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  • Report:  #269735

Complaint Review: Delta Airlines

Delta Airlines , Dishonest practice; calling false security 'threat' alleging 'drugs,' to refuse to allow passenger to catch flight - because a customer service question was asked Atlanta Georgia

  • Reported By:
    Mayfield Heights Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 23, 2007
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 17, 2009
  • Delta Airlines,
    P.O. Box 20706,
    Atlanta, Georgia
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Suggestion: Oh My God *Consumer Comment: All I Can Say Is *Author of original report: Just for the comments. . .I look very American, speak an Ohio English, have given lectures to students, have an MD, Boards in IM, 2 Master's degrees *Author of original report: What I look like? *Consumer Comment: Was this really everyone else's fault but yours? *Author of original report: Regarding comments on how I look: I looked so normal that United Airlines was going to take me that night but . . .I was not allowed to purchase the ticket by the airport security people I had to take the Delta re-issue or nothing. *Author of original report: The lewd/crude behavior in my case was on the airport security side. *Consumer Suggestion: Why don't you sue *Consumer Suggestion: If it Wacks Like a Duck... *Author of original report: The Mayor's Office in Jacksonville knows about a number of black cops beating up on white travelers, etc., for problems that are not 'threats' - this wasn't the only case *Consumer Comment: After all this time.. *Consumer Comment: Hey, cut this poor woman some slack... *Consumer Comment: However Hospital Security Required this person to be Escorted out of an office *Consumer Comment: There are a couple things that bother me about this report *Consumer Comment: Before you make a decision about this report....Read more by this poster *Author of original report: Declaring women professionals as threats' by Delta Airlines = the way they rebook' passengers without paying them to take another flight if you can survive the roid rage black cops that the Jacksonville Mayor allows to work the airport gig *Consumer Comment: Get paid to take another flight? Ha ha ha ha.

This report applies to what happened at the Delta counters at Jacksonville Airport (JAX) on January 17, 2006. The plane was late, no one at the ticketing counter except baggage people telling me kiddingly that I had 'bought' another 'extra' security check with the e-ticket, no reasons given for the delay or estimated time to departure. I could have left while my parents were still there if I had known those things, the plane was too late to make my connection, but Delta just leaves the ticket counter to the baggage people and you self-check-in. You can't even plan, as they won't tell you anything.

On the way down to Jacksonville from Cleveland, I was security body/breast checked by a male at 6:30am but at least he was courteous. These body checks are supposed to be done by women ie the same sex, but the guys think that 'so-what.' The Delta gate checking/boarding desk was supervised by a blonde woman who never said a word to me, and I never got close enough to see her name tag; high-spike-heeled bleached blonde. She calls in false 'threats' if you question anything and she did that night; even if you are 5'2", look American naive, have a 2-way ticket (x2) and the best reasons for travel, and are an MD looking to get back to class the next day in Cleveland.

She called in a false threat on me that night, alleging drugs, that I dared to be upset about the baggage security dumping my little hand carry-on all over several bins seemingly to irk me on purpose. They didn't even put the stuff through the x-ray - just dumped and threw it all over and threatened if I touched it, they would. . .it becomes a 'science' of how to irk passengers and all one can think of is the WWII concentrations camps with the baggage checks.

As an epidemiologist in training, the gloves they use on passenger after passenger, bag after bag, are just 'fomites;' they can transmit skin bacteria, scabies, TB, etc. - one doesn't need a bioterrorist agent like anthrax to infect other passengers with something with all the swabbing & dumping, papers and money all over. They don't change the gloves in Baggage Security, or wash the bins, until soilage or a 'big' hole - the employees are protected but not the passengers.

I started to cry after I left the area, and was not feeling well GI-wise, had thrown up after the flight down, and still had tears in my eyes when I got to the Delta counter = my crime that night, I cried with the 'insanity' of it all - there's no way I could possibly be a terrorist, but I'm paying the price of the airlines not checking their monitors that 9/11 morning to even see that there was an 'alert' on the terrorists that boarded those planes with carry-on that wasn't even touched.

