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  • Report:  #367382



  • Reported By:
    summerville South Carolina
  • Submitted:
    Wed, August 27, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 23, 2010
    summerville,charleston, South Carolina
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This is to WARN all who read Rip Off report of the scandoulous(sp) DEAD BEAT DAD that Chuck Robertson really is!!! Any Man who donates his sperm outside of a 'sperm bank' should take care of the result's of the donation weather they are married,in or out of a relationship,just a one night stand... what ever!!! if you can lay down,& have the enjoyment of donating ur sperm then you are willing till the day u die to raise the result's!!! this is monetarily and mentally raise the child that is soooooo innocent of the differences of the 2 adult's who created them.

As most of us who have filed a rip off report on an X who has done us wrong by 'kicking their children' to the curb when they split up,I have a story as well of hurt,pain,anger,and more anger,& JUST DON'T KNOW WHERE TO GO FOR RESULT'S !!! so here I am!on a rip off report page hoping to get HELP!

well it started when I got a PHONE CALL to TELL ME that the marriage "I" was soo faithful too for 17 years is bout to END IN DIVORCE!I WAS DEVASTATED!! SO WHAT! there where 2 lives at more stake than MY happiness.I just thought I was happy is the sad thing. The 2 kids where the age of 13 & 14 yrs.old.Just beginning to see life at this age and look UP or OVER their parent's.Well they where looking OVER us and I didn't even know it.

My daughter's reaction to the new's was "momma,I'm glad this is happening!He treat's you sooo bad and is always yelling at you and you just can't do ANYTHING right.IT"LL BE OK MOMMA!" well somehow kid's do know best at times(lol)!!! well to make a long 17 yr.marriage of abuse,mentally and physically story short.

I just want to* WARN *all women and parent's and Business Owner's and Employee's ,of these two adult's Charles Ray Robertson(chuck) & Mary Jo McCann (she's from Canada and doesn't even carry his last name) have an adopted daughter named sha sha(can't spell it) from China about 5yrs.old now.THEY ARE DEAD BEATS AND THIEVES!! She is for believing him that he owes US nothing,that he paid ALL of it(why move then?DAAHH!)they start companies together and end them the same!!after they get thousand's an thousand's of $$$ from their client's/families!!

well,he owes us approx.$60,000 and we will hunt him down till he admits it and pay's it!! I THANK GOD for putting their step dad(DAD) into our lives HE HAS & ALWAYS WILL BE THEIR FOR THEM NO MATTER WHAT!! Yes we struggle!!and HIS two children are like MY OWN!! Their mother DID"NT RAISE THEM WELL!! SOOO!! I DID!!

The point is **BEWARE** and if you know these people please tell me where they are and the state can prosecute them accordingly. this is NOT including the $$$THOUSANDS$$ his companies and chuck owe his SON!!!another long story!!I'll save it! some of the co.names are STEEL HOME'S,STEEL HOMES INTERNATIONAL,REESE CONSTRUCTION(ATLANTA),WHITE POINT HOMES(ANTEGUA),AND MORE just can't think of all them right now.

His parent's have tried to convince my son that I should withdraw from Support Kids trying to collect our $$$ child support their SON OWES and that MADE ME EVEN ANGRIER.They R tired of being called by support kids is it!!They will bail him out AGAIN as they always do!!! or they will keep calling them!!PLAIN AS THAT!! They wont help me find him or help support kids soo pay the consequences aiding and abetting a DEAD BEAT DAD!!father of their GRAND KID"S!! its better for them to do that than help their grandchildren!!! THAT'S WHAT I SEE!!! OK,I'll STOP HERE!!

OH YEAH he used to be in the US ARMY a SSGT when we sep. yes he was in the ARMY and worked headquarters in Giessen Germany,Charleston S.C.,Ok.,He just smussed his way to the top ALL HIS LIFE.CON MAN!! he was a private in germany,1982

Mad mom of 2
summerville, South Carolina

2 Updates & Rebuttals

"Pit-Bull" Tracie

Goose Creek,
South Carolina,
United States of America

Run Chuck, run

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 23, 2010

       I worked for Chuck Robertson @ Team Nova and was responsable for the Colibri Court project in Jolly Harbour, Antigua. I ordered, assembled, and shipped the materials from Charleston, SC, under the most primative of circumstances. I went to the island for just over 2 weeks to construct the condo, again, under quite primative conditions. When I found out that the Con was on, that Chuck had no intentions of fulfilling his promises to the customers, I got on board my scheduled flight home. Chuck wanted me to stay, working illegally, until completion. When I arrived back in Charleston I discovered that he had stopped payment on my last 2 paychecks. I had a local, county warrant signed to reimburse me and my family for the work that I had done, and he was forced to pay me. I know that I was extremely lucky to get paid, but was still out of a job. While I was working in Antigua, Chuck took his Canadian wife and Chinese daughter to Disney World! He paid none of his bills, at our office, the wharehouse, etc. When Chucks companies "Steelhomes.US, Steelhomes.Int, and others went down, there was a fall guy, his no. 2, I wasn't about to be a "fall-guy"!

       I know the town that his wife is from, in Canada, her nephew was part of my crew in Antigua and Charleston. Chuck made off with close to $750,000 of the investors money from Colibri Court. I cannot understand how he was allowed to operate in a state like Florida, when he has so many charges against him. I've read the other reports on this site and simpathise with everyone he has cheated. My wife would love to see him brought to justice, and we'll both give any assistance needed to do so!


South Carolina,

removing the name of Mary JO and sha sha

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, November 18, 2008

Yes I am the Mad MOM of 2.I just want to remove Mary Jo and Sha Sha from my report.I mentioned their names so if anyone knew them or where they where could be sure they where who I was talking about.Now He wants too sue me for letting everyone know what a CROOK he is.AHHHHHH!!!!! but this is to remove his wife and child from my report.This is between ME AND CHUCK!!!! and it's not over!! SEE U IN COURT CHUCK!!!! YOU WILL PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT AND "I WILL "WARN OTHERS OF YOU!!! SO DISREGUARD THE NAMES OF HIS FAMILY,BUT REMEMBER CHUCK ROBERTSON,CHARLES ROBERTSON and his buisnesses and new one for he will RIPP YOU OFF!! When he pay's me I Will remove this report and tell everyone he has paid!!!

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