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  • Report:  #420458

Complaint Review: DELTA AIRLINE


  • Reported By:
    barataria Louisiana
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 05, 2009
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 11, 2009

Delta Airlines need to be aware they can not do what they want! Because Delta lacked strict governing for so long they have gone astray with all rules of good work practice. Jan 14, 2009 Delta top 7 USAir carries number of complaints by DOT. I wish I used common knowledge to review information concerning airlines prior to my vacation. Unlike most complaints, besides humiliated and feeling dirty and degraded I am writing my story in part due to my frustration but mostly because I want to prevent this from happening again. It became evident due to continue complaints and Delta's lack of pride and their persist ignorance concerning my tragic rules to prevent this will not be put in place, furthermore afraid number of complaints prove rules, if any, put in place will be bluntly disregarded. Although concerns from all passenger complaints appear clear, it is imperative you always question the motives of airlines and put what they promise in writing. Overbooking is done in order to compensate for no shows. My ever lasting experience and on going passenger complaints points out money is the only ambition, passengers' safety or well being is not a priority. It is sad that I have to live with what I experienced everyday for rest of my life. First, It is sad I have to feel so ashamed telling my story, however because complaints from others are never ending I feel since of obligation to alert you of the real danger involving big corporations that only observe you as profits, not human. My experience proves this to be true. Second, my nightmare stays with me regardless if I remain quite. Although I can never turn this wrong into a right, I can use it to alert others and order to prevent this from happening to them!
Yes, I now have an attorney. In the beginning I did not, this was never about getting an attorney; in fact it was Delta who told me to get an attorney. Year later Delta lacked responsibility to even assist me criminally. Delta told me they did not know who this person was, nor would they fly me to Dominican Republic,(where this took place) in order to press charges. Delta refused accountability and moral duties. After alarming facts Delta had no concerns to remove these monsters from harms way, I had no other choice, justice for these monsters was not coming from help of Delta, and so I took Delta's advice and contacted an attorney.
I asked my self everyday what I did for this to happen to me. My questions were the following:
What kind of daughter was I? Neither parent living, my love to be a good daughter I am second of seven children, me alone paid my mom's mortgage and all other bills while she laid semi coma for entire three years days she was not in hospital me alone escorted her to every doctor visited, when she died (2005) me alone paid all expenses for proper services.
What kind of sister was I? Everything I did for my mom plus more I did for my four sisters and two brothers as well as many nieces and nephews.
What kind of wife? Married wonderful 20 years with same goals. Although he claims I try to change the world his heart is big, he won't admit it.
What kind of mother? 16 and 9 value family time, old fashion with TV, cell phone and computers, Dishonesty totally unacceptable, less then a conduct in school not happening, not stern on grades don't see need in stress nothing below C
Was I good friend? Believe they will say I been there every time,
Was I good boss? I can answer that, No, I am weak, can never say no, although every employee will try keeping me clear from office because clients took advantage of my weakness, and it's not weakness concerning employees.
Did I do my part in community? Coached at my Local Park and gym two and three age groups at once. Many of the kids trusted and came to me for anything. Few that were going in wrong direction I make plans to spend a day in hospitals, court hearings some place I thought that kid needed to see where life can go.
Today my answer to all questions above is very different. One example, my 16 year old went to dentist every six months, got bracelet on her teeth in 2005, went to dentist regularly, after this happen went to dentist once, forced my self to bring her few months ago I got scared bracelets will ruin her teeth, made appt to have them removed Nov 2008, as of today Feb 5th, never returned, my daughters bracelets will ruin her teeth. My husband begs me to go out, go shopping ( my nickname was shopper) everyone knows I shopped 4 days a week, if not 6.My kids tell me get dress. This one day, these awful few moments destroyed me, there is days I am completely paralyzed. I want to move, I want to take my daughter to the dentist, millions of things I want, I need to do but I am paralyzed. It has been more than two years I feel them, I smell them no less then before, sometimes the smell of them is so strong it makes me sick, many times I their touch feels so real it actually hurts. There have been few days, not many I say today I will do ok, today I will not remember. I ask myself why do I self destruct myself, why does my husband and kids have to always tell me my clothes are on inside out, or this or that, I believe if I do the mother thing, if I take my daughter to the dentist, or get dressed with my clothes on right side I am a good or whole person, because I feel incomplete I can not bring myself to do things that will be normal. This may or may not be the reason, but it is what I wonder, I finally asked myself and this is only thing I thought of. Delta's lack of communication and careless concerns has jeopardized not only me but my family. Delta had the nerve to inform me they want to question my daughters, which neither is aware of my nightmare, that's like telling a two year old Santa's fake. Few reasons I do not want my daughter to know, one not her job to feel my pain, another, god forbid if this should ever happen to her I do not want her to be ashamed, but because my actions I will send mix signals. Seeing actions sends more of a message then hearing (you can tell kids don't drink and drive but if they see you do it your words will never touch their ears) if she finds out from all people, the culprit its self she will never hear another word I tell her. Delta refused to assist me before and after the facts, yet they want to now assist with who and how others is made known of this. We all know you can't learn much from a 16, besides telling her will not help; it will make it worse, if at all possible. She will connect the dots, she will put the pieces to the puzzle, but she will learn the puzzle can not be put together, then she too will be sad, destroyed and angry. I am now gambling with chance she may find out because I now find it vital to alert others how controlling and dishonest huge companies will be for a profit. Its not enough Delta is Delta because of its passengers, greed is not enough, that is proven almost on a daily basis through our media broadcast. It is sad not only is there greed, but it goes further, it is over looked by the law enforcement that is suppose to enforce rules governing their action. Greed blinds many without them even aware of how blind.
Is it obvious I am avoiding my complaint? Delta is we are aware overbooks with no regard of its passengers. Delta asked me, I was told Delta had one seat remaining over booked, I was told I was only passenger flying alone; my first response was no (delta flying different location) because my husband was meeting me at the airport in Dominican. Attendant approached me a second time with same question, only this time she informed me a limo will be waiting at airport and Delta will get me to my resort. Prior to vacation I confirmed my resort and identifying who and how my family was getting picked up from airport and transferred to the resort. I explained all details to two Delta attendants; two Delta attendants assured me delta will have limo ready and waiting at airport. I was concerned with language because I do not speak Spanish, my many contacts prior to our stay I was aware of the Spanish involved. Two Delta employees assured me Delta employee at other airport speaks English and is aware of our arrival seven of us all together. We were all assured same thing. In addition Two Delta employees told me no more then hour or two from resort.
