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  • Report:  #1072701

Complaint Review: Deborah Cook

Deborah Cook Deborah Cook, relationship scam "Catfishing", Chris Everard girlfriend / partner, publicist for Chris Everard, new age, fraud, Arizona, Facebook, new age, Seduction, Truth Movement, "Honey Pot", paranoid, Face Book, Pheonix Arizona

  • Reported By:
    DJ C2C — Boston Massachusetts
  • Submitted:
    Sat, August 03, 2013
  • Updated:
    Mon, September 02, 2013
  • Deborah Cook
    La Bennague 34450 VIAS Herault France,
    Pheonix, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Deborah Cook is a particularly devious character. She is the girlfriend and publicist for "Christopher Everard" and has been assisting him in his scams for approximately Four to Five years.

Cook works through the particularly unpleasant tactic of "Catfishing", that is creating the impression of a developing relationship with her victim in order to glean information and support. Cook seduces her unfortunate victims by playing the "Damsel in Distress" claiming that she herself is in fact a victim of "Chris Everard" when in actual fact she is working directly for him.

Deborah Cook is particularly skilled in the art of subtle flirtation which she cultivates with her victims over many months taking him into her confidence. Cook then uses a number of "identities" to attack her target anonymously through harassing emails or telephone calls this further solidifying the impression that she is is being persecuted and thus creating the impression that both she and her victim are "in this together".

When her victim becomes suspicious or ceases to be useful Cook then cuts all ties immediately, again claiming to be the "Victim".
If she makes contact, usually through randomly sending emails or trolling Facebook or Skype for victims you are STRONGLY advised to block and report her.

17 Updates & Rebuttals




#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, September 02, 2013


I'm being slandered by a person who goes by the name of Paul Darrow on facebook and many forums. He goes by many fake names that have already been mentioned on this thread and others (see my rebuttals). ALL this information and more has been given to the police. This guy, Paul Darrow, stalks innocent people on facebook and other forums, etc. etc. The police have already been informed about this and they are investigating this matter. The police agree that I'm being harrassed by these people (Darrow and his cohorts, Lauren AKA "Lilly the Puppet) and the police are investigating ALL of them. What you are doing by writing and posting this  libel/slander and harrassment is AGAINST THE LAW, Darrow! Paul Darrow and Lauren M Doucette A.K.A "Lilly the puppet" are comitting online defamation and it is ILLEGAL! Keep on posting, Darrow, because you will just dig a deeper legal hole for yourself AND Lauren "the puppet". Is this what you really do with your time? Do you and your little freaky friends get your kicks out of harrassing, stalking, threatening and slandering innocent people? ... you need to find a hobby, Darrow. Maybe you should take up knitting.

I'm an innocent person, never comitted a crime and I have no criminal record of any kind. This Darrow creature contacted me on facebook with information about everard that literally scared the sh*t out of me, then after months of this type of behavior from him, frightening me for 5 months, he suddenly wants to get romantic (which I found disgusting and appalling ... I mean just look at this creep! He's repulsive! ... nevermind the frightening "information" he was feeding me about everard - which I won't mention here because I don't know if it's true... Darrow is GROSS!). Darrow is disgusting. So I blocked him! And, within 40 minutes of him noticing that I blocked him, he files a ripoff report about me and continues to comment on this and other threads using his fake names. Then gets his "sidekick" Lauren "lilly the puppet" to comment also (GROSS). The police have been informed about all of this and they are watching these threads! The police have been given ALL the private messages Darrow sent me on facebook... and more. The police are watching this!


Lilly The Puppet


When Did You Become Such a Nutbar?

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, August 30, 2013

Hello from the "creepy little friend".  I'ts "Lilly the Puppet", I had falsely assumed that you could read.  As you have noted in your last drabble of nonsense, you have found my nonexistant Flicker account and my other equally imaginary bank account.  Thought I'd clue you in, since you seem to have no clute whatsoever, my brother is a Seargent in the Massachusetts State Police, so if you had in fact notified the "authorities", I'd have received some sort of municipal action that would be taken against me.  

It certainly is getting deep in here, Deborah.  Are you positive that you STILL wish to keep on with this charade and look like a fool, or will you take this opportunity to apoligise to all of the people you have hustled, lied, and stolen from.

The decision in yours.



