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  • Report:  #1313235

Complaint Review: Debra Gross

Debra Gross Debbie Gross, Welthspring financial, Inc, Gross She is a WOLF in Sheeps Clothing - DO NOT TRUST HER Orange City Florida

  • Reported By:
    John — Daytona Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, June 24, 2016
  • Updated:
    Sat, December 31, 2016


This woman has went into numerous Senior Citizens homes and has completely misled them into believing they were going to earn guaranteed HIGH INTEREST rates on annuities and when it came down to she just misled them for her own personal greed and FAT COMMISSIONS.

Stay away she is not a true person no marals no ethics self centered greedy person. She will do and say what ever she can to get you to trust her but at the end of the day she doesnt returns calls or follow up with anything problems you have AND YOU WILL HAVE PROBLEMS. She will travel anywhere to prey on someone if she can make a commissions. She has outstanding complaints with the insurtance department because my Mom and her friends filed them against than she went ballistic on each of them calling and screaming at them. NIce Lady!!!

She will withhold very important information on what she sells you she is a money grubbing scoundral.

Lastly you can measure a person by their family. She claims she is close to them but they all moved and far away (other states) to get as far from her as possible for obvious reasons. Her kids will never visit her and she attaches herself to anyone she can because she is a lonely miserable woman. She is not engaged even though she tells everyone she is.


Hopefully I have helped whom ever is reading this,


Vic Tim

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Debra Gross

Orange City,

I can't believe I have to respond to this garbage

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, December 31, 2016

First of all, let me apologize in advance for my ex-boss.  This report was written by my ex-boss, whose name I will not use, because his name is NOT TIM. (I also do not have a single client named TIM. I don't go around making false reports on a company website that refuses to address the issue, which is exactly what RipOff Reports does.  If you will look up Rip-Off Reports, you will find they will allow anyone to post any report they want to, then even if that person has a change of mind, and wants to remove it, it can not be removed.  Courts have tried to force them to remove false reports, after the investigations and person who it was written about has hired attorneys and investigators to prove it is false.  I do not go around slandering people and defaming them for any reason, which is the reason I will not name the ex-bosses name or company name.

#1 - My ex-boss was not happy when I left, to pursue my own company, he has done everything he can to destroy not only my reputation, but everyone else who left him.  I can happily supply a list of names of other previous employees he has done the same thing to.  When I went to work for hiim he had about six people, we helped him build his business to approx (this is an estimate at its highest) 25 people in our Orlando office.  Of all the people we helped him hire, there are I do believe 2 people left. (again this is an estimate).  Two of us who left have started our own companies, we are small, we both are very concious of ensuring we do the BEST THING for our clients.  Some of his other previous agents who left him work for one or the other of us.  Others we have declined to hire because we didn't feel their ethics fit what we are trying to build.  I can give you a list of potential clients I have declined to write plans for because I could not improve their situation.  That list is in excess of 20 people. I do not put people into plans just to make money, If I cannot improve your situation, I tell you I can't.  Do I make money for what I do, YES, I do.  But everybody who has or does a job, makes money.  I do not make a tremendous amount of money.   

#2 - When I left, he kept my commissions, approximately $6700.  I called the UPline who he was running his business through and they told me they could do absolutely nothing, I would have to talk him into giving me my money.  Instead I went back to work for him for almost a three weeks to get my commissions returned to me.  When I got my money, I left.  I failed to mention that we thought he was paying us great commissions.  our commissions ranged from 1% to 4.7% tops, while he was making 7% to in excess of 9% from the companies and keeping the majority of it for himself.  This is the reason he was unhappy when we left.  As my agents will attest to you, they get paid their commissions.  If the insurance company pays us 7% on something they wrote, they get paid 5%.  I only keep what is needed to cover the overhead in the office, and I pay as much if not more out of my own work to run the office.  I work in the field everyday.  My ex-boss sat in the office, or just didn't come in, and waited for us to provide him with a living.

#3 - My clients are happy people, I would say that approximately 50% of my business comes from client referrals.  I do exactly what I say, I have illustrations run by the companies I am offering to my clients, I walk them through the illustrations step by step, I do examples to show them how the plan works if they do different things.  I do not put my clients in B rated companies, I only use A rated companies that are well-known and have excellent ratings.  I try very hard to answer any concerns my clients may have within a very timely basis.  Questions are going to come up, things in your life are going to change. Our life situations change, whether we are still working or we are retired.  My JOB is to help you, whether it is medical insurance, (i.e. you have had a major illness and are having issues finding a doctor, getting claims paid, etc)   (Again the reason they refer their friends to me.)  

#4 - My ex-boss is under investigation by the Dept of Financial Services for several issues.  One issue was resolved and they paid a fine for signing ex-employees signatures to ABTF (Agent Business Transmittal Forms) to keep their commissions.  The other issues are still outstanding, and per another ex-agent who spoke with the Dept of Financial Services last week, those investigations are still under way.

#5 - My family did not move away, I moved here in 2007 to help my mother whose husband was very ill and we thought we were going to lose him.  My mother passed away in February of this year (2016) due to Renal Cancer, which metastasized into her lungs, bones, etc.  I helped her husband, my step-father move to California to be with his family.  I am still close to him and have been to CA twice this year (2016) to see him.  I talk to him almost everyday. My brothers live here in Florida, I talk to them almost everyday.  My children live in Indiana and Texas with their spouses and children.  I again talk to them almost eveyday.  My fiance and I are getting married this spring, he bought me a beautiful ring, if anyone would like to meet him, I would be very happy to introduce him.  

I am sorry for the heartache my previous employer may have caused you.  But if you landed on this page, you landed on it because one of his current employees told you about it.  It took me forever to find it, after one  of my clients called me yesterday, very upset about what she had been told.  You now need to ask yourself, why would a person who is trying to do business with you (ethically and in your BEST interest) defame another person you have already worked with, perhaps for several years, who used to work for him, and who his office went over all the documents when they were brought in when the business was written and verified that what was being written was correct and in the clients best interest, and you have not had an issue with the agent. The answer is simple, because they can't get business any other way than to do it underhandedly.  They have contacted our clients and tried to lie their way into their homes.  What they are doing is called Churning business.  It is against the law!  They go to clients that we wrote business for while we worked for them and send a new agent in with a line abut how something is wrong with your account, we need to fix this for you. This pertains to Life Insurance, Medical Insurance and Annuities.  I have had clients call me and tell me that agents from this company came to their home, with a lawyer from the Dept of Financial Services.  I have had to explain that would never happen and give them the number to the Dept of Financial Services so they can ask them the question themselves.  The Dept of Financial Services will never come to your home unless you have filed a complaint.  Then in most cases they are asking you to come to their local office, unless you are physically unable to.

Please feel free to call me with any questions.

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