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  • Report:  #13895

Complaint Review: Dell Computer

Dell computer, save yourself the hassle. They are incompetent (as are there products) and apathetic, and could care less!

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Tue, February 12, 2002
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 13, 2002

Below you may find all e-mail coorospondence with Dell. The info below also clearly shows how Dell not only makes a shotty product, but how they don't keep there word, show no customer concern, are apathetic, and how they financially rip off customers! I have contacted multipe higher ups within the company and I even tried being polite too!
The e-mails are in date order, the first one being at the bottom, the msot recent one that has gone unresponded to at the top!
Save yourself the hassle, to HELL WITH DELL!!
I am still awaiting a response from you, John Medica, or Mr. Dell. Once again, for your records I have included all previous correspondence below.
Due to the lack of response, I have filed complaints with both the New York state Attorney Generals office, Consumer Fraud and Protection, and with the Texas Attorney Generals office. The formal complaints and all supporting documentation has been sent to both offices today!
I have also filed 3 more online complaints, as well as the FTC complaint today.
I have been assured that these Attorney General, FTC and BBB complaints should be arriving at your offices this week. Copies will be sent to me as well.These departments/organizations have been made aware of the amicable solution to which I find acceptable, and the lack of any resolution on your part.

I am more than certain that you understand my frustrations. As in the previous case I expect you to give it no less attention and resolution, allow the same exchange as before. I'm looking forward to a positive and amicable response and to becoming a satisfied Dell customer once again.

I will continue to bombard you with correspondence, as well as pursue the complaints with all agencies until I hear a response and a satisfying resolution!

I have mailed back the unacceptable Refurbished laptop today, the one that was over 700$ less than my original 4000 with unequal parts, you should receive it well within the 14 day return period.


Dear Mr. Medica,
I was hoping not to have to make you aware of the current situation, however I now deem it necessary to do so. Since you are responsible for production and design of the Inspirion line of products, I wanted to make you aware of the following information. You may find all correspondence with your company below, the most recent being toward the top, the beginning being at the bottom.
Please read the information in detail. I would greatly appreciate any attention you could put toward this matter to resolve the situation in an un-apathetic, customer focused, and most hassle free for me and least public for you and Dell, manner, before I am forced to take further action.
I thank you in advance for you time, understanding and support.
Good day.
-Best Regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: Scott
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 9:07 AM
Subject: Dell System complaint. Ref#23888143! (BBB) Update!

Ms. Colegrove;
It has been 3 days and I have yet to hear any type of response from you in regards to an amicable solution. This is unlike you, especially since you were so supportive, and so concerned with customer satisfaction in the last instance.

Since I have yet to hear a response and answers to my questions (original e-mail is contained below), and I am therefore feeling ignored which i don't take lightly to, I have went ahead and filed 2 formal BBB complaints, one directly to you, the other to Michael Dell. You should be receiving copies of the complaints shortly. File numbers 560003 & 559997 with the Austin BBB. I have also gone ahead and done what I was hoping not to have to do, and take my aggravation and Dells apparent apathy towards its customers public. I have posted a formal complaint on, as well as 3 other websites. Please keep in mind, that once this situation is resolved to my full satisfaction I will remove all the postings of ill will and cancel all formal complaints and actions taken against you and Dell. I would like to make you aware that on alone there are 70 complaints against Dell. I have already heard back from some of the other unsatisfied customers, a few actually wanted to know if I would like to form a "coalition" if you will to take our disgust with your company as public as possible. I informed them, that since you handled my situation previously in an acceptable manner I would hold off on such endeavors until I hear an acceptable response, as in last case, from you and Dell!

I have complaints in the works to both the FTC an the Attorney General of Texas and New York. If I do not hear from you, with an amicable and financially fair and unapaetehtic response shortly, (The 14 day return period is slowly diminishing on the Inspirion and I will not tolerate being billed) I will have to go ahead and file the complaints, and contact back the other upset parties and inform them I am interested in joining them to make Dell's poor customer service, customer apathy and faulty product line, as openly public as possible.
I'm not sure how your upper management will respond to you allowing a situation that could have been resolved so simply, to become so un-simplified and public!

