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  • Report:  #1323172

Complaint Review: DCFS Los Angeles

DCFS Los Angeles Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services Child Abductors -- Government-Sponsored Kidnappers -- Kids for Cash Incentives -- Total Liars and Extortion Artists -- Department of Cruelty and Fascism Sadists Los Angeles California

  • Reported By:
    Hurt & Deceived Parent — Los Angeles California USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 18, 2016
  • Updated:
    Thu, August 18, 2016
  • DCFS Los Angeles
    20151 Nordhoff St
  • Phone:
    (818) 717-4808
  • Category:

  There were programs in place in Germany in the 1940s to remove children from homes of invaded countries and adopt them off to rich German parents – government-led human trafficking.  You think, “n**i,” but this is happening in America today.

  I don’t know if you know this, but dcfs has no interest in parents’ well being, or they simply wouldn’t be doing a majority of the illegal things they are doing.  They are very obviously removing perfectly normal kids from perfectly loving parents, with no warrants, no explanation, and, ultimately, no good reason – except *** cash for kids ***.

  dcfs’s interest is to capture children and put them into a corrupt and abusive system which is not only much worse than being home with their parents, but actually cruel.  dcfs is responsible for far more child death and abuse than the parents they accuse.  Virtually ALL of the deaths are a result of maltreatment by foster care.  dcfs is awarded some $250,000 a year for each child they abduct, so it is always in their best interest to keep these children away from parents so they continue to receive their funding.  They would rather shuffle a child from one abusive foster family to another and allow sex offenders to be foster parents because their human warehousing system is over-stressed and over-burdened with unwarranted, needless abductions.  Ultimately, they do not care about the parent OR the child, but this is what they are taught, and in turn tell themselves every morning so they can keep up illegal and immoral activities on a daily basis  – think: brainwashed kidnappers on government payroll. 

  The people with good hearts who actually realize what they are doing often simply quit.  The alternative is to get fired as whistleblower, or worse [more below].  As a result, dcfs can only retain heartless, childless monsters who are sociopathic enough to lie and kidnap for a living.  Over time, those psycho- and sociopaths truly talented in deceit and manipulation rise up into training and management.  It has even happened that when a whistleblower knows enough to put together an expose book or film, they mysteriously DIE.  They are, what you call, “silenced.”  Believe me, it is not over-stating the fact when I tell you that the dcfs management welcomes, nurtures and promotes socio- and psychopaths.


Senator Nancy Schaefer WAS KILLED -- MURDERED -- for her public stance against the barbarianism, deceipt and disgusting practices of "Family and Children Services" so the corruption can continue to rake in millions for the government-sponsored kidnapping.

  Even if dcfs employees know they are wrong and illegal, they do not care because they are basically ignored by the law, which amounts to State-sponsored terrorism and kidnapping (think: American human trafficking). 

   Having been through this, I can tell you exactly how they do it.  They simply make s**t up!  They perjure themselves not occasionally, but as a matter of route.  You will never see what has been presented to the court, since the entire system is built to keep you in the dark.  The judge sees only one side of the story – the made-up side, and will simply sign off on child removal, based on perjurous lies.  The lawyers keep quiet, since they don’t want to work too hard and complicate the case by giving you actual legal advice.  Even if you ever get a chance to respond, it’s too late.  They are receiving $250,000 for successful kidnap, and they will do everything in their power to keep the child.  Including telling the child they were unwanted and abandoned, “coaching,” and, of course, slandering the parent to the child, on paper, and right to their face.


PLEASE READ THE BOOK: "A Culture of Fear: An Inside Look at Los Angeles County's Department of Children & Family Services"

Here are excerpts from the book to prove my point:

Page 5:  “…pervasive and serious agency-wide dysfunctions have resulted and continue to result in corruption, mismanagement, coercion, bullying, and intimidation. Most importantly, tragically, and unconscionably, these problems have caused us (DCFS) to harm families.”

Page 17: “Neither DCFS nor the attorneys who represent DCFS admits to making mistakes, so even if parents are innocent, DCFS’s tendency is to make them appear guilty in some way, and that could include making things up if need be or blowing things out of proportion.”

Page 35: “…CSWs quite often are forced to omit what they know to be the truth…”

“CSWs, time and time again, are told that they have to omit or change what they have directly observed or personally experienced simply because it is inconsistent with a position taken by their supervisor, ARA, or RA.  Throughout the Los Angeles County DCFS, CSWs are constantly forced into this bind with no other option. In some cases, these CSWs have sympathetic supervisors who also feel powerless to simply report the truth to the court.”

Page 36: “It’s very possible, as it has happened countless times and continues to happen, for a court report to be so altered from the actual facts and truth that the only true parts are the names and relationships of the parent(s) and child(ren) and nothing more.”

Page 39: “As a DCFS employee, I live in a spiritually punishing, morally crushing environment in which I constantly wrestle with feelings of shame.”

Page 40: “We avoid self-reflection and introspection at all costs because we know that we will be unearthing tortured memories of the times we failed to stand up and speak the truth, or failed to do so as often as we wanted to. In these painful and crippling moments, which are often characterized by self-loathing,”

Page 42: “Far too many of us sit with our collective anger and self-loathing, asking God or some higher power to help us find a way out. We hope and pray for a way not to have to lie anymore, either by what we say or what we omit.”

Page 119: “My job was to ensure that every single allegation in our petition, regardless of whether or not it was accurate, fair, or even true, was sustained. Sustained is legal jargon for ‘ordered true, or true enough for our court.’ ”

You cannot trust these people.  Don't listen to a word they say.  They lie for a living, and are socio- and psychopaths that have absolutely no interest in your or your family.  Their main goal is to capture children and retain them for cash, bonuses and incentives at any cost.  OF COURSE they will tell you a much different story, that's what psychopathic liars do.

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