Stop Harrassing and stalking me DARROW! The police have been notified!

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 30, 2013

All of these ripoff reports about me were writtten by ONE person (Paul Darrow) and his little creepy friend ("Lauren"). The police have been notified and they are working on this case to stop the continual harrassment to me by these creeps. Paul Darrow harrassed and stalked me on facebook for five months and I recently blocked him. He is getting his revenge for being blocked by posting these lies about me. These people (Darrow and his little creepy friend) have no life and get their kicks by harrassing innocent people on the internet. They seem to be fascinated with a particular horror movie and try to live out these creepy movie scenarios online. I'm not the first stalking/harrassment victim of Darrow's. He's done this to many others online.

The police are now working on this case to stop and arrest Paul Darrow and anyone else who is involved with this.




Deborah Cook is an expert crook

#18UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Thu, August 29, 2013


I am using an assumed identity because I do not want my family wrapped up in this but I was a former co-worker of Deborah Cook for over three years in San Diego.

Deborah Cook claims to be an "Architect / Graphic Designer" before she reinvented herself as a "Conspiracy Investigator" and moved to Arizona where she figured that she could make more money latching onto the psychic fraud market in that area. In fact we were glad to see her go because she caused so much trouble and split up so many relationships through her behavior that she was literally unemployable.

Reading through these reports on Deborah Cook I can see nothing has changed and you will notice that she is using exactly the same wording in her responses to Mr Everard and Mr Darrow who have obviously seen through her scams. In my opinion Cook is smart but mentally unstable and prone to fits of rage when she didn't get her own way, I can see also from her outbursts on Ripoff Report that she hasn't changed one bit in over a Decade.

Her Tactics :
Cook would usually target married men or those who she perceived to have money to start her seduction game with and subtly start to flirt, express her feelings, send gifts I'm sure you know the sort of thing. If she didn't get what she wanted from her victim then she would create a duplicate E-mail or Face Book account of her target and fabricate all kinds of romantic conversations between her which she would then scan and copy sending it to the spouse or partner of her victim. In my case she also included nude photographs that she sent to my wife claiming that I had taken them. Cook is a despicable human being and I am glad she has been exposed as such on Ripoff Report.

Deborah Cook is a callous and unstable Gold Digger NOT not to be trusted under any circumstances.



Deborah Cook is a compulsive liar

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, August 29, 2013

I have created my own Report regarding this individual but I thought it best to produce a small sample of my report here in response so people know her tactics. I am a former co-worker of Cook and she has to be stopped because this is typical Deborah Cook tactics.

"Her Tactics :

Cook would usually target married men or those who she perceived to have money to start her seduction game with and subtly start to flirt, express her feelings, send gifts I'm sure you know the sort of thing.

If she didn't get what she wanted from her victim then she would create a duplicate E-mail or Face Book account of her target and fabricate all kinds of romantic conversations between her which she would then scan and copy sending it to the spouse or partner of her victim. In my case she also included nude photographs that she sent to my wife claiming that I had taken them. Cook is a despicable human being and I am glad she has been exposed as such on Ripoff Report."




I blocked a "FREAK" on facebook and then he makes a ripoff report about me !

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 19, 2013

Don't mess with me you m*therf*cker, Paul Darrow and your little idiot friend Lauren or Lilly the Puppet or whatever her name is this week. You terrorized me for 5 months on Facebook and I have all the private messages to prove it. All the private messages have been given to the police. I blocked you on Facebook and within 40 minutes YOU post a ripoff report about me slandering my name with lies. YOU are a  creep and a stalker. In your private messages to me, Mr. Darrow (the creep), you said you were related to a serial killer.  This has ALL been given to the police. You are just angry that your little, stupid game related to a horror film (that you and your little friend are fans of)  has been squashed! You can go watch your horror films with your psychotic little friends and try to find a new forum victim or social media victim to TROLL because it won't be me (but the police are on to you and they will be watching every move you make and so will I). I'm too strong for you and your stupid, pathetic, juvenile games. Get a life you f*cking freak-show ugly man. And, tell your little friends to get a life, too, and stop harassing people on the internet. You hide under multiple fake profiles and you get your kicks posting on forums that are more than a year old! This is how you spend your days and I find it very sad and disgusting. Get a life you f*cking freaks. You better never threaten me or harass me again. I have also give a screen grab of your Davros Delgardo flickr account to the police. So don't think that you can hide from the police. Stop harassing innocent people who want nothing to do with you.