I am hoping that once again, you will understand my frustrations, and as in the previous case give it no less attention and resolution, allow the same exchange as before, and maintain minimal hassle. I'm looking forward to a positive and amicable response and to becoming a satisfied Dell customer once again.

Best Regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: Scott
To: ; ;
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: Dell System complaint. Ref#23888143! (BBB)

Ms. Colegrove,
Thank you for your timely response and apologetic nature to my continued situation. Its nice to see under current economic strains you are still with Dell.

Ms. Colegrove, it would however appear once again there is some confusion. I appreciate the time you took in reviewing my account history. However I am a bit confused. Time is irrelevant in this situation. In the interest of customer satisfaction, and for the betterment of Dell's good name, you had made a fair exception to keep me a satisfied and happy Dell customer by allowing the exchange of my defective 3500 for the now defective 4000. Yet now here I sit with another defective Dell machine, naturally further aggravated, further frustrated, further financially burdened, and further inconvenienced, and instead of attempting to show empathy for what obviously is not a "one-off" situation, you and Dell show me further apathy and ill will. Is this how Dell maintains its satisfied and loyal customer base? It is unfortunate that your machine has failed a 2nd time, however it has.

I myself work in Customer Relations and being as concerned with customer satisfaction and loyalty as it appeared Dell was in the first instance, I'm confused and upset at the fact that now that the same problem has occurred twice, Dell is even more apathetic. I know I go above and beyond to make my customers satisfied, and to see to it I receive there repeat business, good word of mouth, and the least amount of hassle as possible for both. I certainly know that if I had made an exception, especially in the interest of customer satisfaction in one circumstance, and that same circumstance reoccurred, I would certainly see to it that it was resolved if not in the same fashion as the first instance, but better the 2nd time. Does Dell not care for there continually inconvenienced and upset customers, especially those they assisted previously and those in the rare cases? You mentioned fairness to all other Dell customers, unfortunately (and I don't wish to sound presumptuous) , I am not every other Dell customer. You were kind enough to understand customer satisfaction and make the exception in the first instance, and furthermore, this problem has occurred to me twice. I am asking for the same 'concession' because it is what Dell proposed and it is what made me a happy and satisfied Dell customer, and hopefully will again!

I must also make you aware of some key misunderstandings/issues in your following comments: "The representative you worked with correctly issued an exchange for a replacement Inspiron 4000 system of equal value... "

The Refurbished system is not of equal value! First, my 4000 had Windows 98 SE OS (a purposeful choice on my part as I dislike the functionality of Windows ME) this system has Windows ME, my 4000 had MSOffice, this system had MsWorks (Minus MSmoney), my 4000 had a CDRW ordered Dell direct which was found to be dysfunctional by tech support, this system has no CDRW! Secondly, the immense price difference between my 4000 and this system you sent. I paid 2056.00$ for my 4000. I built a refurbished 4000, almost exact to my 4000 online and the price came to 1717.00$, an unacceptable difference. I would also like, and am entitled to the price of the system you sent me? I have already found it online, but am curious to see if the numbers match. Is a matter of fact I also built a refurbished 4100 online and that system actually priced out to be more money than the 2060.00$ for the New 4100 system I had suggested. Financial matters such as these can easily be viewed as fraud and extortion, and if necessary can and will publicly be acted upon as such!

So you see Ms. Colgrove why I am more frustrated, angry, upset, inconvenienced and burdened than before. I am in the process of filing another BBB complaint, and this time taking the matter up with the NYS Consumer Affairs department. I don't wish to have to go thru all that hassle again, or make Dell's apathy towards its customers published and public. I am hoping once again, in the interest of customer satisfaction, and under the unfortunate rare circumstances, we can reach an agreement that will allow me to become a happy and satisfied Dell customer, with minimal ill will and hassle.