9/11 was the airlines fault, not mine, and no matter how many times you body search/baggage search/swab me, and if you don't like it you are not 'patriotic,' it won't bring anything back or solve the terrorism problem - a problem of our government's actions, not mine. Harassing me, beating me up, falsely accusing me - none of those are solutions. I was the token 'extra' check on all the flights I took during that weekend; certain passengers, single, traveling alone, are targeted over and over while family groups 'breeze' through security.

This situation resulted in my being kept off the Delta return flight I had booked on Delta, missing my Atlanta connecting flight, being given a flight the next day that wasn't what I needed, or asked for, and being called a 'security threat' repeatedly all over the AIRPORT - all just for saying that I was just a bit upset about the roughness in the security baggage area and the constant double-checking/swabbing [of bags made in China & Vietnam? probably in dumps with unexploded landmines or fertilizer nearby] with an e-ticket - was there some problem with me or my being on a 'no fly' list?

The blonde declared me a 'threat,' that she didn't want to take 'twice' in front of all the other passengers, and then watched my reaction as she made me wait until the plane left before giving me a replacement ticket the following day - something I didn't ask for - I asked if she had an 'arrangement' with another carrier with a 'last flight-out' that night for partial refund/credit - and the airport security asked her this supposedly leading her to re-issue a ticket I didn't want.

Why declare someone a threat twice publicly, and then when everyone leaves reissue a 'peace-offering' of a ticket that I would OF COURSE be afraid to accept - was I going to be declared a 'threat' again tomorrow for more DELTA FUN AND GAMES? It was 'drama' at its best; I'll show this passenger type of behavior, something done for a public 'message.' There's no way I should have gotten back on Delta the next day to be declared a 'threat' in front of another group of people to solve Delta's problems or distract from them.

All the money on the ticket return flight was lost, and the ticket had been double-charged by the e-booking company (probably an errant click somewhere and you have no way of checking as Delta people don't check the monitors), the replacement ticket was lost in calling Security (~$900 total) [who knows where that ticket vanished to with Delta - money in the bank for nothing or the security cops cashed it in], having me harassed, repeatedly asked about 'drugs' [that I didn't have or ever use] and finally beaten up [wrists and face for being 'belligerent' and not telling them 'what drugs' I was on].

My parents were not allowed to come get me to pick me up, and I didn't know the Jacksonville Airport area and had only about $20 in small change strewn all over my small purse - which they all knew as it had been checked so many times and the bag was emptied again on the trunk roof of the cop car in the street - all the airport knew how much money I had that night. Getting a cab with $20 cash, and a pair of cops following you screaming about 'drugs,' and that you 'don't deserve to fly,' is a bit of a PROBLEM.

My poor mother was hung up on when she wouldn't tell them my 'drugs' - they used my cell phone to do this ie the woman security cop. Delta ticket/gate counter personnel gossip/play, and if they have to answer a question or check the monitor, ie do some work, about the baggage security 'being rough' or the perpetual lateness and laterness of their flights, they call a 'threat' to distract the people at the gate and 'cow' them into not complaining.

This was started by an 'airhead' blonde, not the one I asked the question of, at the ticket counter who just overheard my question and was bothered that I dared to question anything. She was 'in charge,' and was in charge of the vacant arrival ticketing counter also. When they said that baggage security was something that they had nothing to do about, I said 'O.K.' and tried to go to Starbucks for a tea. This was apparently offense #2, dare to turn away.

This Delta employee, managing gate & ticket counter that night, works in collusion with a crude black security cop and his crude woman partner [both rather 'vacant' to answer this type of 'threat' call where the lies were evident to all but them]- he gropes you (goes for the chest 'check'), shows you dirty handcuffs, says you are 'frustrating him,' and keeps talking about 'drugs' and that you 'don't deserve to fly,' 'why didn't you take a bus?' He talks the 'black-talk' slang, that makes you feel on another planet or world. You make him work, so he will make you pay, and his partner thinks this is great fun to do to an obviously educated woman - this was just public fun to do this in a STARBUCKS. They looked the 'threat,' not me.