You guessed it, no different than many other complaints posted. Delta lacked communications, failed to provide adequately trained personnel at both airports, Inconsistency and knowing misrepresentation focusing on airlines economic interest failing to insure safety of its passengers and breach duty to transport. First, Delta employees in Atlanta Georgia (failed) lied about calling ahead and assuring us employees there will be awaiting our arrival. Second, No one was aware we were coming or aware why we were even there. Trying to get someone to understand us or we understanding them is entire another story. Third, no limo, car, bus hell not even a bike. Fourth, three to four hours from resort. With assistance of male passenger that was told same untruths, spoke some Spanish, so we were able to understand we all just got SCREWED! With grace of GOD and other airline employees, (not Delta.) Male passenger and I tried to explain and understand how and where we go. The remaining time there was big mess. After much frustration and fear from the wife of the male passenger was about to loose it and sympathy concerning four other women passengers, this was their first trip together and the panic they had was showing. Finally, not minute to soon they got all seven of us same transportation. Originally couple agreed we should all stick together but transportation was small and the couple refused to take three four hour ride with all seven cramped in car, which was understandable, because the couple was late for something and due to his temper, again fully understandable they took first car. Although the couple offered me to ride with them because the others were together, I felt like I was making my daughter and her friends take freighting journal alone, my heart went out to them, I had to shelter them. Again because four passengers and myself was going to different resort they were providing us with two vehicles again I immediately felt the terror of the others, I pointed out several reasons, gas prices for three cars instead two and other factors, I assured the others they will not be left alone, they thanked me while we again waited for transportation. While waiting we found out our resorts were close by, once we arrived out the capitol of Dominican and in Punta Cana we agreed I will be dropped off first. I expressed this manner to Delta employee while he waited with us, he understood and agreed. Moment's later transportation was ready to take us to our awaiting resorts. Delta employee escorted us but once again prior to me getting in I stated I will be dropped off first, I am not to go last, he looked at other passengers as if to get their approval, they stated yes they wanted me to be dropped off first. Delta employee bent down spoke Spanish and assured me I will go to my resort first. Off we went, he knew that will be the last time I be happy. Other passengers and me talked a bit, they thanked me for staying with them, I lectured them on careless and etc, they alerted me they were not as young as I thought, perhaps as young as I may have treated them.(reminded me of my oldest mom I'm not a baby) off and on I fall asleep, car sick, always, I dread car rides. Again I am avoiding details.
Not much left to say, again, no different from many other complaints Delta lacked all concerns for its passengers and SURPRISE! LIED! The other passengers were driven to their resort first, upon the girls departure one gave me an apology, I did not give it a second thought, foolish me. Besides the worse was over, (how wrong was I) I was glad I got to see them safe that was my only concern, not to mention I was so close to my resort. If I would have had any concern of what will happen next I would have got out with the girls, my concern was assuring their safety from strangers, not Delta driver or who I assumed to be Delta driver.
Short distance away we pulled in front of van I tried to question his stop, still totally unaware of his intentions. I asked him you getting directions, or you lost. It did not hit me until two men in van escorted me in a harsh and rude way, still then I thought for what ever reason they will drive me to my resort. Next many many minutes were ice cold moments. Grace of God came down and allowed my mind to go with him it's like I was looking down watching everything from afar. This way, that way, here, there its like explaining details on honeymoon everyone knows what you did on honeymoon night but no one gives details. Bad example because one night begins happy life this night took rest of my life. Even as I struggle typing this I have to move my arms because the weight of them still is so heavy. I wonder how are why one night, minutes ruined my life. I brush my teeth longer yet this stays with me I don't care what anyone says this pain is beyond words, just trying to think how I feel makes me feel so un-normal.
Top it off Delta claims many thing all of course not responsible. One reason they claim driver not employee therefore not liable for others action. Another cowardly excuse ticket is printed claiming not liable. Ticket can be printed up and down and big and bold black and blue, ticket was amended when more then one employee, more then two DELTA EMPLOYEE not only agreed and confirmed change but assured and promised me adequate transportation. Delta prints contract rules on a ticket and hires strangers and has the nerve to breach their own contract negligently and reckless allow a stranger to drive me hours away and believe they have a right to assert not a single bit of consideration.
I can assure you but for two Delta employees in Atlanta who first amended what ever contract they claim on ticket, contract is something all parties or to sit down and read then sign, I will love to see number of passengers who get ticket plenty advance to read and sign it. That point is mute due to fact when ever a contract is amended old is out and in with new. Delta employee also failed to contact other airport with all lies they told passengers who was bumped off flight.
I spent many hours for days, weeks, months all I got was run around. Delta should be required to report this to proper police this should have been a main concern, my problem was a waste of their time. Truth is as long as consumers overwhelm enforcement agents we will be not a consumer with a complaint but a problem with a number. Airlines is aware law enforcement is over worked, understaffed and exhausted with road blocks with passing stricter rules.
Delta will do what they do best. Hide from the truth. Cheat honest, ignore liability, refuse the truth and continue to aim for profits, No matter what the outcome my struggle was given to me unfairly and not one enforcement agent cared to try and have these monsters removed from society. That sends wrong messages and now if you are reading this should point out this is one of the reasons our world is falling. Companies like Delta digging the ditch, and our leaders reusing to close the many gaps open. And people like me paying for all others greed I will fight off these monsters for rest of my life and pray to get three hours sleep every week.
I can not give advice for the first time that I can remember; I can not talk myself from this thing holding me down. I never understood how voices talk to others, thank God I yet to hear voices, nonetheless three men holding me down all the time with smell that makes me ill is no better. I can no longer be the mother I planned to be, I am no longer the friend everyone needs or the coach all depends on lets don't get started with my role as a wife. Truth is I am no longer the eyes and mouth for others because I no longer see things in a clear light. How can I be a good mother, wife, friend, sister any thing when I let this happen to me. My thoughts racing many miles with many thoughts. Some thoughts happier thoughts, lost. So if anything can come from this please never take companies promise with out questions, and believe that Delta will never ever value your life or well being more than a small profit.