I sincerely appreciate your attention and support of this matter and look forward to an amicable solution.Thank you again for your time.

Best Regards,

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 7:14 PM
Subject: RE: Dell System complaint. Ref#23888143!

Dear Mr. Span

Thank you for your correspondence. In reviewing your account history, I note that our first initial transaction where we allowed you to return your system for full credit was in November of 2000. Please note that this was already one year and four months outside of your return period, but in the interest of customer satisfaction, we allowed the return in order for you to upgrade to a brand-new system as a one-time concession. Normally, per the terms and conditions of Dell's warranty, after 30 days, customers cannot return their systems to purchase brand-new systems, and a refurbished system is a standard replacement. Because this seemed at the time a "one off" situation, Dell allowed a one-time exception to do so.

However, please understand that two years and eight months later, you are asking again for the same concession. I apologize, but Dell must respectfully deny your request for another return over one year outside of your return period in order to upgrade your system again to another brand-new system, in fairness to all other customers who are held to the same terms and conditions of Dell's warranty. The representative you worked with correctly issued an exchange for a replacement Inspiron 4000 system of equal value, per the terms and conditions of your warranty.

I apologize if incorrect expectations were set with our initial transaction, and I also apologize for any inconvenience or frustration this matter may have caused.


Jennifer L. Colegrove
Dell Executive Support

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 12:38 PM
Subject: Dell System complaint. Ref#23888143!
Importance: High

I hope all is well. I was hoping not to have to involve you in this situation once again, however it appears necessary.
To save time and energy please read the below correspondence, and also access your tech support system. All problems, and technical issues regarding my Inspirion 4000 (service tag 1VJ4701) should be listed in detail. Otherwise I know that Linda at X-56704 in completely aware of the issues and the situation, contact her.
The reason I am now involving you is as follows. I'm unsure if you recall or not, however in Nov of 2000 I had contacted Michael Dell in regards to my un-repairable current Inspiorn 3500. You had responded to me, and to my BBB complaint (File # 120001). After much communication, in the interest of customer satisfaction, you were kind enough to understand the system was beyond repair and work out a price comparable NEW system order for me, thus issuing me the new problem machine, the 4000.
It appears Tech issues haunt your Laptops. As per the list of issues with Dell regarding the 4000, Tech support finally decided that system as well was beyond repair and to do an exchange.
I received the system today. I don't mean to sound rude but, its unacceptable, and its not what you had done for me before. Under the current circumstance, I was hoping to be treated if not better, at least as well as before. All info pertaining to what I'm stating should be in your system. Linda informed me that I would receive a system comparable in price to my current one. I went online and did what you had requested me to do in Nov.2000, I built one. On Jan 23rd 2002 I found a 4100 that was 2060.00$, my 4000 was 2056.00$.

I was under the impression from both Linda and Cheryl, and from the manner in which the situation was handled by you previously, that the system I built is the system that would be arriving. Fair is fair after all, and finances are a legal matter. However the system I received was not new, not even close to my old one, yet alone comparable in price to my 4000! The machine that arrived today is a refurbished Inspirion 4000. You must understand, after the severe issues I've had with 2 of your machines already, and since my 4000 was basically rebuilt twice in the same shell with refurbished parts, why a refurbished system is unacceptable to me. Not to mention, the OS is not even the same, the Modular drives are different, the bundled software is downgraded!

Jennifer, it would mean so much to me at this point if you could please simply see that these issues gets resolved in the manner to which you did the first time. The specs of the system I found closest in price, as before, are pasted below! If you need to, just bill my Visa the 4$ difference. All I'm requesting is simply what is fair, and what is in the interest of customer satisfaction, and which has the most minimal hassle as in last time.