They repeated this for over an hour that night, over and over. . .to get me to admit some drugs - what drugs I don't know. . . maybe the ones the Delta lady was on; drugs were certainly the first thing on her simple mind. It was rumored that the Jacksonville male cops were all on androgens at that time, and the black airport security person's behavior is consistent with this - aggressive, unable to listen, screaming insults over and over, making me out as 'belligerent' or 'unstable' that I had cried at what has happened to our airports. Either that or this is the new wave 'psych' out for passengers. And I dared to return the re-issued ticket so that I could leave the airport without being shot - mistake #3 - I approached the ticket counter.

Delta just apparently tells Airport Security that you are 'on drugs,' when it looks like they are all unfocused on Prozac, as they can't meet your eyes or answer the questions in a professional manner. The gate ladies gossip, laugh, seem superficial, and 'talking-heads.'

Then I lost everything that night (including my reputation), and get beaten up by a frustrated black Jacksonville security cop who feels that he's 'missing' something or just wants to make an issue out of a 'belligerent' white girl on Martin Luther King night - who didn't leave soon enough for him, or admit the 'drugs.' Payback for Rosa Parks.

I had just turned in the replacement ticket when the blonde called the black cop that I had 'thrown' it at her, and he needed to do something. There was NOTHING THROWN. I placed in on the counter to her right and said just that 'thank you, but I need to make other arrangements.' My wrists don't throw very well, but I drop things sometimes when my wrists are tired - she never spoke to or at me, just stared and lied. No refund was even requested, just to leave me alone to leave on my own ie going to the bathroom and ATM machine and talking to/getting a car service that went to my parents area. I don't climb in cabs with turbaned foreign drivers at airports; when alone I take car services where a record is kept.

I was ALONE and ISOLATED that night, an 'example' for Delta to other passengers if they question ANYTHING. I paid for a ticket and transportation home, not to be arrested or falsely declared a 'threat' or beaten up for sadistic amusement and airport entertainment. The bruises on my wrists, both broken before and badly cared for so very vulnerable to re-injury, took weeks to heal. I couldn't stay around the Jacksonville Airport for 18 hours more being harassed that night, I have a low bone density and have broken both wrists and an ankle, and couldn't take much more of the incessant 'don't deserve' to live stuff. I wasn't allowed to go the bathroom or get a drink of water for all those hours, so that I would admit 'drugs' apparently. Just like in the Gestapo books about their questioning; keep people from going to the bathroom and a lady will tell you anything.

This happened on January 17, 2006 and case has been dismissed, but the record not expunged. Delta was called that they started a 'false threat,' but claimed that 'so what' they didn't ask for the Security Cops to go after me as they did - Jacksonville Security is to blame - if they are so 'stupid' to believe whatever then it is their fault. Delta employees can call as many 'threats' as they want.

There was no threat and no drug use, but I paid with bruises and a situation that a Judge had to finally stop. My parents had to stay in the Airport until I left on a Northwest flight the second day after this happened (~$600, lawyer ~$2,000). Nothing untoward happened on this flight, NW Airlines gave me a cup of airline coffee and reassured me about my making connection. That's all I asked, airline behavior, some care, some humanity for all the money.

I was an MD trying to get back to Cleveland after visiting her parents for a weekend in Florida and I can't fly since then and the nightmares come back over and over of what could I have done differently. What happened that night got out-of-control with a superficial blonde who couldn't be bothered and a black cop who needed to be aggressive and hurt someone to make up for MLK.