Lilly The Puppet


Full Disclosure

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, August 12, 2013

Aww, having a go at me.  Cute.  Anyhow, My name is Lauren, I live in Massachusetts, USA.  I"m a real person that loves anime and cosplay.  (beat me over the head with a stick, I like anime and cosplay).  Do yourself a favor and keep my name out of your mouth.  My brother is a member of the Massachusetts State Police, and really, there is nothing on earth that you can do to me that I cannot have dismissed.

 I never had a juvie record, not have an police record of any kind.  You can't do a thing to me.  It a laughable thought that you could ever affect my life.  You can do a background check on me if you wish to waste your money because you will find nothing but a stellar record of perfection.  

I don't hide anything.  There it is.  Search me out.  Waste your time on me.  Cracks me up that Paul and I are hogging up free rent space in your mind.  





#18UPDATE Employee

Mon, August 12, 2013

Take a look at the closed I think





More avoidance rambling from Deborah

#18General Comment

Mon, August 12, 2013


Considering you are one of Louis Turie's groupies and you latched onto People such as Everard and Geo to rinse them dry you certainly seem to love the company of "Low Lives" as you call them. Having been caught out in your scams Deborah you have now started trolling the internet for men you have ripped off and are now saying they are all "Paul Darrow". Incidentally I have done some homework and there is no such email as or DavrosDelgardo or BlowfeldTheRealStormbringer so did you make those up all by yourself Deborah you or did you have help?

You are trying to divert attention away from the very pointed questions Mr Darrow has asked you so I will repeat them in case you didn't understand (I know it can be difficult with all that noise going on in your head).


Do you or do you not Deborah pose for nude photographs that you send to your fellow scammers bor the black market pornography buisiness?


Do you or do you not engage in "Telephone sex"  (as an old friend of yours recently told me)?


Do you now or did you ever set up fake bank accounts for Mr Everard or yourself for the purpose of Tax Evasion?


How do you answer the fact that almost identicle complaints about you have been made over a number of years by differen't people?


We are all waiting Deborah.



Paul Darrow, a.k.a. DavrosDelgardo, DJ C2C, Member3,, LilBuckaroo73, BlowfeldTheRealStormbringer, etc

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, August 11, 2013

Lilly the puppet (Lauren) or whatever your name is, you and Darrow need to get a life and stop trolling the internet and harassing people. You live behind fake personas on MANY forums. Paul Darrow uses facebook to frighten, harass and make advances to women which is SICKENING and REPULSIVE. These are just a few of Darrow's fake personas: Paul Darrow, a.k.a. DavrosDelgardo, DJ C2C, Member3,, LilBuckaroo73, BlowfeldTheRealStormbringer, and Darrow has MANY more fake personas on MANY forums. He's a psycho disgusting misfit with no life. You people live vicariously through bad British TV shows and stupid horror movies. You dress up in costumes because you have no life. It's disgusting. You are all disgusting. Leave me alone or I will go to the police.

Lilly The Puppet


Absolutely the worst type of woman.

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 08, 2013

Paul is NOT at all who you wish that he were.  He never made any sort of advance upon you; I imagine that you WISH that he did, but sorry babe.  Posting that just proved how far you would go just to manipulate and scam genuine human beings out of their time.  You are a proven liar Deborah.  And while we are on the subject, how could he have thrown himself at you WHEN HE LIVES IN SCOTLAND?  SCOTLAND!  I don’t suppose that with the fact that he was 3000 miles away when these alleged “advances” took place.  The Paul you claim to be touting about does not exist.  Pretty appalling that you would post private information to the point of ridiculousness in your defense.  Real women don’t resort to such grammar school verbiage.  Real women state their case, without resorting to hilarity and you are not a real woman.  You have ‘guilty’ written all over your posts and you have dug yourself into a pretty deep hole that you have just now realized that you cannot pull yourself up and out of. 