barataria, Louisiana

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Delta Air Lines

22 Updates & Rebuttals



It has always been the same

#23Author of original report

Tue, February 10, 2009

My apology for asking why did reader assume, as I tried to explain I was not thinking in right mind as I wrote what happen, nor did I want to re read it.

Delta never offered to drop me off at original airport (where I already confirmed transportion) Delta asked me to change flights and delta would have their transportion get me to my resort because delta now wants to land me in another airport all together, not just another flight, but entire different airport. So my original transportion would have not been waiting my arrival nor a certain time.

Yes, you are right I was going to entire different country, however what you must understand I never, ever expected to just be dropped off. Was not my neglect this happen it was because Delta's intent to never keep their promise!

When I researched my vacation, I confirmed every detail including my transportion, I asked all questions that needed to be asked. I verified all details including my transportion. Nonetheless, only detail I did not research was Delta airlines. I never expected Delta to purposely over book and then lie about the details because they needed to bump some passengers.

Because Delta is one of us (UNITED STATES) I assumed unintelliginent and assumed Delta's safety guidelines were used when they themselves not only bump passengers due to their over booking, but they themselves offer and promise transportion.

I never, ever made plans to arrive in another country without confirming all details. You keep stating out the country, this was not due to me arriving in another country not fully informed, the only mistake I did was trust Delta!

If I would have refused Delta's request or if I was aware of Delta's reluctant to tell the truth or lack of, my life will be normal. Because I used all caution, this was not my first time in another country, in fact we visit other countries 3 weeks at a time. I am well aware of my surroundings, I researh every thing with all appropriate agents. I can assure you my ill-bred knowledge involving Delta will have ever lasting effects.

You materialize it as I flew in another country with blinders, simply not true. It was not the other country who was dishonest with facts, it was Delta.

As far as claiming this happen first to a friend then find out it happen to me, I have no idea what you are talking about. A friend who came to visit me replied to a comment, we assume because she was at my home (my computer) although she used her e/mail her reply came under author. (me)

As far as expecting Delta with assisitng me with filing police report, Delta paid this monster, Delta is only one who can track him. I had all information concerning transportion that I set up. Delta has all information concerning who delta set up!
In addition there are guidelines that are to be enforced when crimes happen in other countries, companies have duties they have to enforce assuring crimes such as this are reported to proper law enforcements!

You are so right concerning responsibility, but only if Delta had not offered this promotion and had not promised me safe transportion.

All other flights I had my transportion confirmed and researched, including my original flight on this day in question. Even a person short of intelligence realizes transportion not made my airline, unless offered such as this case.

Since you appear to have all the answers,(maybe I was unwise to assume Delta's honesty) If you booked a flight with an airline and that airline offered transportion with that flight and promised you transportion will pick you up at the airport and get you to your hotel would you trust them or assume what the airline is telling you is fraudulent?

I understand today accountability is passed around and many fingers pointed away from themselves, from banks, big GEO's car dealerships and many others. Without getting into details anyone that knows me is fully aware I stand behind honesty! My kids learned early on "ACCOUNTABILITY" honesty and accountability are rules of my family! I understand readers don't know me and I was aware of some readers who may be hesitant, truth is never easy, other wise we will have no need for justice system, witness, and GOD! With that said, I was not the only passenger Delta was dishonest with, Six other passengers also thrown to fin for themselves after Delta was less than truthful!

Ask your self one question, When you purchase movie ticket for a particular movie, but ticket clerk is aware a different flim is playing and fails to inform you, do you have the right to be upset? Do you have the right to see what you paid for?
If you pay for a vacation plan that includes four days and three nights but hotel clerk is aware you'll be put out after one night, Do you have a right to be mad?
If you purchase airfare ticket to fly you to one state, yet they fly you to another in addition fail to assist after abanding you, Do you have the right to be mad?
If you paid for one thing and person you paid not only understood what you paid for but agreed and provided you with entirly different services because their intentions were never truthful in the first place, who's responsibility is it?

FINAL NOTE: I am fully aware if by reporting any untruths I am liable, Delta promised seven passengers transportion, Delta promised me safety, Delta failed to provide what they promised, whether with bad intentions or sad mishap, my experiences and late research concerning Delta alerts me this was done with purpose and lack of concern. Delta proved time and again they have no intention to care about passengers concerns or safety!
Keep in mind I originally never expected delta to provide my transportion, only after my original ticket was amended with a new ticket that at this point included safe transportion! Why would I have any reason to doubt what DELTA a US company promised me! Yes I take responsibility in believing what Delta promised me! I did not assume delta will get my transportion, Delta offered this with new ticket and Delta promised me! If this was a mishap only on my part, why then did Delta provide transportion for other six passengers after they barked about their dissatisfaction! This is in no way me expecting delta to provide me with transportion, This is what delta offered and promised! This is what I was offered, what I was promised and what I paid for!



