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  • Report:  #780632

Complaint Review: Death Row Dog Rescue

Death Row Dog Rescue Diana Peters Soliciting donations for dogs in need for which are not within her possession Oakland Park, Florida

  • Reported By:
    Darcy — Davie Florida United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, September 24, 2011
  • Updated:
    Sun, March 03, 2013
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Do you Guys eat Animals?? Watch this video and ask Why?? *Author of original report: Death Row Dog Rescue is a Scam *Consumer Comment: Advice to both parties *Consumer Comment: Death of Death Row Dog Rescue Inc. *Author of original report: No paperwork filed with the State of Florida *Consumer Comment: Inactive Corporation *Author of original report: Inactive Status= Illegal solicitation for donations. *Consumer Comment: Check out this site *Consumer Comment: I don't understand any of this. *Author of original report: Great web site *UPDATE EX-employee responds: MUST READ THIS AND REALLY KNOW WHAT HAPPENED IN DAVIE RESCUE!! *Consumer Comment: Diana Peters Files Rebuttal Using False Name *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Convicted Felon caught stealing from a registered Rescue for the Dogs-The truth is Here!! *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Darcy Butkus--You were only on the Property 1 time for you are afraid of the Big Dogs-Most were the Big Dogs at the Rescue- *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Diana's lies in posts 13 and 14 are absurd *Author of original report: You be the Judge! *REBUTTAL Owner of company: WHERE ARE THE DOCUMENTS BY THE AUTHORITIES TO THESE LIES YOU POST?? *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Diana Refuses To Accept The Truth *Consumer Comment: This person was never even at the Rescue in Davie--I was there every day- *REBUTTAL Owner of company: DIANA WHERE IS YOUR PROOF?? *Consumer Comment: STOP LYING DIANA PETERS *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Diana is the real author of number 19 *Consumer Comment: Diana Peters SHOW PROOF OF ANY OF THIS *Consumer Comment: Diana Peters SHOW PROOF OF ANY OF THIS *Author of original report: Death Row Dog Rescue-Diana Peters is a FAKE/FRAUD/LIAR & SCAM ARTIST!

I also am an ex-volunteer that met Diana Peters later part of October 2010.  I wanted to help somehow, but felt a little uncomfortable going on to the property with so many loose dogs running around. Primarily big dogs of which I was not accostomed to.  My personal preference is small lap dogs.  Growing up with a Mother that was very paranoid of dogs,  she never allowed us to have a dog, just 2 cats during my 18 years of living at home. So, when I pulled up to the outside of a chain link fence the so called rescuer, Diana came to the gate and we chatted. 

Myself and my 16 year old daughter were on the outside and she was on the inside of the fence.  Did not know me from Adam.  I explained  to Diana  when I called that I met a young woman volunteering at the local pet  store. The young volunteer  was  selling puppies for this so called "rescue", Death Row Dog Rescue" and I had an interest in helping some how. Upon arrival at the "ranch" she greeted my daughter and I in between the chain link fence. many dogs were running around. I had no idea how a resue is run,  so I had nothing to compare to.

I wanted to help in some way, but then again at this time did not feel comfortable going on to the property with so many loose dogs, big dogs at that.  Diana's response to me was,  well can you take this little cocker spaniel? She (named Daisy) is afraid of the big dogs and hides in the corners. I said sure. At this time she goes and grabs Daisy and hands her over the chain link fence to me. Daisy had just arrived from MDAS was totally matted and tick and flea infested. Diana stated she worked hours on getting the mats out but still needed alot of work. At this moment, as she handed me Daisy, I said to her, "don't you want my driver's license?" She said, "Nahhh,  I trust you".

I thought to myself,  how odd- hand over a dog to a perfect stranger? Did she think she could trust me becasue I drove a Lexus SUV? Please don't take this the wrong way, but did she figure because I drove a nice vehicle, I could be trusted? I walked back to my car, looked at my daughter with utter confusion.  I asked myself---is this how rescues work? Upon taking sweet Daisy home I felt she needed a good cleaning up and took her to my groomer. Boy did she like like a million bucks after that.  Thanks to another beautiful volunteer that I worked closely with, she got Daisy adopted to a close friend of hers. That volunteer also is now an ex-volunteer.  

So  here is where the story begins---  sit back grab yourself a cup of coffee or a glass of wine depending on what time of day it is.

I liked Diana Peters when I met her. I felt she was passionate for the dogs in her care. I took it upon myself  to reach out to other dog lovers and see who also could volunteer. By volunteering, it could mean any of the following***going to the ranch and mopping the floors** cleaning up dog poop,***posting on fb,***posting on craigs list***setting up adoption events *** going to local businesses to have fund raisers***work on the web site. Just to name a few tasks that needed to be accopmlished to run a successful, "rescue". 

Reaching out to the dog lover community, I was able to recruit wonderful, career minded professional that were all willing to donate their time and share their knowledge in making this dog rescue a success for the benefit of the dogs.  Our mission (the volunteers) was to save as many dogs as possible with guidelines in place. We set up a criteria, which was agreed upon by all present at the meeting. WE still have notes from that day.  Meetings were set, agengas were in place. Powerpoint presentations were given. The few times we did meet , it was  at a local Dunkin Donuts (84 and PIne Island) on a Sunday late morning. The volunteers would give 2+ hours of their own time.

We discussed adoption events. Valerie (also an ex-volunteer) had experience with dog adoptions in Arizoniza. She agreed to have her own set of volunteers work at the local Pet Supermarket-- 595 and University DR. every Saturday. I arranged for volunteers to go to the "ranch " early Saturdays to get the selected dogs/puppies (age permitted) bathed and making their debut for the adoption event. Valerie had a wonderful couple-Theresa and Peter help with the adoption events. Theresa was a guru when it came to web design. She spent numerous hours making the web page look "out of this world".

Valerie's boyfriend (Matt) was a finance genius. Diana would say,  wow you all are so amazing. Thank you so much!  We all wanted to help the dogs,  and we all felt she wanted to as well. As the weeks progressed, the wonderful volunteers that would step foot on the property of the rescue were starting to see things they din't like (See  report----annonymous from Coral Springs) Puppies were being put in a so called  office. All that was --was a free standing shed on the property, whic hwas disgusting and filthy.  When I met this volunteer,  beautiful, kind and  caring human being, she was on the deck of the shed, using a make shift hose and trying to hose off all the caked on poop.

