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  • Report:  #100084

Complaint Review: DEDC dba Dow Electronics And Digital Reception Services DRS Dish Network

DEDC dba Dow Electronics And Digital Reception Services - DRS Dish Network, ripoff Unethical insider sales stealing retailers business Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Tampa Florida
  • Submitted:
    Thu, July 22, 2004
  • Updated:
    Thu, July 22, 2004
  • DEDC dba Dow Electronics And Digital Reception Services, DRS Dish Network
    8603 Adamo Drive, Tampa, Florida 33619
    Orlando, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Dish Network Satellite Distributor DEDC,inc d/b/a Dow Electronics & Digital Reception Services, inc. owned by the same unethical people.

Insider Tells All

I'm writing to expose a totally unethical corporation, which has practices that harm the very retailers they solicit for business. My investigation into the company via public records prove my following statements and I would like for your company to help expose their greed and the obvious conflict of interest.

The information you are about to read is mostly available to the public and could have been obtained by anyone that researched this companies procedures. Let me start by painting a basic picture for your readers.

Echostar, Inc. owns Dish Network, Inc. and I'm sure you have heard of Dish Network Satellite. The purpose of this article is to show our readers how DEDC, Inc. (a distributor for Dish Network) or better known as Dow Electronics 8603 Adamo Drive, Tampa, FL 33619 does its business in the South Eastern United States. From this point forward I will refer to DEDC,inc. d/b/a Dow Electronics as Dow Electronics since they do business under this name and their signage throughout the S.E. United States reflects Dow Electronics.

The Dow Electronics connection with Dish Network is as a Satellite equipment distribution center and retailer support center. So as you can see Dish Network may or may not be involved in the following. (Although I believe Dish Network has many unethical practices also.)

Dow Electronics recruits people to become Dish Network Retailers similar to any franchise business, and during the solicitation process informs the potential retailer that Dow Electronics is a distribution/wholesale center and is not permitted to sell Dish Network Satellite products to the public. Therefore telling the potential retailer that Dow Electronics will not be competing against the retailer, and that they are only there to support the retailer's needs. If you ask Dow Electronics point blank if they retail Dish Network products, they will tell you we are not permitted to sell Dish Network Products to the public. We are here for the retailer, that's how we make our money, by selling wholesale equipment and supplies to the retailer.

I was also advised that All Dish Network retailers who sign on through Dow Electronics, are supplied with Dish Network equipment, products, advertising, payments, questions, etc. from Dow Electronics. If a retailer is contracted through Dow Electronics to sell Dish Network Satellite Systems & products, that retailer must do business through Dow Electronics for any equipment purchased. Dow Electronics and all customers the retailer signs up for Dish Network Satellite go through Dow Electronics they have built a network of retailers throughout the S.E. United States.

I know your thinking, that's not any different than any other company hiring sub-contract companies to do business for them, then that company hiring other sub-contract companies to do business for them. That is true except for the fact that Dow Electronics tells the retailer that they do not compete against the retailer, and that they are there to support the retailer.

This is where the conflict of interest will start to make sense to you.

Dow Electronics is owned by the same people that own Digital Reception Services, inc. (John J. Yodzis & Carolyn D Yodzis ) which is located in the same building as Dow Electronics and this company sells Dish Network Products to the public competing directly against the retailer they just signed up and informed that they do not sell to the public. This is a conflict of interest.

The way their new 2004 contract is written, states that they are under no obligation to the retailer and may terminate the retailer at any time without reason or with reason at their discretion and that the retailer may not bring legal action against Dow Electronics but if Dow Electronics brings legal action against a retailer the retailer is responsible for any legal fees, etc.

This company has designed its contract in the past year to be under no obligation in any way to the retailer and although the retailer has invested tens of thousands of dollars starting a business under Dow Electronics support, they are not responsible for putting that retailer out of business or for competing directly against that retailer. This is very immoral business practice but money is more important than business ethics these days which is why I'm writing this article. I want the public to be aware of this company and how they conduct business so as to save hundreds of other potential retails from investing their life saving.

Dish Network has approx. 25,000 retailers through out the United States. Florida has the highest concentration of retailers which would equal thousands just in the state of Florida with more signing on and going out of business everyday.