So which one is it?

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, February 10, 2009

Okay I see that we are back to this happening to you after you stated that it was actually a personal friend of yours.

You stated.."Besides why do you assume my husband was picking me up?"
- It was from your OWN posting earlier, when you stated..
"my first response was no (delta flying different location) because my husband was meeting me at the airport in Dominican."

Your right how could any one assume that your husband was picking you up from that statement. I mean he was just going to meet you at the airport and then what? Send you on your way?

Yes your(or your friends) actions after the fact do matter. You stated orginally that "nor would they fly me to Dominican Republic,(where this took place) in order to press charges."

Why would they need to fly you(or your friend) back a year later, IF charges were filed when you were there originally. Was any assistance requested while in the Dominican Republic. This means Law Enforcement, Medical Assistance, or Delta. If so who were the first people contacted.

We have really no idea what if any part of this story is true, although there are strong indications that most if not all of it did not happen as stated. However, one thing is certain. You need to see a phyciatrist, to help you through these issues whether they are real or imagined. Do what ever you have to do to get this to happen, talk to your attorney, your husband, or your kids to get you to someone.



Once again

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, February 10, 2009

This is not Delta's fault
YOU traveled to a foreign country by YOURSELF
Therefore you should have been prepared - In this day and age of cell phones, computers and such YOU are responsible for your safety not Delta
Once again if you have a REAL case to state try using grammer and paragraphs
I have dealt with sexual assault victims (being one myself) and I have been able to understand them -
YOU I cannot comprehend your babble



Once again

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, February 10, 2009

This is not Delta's fault
YOU traveled to a foreign country by YOURSELF
Therefore you should have been prepared - In this day and age of cell phones, computers and such YOU are responsible for your safety not Delta
Once again if you have a REAL case to state try using grammer and paragraphs
I have dealt with sexual assault victims (being one myself) and I have been able to understand them -
YOU I cannot comprehend your babble



Once again

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, February 10, 2009

This is not Delta's fault
YOU traveled to a foreign country by YOURSELF
Therefore you should have been prepared - In this day and age of cell phones, computers and such YOU are responsible for your safety not Delta
Once again if you have a REAL case to state try using grammer and paragraphs
I have dealt with sexual assault victims (being one myself) and I have been able to understand them -
YOU I cannot comprehend your babble


New Jersey,

So this allegedly happened to you or someone else?

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, February 10, 2009

And Delta is still not going to pay you.



Additional issues

#23Author of original report

Mon, February 09, 2009

First place this is a complaint involving Delta's bad and dishonest practices medical, police reports and reporting to husband or others is nothing to do with complaint involving Delta.
Secondly, there are many issues involving this. If this was a Psychotherapy board all other issues would be included. Details involving medical and other issues is on going and evident will be long lasting due to Delta's lack of honesty. Nonetheless actions after the fact, although due to delta's deceitful behavior, is not the ripoff complaint.
Delta promised one thing and did another, That is the complaint. Because delta was not honest something awful happen!
Breif details how someone is before and after is to explain catastrophic effects when something as heartrending as this happens.
Details involving medical issues after the fact is apparent, all other issues are not complaints, but issues after a fact!
If this was an embark for improbability facts will speak for themselves. There is no improbability Delta promise me safe transportion, nor is there doubtfulness six other passengers were made the same promise. Other passengers were also observant Delta employee assured me not only safety, but promised I would not be left alone!
Facts that disembark after is mute. Because my only motive was to pray this will never happen again and because delta continues to lack honesty I felt it a necessitate to make my pain public. Who, when and how I filed a report is not a complaint but merely entirely facts HAPPEN afterwards! None of this changes the fact this would have NOT happen, BUT NOT FOR DELTAS DISHONESTY!
Of course I did not include details after, what are you saying if you know the exact date and time when I told my husband then facts that delta promised me would be different, details after will never change what happen. What the hell does the outcome of when I did this or that have to do with the intentions of what delta promised me! If this was answers and questions then you will know what ever you want to know! Readers lack consideration with the difficulty I have explaining my experience, they are more concern with proper spelling, no second thoughts concerning what I am experiencing while writing it, and you some how find it important that I inform readers who and when I reported my pain. This is about delta, I also failed to mention delta's concern after learning this happen because again their employees were less than honest! But that too is mute!
Besides why do you assume my husband was picking me up?
Because you are an expert concerning issues afterwards, maybe you can enlighten me when will if ever, I feel normal again? Although I am aware what happen to me I can not get over it, and yes there are many questions I ask my self, none which I have no answers. I do things I shouldn't and do not do things I should! One thing I learned how quickly this changes you, no warning, I had no time to prepare myself. I am so dead but expected to act so alive! so if my actions after make me seem like a nut or to question my behavior afterwards is vital, I can assure you I have no answers!I can not tell you something I do not know! I wish I can! I can't

Yes delta should have honorable obligation to assist with reporting this crime. Delta's employee or not, Delta did pay this monster. Moment delta paid this monster, moment delta made me a promise Delta had an obligation to what delta promised including when delta paid him, delta hired this monster as their employee, even if for a minute, yet their motives did not include concern about me or it's other passengers. Delta has a right to deny customers if they feel at risk, passengers should have that same right. Just because delta employess will be out of harms way does not give delta the right to lack concern for risk that may occur when delta offers it's passengers promotions. If delta's only objective was to have passengers change flights, then delta should have said that. Instead delta's promises were never their intent, now I have to live with this for rest of my life!



Additional Issues..

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, February 09, 2009

In addition to what has already been stated, there are a few other issues with this story that bring into question which if any parts of it are true.