I don't wish to have to file another BBB complaint, order Gateways for my company instead of Dells, call the NYS consumer affair's Dept again, and publicly speak ill will of Dell.I would also like to not have to resort to Binding Arbitration.Linda Hollingsworth has been wonderful in attempting to meet my needs, however there has been serious confusion.As per Dell warranty and "Total return customer satisfaction" policy I would prefer this matter resolved ASAP!

It would be greatly appreciated if once again you could see that this is resolved as soon as possible. Once again, I hope all is well with you, I thank you for your continued help and support, and I sincerely hope this matter can be resolved to satisfaction, as before, with minimal hassle.
Best Regards,

E-mail with price comparable system specs:
It wont allow me to simply paste the link to the system I found closest to price of my old one and I have no fax, so here you go:
Category- Code- Sku-
Base: P3 1.0 GHZ-m 14.1 sxga+ 100AXHN 220-3983
Memory: 128MB,SDRAM,2DIMMS 128M2D 311-6309
Hard Drives: 20 GB Ultra ATA HD 20 GB 340-6515
Floppy Drive: Mod Floppy FD 340-7047
OS: XP Home WHXP 313-7222 420-0554
Network Card: Integrated INTNIC 430-1292
Modem: Internal 56K 56MPC 313-1225
Modular CD/DVD: 16x cd-rw/dvd
combo drive with Roxio 16DVD 313-0767 313-0833
External Speakers: HK 195 Grey HK 313-5140
Software: Upgrade to MSOffice
Small Business w/Educate U
(Sku-412-1605) IXPESBM 412-0093 412-1605
Norton: Norton 2002 90-Day NAV2002 412-5623
Digital Music: Dell Jukebox XP
MusicMatch 6.0 JUKEXP 412-3809
Batteries: 59 Whr Lit-Ion, ExpressCharge LIION8 312-2511
Service&Support: 3 Yr Ltd Warrenty-
3 Yr At-Home Service +Lifetime Phone SI30S 950-1000 950-1002 950-3339
Internet: 6 mo AOL AOLDHSX 412-3887
Digital Imaging: Image Expert 200 XP Dell DPSXP 412-3807
Power Protection: Notebook Surege Pro. NBSURGE 114224

The Catalog# is 29 19
The total System Price according to Dell website is 2060.00$! The price is perfect for the least amount of hassle on both your end and mine. As is the system with me.
Linda, this is the closest one I found, and the one that makes me the most satisfied. If you can find an even better system for the price, the please inform me. Questions or issues please let me know. Also double check with Cheryl to make sure she got my letter in regards to your wonderful service.My sincere thanks for minimal hassle.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 7:14 PM
Subject: FW: Exchange System-(Per Linda X-56704)


I have forwarded this on to Linda and instructed her to call you. She will be in the office on Wednesday and I feel very confident she'll be able to assist you with your system.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Thanking you for your patience,

Cheryl Sullivan
Mgr. Tech Support - Dell Computer Corporation
Ext. 57269

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:30 PM
Subject: Exchange System-(Per Linda X-56704)

I have contacted Linda as she informed to if I had any questions, I have yet to get a response. REF#-23888143. I have questions about my new Dell system, and certain requests on compatibility issues?
Please have someone familiar with the situation get in contact with me by weeks end! I would like to leave this situation a happy and satisfied Dell customer, without having to involve the BBB or higher ups again.

----- Original Message -----
From: Scott
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 2:57 PM
Subject: Satisfied customer...thanks! (Per Linda X-56704)

Dear Cheryl;
I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know what a pleasure it was speaking with one of your staff today, Linda @ Extension 56704!

I will refrain from delving into my in-depth issues with my Dell Laptop, I'm sure you can review them all in your system. Needless to say I needed to contact Tech support today. I had called earlier and been given attitude, was spoken to rudely, and then disconnected by Stacy (her extension I'm unaware.)