Paul is NOT “creepy” as you say.  Paul has never, EVER treated me with anything other than respect and courtesy.  He is the type of man that would go out of his way for anyone whom he offered his assistance to help a friend.  Of course now, now that your cruelty, your emotional blackmail of the entire Rip Off Report community has been found out.  That your scam upon him has been revealed.  That there is no way on earth that your lies and deceptions have no business beyond the tip of your nose.  It’s over now; just admit to your character assanation of Paul and perhaps this will all go away.  This is your one chance.  One chance to prove that you are above name calling, information sharing, and general shallowness was a mistake and you ask for forgiveness from Paul for everything you have tried to do to him online by assaulting his good name.  My name is Lilly.  This is not a game.  This is a chance to redeem yourself.  If you choose not to take this upon yourself, I cannot promise that a knock upon your door won’t ever happen, for I DO live in the Unites States, where I spent a dizzyingly happy three weeks, and perhaps a few more times this year.  (Jealous yet?)  He treats me like a queen; he has never even raised his voice at me whatsoever, so how could such a man act like an animal just to please you?  You deleted and blocked me the same time you did to him, so I suppose that you didn’t want me to tell him anything that you were posting, lies, deception, disinformation. 

To say that you were “sexually assaulted” by someone 3000 miles away, you take away the legitimacy of actual acts of impropriety.  What I have noticed in social media, is that the MORE they speak about “Unspeakable” acts don’t to oneself, the person is NOT telling the truth and using “rape” when no such act took place, is an insult to those whom are victims of the horrors of sexual assault.  I take great offense that you would use such a vicious lie that demeans the real survivors of such a terrorizing crime.  It is women such as you that turn unspeakable acts into nonsense about gentlemen just to sully their name in the mud.  That is a disgusting and repulsive thing to do, demeaning the survivors of such indiscretions.  Shame upon you for that.

You have been outed as a scam artist, and that makes you angry, doesn’t it?  That all of your “marks” have found out that you have been using and lying to them all along.  Face it, it’s over.  You can put anything you want about me here, or anywhere on the internet, for I have nothing to hide.  There is nothing in my past or present that haunts me at night , unlike yourself who is shaking in her boots over being found out.




Lilly The Puppet


Character Assassination

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, August 08, 2013

Paul is NOT at all who you wish that he were.  He never made any sort of advance upon you; I imagine that you WISH that he did, but sorry babe.  Posting that just proved how far you would go just to manipulate and scam genuine human beings out of their time.  You are a proven liar Deborah.  And while we are on the subject, how could he have thrown himself at you WHEN HE LIVES IN SCOTLAND?  SCOTLAND!  I don’t suppose that with the fact that he was 3000 miles away when these alleged “advances” took place.  The Paul you claim to be touting about does not exist.  Pretty appalling that you would post private information to the point of ridiculousness in your defense.  Real women don’t resort to such grammar school verbiage.  Real women state their case, without resorting to hilarity and you are not a real woman.  You have ‘guilty’ written all over your posts and you have dug yourself into a pretty deep hole that you have just now realized that you cannot pull yourself up and out of. 

Paul is NOT “creepy” as you say.  Paul has never, EVER treated me with anything other than respect and courtesy.  He is the type of man that would go out of his way for anyone whom he offered his assistance to help a friend.  Of course now, now that your cruelty, your emotional blackmail of the entire Rip Off Report community has been found out.  That your scam upon him has been revealed.  That there is no way on earth that your lies and deceptions have no business beyond the tip of your nose.  It’s over now; just admit to your character assanation of Paul and perhaps this will all go away.  This is your one chance.  One chance to prove that you are above name calling, information sharing, and general shallowness was a mistake and you ask for forgiveness from Paul for everything you have tried to do to him online by assaulting his good name.  My name is Lilly.  This is not a game.  This is a chance to redeem yourself.  If you choose not to take this upon yourself, I cannot promise that a knock upon your door won’t ever happen, for I DO live in the Unites States, where I spent a dizzyingly happy three weeks, and perhaps a few more times this year.  (Jealous yet?)  He treats me like a queen; he has never even raised his voice at me whatsoever, so how could such a man act like an animal just to please you?  You deleted and blocked me the same time you did to him, so I suppose that you didn’t want me to tell him anything that you were posting, lies, deception, disinformation. 