I said nothing 'threatening,' nothing crude (not like what was said to me), nothing that I haven't said to other airlines. There were no drugs - I've never done them. My family and I need an explanation. Delta needs to stop calling false security 'threats' on MDs and explain how they got the Airport Security to over-react to the point of having me beaten up outside of the gate arrival/ticketing area that night. My reputation was destroyed with 'threat,' 'drugs' - words loud enough for all to hear in the area that night. The purpose???

If the purpose of Airport Security & Delta Airlines in Jacksonville is to try to irk and 'psych out' passengers with bizarre comments and threats - then this blonde and the black security cop are the best at it that I've seen - they will destroy your life in a night with false charges, lies and even try to bruise you up to get back at you that you dared to deny 'drugs' or question or exist. Then Delta says 'so what' we 'back up our employees no matter what' - which is why they are in bankruptcy - bizarre nights, bizarre behaviours, we can do anything we want to passengers.

Delta passengers be warned in Jacksonville! Run if you see a blonde or a black security cop with an attitude, run fast and keep the ticket.

Mayfield Heights, Ohio

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Delta Air Lines

17 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,

Get paid to take another flight? Ha ha ha ha.

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, April 17, 2009

You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this:

so that people can get the whole story.


Mayfield Heights,

Declaring women professionals as threats' by Delta Airlines = the way they rebook' passengers without paying them to take another flight if you can survive the roid rage black cops that the Jacksonville Mayor allows to work the airport gig

#18Author of original report

Thu, April 16, 2009

You get a replacement ticket as soon your original flight leaves the ground (full) and the airport security are too stupid to get what just happened.' Then the black cop, and his partner, spend the time accusing you of 'drugs,' whatever that means, and you get beaten up if you don't admit the drugs. . .it's an insane nightmare of how to work the Delta over-booked flights problem; declare certain passengers who question the delays, the connecting flights, or the baggage checks as 'threats.' Real terrorists will board the planes unmolested. . .

The Jacksonville Florida Mayor's office knows about these beating up on single women traveler incidents,' the false Delta Airline threats to get passengers off over-booked/seated flights, and that the cop steroid use goes on; they are facts' of Jacksonville Florida life.

If you are on a full' Delta flight, offer to rebook or take another flight before you are made into a false threat' = to open up a seat or two depending on if Delta has double-charged you or not; they had double' charged my ticket and didn't care to notice except for their purposes it was a very expensive ticket/flight out.

As soon as your scheduled flight is leaving, especially the last Delta flight out of the day, the artificially platinum blonde girl who has nothing to do but discuss her dates and look sex and the city' will rebook you on a flight 18 or more hours later, not the next flight as that's also over-booked already - rebook you on a not-so-sold-out flight if you can survive the 18 hours of harassment for not admitting drugs' sitting in a chair in front of her counter rotting. You are not allowed to get any Delta credit for a United flight out that same night - the Delta ticket is worthless. But the cop and his partner don't let you go home and sit it out, they want to torment you into your 'place.'

The cops will have been sold that you are a threat' as you asked a question, mentioned bag dumping in the Security Area (where you never get your stuff quite back' something's always missing for sure you just have to leave it as a toll'). These JAX cops, who have no idea what the symptoms of drug use are, no idea what thyroid pills are, will beat, bruise, dump, trash - restrict your use of the bathroom or not allow you to get a drink of water until they go off shift or find a way to provoke an incident because they are tired of you telling the truth, tired of you not listening to what you are supposed to admit, ie that Mrs. Nice put you down as a drug user' to get her husband off in Ohio from leaving fractures to rot to eXcrescence = you are filling some multiple quotas by getting caught' on an overbooked Delta flight for cop fun and games in JAX.

You are supposed to then BE a drug user,' tell the black cop he is right,' and let the next cop figure it out who hopefully will be on less steroids, or maybe not. There's no way to convince a black cop on roids in Jacksonville Airport that you are telling the truth & innocent white girls are targets as they must use the same drugs as the blacks it's just prejudice' that blacks get caught more often. Did this cop ever try drugs and thyroid pills? - thyroid pills are trouble enough. And synthroid that's just a coverup' according to these crazed black cops with no vocabulary except drugs,' and that you don't deserve to fly.'