At no time could I see in the original report that you stated you were not the person this happened to. I did read this over a few times, which was no easy feat, and still could not find any references to this. Yet in an update you finally stated that you were a personal friend of the girl that was attacked.

You never stated when did this happen?

As near as I can see the first place this girl went was to complain to Delta. I could not find any references to where she actually went to the Police. The only reference I could find is when you stated "Delta should be required to the proper police". Excuse me, why should they be required to report it?

Also, when you hear "gang rape" you imagine physical violence which would require medical attention. Again, not one reference to needing any medical attention.

Then we figure that she made it to her resort and met up with her husband. After all she was meeting him at the airport and they were going to then travel to the resort. Did she mention this event to him? Did she attempt to get the resort staff to contact the authorities?


New Jersey,

Now you are somehow the owner of Delta?

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, February 09, 2009

Seriously. They are not going to pay you.



understand the pain

#23REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, February 09, 2009

Re living this is hard trying to explain every detail is even harder. I was aware of the amount of humiliation I would get, however I was not expecting critics being so cruel concerning my spelling or sentences. Yes, I agree trying to understand first comment is all over the place, something I wish you never have to understand what I am talking about. When something like this happens your mind wonders off, and as days and weeks pass your mentality continues to wonder. If I allow my rational mind to return I have to deal with my pain, so when I think about it talk about it or even write about it I feel the pain, while I am trying to forcing my self to deal with it, my mind won't allow me to, so my mind is always racing with hurt, regret, sad and sometimes suicide thoughts. Trying to write my experience is one of the hardest things I had to every do.

I understand some will question my truth, I understand some will know it to be 100% true, I never expected some to call me a nut because I made one of the agonizing decisions for others. Displaying my pain is not to benefit myself, because I was aware of some of the aching lash back I may get, although I would be distress because mY experience is so real and some may claim my truth was dishonesty, however I was not prepare for cruel comments. I understand if prehaps my complaint involved issues that did not destroy my life then criticism concerning writing skills at that point understandable. When you write or try to write about something that I am experiencing your writing skills is not even a factor. Putting my pain and experience down on a paper is not easy, it's not esay to read, not easy to write. Now to read criticism because I did not apply writing skills in my complaint, is not what I expected.

I would hope the particular criticism does not prevent other victims of rape from filing proper complaints. Although some of the criticism weighs more on the cruel side I want to believe if Delta promises a passenger what they promise me, that passenger would remeber this and refuse their offer.

Regarding comment because it did not happen at airport or ticket counter not airlines fault. Because ticket counter is part of what Delta offers is why it is so evident that the ticket counter is part of Delta, however services go beyond ticket counter. Just as one passengers comment part of delta's offer for bumping them included hotel room, when they arrived hotel clerk stated there were no rooms and she did not understand why delta sent them there.

Delta provided me transportion, Delta included this service therefore making this one of their services that went beyond ticket counter.

Delta sent passengers to that hotel with no intent of them getting a room, what happen if something would have happen to them, than god nothing happen, Delta can not continue to offer people dishonest services.

If delta only offer me a new flight and I would have had to arrange transportion I would have refuse to change flights. Delta was aware of this, Delta offered me something that was dishonest. Delta did not care they were leaving astray.

Many months prior to my vacation I researched island where we were to visit, I confirmed transportion, safety and crime. Delta over booked and asked me to trust them. Delta assured me they understood my fears and do have safety guidelines in place that provide transportion for its passengers when needed.

I did not ask to change flights, Delta asked me. Delta promised me safety I trusted them, I relied on them when they asked me to trust them.

Why did I go on about my self, I can't answer that I don't know why I do anything after this happen. I can only guess I wanted everyone to know how this has changed me, questions I asked myself, person I was before, person who I am now. I wasn't trying to plat a certain part, just asking outloud why this happen to me, I always thought I was a good person.

I will no longer read this site, again I expected some to beleive others may not, I did not expect the criticism not on rather I am telling the truth, but on minor details. All I can do is pray this may help others not trust delta so fast. Also if any one is or knows of a rape victim to understand your experience will live with you forever, learn from my mistakes, talk about it, deal with it and get help ASAP. Some times you will feel you are going crazy, others you will know you are crazy. But do not let cruel criticism knock you down. Being rape takes all your power it will control you everything you do and say. How you act, what you think. It is not easy gaining your control, cruel criticism does not make it any easier, but, please do not let criticism hold you down. Truth will always set you free! All people will never understand the debt of what you loose, but for critics that go beyond cruel should never be one that holds you down, working around a brutal crime is a life struggle, working around a cruel critic should not be a struggle, understand if you want to help others, there are few that will be those that quickly make you regret you bacame public, but if you save one it is worth it! Critics will be critics rather you remain silent or speak, remember silent does not help no one! Telling my story was not easy, my mind not wanting to remember facts, but I knew I had to do it for others, yet to read someone a freak because my sentences were not clear made me understand vicious behavior comes in many ways, inhuman is not always physical. Maybe you will only understand how we think or feel, thoughts that control our mind, maybe we are different, maybe it is hard for anyone to understand what we lost. un-less they have such an inhuman physical attack that will destroy everything about them. Maybe consumer is right, maybe I am a nut, but I did not become a nut untill after I trusted Delta! I used airlines many many times I provided my own transportion everytime, even this time I provided my own, untill Delta asked me to go with the transportion they provided me, but to learn delta failed to provide me with what they promised! I did not depend on delta untill they asked me to!!!!!!


Palm City,

What the heck are you stating?????

#23Consumer Comment

Sun, February 08, 2009

Not only do you need to cut to the facts, but what the heck are you describing?????



I have to agree, your story is very weak. . .