To say that you were “sexually assaulted” by someone 3000 miles away, you take away the legitimacy of actual acts of impropriety.  What I have noticed in social media, is that the MORE they speak about “Unspeakable” acts don’t to oneself, the person is NOT telling the truth and using “rape” when no such act took place, is an insult to those whom are victims of the horrors of sexual assault.  I take great offense that you would use such a vicious lie that demeans the real survivors of such a terrorizing crime.  It is women such as you that turn unspeakable acts into nonsense about gentlemen just to sully their name in the mud.  That is a disgusting and repulsive thing to do, demeaning the survivors of such indiscretions.  Shame upon you for that.

You have been outed as a scam artist, and that makes you angry, doesn’t it?  That all of your “marks” have found out that you have been using and lying to them all along.  Face it, it’s over.  You can put anything you want about me here, or anywhere on the internet, for I have nothing to hide.  There is nothing in my past or present that haunts me at night , unlike yourself who is shaking in her boots over being found out.





#18General Comment

Tue, August 06, 2013

Feed Your Brain Magazine Official Fan Page · 34,163 like this.
19 April at 05:28 ·
Why is Deborah Cook stalking Christopher Everard and how did I get in the middle of it?? Debroah Cook is currently under investigation for fraud.

Well, I've kept my mouth shut for long enough. This woman, Deborah Cook, (who I was always suspicious of) has been on a smear campaign against my friend Christopher Everard. So what exactly happened to pull ME in the middle of this? Well, I tried to help out a friend!

Last August I was contacted by Christopher Everard who asked me to help him set up a US bank account for his corporation. I put him in touch with my banker. That was the end of that until Christopher Everard and Deborah Cook had a falling out. She contacted the bank and claimed that Christopher Everard and I were "defrauding her". The bank did an investigation and closed the account. This was none of my business so I never bothered to ask any question, whatever happened between Chris and Deborah is their business.

Since I've been stalked for the last three years by insane people, I've had to take measures to protect myself. One of those measures is starting having a family member start a bank account. Yes, because of these insane people, I have to live off the grid and out of harms way and that includes never using my legal fiction name.

So Deborah Cook decides that she's going to put my family members information all over Facebook. At this point I decide it's time to look into this matter. I ignored her many allegations that I "conspired" to defraud her, because I know she's mentally unstable. Finally, I listened to her.

Here story is that Christopher Everard tried to open a bank account under her name in order to leave her with all of the tax liability and that he's this big scammer and blah blah blah. So I listened to her and confronted Christopher Everard. Chris told me he had legal zoom doing the paperwork on the corporation. At this point I need to find out who is lying and who is not.

It took me all but three minutes to go to the Arizona Secretary of State's office and pull the corporation information for Worlds of Wonder Foundation:

Deborah Andrew G Cook2138 S LA ROSA DR TEMPE, AZ 85282 is listed as the agent. OK so she might be telling the truth, I'm getting MAD at Christopher Everard now! But wait, before we jump the gun, let's go even deeper.

TEMPE,AZ 85282
Date of Taking Office: 07/19/2011
Last Updated: 07/21/2011

OK, now I'm getting PISSED! But wait, what is this??

TEMPE,AZ 85282
Date of Taking Office: 06/17/2011
Last Updated: 06/22/2011

Christopher Everard was the director 1 month BEFORE Deborah Cook was added? So her story is now starting to fall apart. It becomes apparent that Deborah Cook is either 100% mentally unstable, a liar, or both when you look at the corporation. NON PROFIT CORPORATION. So this whole scam about Christopher Everard trying to "scam" people and leave her with all of the tax liability is total BULLS**T because NON PROFITS do NOT PAY TAXES!!

Well, let's do a little more investigation, shall we?? According to article 0483777, a document was signed on July 12, 2011 NINE DAYS BEFORE DEBORAH WAS EVEN ADDED AS A DIRECTOR! The document CLEARLY SAYS "Christopher Everard - PRESIDENT"!!!

This is all available at under the search term "Worlds Of Wonder Foundation".

So why is Deborah Cook on a smear campaign against Christopher Everard? Maybe she's mad that she was shunned, maybe she's mentally unstable, or maybe she ACTUALLY BELIEVES that Christopher Everard and I tried to "defraud" her. But it's HER who has committed fraud, falsified information to a financial institution, defamed a close friend of mine, tried to break up the professional relationship we have and has committed EVERY WAKING HOUR TO LYING TO EVERYONE!!!