If you try to tell the black cop + butch partner the truth, over and over, you will still get beaten up they go for your wrists, your face, your chest to make you tell the truth' the Jacksonville way.

So if the Delta flight is full' offer to rebook or take a later flight. If a Delta attendant calls a false' threat get off the plane & leave the airport immediately as she will do this until she has enough free' seats you may be next. . .

Then if you see a black cop coming at you in Jacksonville Florida (JAX) airport, leave immediately; both the black and white cops abuse the steroids, but the black cop is likely to be a more habitual & serious user' before he gets caught, found out, or roided out. You will get roid rage like you have never seen it before as a physician, and his butch' companion with a sterility that is beyond any normal women will laugh and go along as it's good fun to watch a normal' woman beaten up and her chest groped in the airport Starbucks with astonished passengers/fellow travelers watching the drama.

This is approved by the Mayor of Jacksonville's office to get false cases of traveler drug use, or some disorderly conduct' (you disagreed with a BLACK COP) - that you dared to say you don't do drugs.' They will hang up on your parents or family (using your cell phone), and not allow them to come get you, they won't allow you to get money out of the money ATM machines or find a car service they will want you in the next turbaned cabby on the way to nowhere.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,

Before you make a decision about this report....Read more by this poster

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2009

Here's a bit more folks, read and enjoy - make up your own mind
Before you wonder what this poster is talking about, you might want to take a gander at the following:
this was built with help of:
Califon, New Jersey
for anyone interested.

Then there is the famous Delta report:

You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this:

so that people can get the whole story.



There are a couple things that bother me about this report

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, March 03, 2009

Firstly, I would like to say that it is horrid that anyone would have to go through an experience such as this. However, there are a few things that you wrote in your report that bother me.

1) You stated, "It was rumored that the Jacksonville male cops were all on androgens at that time." Having 2 of those "Jacksonville male cops" in my family, I resent that all-inclusive statement. Yes, there are quite a few large officers here. But no more than any other department. Personally, I think we just grow our boys big down here.

2) You stated ad-nauseam the color of this officer. If your intention to even mention his race was to relate it to your supposition that he was paying you back for Rosa Parks, well, that was accomplished the first time you described him. And before you ask, no, I am not African-American.

3) You wrote that our mayor's office is aware of these reports and more like them, but isn't doing anything about them. If the officer that did all this to you was TSA, then that is who you need to contact. If the officer was a Jacksonville Sheriff's Officer, then contact the Sheriff. Trust me, these kind of reports wouldn't get covered up in his office. Even our former Sheriff took his own son off the job for violating the law.

As I said, I think it is terrible that you got treated this way. If you do decide to pursue this claim, you should probably do so now and not wait any longer. The longer you wait, the less valid it would appear to an investigator.

Good luck with what ever you decide.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,

However Hospital Security Required this person to be Escorted out of an office

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, December 25, 2008

According to this report, (Sorry for no page number, it's toward the end)
the poster here had ANOTHER run in where she had to be sat in a wheel chair to be escorted out of a physician's office by hospital security.


South Carolina,

Hey, cut this poor woman some slack...

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, December 20, 2008

She's had a rough life. Just read this report and ROR report #374522 if you don't believe me. man with all this happening in her life I think she has a reason to complain.

PLEASE NOTE: except for the report number everything stated above is pure sarcasm.



After all this time..

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, December 19, 2008

It is interesting how the original incident happend in January 2006. You didn't write this original report until August 2007, yet at the end of 2008 you are still posting. Each post seems to be making your story appear less credible. You go from a one-sided account of events at the airport, to your last post where you state that they(Mayor's Office?) are personally getting back at YOU for "blacks who have drugs and are arrested."

You said you were beaten up by the cops. You of course have medical records to back that up. You have been asked several times, why didn't you sue them. You have yet to answer this question.