There were piles of dirty laundry stuffed in the corner covered in feces. The puppies were in the "office" lying on dirty, poopie  towels. We looked at each other and just got to work. At this point I am into this volunteering about 8 weeks or so. I started going to the ranch when dogs started getting adopted out.  Less inventory meant less big dogs, which made me feel more comfortable going on the property. A few of us were concerned about these 3 little terrier pups that were transported  from MDAS. They were having difficulty breathing. We encouraged Diana to take them to a vet.  Her response, 'What are they going to do that I can't do. 

I will sit around the clock and nebulize them." The next day,  she would tell one volunteer that they were doing better , then she would call another volunteer  hysterical crying that they needed to be seen by a vet.  We saw this one to many times. Ask Diana to provide the paperwork on Sweet little shy Bambi. Sweet little and very timid I may add Bambi was starting to come out of her shell, thanks to the wonderful volunteer that was able to get a $4000 donation (again see note from annonymous-Coral Springs)  This volunteer worked with Bambi and feel in love with this innocent little girl. 2 days after this volunteer was playing with her, she went and got spayed.

Of course with a female the surgery is more invasive than a male. Minimun of 2-3 days post op rest is a requirement.  This dog, (volunteers witnessed) running around with no quiet time.  That night, Bambi took a turn for the worse. No call was made to any of the volunteers to take and rush Bambi to a emergency vet hospital. When the volunteer asked what happened---Diana's response was she died of parvo. Prove it--said the volunteer, show me the paperwork from the vet!!!  She never could provide any documents. She never took that poor dog to a vet, why would she do that??? It would cost money!!!!! 

From that day forward, that wonderful, caring voluneer, who gave $4000 check donation walked away.  She could not stand to see other dogs/puppies suffer within the hnads of  this EVIL, scam artist.  That is what she is.  Go to facebook page Friends of Chipley Animals---  scroll down to a white dog laying on the floor named Widget---  See the comments made regarding Death Row Dog Rescue. This rescue organization posted a beautiful momma and her pups. Plly and her pups.  This scam artist, Diana Peters  took the pictureof the dogs from their site and put it on hers, claiming that she needed donations for gas money, etc to make the journey from Chipley to South florida.

Low and behold--the manager of Chipley rescue saw her posts and called her on it---by phone and by way of commenting on Death Row Dog Rescue's page. Just as Diana did to all the ex-volunteers that wrote comments on her page, ironically Chipley's post also disapperaed. The evil Diana deleted and blocked those individuals from stating the TRUTH!!!  Fast forward to the present.  We have gathered so much evidence agianst this woman. State agencies are becoming knowledgable of her actions and her tactics.  ( local authorities --The town of Davie, the City of  Miami, and now Oakland Park, Florida all have a nice "rap sheet" on her. 

The past 2 weeks of occurences will be posted on our site "Death Row Dog Rescue is a SCAM"  please go to our page and "like" it. Before you do that go get yourself a refill on your beverage. There are plenty of testimonials to be read!!!  One last note::::  The letter written by Lissette (rebuttal by Diana Peters)   I know Lissette personally. I called Lissette this evening. Do you know when she wrote that letter? The letter mentions when Diana was in the Redlands, which is in South Miami, that was at least 2.5 to 3 years ago!  

Stop digging up the past, let's focus on the here and now. Show us evidence. Post all the records you say you have on all the dogs you saved. Show us what you did with the $4000 donation. Where are the receipts?Show us --most importantly, show us the   VET BILLS for the care and well being of dogs within your care.  WE want to know!  Inquiring minds deserve to know the truth! The dogs are not dying becasue of us.  They are dying because of you and your neglect.  Waiting for your rebuttal, my dear! 

25 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Death Row Dog Rescue-Diana Peters is a FAKE/FRAUD/LIAR & SCAM ARTIST!

#26Author of original report

Sun, March 03, 2013

For anyone reading this testimony, I urge you to do your own homework.1st question to the readers...have you ever stepped foot on any of the places that Diana rented?

Starting in Davie where she got evicted, then to Oakland Park, where she bailed out on her lease, now renting a teenie, tiny duplex in Hollywood. I have been to the property in Davie, over a dozen times. Diana has memory problms due to her drinking, but that is quite alright. I will remind her on this page.

Gee, let's recall the day the new volunteer, Jennifer showed up from Miami, she and I cleaned the kitchen up and did the laundry. Hmmm, what about the time I came over and handed you a *** pack that I bought for you in Vegas, 2 years ago?? Geee, here is another time, the day I met Brandi as she was washing down the deck around the little shed, which you used as an office. How about the time that I transported sweet little Hope and her babies with Netta Nicoise?

Is it coming back to you now, liar Diana??? What about the few times I sat in the little shed on the computer posting on facebook? How about the time I brought over a day by day calendar so I could mark the days when a volunteer would come to help. By the way, Jennifer never showed up again and never ansered my call.

She caught on immediately that you were a space cadet. During the times I would post on fb, there were often times people would write horrible things about DRDR and Diana. I questioned her about some of the comments and her response was to just delete them, they are just crazy! Since this was my very first rodeo (you know what I mean) I took her word for it since I had just begun volunteering.

Well, little by llittle a group of us started seeing the true DP for what she really was,. Ask Aziza, Valerie, Ellis, Brandie, Teresa, Peter, Matt, Netta, Yaelyn, Sherri, Joe!. Where are they now? All gone|.

This woman, Diana Peters is a liar!. Diana Peters lives off of the donations intended for the dogs care and well being'. Do you ever see her post a link to a vet's office to donate directly to? NO, you do not!

Please do your own homework, dog lovers and donate to a local rescue, not one clear across the Nation.. Do not let the 30K likes fool you!.

Don't let the motivational posts convince you she is authentic..She is fake like a 3 dollar bill.

new york guy



#26Consumer Comment

Mon, February 18, 2013

diana peters you continue to go on and on about convicted felons and ex volunteers stole from you. if they stole from you show the proof!!! you never ever show any proof all you do is cry wolf!!! many people have shown proof about you and your scam but you have never showed anything to deny it only copy and paste which really some of it makes no sense. ive seen the court records and it states judgement found for defendants which means you lost they won. so why is it that you continue to spout that??? do you feel that if you say it alot it might come true? or is it the fact that you are so hateful that those people beat you in a court of law that in your mind you honestly think you won?? GET OVER YOURSELF YOU LOST AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A LOSER FOR THAT MATTER!!!

new york guy



#26Consumer Comment

Mon, February 18, 2013

diana peters you continue to go on and on about convicted felons and ex volunteers stole from you. if they stole from you show the proof!!! you never ever show any proof all you do is cry wolf!!! many people have shown proof about you and your scam but you have never showed anything to deny it only copy and paste which really some of it makes no sense. ive seen the court records and it states judgement found for defendants which means you lost they won. so why is it that you continue to spout that??? do you feel that if you say it alot it might come true? or is it the fact that you are so hateful that those people beat you in a court of law that in your mind you honestly think you won?? GET OVER YOURSELF YOU LOST AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A LOSER FOR THAT MATTER!!!