#23Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 08, 2009

Firstly, your story is very hard to decipher. You go on and on about how your a wonderful person, and you may well be, but it is not necessary to include so much 'wonderful' in your report.
Secondly, you really don't state exactly what happened to you, you leave it trailing, you never state if the police where called, how you got to your resort or really any information to make the story believable.
It almost sounds as if you have made a 'could have happened' scenario up in your head and posted it as fact. Makes us wonder 'did this actually happen', or did the poster fear it 'could have happened'?



Cut to the chase

#23Consumer Comment

Sun, February 08, 2009

Did this incident happen on the airplane, or at the ticket counter?

No?! Of course not. It happened(if at all) in the parking lot or somewhere else not related to the airport entirely. The airline does not own the airport, and certainly does not own the van.

Personally, I think the thread may be another case of "Drama-Queen goes nuts". You went to The Dominican Republic, which is NOT a safe place to be. You knew this going there. Then there's the possibility of using this incident as the excuse for bringing home a special present for your 9 months.

Call me a cynic, but I am betting on the second scenario.




#23Author of original report

Sun, February 08, 2009


As a personal friend of a girl attacked to watch her re live those moments over and over and to have the nerve to want to tell her story (only reason anyone wants to embrass themselves is to try to draw caution to others) spelling correctly is not one of their concerns. For any person to re live an attack either from talking or writing about it brings back horrible thoughts. If this should happen to you and you think you will be able to write your experience with out shaking and you will be able to re read your sentence and correct each word, I can only say I hope for your sake you dont want to assume you will prove me wrong. If you ever live with a rape you will never be able to write about it in a spelling contest. This is what rape does it destroys you. Your thoughts will never be calm. If you want to judge peoples writing and spelling skills do it in its proper place, not on a rape victim. You may know how to spell, but you should need to learn morals!

Yes we all know when you make plans that include airlines, it is up to you to get your own transportion from point A to point B. Just like this girl did. Her original flight was to land certain time at certain airport, her safe transportion was confirmed and prearranged. However Delta asked her to change flights asking her to take a different flight which will bring her to a different airport (delta over booked their flight) She said no explaining her concerns about transportion. Delta has several promotions when they over book flights, this promotion included transportion. Delta asked a second time again assuring her safe transportion! So no it is not up to every passenger to provide their transportion not when transportion is included with the airfare as like this was.

This would be no different as if you purchased a ticket to land in Texas but flight stopped in Ohio, is it up to you to get to point A to point B on your own because flight got you half way. Delta promised safe transportion, Delta should have provided safe transportion. Delta can not make offers at the moment they are in a jam and expect to bail out afterwards.



Are you serious??

#23Consumer Comment

Sat, February 07, 2009

Read your post????
Gave me a headache - if you want to be believed on this site learn how to use paragraphs and spelling

Delta did nothing wrong as far as I could read (and what a read it was)
They got you to your destination and after that it was up to YOU to find transportation not Delta's responsibility

You went to a foreign country therefore you took chances
This is 2009!!! Traveling to a foreign country is not as safe as it used to be
Grow up - If you want justice then you should have reported this "gang rape" to Law Enforcement in the country you were in

Stop blaming an Airline - they had nothing to do with your "rape"

PS - I have worked with Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and other Violent Crimes


New Jersey,

Please stop. You are embarrassing yourself.

#23Consumer Comment

Sat, February 07, 2009

Take it to court if it's true.



please admy re read complaint, fist complaint hil shaking and thoughts spinnig ableto tyo re ead ad focus update more understanable

#23Author of original report

Fri, February 06, 2009

Delta Airlines need to be aware they can not do what they want! Delta lacked strict governing for so long they have gone astray with all rules of good work practice. Jan 14, 2009 Delta top 7 USAir carries number of complaints by DOT.

I wish I used common knowledge to review information concerning airlines prior to my vacation. Unlike most complaints, besides humiliated and feeling dirty and degraded I am writing my story in part due to my frustration but mostly because I want to prevent this from happening again. It became evident due to continue customer complaints and Delta's lack of pride and their persist ignorance concerning my tragic rules to prevent this from happening again, will not be put in place, furthermore afraid number of complaints by new passengers prove rules, if any, put in place will be bluntly disregarded.

Although concerns from all passenger complaints appear clear, it is imperative you should always question the motives of airlines and put what they promise in writing. Overbooking is done in order to compensate for no shows. My ever lasting experience and on going new passenger complaints points out money is the only ambition, passengers' safety or well being is not a priority.

It is sad that I have to live with what I experienced everyday for rest of my life.
First, It is sad I have to feel so ashamed telling my story, however because complaints from others are never ending I feel since of obligation to alert you of the real danger involving big corporations only observe you as profits, not customers. My experience proves this to be true. Second, my nightmare stays with me regardless if I remain quite. Although I can never turn this wrong into a right, I can use it to alert others and order to prevent this from happening to them!

Yes, I now have an attorney. In the beginning I did not, this was never about getting an attorney; in fact it was Delta who told me to get an attorney. Year later Delta lacked responsibility to even assist me criminally. Delta told me they did not know who this person was, nor would they fly me to Dominican Republic,(where this took place) in order to press charges. Delta refused accountability and moral duties. After alarming facts that Delta had no concerns to remove these monsters from harms way, I had no other choice, justice for these monsters was not coming from help of Delta, I took Delta's advice and contacted an attorney.