By the way I tried to search for any "proof" of these alligations of beatings by cops and could not find a single article or news story. Where are you getting your proof that the Mayor knows this is going on?


Mayfield Heights,

The Mayor's Office in Jacksonville knows about a number of black cops beating up on white travelers, etc., for problems that are not 'threats' - this wasn't the only case

#18Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2008

Apparently the Mayor of Jacksonville, and his office, knows about a number of cases of over-aggressive black cops beating up on white travelers or women for 'not having drugs' or saying anything to the black cop - as in my situation. It's because of racial tensions and the Mayor has yet to address the series of cases - he's white but letting the black cops do anything they please to rough up someone white. The Delta girl expected that you can travel with your stuff all over the security area - what customer service would have stopped in years gone by. But things got out of hand because of one over-aggressive black cop - showing handcuffs, saying threats about what he was going to do, and refusing to back down when I tried to leave the airport and was out the door. The one woman cop was told that I couldn't stay around and endure this - but didn't do anything to get me out of the airport safely. The Delta Office plays with these rogue cops - they got a free payment for two tickets that were never refunded. This was all about getting back for Rosa Parks on Martin Luther King Night in Jacksonville and making me pay, and my not admitting about drugs that I've never done - he was getting back at me for the blacks who have drugs and are arrested. I didn't have drugs. The Mayor's Office needs to address the series of black cop beatings, which even the black staff admit on the phone, and do something about the rogue black cops seeming to be on testosterone ie steroids. At the same time a number of cops in Jacksonville were on steroids. My record needs to be cleared and beating up on white women by black cops needs to be stopped. This is not one incident - it was part of a series.



If it Wacks Like a Duck...

#18Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 28, 2007

This was probably the most bizzare report I have read.

Lady, this happened in January of 2006. You are talking of over a year and a half ago. Why the heck did you not do something promptly?

In my opinion, you over-reacted to the situation. You were under pressure and you basically snapped. If I were doing security, I would have suggested you seek psychiatric help immediately.

People asked why you do not sue Delta? You have no proof this ever took place. The only place it took place was in your head. You honestly feel this happened but you have replaced the actual happenings of the evening with your own version. It is common for this to happen when under undue stress.



Why don't you sue

#18Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 28, 2007

For all your allegations I don't see what actions you are taking to clear your name.
How can they keep your parents from picking you up?? You said they just dropped you off. I would think they would be right back if there was a problem.


Mayfield Heights,

The lewd/crude behavior in my case was on the airport security side.

#18Author of original report

Wed, August 29, 2007

What triggered my trying to leave that airport that night, with the ridiculous re-issue ticket and no option to go home and come back with it, was the black cop's behavior and what he had said and continued to say.

In my case the 2 initial airport security people continually tried to verbally harass me about 'not deserving to fly,' if I didn't want to be groped and dumped, and that I must be on 'drugs' to have any tears about it. But the one black cop, in the Starbucks, did/or tried to do what I later learned they called a 'tit check' in the Starbucks area. They all think that you must have something in your bra-area, so they climb your arms or try to get a feel of your chest area. I don't know what happens in other airport 'incidents,' but in Jacksonville that night, the airport security have the 'tit check' name for what they feel is their 'due' and it's not in a restroom - I wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom during all this - didn't deserve it.

And the woman security person watched this and whatever else the black cop said or tried to do, with amusement. There was no phone call allowed me to my parents, the woman cop hung up on my mother when she wouldn't give my 'drugs' outside the ticket counter area. United Airlines was not allowed to take me as a passenger, and they found no 'threat' to doing this or reason not to take me. I looked 'fine' and 'normal' at their counter, it was just that the Delta ticket was 'worthless.'

In my case the crude behavior was on the other side; because I had cried and deserved it; the Delta gate and the security people she called. Airport security are pretty crude these days and know all the 'terms' that even physicians don't.


Mayfield Heights,

Regarding comments on how I look: I looked so normal that United Airlines was going to take me that night but . . .I was not allowed to purchase the ticket by the airport security people I had to take the Delta re-issue or nothing.