Sabrina Lane

United States of America

Diana is the real author of number 19

#26REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, February 18, 2013

Although the title says it is written by a former volunteer, if you check to see who the author if you will see the name death row dog rescue.  Diana Peters is the sole person involved with that alleged rescue.  Diana couldn't even find a person to post comments on her behalf so she signed in as herself and created a post by "Karen."  Can you really believe anything a person says when they lie about the author's name and nobody but Diana is posting on her bahalf.  To read the truth about Diana Peters and Death Row Dog Rescue please see my post in number 18. 

new york guy



#26Consumer Comment

Sun, February 17, 2013


new york guy



#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 17, 2013


Death Row Dog Rescue-Diana

United States of America

This person was never even at the Rescue in Davie--I was there every day-

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, February 16, 2013

To Whom It May Concern:
I have been following this horrible slandering and lies about the Death Row Dog Rescue and Diana Peters for the past year now and I am so disgusted. I am the realtor Karen Meyers who lived around the corner from Ms. Peters while she was renting there for a year and a half. My client was Mr. McDonald, the owner of the property. He was so delighted with a rescue of dogs using his acre of property for their care. Almost immediately, the city came down on her. All the way from barking dogs, even though she kept most of them inside of her house with her after 6:00 p.m. in the evening, to not having a business license. She had a separate building with air conditioning for her office and if there was a mother and babies, she would keep them in there. Right after she moved in, I went to pay her a visit to welcome her. It was astounding! She had maybe 40 to 45 dogs and puppies all jumping, running and ever so happy. There were a few sick ones that she had in separate areas inside of the house.
We sat together and she began my shocking and horrible education of the dilemma these dogs and puppies had been thru and so many others were going thru at the local pounds especially in Miami Florida. I was so stunned for I, as most did, not realize, that they kill so many very adoptable dogs and puppies along with hundreds daily of cats and kittens. I guess I had just never thought about it before until I met Ms. Peters. It was all most an acre of fenced in land and a sort of run down small 3 bedroom house. She had volunteers come from Miami (Firefighters) that knew of her mission from Homestead. She even had a wonderful man that drove all of the way down from Michigan to help put up the fencing and kennels there on the property so she had separate areas for different dogs. Just amazing! She would occasionally have a volunteer come to help but I could see she was struggling with all of the care so many dogs and puppies required.

I began immediately to come by every single day, even Sundays after church. So many times, when I would arrive around 8:00 a.m. after my children were off to school, I could tell she had not slept for another night with the caring of the new ones that came in with this Kennel Cough. I had never heard of this Kennel Cough until I met Diana. The condition these sweet dogs and puppies would arrive to the rescue in was just sickening. It did not matter to Diana; she would start the immediate chore on each one whether it was special creams for the severe mange or salves for the wounds. She even would show no fear whatsoever with the fearful aggressive ones would arrive. 
I saw with my own eyes many times, she would communicate with them and they would go from a defenceful frame to a trusting calmness with her. She would just not ever give up on any of them. There were 2 occasions that a puppy came in 90% dead. I was almost sick with the sight of this 4 month old boy called Oreo. She took him into isolation in the office and she stayed up with him thru the night for 3 consecutive nights. She then asked me if I could take Oreo to Dr. Darko. She could never leave the ranch for the dogs were kept in line but only when she was present. I took Oreo to the Vet and he pretty much told me that it was distemper. The little guy had zero immune system from severe abuse in his short life. Dr. Darko told Diana this news but she would not give up. I helped her for 2 straight weeks with unbelievable care round the clock.
We cried together when little Oreo passed and I know she took it very deeply. I just kept telling her that he had at least died surrounded in love rather than on a cold slab of cement. She continued to have dozens and dozens of calls every single day from rescue groups, individuals pleading with her to take a particular dog from Miami that was going to die within a couple of hours. I would try to help her by answering many of her calls for her and I will tell you one thing, it is so difficult to have this decision of life or death to be put on your shoulders. Many times she would tell them she just could not help but then the next day I would see someone drive up with the 70 pound year old shepherd mix from Miami Dade pound. I would look at her and I could see the determination in her eyes. Her famous saying to me and to her daughter Sonia was Just one more! I was there every single day because the love and joy that was ever present was addictive to me and I so admired this women for the dedication to the animals. 
No matter how tired she was or stressed from having no money, she would always be giving so much love from inside her to each and every one of the rescues. These dogs and puppies had become as if they were her children. After my helping her every single day for over 10 months, along came a woman by the name of Darcy Butkus and a group of her social friends. Diana was jumping with joy and a new hope for some additional help. She told me Finally Karen, we will have the right committed group to make this rescue be able to save twice as many! This new group was going to take over the preparation and responsibility of getting the entire dogs ready before the Pet Supermarket Adoption events every Saturday.

They had committed to get funds in so Diana was not under the stress every day to keep the place going. I know she had even sold most all of her valuables to just keep the place going. She never had much food in her refrigerator for her to eat. Practically everything in her cupboards and refrigerator was for the dogs. Many times, I would go to the store and buy her vegetables and salads for she was a Vegetarian so it was pretty simple what she did eat. Almost from the very beginning, I could see that this New Group was going to be a problem. Darcy Butkus and her buddies wanted to run the whole show but she had never stepped foot onto the property but once to do the really difficult work. Her group that had committed to take over certain major tasks only did it when they felt like it. I soon saw that they started to dictate orders to her but they had no idea whatsoever what it took to get these dogs and puppies healthy and socialized. I believe they looked at this rescue as a bit of a hobby instead of the serious business of life for the dogs as Diana did. This Sherri Manfredi (married to convicted Felon Joe) were never at the location in Davie nor at the new location in Hollywood Florida--She just has too much time and no life so she continues to spend her days and nights destroying the attempts to save these poor animals--All I can say is Shame on you Darcy Butkus and Sherri Manfredi!!!
Karen Myers-Realtor