When I called back I got Linda on the phone. Linda @ Extension 56704 was courteous, knowledgeable, informative, empathetic, understanding, patient etc. Everything that a Customer Service person should be! Linda was a pleasure to deal with. She not only offered alternative options to resolve my problem, she followed thru with me until a resolution was reached.

Linda is what I expect from a Customer Service/ Tech Support Rep, you should be flattered to have her as part of your team. It is my view that you need more people like Linda and less like Stacy! If it is possible I would appreciate it if you could reward Linda in whatever fashion Dell deems worthy for her efficient, gracious, professional and courteous resolution of my problem!

Please let Linda @ extension 56704 know that I appreciate the time she took in assisting me today and that I feel there should be more like her!

Best Regards,

Click here to read other Rip-off Reports on DELL

1 Updates & Rebuttals

And the Apathy and lack of customer concern continue!


Wed, February 13, 2002

Only after filing 5 complaints and sending over a dozen e-mails do i get this!
Anyone interested in banding together against Dell, let me know!

----- Original Message -----
To: ; ;
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 11:27 AM
Subject: RE: Dell, Attorney General Complaint REF#23888143

Upon receipt of the complaints, I will be happy to recap our former resolution on your previous complaint requesting a new system, and I will also be sure to include a copy of your Dell Service Agreement/Warranty, which will clearly show that Dell acted fully within the parameters of what we are held accountable for in the case of issuing a warranty exchange. Dell has fully complied with the terms and conditions of your contract; I apologize if you are not happy with the terms and conditions thereof, but all Dell customers agree to the same terms upon purchasing a system. The terms are clearly listed on our website for all customers to read before purchasing the system.

My response is as follows:
Once again, your apathy and non customer focused attitude astounds me!

Well if you were recapping the former resolution of issuing me a new system, none of the current complaints, nor correspondence would be taking place! I would have a new system in my possession or at least a refurbished one of EQUAL monetary and other subsequent value!

My signature never once appeared on any document binding me to any warranty whatsoever.
However I have already read over(
the information contained on your website in regards to your warranty and exchange, as well as your guarantee! Dell does not specifically inform there customers to read the information on the website, nor give them the direct link. I happened to find it doing my own research. However unless your average Dell customer is psychic, then they would have no idea to read the website! Come to think of it, considering you were the person I spoke to in regards to obtaining my last 4000, you never made me aware of the website and warranty yourself!

The fact still remains, the system you sent me is NOWHERE near comparable to that of my 4000, in price, or any other fashion! Therefore you have not complied with the terms and conditions of your so called warranty. To be blunt, you have ripped me off. You have extorted over 700$ from me in the exchange you proposed. Not only that but you have committed fraud as well under the Dell "Total Satisfaction Return Policy"! Also I should make you aware you had said all Dell customers agree to your so called terms upon 'purchasing' a Dell system, #1 I never agreed to anything, my signature and or verbal authorization are present nowhere, thus binding me to nothing, #2 technically, I never 'purchased' my previous Dell system to begin with, you took care of everything!

There is currently a hold on my Visa in the amount of 1356$ for the Refurbished system I returned to you, I expect it removed. Furthermore, under the guidelines of your "Total Satisfaction Return Policy" the Refurnished system yours sent was returned to you because it was found to be unacceptable well within eh 14 day time frame. Since you considered that to be a new (Refurbished) system, and I am currently without a functional machine I expect to be reimbursed on my Visa in the amount the system cost, or be reimbursed in the full amount of my original system at which time I would gladly take my business elsewhere!

The fact remains, I am still the customer. I prefer to refrain from entering Binding Arbitration unless absolutely necessary! The hassle on my end, and the poor public publicity (especially under current economic markets) that such an action would cause is something I think we would both like to avoid!

The situation still remains, I have no functional computer, and no machine of comparable cost! As I said, I am still out a machine, and out money, therefore, finally
How do you presume we resolve this matter?

For your records:


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