder how many lives they have destroyed so far, and don't give a flying **** about it either!

My girlfriend found someplace online that some guy had a story posted that sounded exactly like what is happening to me, word for word! I don't recall the link to this story but beyond what has happened to me so far there was no info other than that he did not get his money back.

Well that's all for now, and paypal is still "investigating" this stuff even though I called them and told them exactly what I have told you. It's been about 2 weeks now.

If anyone knows what I can do about this PLEASE let me know, that was $600 I cannot afford, I now have $137 exactly for food and ANYTHING else I might need until March 1st and today is Feb.12. Thanks for reading ~

pullman, Washington

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