I asked my self everyday what I did for this to happen to me. My questions were the following:
What kind of daughter was I? Neither parent living, my love to be a good daughter I am second of seven children, me alone paid my mom's mortgage and all other bills while she laid semi coma for entire three years days she was not in hospital me alone escorted her to every doctor visited, when she died (2005) me alone paid all expenses for proper services.
What kind of sister was I? Everything I did for my mom plus more I did for my four sisters and two brothers as well as many nieces and nephews.
What kind of wife? Married wonderful 20 years with same goals. Although he claims I try to change the world his heart is big, he won't admit it.
What kind of mother? 16 and 9 value family time, old fashion with TV, cell phone and computers, Dishonesty totally unacceptable, less then a conduct in school not happening, not stern on grades don't see need in stress nothing below C
Was I good friend? Believe they will say I been there every time,
Was I good boss? I can answer that, No, I am weak, can never say no, although every employee will try keeping me clear from office because clients took advantage of my weakness, and it's not weakness concerning employees.
Did I do my part in community? Coached at my Local Park and gym two and three age groups at once. Many of the kids trusted and came to me for anything. Few that were going in wrong direction I make plans to spend a day in hospitals, court hearings some place I thought that kid needed to see where life can go.
Today my answer to all questions above is very different. One example, my 16 year old went to dentist every six months, got bracelet on her teeth in 2005, went to dentist regularly, after this happen went to dentist once, forced my self to bring her few months ago I got scared bracelets will ruin her teeth, made appt to have them removed Nov 2008, as of today Feb 5th, never returned, my daughters bracelets will ruin her teeth. My husband begs me to go out, go shopping (my nickname was shopper) everyone knows I shopped 4 days a week, if not 6.My kids tell me get dress.

This one day, these awful few moments destroyed me, there is days I am completely paralyzed. I want to move, I want to take my daughter to the dentist, millions of things I want, I need to do but I am paralyzed. It has been more than two years I continue to feel them, I smell them no less then before, sometimes the smell of them is so strong it makes me sick. Many times their touch feels so real it actually hurts.
There have been few days, not many I say today I will do ok, today I will not remember. I ask myself why do I self destruct myself, why does my husband and kids have to always tell me my clothes are on inside out, or this or that, I believe if I do the mother thing, if I take my daughter to the dentist, or get dressed with my clothes on right side I am a good or whole person, because I feel incomplete I can not bring myself to do things that will be normal.
This may or may not be the reason, but it is what I wonder!

Delta's lack of communication and careless concerns has jeopardized not only me but my family. Delta had the nerve to inform me they want to question my daughters, which neither is aware of my nightmare, that's like telling a two year old Santa's fake.
Few reasons I do not want my daughter to know, one not her job to feel my pain, another, god forbid if this should ever happen to her I do not want her to be ashamed, because my actions will send mix signals. Seeing actions sends more of a message then hearing (you can tell kids don't drink and drive but if they see you drink and drive your words will never touch their ears) if she finds out from the culprit its self she will never hear another word I tell her.
Delta refused to assist me before and after the facts, yet they want to now assist with who and how others is made known of this. We all know you can't learn much from a 16, besides telling her will not help; it will make it worse, if at all possible. She will connect the dots, she will try to put the pieces to the puzzle, but she will learn the puzzle can not be put together, and then she too will be sad, destroyed and angry. I am now gambling with chance she may find out because I now find it vital to alert others how controlling and dishonest huge companies will be for a profit.
It's not enough Delta is big because of its passengers. Greed is not enough that is proven almost on a daily basis through our media broadcast. It is sad not only is there greed, but it goes further, it is over looked by the law enforcement that is suppose to enforce rules governing their action.

Is it obvious I am avoiding details of my complaint? Delta is aware they overbook and do it with no regard of its passengers.
Delta asked me to change flights because they had one seat remaining that was over booked, and I was only passenger flying alone; my first response was no (delta flying different location) because my husband was meeting me at the airport in Dominican.
Attendant approached me a second time with same question, only this time she informed me a limo will be waiting at airport and Delta will get me to my resort.

Prior to vacation I confirmed my resort and identifying who and how my family was getting picked up from airport and transferred to the resort.
I explained all details to two Delta attendants; two Delta attendants assured me delta will have limo ready and waiting at airport.
I was concerned with language because I do not speak Spanish, my many contacts prior to our stay I was aware of the Spanish involved. Two Delta employees assured me Delta employee at other airport speaks English and is aware of our arrival (seven of us all together) We were all assured same thing. In addition Two Delta employees told me no more then hour or two hours from resort.
You guessed it, no different than many other complaints posted. Delta lacked communications, failed to provide adequately trained personnel at both airports, Inconsistency and knowing misrepresentation focusing on airlines economic interest failing to insure safety of its passengers and breach duty to transport. First, Delta employees in Atlanta Georgia (failed) lied about calling ahead and assuring us employees there will be awaiting our arrival.
Second, No one was aware we were coming or aware why we were even there. Trying to get someone to understand us or we understanding them is entire another story.
Third, no limo, car, bus hell not even a bike waiting to transport us.
Fourth, different delta employee tells us three to four hours from resort.
With assistance of male passenger that was told same untruths, spoke some Spanish, so we were able to understand we all just got SCREWED! With grace of GOD and other airline employees, (not Delta.) Male passenger and I tried to explain and understand how and where we go. The remaining time there was big mess. After much frustration and fear for the wife of the male passenger who appear possible getting ready to loose it and sympathy concerning four other women passengers, this was their first trip together and the panic they had was showing.
Finally, not minute to soon they got all seven of us same transportation. Originally couple agreed we should all stick together, but transportation was small the couple refused to take three four hour ride with all seven cramped in car, (understandable) because the couple was late for something and temper, again fully understandable, husband and wife took first car. Although the couple offered me to ride with them because the others were together and appeared young and obvious freighted I looked at them as my daughters and I would never make my daughter and her friends take freighting journal alone. My heart went out to them, I had to shelter them.
Again delta was getting us two vehicles because four other passengers and I were going to different resort. Again I immediately felt the terror of the other passengers (young girls) One again I pointed out several reasons, gas prices for three cars instead two and other factors, I assured the others they will not be left alone. Girls thanked me while we once again waited for transportation.
While waiting we discovered our resorts were close by, so when we arrive out the capitol of Dominican and in Punta Cana we agreed I will be dropped off first.
I expressed this manner to Delta employee while he waited with us, he understood and agreed.
Moment's later transportation was ready to take us to our awaiting resorts. Delta employee escorted us but once again prior to me getting in I stated I will be dropped off first, I am not to be dropped off last because I am alone. Delta employee looked at other passengers as if to get their approval, they stated yes they wanted me to be dropped off first. Delta employee bent down spoke Spanish to driver (assume driver for delta) after conversation with driver assured me and other passengers I will go to my resort first. Off we went.
Never knew that will be the last time I be happy.
Other passengers and me talked a bit, they thanked me for staying with them, I lectured them on careless and etc, they alerted me they were not as young as I thought, perhaps as young as I may have treated them. (Reminded me of my oldest daughter reminding me she's not a baby) off and on I fall asleep, car sick, always, I dread car rides. Again I am avoiding details.