This company also has the right to charge back anything that was ever paid to you if an installation was not done properly. This means if they claim you did not do an installation properly 5 yrs. Ago. They can charge you back everything paid to you. (Even if the home owner or dog damaged the equipment) If you ever give this company reason not to like you guess what they will be claiming? You owe them thousands of dollars for installations that were not done properly and according to the new contract you signed. You can't bring charges against them. They are correct and what their records show is the truth no matter what.

Don't get into a business where the supplier controls all of your cards.

They have all of the retailers new solicited customer information before the retailer installs the new customer because you must build an account for that customer to credit qualify prior to installation. They have all of your advertising information and know exactly how what & where your advertising because of Co-op applications being filed through them.
(Advertising Co-op is another one of the many one sided offers to the retailer.)

They have a list of your sales and what locations are doing higher sales than others and then the Retail company Digital Reception Services,inc target (advertise) in that exact area to take your potential sales. Wouldn't this be the same as insider trading? They do not list their name in the advertising because they do not want their retailers or potential retailers to find out they are stealing customers out from under their retailers.

If you call the phone number listed in the advertisement you will get a answering machine (computer) that only tells you due to our overwhelming volume of calls we can not take your call but if you leave your name and phone number we will call you back.

This computer is set up using caller ID and if you are already a customer or retailer in their computer network (Dow Electronics or DRS ) they know it and won't call you back. Or if they do call you back they tell you the company name is something like Digital Cable or some generic name other than their real name. Why would a company spend thousands of dollars per week advertising and not tell people their name?

Because, they don't want the public to know who they are. If people/retailers knew who they were and looked up the company name, it would paint the same picture I have shown you. These companies are unethical. And don't care about anyone but themselves getting rich off of people trying to start a business for themselves. The thousands of people who have tried to start a retail business may be the same people who are laid off from a job along with hundreds of other corporate positions just looking for a way to make a new living and Dow Electronics paints this nice picture of how you can make money selling Dish Network Satellite.

What they don't tell you is they will be taking your potential customers from you if they see you are making enough sales to justify their advertising in your area but under a different name so you don't know about it. They smile to your face and then steal behind your back. Under a generic name and then if you inquire as to who is advertising in the area they tell you it must be some other retailer because they are not allowed to sell Dish Network to the public. Same song and dance as a thief except they are doing it legally and the retailer signed a contract giving up his rights to prosecute them.

Example: The retailer now goes out of business and the residual payments that the retailer would have been receiving for each new customer (just like insurance agents) is money they don't have to pay. You see Dow Electronics wins on every level and the retailer looses. The cost of doing business is going up every year but your payments received from Dow Electronics goes down each year for the same job and if you don't like it stop doing business with us. We feel some of the incentive behind signing on new retailers and then putting them out of business is the new retailer purchasing thousands of dollars worth of merchandise from their company. Not to mention the percentage they get from Dish Network for signing on new retailers.

Now years later Dow Electronics realizes that the market is saturated with retailers and their going to hit a wall in the near future so they start doing installations and service calls for Dish Network or anyone who needs it. (Their not doing retail sales, so it's not a conflict of interest right?) Then they get greedy and think we already have the installation services in place why not sell Dish Network Satellite ourselves and make all of the money retailers are making. We have all of their inside sales information and it would be very easy to pick all the hot sales spots and make more money fast.

Just like insider trading. Dow Electronics computer network, working as Digital Reception Services, Inc. sells under that name to the public.

But does not use the name when advertising.

They continue to do business as usual knowing it will take awhile before the retailer gets wise to what is going on since there is no way to get a listing of each retailer in any area although some are in the VRU or yellow pages and since they have played the retailers against each other for years the retailers don't talk to each other, so how would anyone ever find out. If somebody did start to put the pieces together they just claim it's another retailer.

Pretty safe bet nobody would know for some time and by then they would be completely setup to do retail sales and any loss from this information going public wouldn't hurt them but help them since most all retail sales would come to them, when the retailers go out of business. You see, they win on all levels.

Example: Digital Reception Services, Inc. has been advertising. They have a full page ad which has run everyday for 6 months with no company name just a phone number and when you call that phone number they call you back using one of many Tampa phone numbers. Here is one if you would like to try it 813-569-0749. The ad is pathetic because it looks like a news headline that the newspaper just discovered inside information Cable Rates on the Rise Again shows a picture of a man they are trying to make him look like a reporter telling the inside story. Never mention the company name in the ad and they have run the ad for over 6 months the quotes are ridiculous.


Insider Tells All

Tampa, Florida

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