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  • Report:  #1118450



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  • Submitted:
    Sat, January 25, 2014
  • Updated:
    Tue, April 29, 2014
    5333 S GREENWOOD
    CHICAGO, Illinois
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 To Whom It May Concern I and my family are in dire need of someone’s help. It’s dealing with DCFS. My Kids were taken from myself and my husband home on December.21, 2012. They said because of physical abuse but that wasn’t the case. I and my husband have been together since high school, so you can imagine the ups and downs we have experienced in our relationship. We have only had one bad altercation that resulted in a fist fight, and Let me add our children weren’t present when it occurred. Also they wanted it to seem like I had a drug problem that is also not the case, everyone experiments once in their life, the time I did do it they came and told me I had to go take a drug drop, I didn’t hide the fact that I had tried them at a party and that this wasn’t my everyday thing. The DCFS investigator automatically jumped to the assumption I need to go to a 30 day drug rehab or I wouldn’t get my kids back. I went to sign up immediately even though I didn’t have a problem with drugs. So I went to sign up and I couldn’t get in a facility by time our first court date, that’s when she put in a motion to take temporary custody of our children. I love my children and would not put them in any hurt, harm, or danger my husband feels the same way. But we failed that mission when DCFS took custody of our children.

Since in their custody they have been physically, mentally, and emotionally abused. My Son Allen L. he was 12 years old when he was removed, let me tell you about him he was a sweet, kind, and loving kid. A typical 12 year old boy who would clean his room when asked and would wrestle with his brother irritate his sister’s as boys do. He has been traumatized ever since he was placed in a shelter he went there with all of his siblings he woke up one morning and they were gone no one told him we have found placement for your siblings, soon as we find placement for you, you’ll be leaving as well no one word. So he has been angry ever since they also told them that they would be home after the Christmas break never happen so they became angrier now my son is an angry, sad little boy. They split my sons up for playing with each other in the shelter. Since Allen’s placement he has been verbally abused by his foster parent, she has called my son every name except the son of god. He has balancing issues and would bump into things and drop stuff. The agency was notified as well as the foster parent of his last visit with his pediatrion that we took him to, that he needed physical therapy. They have not took him as of yet to be looked at. The foster parent made me aware of her rudeness and disrespect to my son on June.19th 2013, when she called talking about her cookies he accidentally dropped. She goes all off talking about somebody going to pay for her D** cookies that re tarted  mother***** has dropped and that he was the clumsy kid she’s ever seen, he was standing right there because he was in the background asking to speak with me. She continues her verbal abuse more going off about he’s always up under her go find himself a girlfriend or something he act like a girl , he tells everything like a little snitch A** B*****.  You can imagine how a kid feels being belittled like that when he not use to it. My heart feel to the floor I couldn’t do anything except put the phone down I couldn’t stand for her talking to and about my son like that any longer. I have reported her disrespect to the agency Envision unlimited on several occasion, the caseworker MS Margarita Coates Hankins has done nothing. But say that kids don’t deserve respect. When I told her that my son deserves respect if they want respect from him. As of Now my son is still in her care.