Sabrina Lane

United States of America

Diana Refuses To Accept The Truth

#26REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 15, 2013

Diana refused to address any of my comments and just says people are lying.  Contrary to her assertions, photos and court records don't lie.  For example, regarding Diana's assertion that Darcy and Joe don't save dogs, Diana knows that they have saved dogs because people have shown Diana the photos of them with dogs they helped rescued from the local pounds in southern Florida.  Diana admits in the post above that she is not registered to pull dogs and she has had people pull dogs for her.  What she failed to mention is that in the past three months she has attempted on two occassions to personally pull dogs from a shelter in Broward County and to pull a a dog from a shelter in central florida.  In all three instances, once the shelters received information about Diana, they reviewed that information and decided not to give Diana the dogs.  In fact, the shelter in Fort Lauderdale knew Diana was friendly with a person who wanted a dog and required that adopter to sign a binding contract promising that Diana would never get the dog.  I believe the dog was either angel or pop.  The Miami government sent out a mass email stating that it was in the best interest of dogs to warn rescue groups that diana was not approved to get dogs.  if she was just a good person why would the government say it was in the dogs' best interest that diana not get any dogs from rescues?   Thus, she is banned from being able to pull dogs but lies on her page and says that she needs money to pull the dogs.  After people donate money to her they expect her to save the dogs but she never pulls them (because she is banned).  So that the dogs don't die as a result of Diana's lies, Darcy, Sherry, Joe and other people work hard to make sure the dogs are pulled from the shelters and find good homes.  There are photos on numerous web pages commending Darcy, Sherri and Joe for their hard work.  There are also photos of Sherry at the pound and Darcy with dogs she has helped to save.  Diana doesn't want people to know those photos exist because Diana wants all of the glory for herself. 
Turning to Diana's next lie, that no documents exist supporting Darcy's statements about Diana, Diana is aware of the court orders entered against her.  Most recently, a judge entered a final judgment in favor of Sherri and Joe and 100 percent against Diana.  Diana was jealous that those people were saving dogs so she tried to discredit them by claiming that months earlier those people stole from her "rescue."  She wasted the tax payers money by filing a police report and when the people she claimed were witnesses were questioned by the police not one of them backed up Diana's story.  After the police finished their investigation they decided that there was no evidence of the theft and decided not to go any further. Diana, who was once again bitter, ignored the fact that the police found no evidence of a theft and she decided to file a civil lawsuit in small claims court against the people she claimed stole from her.  In Florida all small claims cases have a trial and when it came time for Diana to put on her case she had no witnesses and no documents.  Thus, she had no evidence of the theft.
In contrast, Sherri and Joe had multiple witnesses, including a police officer that testified against Diana Peters.  Sherri and Joe also had documents.  In the end, the judge found that Sherri and Joe did not steal from Diana Peters and that none of Diana Peters' allegations against those two people were true.  The judge entered a final judgment against Diana Peters but she refuses to acknowledge what the police and judge said and continues to say they stole from her.  Once again, she is bitter they can pull dogs while she is banned and she is bitter they exposed that dogs died in her care so she is making up stories of thefts to try to discredit them. 
Moving on to Diana's contention that no certified documents exist, multiple sources have provided her with the court orders that were entered against her in Fort Lauderdale and Miami, where she was fined based on her treatment of dogs and because she was illegally operating an antique business.  Diana has also been provided with the letters written by government employees stating she is banned.  It is my understanding Diana has also seen the minutes of meetings held by the town of Davie, Florida regarding her hundreds of thousands of dollars of unpaid fines that were entered against her because of  her actions involving dogs.  Diana Peters has also been presented with her own Facebook posts where she admits using money kind citizens donated on her own personal expenses.  The people thought the money was going to be spent on dogs but Diana admitted to spending it on her own expenses.  When people contacted paypal to get the money back so they could donate it to a real rescue she refused.  People have asked her for prooof that she spends every dime that is donated on dogs.  However, she is currently violating Florida law by refusing to show every single receipt, invoice and cancelled check that she has received and issued.  Florida law requires her to do that but she insteads simply says she spent a certain amount and was given another amount. Oh, if you look at the author for number 13 you will see that Diana is the person who wrote that post even though she talks about herself in the third person.  So many people have come on this page to complain about Diana's immoral actions that are harming the lifeline Sherri, Joe and Darcy serve for the dogs but not one single person is coming on this page to support Diana.

Finally, Diana makes it seem like she has a rescue in Oakland, Davie and Hollywood.  The truth is that she was run out of Davie by the government.  She then moved to oakland.  Once people found out about her scam the donations dried up so she moved to be with her daughter in texas.  Now she is renting space in a 900 square foot multiple family home that she lives in.

Death Row Dog Rescue-Diana

United States of America


#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 15, 2013


These hateful People who keep hurting the animals by the lies they Post everywhere!!!--Well, do we all know how sick and evil some people are in this world?? The truth is this:
1. This Death Row Dog Rescue (Diana Peters) has saved from a death sentence at the pounds over 2000 dogs and puppies and they are all now living a wonderful life--

2. The truth is this Death Row Dog Rescue is registered legally with the Dept of Agriculture and the IRS -all requirements to receive donations to help these animals-All Public Records

3- The truth is that Diana Peters has sold off most of her personal belongs over the past years to keep this rescue going-She has cared for these abused animals 24/7 for over 4 years and she has sacrificed everything in her normal life to only keep saving more of these dogs-

4. She receives dozens of pleas daily for her help to get dogs and puppies out of the pound where they are scheduled to die that very day-Diana trys to take in as many as she can so they do not die at the pounds

5. The truth is that she also tries to help so many other rescue groups by posting their Urgent dogs and puppies and is also willing to take them into her location to rehabilitate and heal and then to get a new loving home for them

6. The truth is that Diana is NOT Banned from the local pounds-She may not be registered there to pull but there has never been a need to be for she received dozens of urgent calls every single day to help so many of these dogs and puppies.

7. The truth is all of the rescues that come from our local pounds have all of their vaccines and these are the dogs and puppies that Diana rescued-

8. The truth is Darcy Ode Butkus was only at the Rescue in Davie 1 time for she is petrified of large dogs and NEVER EVER BEEN TO OAKLAND PARK RESCUE OR HERE TO HOLLYWOOD RESCUE-the big dogs are the ones that Diana would generally rescue from death row for they kill them first.