These people (my stalkers and Deborah Cook) can fling all of the monkey s**t they want. WE will ALWAYS provide the DOCUMENTS!




You wanted Paul Darrow? Well here he is.

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 06, 2013


I am Paul Darrow

First things first Deborah - DO NOT flatter yourself. Second thing - you will know when you are speaking to me because I am not nearly as nice or diplomatic when it comes to lying, scamming, wannabe reporters from San Diego like you! I also have much more self respect and better taste in women. You are a disgrace to women, a disgrace to journalism and you are a disgrace to those who work hard on behalf of people who have been conned and scammed by parasites like you!

If you can shake the sawdust out of your empty, know nothing head for a couple of seconds maybe you can answer a couple of simple questions. Think you can handle that?

SO you claim yourself to be a "Christian" do you? Answer me then - less than Two weeks ago did you, or did you not, tell me that you pose for nude photographs that you send to Chris Everard and which he sells to his black market porn dealers - Yes or no? I see you have some REALLY good Christian morals there don't you Deborah?

Second question (that is question number Two) You allege that I "Terrorized you for Five Months". Why then did you keep contacting me for Five months? Perhaps you are a sadomasochist, or more likely you are lying again. Careful Deborah is not lying frowned on in your Christian faith?

Third question (so technically this isn't a "couple" if you can understand that) when you were trying your moves on another "Chris" did you, or did you not refer to your self as "His Honey Pot" - Yes or no? Again these are all good, solid Christian morals you have aren't they Deborah?

Don't get me wrong, what you do is your own business and I really don't care BUT when you come on here trying to trash my name because you have been caught out in your lies and manipulation then it BECOMES my business.

LOL - so I "don't want to climb in the ring" with you? Well, I just did and your pathetic attempts at damage limitation are not fooling anyone.
You are not a "researcher" you are a disgrace to research itself. You are a Liar and a scammer, and not even a very good one, hell you could not even find a real photograph of me, see below because I am happy to oblige.

Simply speaking your actions have made me a better person by showing me in your rather dim and grubby light so I am glad of the fact. But please feel free to come back for round Two (that is the second one if you can understand that) as I have also been in contact with some of the people you claimed were "Persecuting" you and believe me they all have a VERY different take on your version of events.




More "Honey Trap" scams by Deborah Cook

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 06, 2013

It should be said here that another individual that Christopher Everard and Deborah Cook scammed is radio host Chris Geo. Cook worked her "magic" on Chris Geo so he would give them free publicity and radio air time. In true Deborah Cook style when Mr Geo became suspicious she again turned on him also trashing his name in public even going so far as to fabricate whole conversations that she shared with her other targets (text only of course, never actual, provable recordings).

The tactics of Deborah Cook can clearly be seen at work here on Ripoff Report. These pages were in fact first set up to help Deborah as she managed to fool people that she was trying to expose Chris Everard, now you can see her stabbing the very people who helped her (albeit misguidedly) in the back. No good deed goes unpunished I suppose.

Deborah Cook and Chris Everard use the same predictable method on their targets, that being to create a FALSE image of acrimony between them to entrust herself to people after which she mines her victim for information while promoting mistrust and division among the people who kindly take her in. Having got what she wanted she then reports back to Everard and cuts all ties trashing her former "Friends".  Deborah Cook makes the claim here "I may be Blond but I'm not dumb".  Well we have to refute that as she did not seem to know that trying to seduce gay men would not work and neither did she know how Two Faced she would expose herself to be attacking the very people who tried to help her.  Indeed, these pages speak for themselves do they not?



Hello Chris, what took you so long?

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 06, 2013

Chris, knock it off because this isn't fooling anybody. Your "Honey Trap" didn't work and more people know about you and Deborah than you think. The fact that both you and her block and attack anyone who questions you is evidence of your tactics and your desperate state of panic. But having said that this latest outburst was rather amusing.

The reason you sent in Deborah was because you don't know how many people are actually aware of your scams, you wanted information and for a time it worked. Well done. Congratulations. For as far as it got you anyway with it. But the fact now remains that due entirely to her own stupidity Deborah Cook exposed herself through her own actions (really if she is going to be an paragon of morality and discretion then the outrageous flirting with guys on her pages really doesn't help does it?).