 My other son Jarius Deon L was removed when he was 14 years old he has cognitive delay he’s a little slower than the other kids. He’s my baby even though my daughter is the baby. He has never had any anger or violent behavior. Let me tell you about Jarius he stayed in the house under us playing video games, ordering movies and dancing around the house he didn’t even like to go outside because the other kids like to fight. He always avoided confrontations he said I like to play wrestle mom, but I don’t like to fight I laughed and said what’s the difference. He said you don’t punch anybody. He was mentally and emotionally abused when the DCFS investigator came to the house after she had put me and my husband out onto the streets. And had to leave our kids with our mother-in-law no safety plan was in force until after the incident when she came to our house. We thought the kids were in school we wanted to drop off some money so she could pay the bills and get them some personal hygiene stuff. Jarius ran out when he saw us pull up. Then she pulled up and said Jarius what are you doing talking to your parents you are not supposed to be around your parents Jarius, you can’t see your parents again. I told her you can’t speak to him like that he has a disability and he’s not understanding what you are telling him she didn’t take what I said into consideration, she just ran after Jarius and kept going on and on about him not seeing his parents, he didn’t understand so he slams the door in her face and yells leave us alone leave my parents alone go find your own parents. He has been on edge ever since. I can’t say I have any complaints about who is with because she has been the only one who allows him extra time with us such as bringing him to Church picnics and other events with no questions asked. The only complaint we had was when the foster brother told Jarius that he was going to take pictures of him naked and put them on Facebook.
 My Daughter Jordan Janae L was 10 years old when she was removed a very sweet, bright little girl who will speak her mind even if she knows it’s not the right thing to say she will say it. She has been physically abused by her foster parent family the foster parent sister and god daughter has both put their hands on my child in a way that neither me nor my husband ever would have. They have pushed my baby in her face as well as grabbed her by her neck and was threatened by the god daughter that she was going to get her son to flood her I know from the sounds of it it meant harm. We have complained to Envisions and still nothing has happened. They said that they went over there on several occasions and my girls were arguing. I said that’s still no reason for them to be putting their hands on them.
 My Daughter Alexia Henrietta L was 16 when she was removed she has a special needs as well. Alexia is very sweet and smart young lady she gets straight A’s, love to sing that’s her dream to be a singer. She loves Nikki Minaj. She’s never any trouble always happy, and singing kept a smile on her face. We have had the talk about sex and much more she talks to me because I have made it clear you could tell me anything because I might can help you. She was taking birth control to regulate her cycle and also to prevent pregnancy. She has told me that she has told her foster parent, and the case worker that she was out of her pills. The foster parent states to her that she was going on the shot.  Without even getting our permission. The foster parent has also locked my girls out into the cold on several occasions. She wasn’t home or her god daughter wasn’t home she told them to go there if she wasn’t home. They started going to the foster parents boyfriend family house to stay warm that where she became involved with foster parent boyfriend nephew. She became pregnant and shortly after was raped. She was RAPED because foster parent put my daughters outside because she was having a party told them they are in her companies face and that they needed to go outside. It was 10:00pm and cold outside. They went to her baby’s father’s house and that night on May.27, 2013 she was raped by his brother, her sister was almost raped as well by the same boy she managed to get away and get to the house to call the police. No one told us we wouldn’t have known anything if it wasn’t for Jordan calling us. Envisions has not told us till this day that our daughter has been raped. No arrest have been made because the foster parent told the police she didn’t know where the boy lived. But two days later she and Allen’s foster parent were at the boy’s house informing the boy’s mother of the rape and pregnancy. After they came back Allen’s foster parent calls me and informed me that she has had a talk with Alexia and told her she need to let it go S**** happen in our life that we just need to close the book on and that she shouldn’t press charges against the boy, because she had no business down there, and that she was asking for it. Talking about her little C******** was hot and next time it get that way to take a cold shower. I was furious and told her NO!  Means No! I don’t care where she was or who she was with I spoke to my daughter and she told me that she told him NO and to stop grabbing at her to stop and he continued after she said NO! And he forced his way on her its rape.  And Plus they foster parent had no business putting them out in the cold so late at night so she could party. If it were here children that wouldn’t have occurred. You people have other peoples kids that you could give a d** about. A Straight A student grades has fallen to C’s and B’s because of all the things going on with her, now she has more things going on with her a baby she wasn’t ready for.  She has been traumatized, mentally and physically abused.
  My Daughter Danielle Monee L she was 13 when she was removed from our home she was a kind, sweet, ambitious young girl always smiling. Now she walks around with a mean, mad face. She’s never happy when we see her she always says I won’t be happy until we come home. She has even stressed it to them in her therapy sessions  she says it’s not helping her he ask the same questions every week how are you doing, she tells them I am doing the same way I was doing last weak mad, miserable ready to go home. She says she has been treated so unfair at her foster parent home, She makes them take their clothes to the laundry mat and she does everyone else laundry, such as the other foster girl and her grandchild’s. She has also been verbally abused by her foster parent son about her charger for not letting him see her charger he has called her at fat B**** and if she disrespects his mom again he going to hurt her. She does have a mouth. She doesn’t take verbal abuse to well if someone insults her she insults them back especially people she don’t know we know this because she often did it at school with the other kids, she’s not one to let it just roll off your back she have to say something back. She was almost raped by the boy that raped Alexia but she has been traumatized by the event. She should have never been put in that position when your kids are in foster care you would think they would be treated better looked after like it was their child but this is not the case. She has been emotionally and mentally disturbed.
 So Many Nights They have called hungry and have not eaten anything since cornflakes in the morning. And it hurts me as a mom I feel worthless, useless, and pray that god deliver my children from this terrible system. And when we tell Margarita, Antoinette, Or Donna Kane something they say the kids are playing one adult against another. I explained to them it is too much happening for their complaints to be false the proof lies within the pregnant child, the weight they have lost, the grades that have fallen, the hairdo’s I had to do so my children wouldn’t go to school looking throwed away and get teased. And also every time we have made a request for more time or more days for them to bring our children to church on Sundays. We get a million and one excuse well it’s not convenient for us we get off work at 6:00pm and it is up to the foster parents if they will bring them we ask the foster parents they say they have to check with Margarita or Antoinette to get permission to bring them to church. I have more things to discuss but I feel like I will be on deaf ears because no one would help us or even share are story with other’s or send it to someone who might can help. It’s like no one care about what goes on in foster care. We might have some issues but what family don’t have issues you work together as a family to solve those issues but they have stolen my family. We love our kids and wouldn’t take our frustrations out on them.
 No One helps these kids they just sweep what they here under a rug and forget it.  In these foster homes that has people children when some have a family that loves them and cares for them, that would protect them from anything. What happen to these children are the develop hatred, disappointment, and loneliness like my parents have left mu here so they become run aways. That don’t go home because they know that’s the first place DCFS will come looking for them at. So someone’s child is just lost out here in the world with no one to turn on so they turn to prostitution, drugs selling and using, and jail and all other sorts of things. They took my children from an O.K situation and place them in a much much worst one. Anybody help my children if you don’t help me.
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