9. The truth is SherriLynn Manfredi and her husband Joe Manfredi (Convicted Felon) were caught stealing from the rescue (Police Reports available) and they were involved in a Workmans Comp Scam that Diana did NOT go along with. They have never ever been to the Davie Rescue or down south in Miami or here to the Hollywood Rescue.  They volunteered for only a few months in Oakland Park.

10. The truth is that these people for over a year and a half have spread lies and pure slander against Diana Peters and Death Row Dog Rescue and causing hundreds of dogs and puppies to be killed (documents available with the lists of the animals that Diana was trying to save but was sabotaged by these people)

The truth is this question: How many dogs or puppies have these 3 people actually gone to the pounds and gotten out alive?? The truth is they would rather destroy and do harm to the animals then to step up and help to save any. The animals pay the ultimate price for their hate and cruel actions. And this is the Truth! LET ME ASK ANYONE THIS- "If even 1 of these postings from them were true The Rescue would have been SHUT DOWN" I am here in Hollywood and I am still rescuing and saving many many dogs and puppies." Go do something good for the animals-Diana


United States of America

You be the Judge!

#26Author of original report

Thu, February 14, 2013

Good afternoon,

   For those reading the allegations that Diana Peters, Death row dog rescue has written about me, I ask you this.  By looking at the picture here of Diana Peters, would you believe what comes out of her mouth??

Sabrina Lane

United States of America

Diana's lies in posts 13 and 14 are absurd

#26REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 13, 2013

Although Diana wants people to believe in response number 14 that only Darcy Butkus is writing about Diana, that is not a correct statement and Diana knows there are multiple people who are sick of her scams.  There are the government employees who wrote letters about Diana.  There are the judges who wrote orders against Diana.  There are the people who wrote paypal about how Diana said she was feeding a dog in southern florida but the photo she posted was on a dog in another country.  When people found out the lie they contacted paypal to get there money back because diana refused to refund it.  There are also the people who work at shelters in other parts of Florida that have written about Diana.  Diana claims that everyone who writes about her is a fake name of Darcy because she doesn't want to accept that so many people are aware of her scams. 

Regarding Diana's assertion that Darcy and Joe don't save dogs, Diana knows that they have saved dogs because people have shown Diana the photos of them with dogs they helped rescued from the local pounds in southern Florida.  Diana is banned from being able to pull dogs but lies on her page and says that she needs money to pull the dogs.  After people donate money to her they expect her to save the dogs but she never pulls them (because she is banned).  So that the dogs don't die as a result of Diana's lies, Darcy, Sherry, Joe and other people work hard to make sure the dogs are pulled from the shelters and find good homes.  There are photos on numerous web pages commending Darcy, Sherri and Joe for their hard work.  There are also photos of Sherry at the pound and Darcy with dogs she has helped to save.  Diana doesn't want people to know those photos exist because Diana wants all of the glory for herself. 

Turning to Diana's next lie, that no documents exist supporting Darcy's statements about Diana, Diana is aware of the court orders entered against her.  Most recently, a judge entered a final judgment in favor of Sherri and Joe and 100 percent against Diana.  Diana was jealous that those people were saving dogs so she tried to discredit them by claiming that months earlier those people stole from her "rescue."  She wasted the tax payers money by filing a police report and when the people she claimed were witnesses were questioned by the police not one of them backed up Diana's story.  After the police finished their investigation they decided that there was no evidence of the theft and decided not to go any further. Diana, who was once again bitter, ignored the fact that the police found no evidence of a theft and she decided to file a civil lawsuit in small claims court against the people she claimed stole from her.  In Florida all small claims cases have a trial and when it came time for Diana to put on her case she had no witnesses and no documents.  Thus, she had no evidence of the theft. 

In contrast, Sherri and Joe had multiple witnesses, including a police officer that testified against Diana Peters.  Sherri and Joe also had documents.  In the end, the judge found that Sherri and Joe did not steal from Diana Peters and that none of Diana Peters' allegations against those two people were true.  The judge entered a final judgment against Diana Peters but she refuses to acknowledge what the police and judge said and continues to say they stole from her.  Once again, she is bitter they can pull dogs while she is banned and she is bitter they exposed that dogs died in her care so she is making up stories of thefts to try to discredit them. 

Moving on to Diana's contention that no certified documents exist, multiple sources have provided her with the court orders that were entered against her in Fort Lauderdale and Miami, where she was fined based on her treatment of dogs and because she was illegally operating an antique business.  Diana has also been provided with the letters written by government employees stating she is banned.  It is my understanding Diana has also seen the minutes of meetings held by the town of Davie, Florida regarding her hundreds of thousands of dollars of unpaid fines that were entered against her because of  her actions involving dogs.  Diana Peters has also been presented with her own Facebook posts where she admits using money kind citizens donated on her own personal expenses.  The people thought the money was going to be spent on dogs but Diana admitted to spending it on her own expenses.  When people contacted paypal to get the money back so they could donate it to a real rescue she refused.  People have asked her for prooof that she spends every dime that is donated on dogs.  However, she is currently violating Florida law by refusing to show every single receipt, invoice and cancelled check that she has received and issued.  Florida law requires her to do that but she insteads simply says she spent a certain amount and was given another amount. Oh, if you look at the author for number 13 you will see that Diana is the person who wrote that post even though she talks about herself in the third person.  So many people have come on this page to complain about Diana's immoral actions that are harming the lifeline Sherri, Joe and Darcy serve for the dogs but not one single person is coming on this page to support Diana.