Not much left to say; again, no different from many other complaints Delta lacked all concerns for its passengers and SURPRISE! LIED! The other passengers were driven to their resort first, upon the girls departure one gave me an apology, I did not give it a second thought, foolish me. Besides the worse was over, (how wrong was I) I was glad I got to see them safe that was my only concern, not to mention I was so close to my resort. If I would have had any concern of what will happen next I would have got out with the girls, my concern was assuring their safety from strangers, not Delta driver or who I assumed to be Delta driver.
Short distance away we pulled in front of van I tried to question his stop, still totally unaware of his intentions. I asked him, are you getting directions, are you lost. It did not hit me until two men in van escorted me in a harsh and rude way, still then I thought for what ever reason they will drive me to my resort.
This is the moment that changed my life forever this is when the gang of them exercised their animal performance. Without giving awful fine points imagine what my next many minutes were, I can assure you they were ice cold moments. Grace of God came down and allowed my mind to go with him it's like I was looking down watching everything from afar. One animal did this way, that way, other animal here and over there. (Like explaining details on honeymoon everyone knows no one gives details) Bad example because one night begins happy life this night took rest of my life.
Even as I struggle typing this I have to move my arms because the weight of them still is so heavy. I wonder how or why one night, minutes, ruined my life. I brush my teeth longer than this happen, yet this stays with me I don't care what anyone says this pain is beyond words, just trying to think how I feel makes me feel so un-normal.
Top it off Delta claims many thing all of course, not responsible One reason they claim driver, not employee therefore. Not liable Another cowardly excuse ticket printed not liable. Ticket can be printed up and down and big and bold black and blue, ticket was amended when more then one employee, more then two DELTA EMPLOYEE not only agreed and confirmed change but assured and promised me adequate transportation.
Delta prints contract own rules on a ticket and feel they can hire strangers because they feel the nerve to breach their own contract removes them from negligently and reckless behavior than allow a stranger to drive me hours away and believe they have a right to assert not a single bit of consideration.
I can assure you but for two Delta employees in Atlanta who first amended what ever contract they claim on ticket, (contract all parties sit and read then sign, love to know number of passengers who get a ticket plenty advance to read, understand, question and sign it) That point is mute due to fact when ever a contract is amended old is out and in with new. Delta employee also failed to contact other airport with all lies they told passengers who was bumped off flight.
I spent many hours for days, weeks, months all I got was run around. Delta should be required to report this to proper police this should have been a main concern, my problem was a waste of their time. Truth is as long as consumers overwhelm enforcement agents we will be not a consumer with a complaint but a problem with a number. Airlines is aware law enforcement is over worked, understaffed and exhausted with road blocks with passing stricter rules.
Delta will do what they do best. Hide from the truth. Cheat honest, ignore liability, refuse the truth and continue to aim for profits, No matter what the outcome my struggle was given to me unfairly and not one enforcement agent cared to try and have these monsters removed from society. That sends wrong messages and now if you are reading this should point out this is one of the reasons our world is falling. Companies like Delta digging the ditch, and our leaders reusing to close the many gaps open. And people like me paying for all others greed I will fight off these monsters for rest of my life and pray to get three hours sleep every week.
I can not give advice for the first time that I can remember; I can not talk myself from this thing holding me down. I never understood how voices talk to others, thank God I yet to hear voices, nonetheless three men holding me down all the time with smell that makes me ill is no better. I can no longer be the mother I planned to be, I am no longer the friend everyone needs or the coach all depends on lets don't get started with my role as a wife. Truth is I am no longer the eyes and mouth for others because I no longer see things in a clear light. How can I be a good mother, wife, friend, sister any thing when I let this happen to me. My thoughts racing many miles with many thoughts. Some thoughts happier thoughts, lost. So if anything can come from this please never take companies promise with out questions, and believe that Delta will never ever value your life or well being more than a small profit.





gang means more than one, there were three the driver and two men in a van not one THREE

#23Author of original report

Thu, February 05, 2009

gang means more than one, there were three the driver and two men in a van not one THREE


New Jersey,

But you are a liar.

#23Consumer Comment

Thu, February 05, 2009

You state in your title that you were gang raped and that did not happen. That makes it a lie.


New Jersey,

But you are a liar.

#23Consumer Comment

Thu, February 05, 2009

You state in your title that you were gang raped and that did not happen. That makes it a lie.


New Jersey,

But you are a liar.

#23Consumer Comment

Thu, February 05, 2009

You state in your title that you were gang raped and that did not happen. That makes it a lie.


New Jersey,

But you are a liar.

#23Consumer Comment

Thu, February 05, 2009

You state in your title that you were gang raped and that did not happen. That makes it a lie.

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