Chris your own stupidity is further demonstrated by sending in your honey trap to an openly gay man, I mean REALLY Chris considering you claim to be a "researcher" the most basic due diligence seems to have escaped you. Also as stupid was to have Deborah work the same routine on two three guys who were all working together to expose you - thank you both for that because you made our job MUCH easier.

The fact remains that both you and Deborah have been rightly exposed on these popular pages and you will never be hired again by any serious investor or editor.  You both deserve each other.



PAUL DARROW: Facebook predator, creep, original poster of this page. I REFUSED his advances and THIS is what he does.

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 05, 2013

Let me tell you a little bit about Paul Darrow.  Paul Darrow is "DJ C2C" and "Member3" (and probably many other aliases) on ripoff report. His Facebook page is: . His skype name is: "TheRealAmethyst Scorpion" or "lilbuckaroo73". He approached me on Facebook on March 9, 2012 with information he told me that would help me in my investigations of Everard. He told me things that frightened me for five months. Darrow placed videos on YouTube and He made the original report on Ripoff Report about everard taking things from my Facebook page and copying and pasting them here. Darrow did this this to gain my confidence so that he could then try to approach me romantically on Facebook. When his romantic advances became too much to take, I blocked him on Facebook. Within 40 minutes of him seeing my last message to him, he made his first post on Ripoff Report (now there is a second one)! He will probably go on forever with these ridiculous ripoff reports because he's was rejected by a woman. That's insane behavior on his part... and creepy! In the beginning, I thanked him for trying to help me, because that's what I believed he was doing, only to find out Darrow had some other type of agenda. (one guess what his agenda is, considering he asks every woman to block other women on Facebook). Creepy!

I actually question Ripoff report for allowing this type of behavior on their page. So if a woman tells a man "no" then he can post a complaint on Ripoff report? This Ripoff Report page is supposed to be about businesses! I'm NOT a business. I'm a normal person trying to lead a normal life and didn't want the romantic advances of a creepy guy like Paul Darrow. But, yet you allow this kind of behavior on this website? 

Paul Darrow also has several different YouTube accounts that he uses to troll on YouTube. A few of his YouTube accounts are: Llnto Qrse and MyRaider91 and ShadowMaskChannel among MANY others.

Now, let's set the record straight. So here we go. I was the girlfriend of Everard until I realized he was conning me out of thousands of dollars and he outright stole money from me, etc. etc. and Everard was perpetrating what is known as a "relationship scam." I posted about this on my Facebook page and was quickly "befriended" by Paul Darrow (Darrow found me through a mutual friend on Facebook). Darrow said he had information that could help me in the investigation. For five months he told me sinister things that were intended to frighten me and make me feel that HE (Paul Darrow) was "on my side". If you want to know exactly what he said, please visit my Facebook page and contact me. I have ALL the messages from this character screen grabbed and saved. I might be blonde, but I'm not dumb! Paul Darrow can claim all he wants about me, but I have no criminal record and I've never committed any crime.  Paul Darrow's messages to me quickly turned romantic (barf) and I was in no mood for romance from anyone, let alone him (someone who had frightened me for five months, someone who told me the most terrifying things). Never have I had any fake profiles and you can contact any man on my friends list and ask them if I have ever flirted with them. They will all say "no". I joke with people and have a laugh with people and that's it. The men on my friends list are friends, nothing more.

I don't, and never have claimed to be a "damsel in distress." I'm a very strong woman and I can fight back when necessary, WHEN NECESSARY! And, right now THIS is necessary. How dare you slander me in this way. Darrow. Just because a woman doesn't want your advances, you do something so devious and creepy as this?  I'm none of the things that Darrow claims. Darrow's romantic advances were atrocious and unacceptable. People who know me know Darrow is a liar. This man Paul Darrow approaches woman and then when the women reject his advances this is the price you will pay. Please ALL ladies be aware of this creep.

Paul Darrow is some sort of frustrated wrestler or something. Whatever! Really, Paul Darrow? I don't think you want to jump into the ring with me. YOU can't even spell "Phoenix"! 

And I will sign my name to this (unlike Paul Darrow who hides behinds his little aliases on all these websites and forums), because I'm a real person who has been terrorized by this Paul Darrow character for FIVE months.

Deborah Cook

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