Death Row Dog Rescue-Diana

United States of America

Darcy Butkus--You were only on the Property 1 time for you are afraid of the Big Dogs-Most were the Big Dogs at the Rescue-

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 12, 2013

Here is the truth about the rich woman by the name of Darcy Butkus-the one that keeps posting all of this horrible crap that only HELPS TO HAVE MORE OF THE DOGS AND PUPPIES DIE!!!! Darcy Butkus was only on the property of the rescue in the 3 months that she quote "Volunteered" for 1 time only--She is petrified of big dogs and those were the ones that I generally saved for they were the ones to die first at the pounds! Everyone just ask Darcy Butkus or her convicted Felon Joe Manfredi "How many dogs or puppies have they saved???" I am here to help the animals--I have saved and gotten new loving families for over 2000 of them! Ask these 2 viscous lying people-"SHOW THE GENUINE DOCUMENTS TO ALL OF THESE LIES -NOT THE EVIL AND SO DESTRUCTIVE LIES THAT THEY MAKE UP!!" DARCY KNOWS EVERY TIME SHE POSTS THESE LIES AND PURE SLANDER --MORE DOGS DIE!!! SHE DOES NOT CARE-Darcy Butkus please show us the dogs or puppies that YOU! went to the death row section here in Miami or Broward and got them OUT and did the healing and rehabilitation that it takes to save them!!! THIS IS SO HORRIBLY CRUEL OF YOU TO THE ANIMALS-SO MANY DIE ANYWAY FOR THERE IS JUST NOT ENOUGH HELP TO SAVE THEM AND THEN SHE COMES IN TO PREVENT EVEN THE FEW THAT I CAN HELP--TELL ME WHO IS THE EVIL ONE HERE!! Diana Peters

Death Row Dog Rescue-Diana

United States of America

Convicted Felon caught stealing from a registered Rescue for the Dogs-The truth is Here!!

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 12, 2013

Sherri Manfredi
wrongly accusing Diana Peters/death row dog rescue of being a scam and other slanderous lies--
1st of Nov, 2011 by TELLTHETRUTH--

This disgruntled volunteer has wrongly been accusing Diana Peters and Death Row Dog Rescue of being a "scam". Sherri and Joe Manfredi are experts at "scams".... They were two deviants living with their poor nine year old daughter in a tiny hotel room when Diana met them and scamming people out of money, borrowing money from Diana and never paying her back. Diana bought their daughter food clothes toys and so much more. Their sweet daughter stayed with Diana almost every night for over 2 months. Sherri is a morbidly obese 380 pound woman and feeds her child the most horrible food ensuring that she will follow the same miserable life as her mother. Joe was released from prison for many felonies and robbery and they are waiting for some "scam" workmans comp check to come in so they can move to Texas and start a new life there.
... Then they met this lady Diana while she was staying at this hotel. They used their daughter to borrow money, take clothes, food, you name it! When they wanted to move in with her in her new home in Oakland Park, Diana said no and that is when this reign of terror began. They went into such an insane hatred and told Diana that they were going to make her pay. They all have new I pads and I-phones and a new expensive computer yet they live off welfare.
They stole Dianas telephone book, hacked her computer and starting calling everyone from her personal sponsors and volunteer lists telling them lies. When you rescue dogs from Animal Services, many of them have Parvo, if fact there is an epidemic right now and few survive this. There were some puppies that were received and had obviously signs of Distemper, they had been to the vet and the vet wanted to euthanize them right there on the spot. Diana decided to give them a fighting chance and take them home and administer the medicine in a quiet familiar place rather than a sterile vet hospital. Unfortunately they died and somehow Diana is to blame? Diana cried for days over this and Sherri has turned it around to make it her fault. What fantasy land is she living in? Puppies that have no immunity, are given all their shots in one day, have kennel cough and then are many time spayed and neutered in the same day are at very high risk for death. Diana is the ONLY one to take these high risk dogs and now this woman because of SPITE wants to end a four year crusade.
Please visit and you will see the truth about what Diana Peters does to help so many abused dogs and puppies--These lies and pure slander only contribute to more dogs and puppies dieing at the pounds-Stop this cruelty from these people--Tell them to go Save a Dog Today!!!

Sabrina Lane

United States of America

Diana Peters Files Rebuttal Using False Name

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, February 12, 2012

To everyone that believes a person named Faith filed a rebuttal on Diana's behalf, please notice who the author is of that post right above mine.  Yes ladies and gents, it does say Diana Peters is the author.  Another incorrect statement by Diana Peters is her assertion that she could operate as a non-profit because another company was using the dba of Death Row Dog Rescue.  Ms. Peters has been told many many times that simply because one company used the dba of Death Row Dog Rescue, that did not have any impact on Diana's Peters company.  If you do not believe me, contact Florida's Department of Agriculture.  Ms. Peters was also provided via the internet with published cases from Florida courts stating that simply because another company had the same name, that did not have any impact on her company.  That is why Diana Peters had to file her own paperwork with the State of Florida and why when she failed to file that paperwork, Florida's Department of Corporations dissolved her company.  The other company filed its paperwork but the Department of Corporations did not believe those papers applied to Diana's company so she was dissolved until she filed her own documents.  To make this more easy to understand, if you walk around calling your hot dog company McDonalds, that does not mean that your company is McDonalds.  It just means you have the same name.  Thus, if you get sued, McDonalds has not liability and is not responsible.  Diana Peters currently lives in a small house on a busy street where she can only legally have three dogs.  She has stated on the radio that those dogs are her pets and she does not run a rescue.  Yet, she continues to solicit funds.  Broward County Animal Care and Control has written in correspondence that neither Diana Peters nor anyone working on her behalf can adopt dogs from the county.  Yet, Diana Peters still continues to solicit funds by stating she needs the money to pull dogs from the pound.  She wants to make it seem like ex-volunteers are making up stories about her but the facts speak for themselves.  If you look on this website you will even see that Diana Peters admits she solicited funds by contending the money would be used to help dogs but she instead spent the money on her own living expenses.    She even wrote in correspondence to Florida's Department of Agriculture that her house's rent was actually an expense of running her rescue.  However, Diana failed to tell them that the rent was for her house and instead made it seem like the rent was for a different facility where she runs a rescue.  Thus, the ex-volunteers were telling the truth when they said Diana Peters intentionally misuses donated funds.

Diana Peters

Ft. Lauderdale,
United States of America


#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 29, 2011


I am speaking of Davie where she had at least 50 to 60 dogs and puppies all most all of the time.  She was there for all most a year and a half-I was never at her new location-I
am speaking about the acre of land in Davie.  Karen who is a top notch realtor and a loving Christian woman, is my friend who was there every single day-she fell in love with the rescue and the dogs.

From some of your Fake insinuations about me-boy hard not to feel a tremendous amount of hatred going on here.  I only asked really 2 questions-Does anyone have any proof or is all of this just opinions from some unhappy volunteers? I have never met this Joe, I took the all most new custom made wheel chair to her when she was trying to load all of her stuff in those big containers and she was looking to re-locate somewhere else. I know the town of Davie very very well and I will tell you one thing "If they want you out,

You are out!" You will never win with Danny Stallone!! In that office area where she did keep some of the sick ones, there was air conditioning.  The one that was there when she
moved in went out and she went and purchased a new one.  I know this for a fact because she asked Karen and me to come help her put the new one up in the opening of her office (shed). It was always ice cold in there for this is where Karen spent days and days working on paperwork for Ms. Peters. I saw sick dogs and puppies and I also saw many times all of the paperwork from the place in Miami.  Everyone of the guys rescued from there had Vet certificates and shots and all of the other things.  I know there was a horrible epidemic
 of Distemper and Parvow coming from these shelters.  I have 3 dogs of my own all rescued from Broward and I will tell you all one thing-I was always amazed how she could possibly handle 50 to 60 by herself except for the full time help from Karen and me there a few times every week.  No one in the world is able to have that many rescues and have the place look and smell rosie. Are you  the lady I met there just before she moved??

I was there and we met there on a Saturday--when it was a bit confusing trying to get the guys ready for an event?  You took the little Chi that Terry something had brought to Ms. Peters the night before I think--I know there was a lot of angry volunteers that day for the comments that I heard from others were That you come in and just sort of take right over--Is this the same woman? Let me ask you a very simple question--Did Ms. Peters do something really bad personally to you or to any of these other people on this sight? I am just curious for it seems as I keep reading that there is something very very personal going on.  She shows the 501C3 thing on the web site-so it can not be that--From all of her
comments on the Rip off thing (which by the way my husband researced extensively) anyone can write ANYthing on there against AnyOne and if you pay the company $2000.00 for starters, they will investigate the complaint and help you to rectify it. I read the entire pages and I for the life of me can not find any thing that would result in "Proof" of animals abuse or actually you guys do not put much in there for proof except it seems your angry
opinions. Why is this? I do know she never left the place in the year and a half that I knew
her in Davie.  I had invited her to my place for Christmas and she just could not leave the dogs and puppies by thamselves even for a few hours.

My other question was-Sherri how often were you at the big place in Davie? and the other girls and guys-How many times during the week were you all there? I know I must have met some of you if you had been there very much.  I also went on the Dept of Agriculture site under Second Chance Rescue and Death Row Dog Rescue is there.  My husband is a Cpa and I asked him if you can be a DBA under a 501C3 rescue and accept donations.  He stated to me Absolutely. This was my real concern with the statements of her taking monies
from people illegally. I had helped her get donations from my son's school and if I was involved in something wrong-My husband would really put me away. He used to be upset with me because I was spening so much time over there. She had way too many dogs but I know she could not say No to the ones that were going to die. Oh I asked Karen and she said it was Dr. Darcow who she had taken many many times dogs to and also there was a Dr. Ceceila  who had been at the property many times and another Vet Dr. Salyea who I think many of you must have met if you were there often. I think  doing a t.v. story on this whole situation would be a very good way to bring the truth out. It could really help many of the other rescue people to make sure they do everything correctly.  I want to stay married and my husband thinks Face Book and this Rip Off is for Idiots. I hope to hear back from you --have a nice



United States of America

Great web site

#26Author of original report

Sat, October 01, 2011

Dear taxpayer1,

Thank you so much for that very important web site. Have shared with the rest of the task force. I wrote on this site last night , but maybe I didn't click on submit . Oh well,  here it is again.

I sincerely appreciate all your help in this matter!.  

By assisting in directing us to the proper web site, it will prevent this woman from scamming  further innocent dog lovers!

To tobyhanna--- Considering the fact  that there is an over  abundance of evidence by witnesses that needs to be documented, some of the stories tend to be lenghty.  Our mission is to be as accurate as possible to disclose the truth about Death Row Dog Rescue.  We need to be precise in bringing forth solid, significant information to innocent people who are donating money to someone that is not ethical.

 What part of this do you not understand? 




I don't understand any of this.

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, September 30, 2011

I cannot get through your long winded tirade.  You people talk way to much.



Check out this site

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, September 30, 2011

State of Florida FDLE


United States of America

Inactive Status= Illegal solicitation for donations.

#26Author of original report

Thu, September 29, 2011

Dear Taxpayer1,

Thank you for that info.

 We have made inquiries upon your recommendation and are in the works.  E mails have been sent out, calls have been made to certain agencies/government officials. People are listening and are fully aware of all her violations and citations issued in the town of Davie.  This pattern is repeating itself now in Oakland Park, Florida. 
Don't you find it odd, that she has not answered one of the questions we asked of her?  Instead she talks about being a vegan which she is not.  Unbelieveable!! 

She needs to stop wth illegally solicitating donations from innocent dog lovers! 

From your neighbor in Davie!



Inactive Corporation

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, September 29, 2011

I don't know if you noticed that her corporation status is "INACTIVE" as of 9/23/2011, which means she is not even an actual corporation anymore!


United States of America

No paperwork filed with the State of Florida

#26Author of original report

Wed, September 28, 2011

Dear Taxpaer1/taxpayer1

Thank you so much for the above posting .  Please correct me if I am wrong! It appears to me that there is no paperwork filed for Death Row Dog Rescue.NO EIN #--- nothing. Isn't illegal to accept donations from within the State of Florida and elsewhere, outside Florida and outside the USA?  We know for a fact she is not a 501c3. It appears to me that you have alot of knowledge on this subject.  We believe that she cannot operate under another 501c3. Is that correct?  Her dog stationary states she is a 501c3. I have a letter to prove that.  Would really like to correspond with you. If theis is the only way, then I will settle for this way of communication.

Thank you whoever you are.  

From Davie to Davie,



Death of Death Row Dog Rescue Inc.

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, September 27, 2011

Copied from

Detail by
Officer/Registered Agent Name
Florida Non Profit
Filing Information

Document NumberN10000000919
Date Filed01/29/2010
Effective Date01/28/2010
Event Date Filed09/23/2011

Event Effective DateNONE

Principal Address
5410 S.W. 41ST ST

DAVIE FL 33314
Mailing Address
5410 S.W. 41ST ST

DAVIE FL 33314
Registered Agent Name &
5410 S.W. 41ST
Officer/Director Detail
Name & Address
Title P
5210 S.W. 41ST
DAVIE FL 33314
Title VP
5410 S.W.
41ST ST.
DAVIE FL 33314
Annual Reports
No Annual Reports Filed
Document Images

-- Amendment

-- Domestic Non-Profit


United States of America

Advice to both parties

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, September 26, 2011

The way to solve these issues is simple in my opinion.

Darcy has your group filed a report with Davie PD, BSO, or BCAC, have them get get a search warrant and go search the old "RESCUE RANCH" in Davie with a cadaver dog. I'm sure if their are dead dogs there they will find them, or if you have personal knowledge of where they are buried, show them. This would be the easiest way to prove animal abuse.

Diana, show everyone your FEI/EIN # proving your "NOT FOR PROFIT" status. Another point is WHY is your "Articles of Incorporation" on sill under the Davie address and not the Oakland Park address? It is a crime not to have the correct address for the "Registered Agent" to accept service for your corporation (better check the laws or corporations).

Answer these questions and clear the air a little.


United States of America

Death Row Dog Rescue is a Scam

#26Author of original report

Mon, September 26, 2011


What does one's preference on food have anything to do with you scamming innocent people?  Answer that very simple question. The reality of all this, is that you can not save the dogs @ MDAS, because you are banned. If anyone pulls dogs from MDAS and are connected to you, they will be banned as well.  So, who's really killing the dogs? 

Art 4 the Animals was a beautiful event. Why were you not there? You posted on your fb page to vote for Death Row Dog Rescue. Your motive was to be in the running for the money that would be allocated to the top rescues with the most votes. Hmmm, maybe because you never replied back to the committee with the necessary paperwork that was needed in order to be invited. You continued to ask people to vote for you when you knew all along, you were unable to attend since you did not follow their protocol.  

I was there, Brandi was there, Joe and Sherri were there. WE were helping the innocent dogs by donating money to several of the REPUTABLE rescues that were invited to attend Art 4 the Animals.  WE were going from rescue to rescue introducing ourselves, establishing rapport and assisting individuals that were looking to either foster a certain dog  or adopt a specific breed.  We were there  helping our 4 legged friends. You were not! 

I happen to be very busy fostering the 6 pups and the Momma that was within your care for 3 whole weeks. You agreed to surrender them to Erin, the transporter on Friday, Septemebr 9, 2011. All of us "evil woman" were not able to respond to your lies on your page stating we never stepped up to help.  Why are you blocking our response to you?  Because you want the innocent people to believe that we are helping kill innocent dogs. No,  actually we saved those dogs the minute they left your rental property.  Thanks to a REPUTABLE rescue that stepped up to pay the vet bill the very next day we rescued them from you. The very next day, Brandi, myself, Erin, her husband and the 501c3 rescue were all in the vet room with the Momma, 6 puppies and 2 other dogs that were with in your care..  Answer this? When were you going to take these animals to the vet?  How long were you going to wait. Erin sat there in the office with hemostats, pulling ticks off of the puppies, in between their toes, in their ears. Ticks, Diana!!  TIcks!!! Ticks on little sweet puppies suck the blood out of these defenseless little guys.  What were you doing all this time? 3 whole weeks and NO vet care!!  I took the Momma and the 6 puppies home with me.  I cared for them and still am. A team of dedicated dog lovers were at my home Sunday, September 11th to help bathe the puppies and the Momma. Gloira,  ex-voluneer of Death Row Dog Rescue  was here, Brandie, ex-volunteer also  was here and a wonderful woman who helps rescue dogs as well was here. We scrubbed these little guys and discovered they had poop caked on their little bodies. Panacur treatment was prescribed by the licensed vet and within 2 days the puppies were pooping out dead worms.  I have a picture of one worm that had to be 4 inches long. Totally disgusting. Where were you during all this?? You are the one killing the animals not us! Worms and ticks left untreated= a very, very sick puppy.  Shame on you!

In regards to you requesting to sit down with us and have a meeting? That also is a outright lie. Diana, you were calling and harassing Erin and Joel, going through her to give us messages. We are all adults here. Why didn't you just pick up the phone and call us directly? Let's not forget the meetings we did have with you back in November 2010, January 2011, February 2011 all at the Dunkin Donuts. WE came prepared with an agenda on how to help you run the rescue in a more organized fashion. Rules and protocols were set in place. Theresa, Peter, Matt, Valerie, Brandie, Bernadette, Ellis, Stacy, Barbara were all attendance as well yourself. It was discussed and agreed upon that your role was to care for the dogs and leave the "pulling: of the dogs to Bernadette and Ellis. We also gave you some ground rules to abide by. All of  this went in one ear and out the other. You don't listen!  You continue to do things your way--continue to be unorganized, continue to refuse the animals proper vet care.  All the names mentioned above are no longer with you. Where are all your volunteers? Where have they gone? It takes an average of about 3-4 months for volunteers to catch on to your ways. Ways of deception,ways of cheating the public, neglecting the dogs within your care and posting other rescues dogs on your page in order to collect donations.
You kill the dogs. Just go back to the so called "ranch" and dig up all the bodies you buried in the yard.  

Oh, to answer your question.  I have a hair appointment this Tuesday. My stylist doesn't work on Sundays. In regards to Brandie--- I'll let her answer for herself.  

Diana Peters

Ft. Lauderdale,
United States of America

Do you Guys eat Animals?? Watch this video and ask Why??

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, September 25, 2011

This is why I became a Vega 5 years ago just before I started the Death Row Dog Rescue to save as many as I could.--I discovered the truth!! Please take a bit of your time and just watch the video from a friend who has discovered the truth too--Here is why these women are so full of hate--Watch this Video and learn.

Let me ask you 3 women plus Joe Manfredi (new york guy) Do you eat animals?? I know the answer is Yes--and better yet--Did you go to help any of these guys pictured below?? No I know you did nothing to help them-instead all of you did was to try to cut the Life-Line that I spent 4 years of my life-7 days a week 24 hours a day to try to save a few of them from this!! All you have done over the past 3 weeks is to try to destroy the little chance that any of these poor guys would have to get out of the local pound here in Miami and have a chance to live and to love and trust--Here is the result of your hatred!! We could have saved a few of them!! Were you guys there to help them??? Darcy was probably at her hair dressers and Brandi was most likely at the spa working out-and you too Sherri and Joe Manfredi were working hard to keep the spreading of lies and slander going against  me so these guys did not have a chance! You totally assisted in their death! This is my last posting for there are so many more that will die needlessly and they need someone like me to at least give them a chance. It is so sad that you all would not have had the integrity or caring to sit down with me 3 weeks ago when you were asked to-so we could just help to make things better for the animals. Many of these guys could have been saved-but you all refused to even meet with other committed loving volunteers and myself to do something that matters. There will be so many more that you will help to put in the ground unless you can stop this insanity--Diana

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