#18Author of original report

Wed, August 29, 2007

Looked so normal that United Airlines was going to take me that night but . . .wasnt allowed to purchase the ticket. So not only did the Jacksonville airport security participate in a false threat scenario, but defrauded United Airlines of a passenger and ticket fare that night they want to decide what carrier you take and when. There was just no point in trying to have the same Delta attendant, who had already declared me a public threat twice that night, suddenly admit her mistake. She didnt have to answer any questions about the late flight, but she did try again to justify her false call that night by saying that I threw the re-issued ticket, that I had not asked for or wanted, at her. There was no throwing of anything, I just wanted to leave without being shot ie mistaken for trying to go to a gate. If I had no ticket, there could be no second-guessing about my intentions, and I told the blonde simply that I needed to make other arrangements. The 2 airport security seemed to be in on the fact that the claim of threatwas false, they took me back to the Delta gate initially with no tears. The 3rd security person was told that I intended to return the ticket and try to leave graciously but somehow messages crossed and the black security guy came back from signing out for some reason.

Anyways, UA took one look at the Delta ticket, and said it was worthless. So the ticket went back to Delta, where another ticket for 16 hours later, most likely much more as none of the Delta flights were on time that weekend, was re-issued that I was supposed to take.

In the meantime, I was to wait in the ticketing area for at least 16 hours, and this was just asking for more trouble in every way which I couldnt understand why they didnt see this. And, I didnt ask for the Delta ticket, thought it a very bad idea the security people were supposed to just inquire about any reciprocity or partial-monetary- credit on another carrier (airlines) with a remaining flight out of Jacksonville that night. But they got talked into the re-issue by the same blonde who initially called the false threat, who was also the only person at the ticket counter. She was going back and forth between departing gates and ticket counter that night, doing too many jobs and none of them well.

So I told the security woman coming on duty, who actually tried for 5 minutes to defuse the situation, that I was probably going to return the ticket and try to leave, she urged me to keep it, but I told her that the black cop had already been touching me in public areas of the Jacksonville airport, and showing me his handcuffs. She said that he shouldnt have been doing that, but I told her that it wasnt a good idea for me to stick around for more; things were out-of-control. She left and I tried to return the ticket with disastrous results. The original 2 came back to beat me up for not leaving an hour ago, despite the fact that my parents would have picked me up if allowed to they were hung up on.

So before I was beaten up, I looked normal to United Airlines. The security personnel seemed to know that the Delta lady was exaggerating and declaring a threat for other reasons certainly she didnt care that I cried after I left the baggage security check area there was something else going down.

My records in Jacksonville need to be expunged, the case has been dismissed, but the Delta airlines needs oversight of their declaring false threats on passengers who are no threat, but were just overwhelmed with the roughness, throwing things around, and the same gloves used on hundreds of passengers = an infection possibility nightmare. After all, Im in an epidemiology training program.

So far they've threatened to lie more if I try to pursue things. Why declare a passenger a 'threat' and re-issue the ticket when the flight has left? Why beat up a physician? Nothing made sense that night, all the airlines know that passengers are upset with the extensive touching, groping, dumping. It takes a moment to get over and the airlines should be able to assist with even a complimentary cup of coffee or tea. Every Delta flight I took that weekend was late.



Was this really everyone else's fault but yours?

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, August 28, 2007

Yes, airline security sucks. But it sucks less if you remain courteous and try to appreciate that everyone is in the same boat. Everyone wants the process to go smoothly, including the security personnel. It sounds like you threw a fit over the typical procedures - which I agree are pretty ridiculous - and brought this on yourself. You really expect us to believe that the security, ticket counter people and cops were all conspiring against you, and you were just a poor innocent victim? Who are you kidding?


Mayfield Heights,

What I look like?

#18Author of original report

Tue, August 28, 2007

Re comments: I'm Irish-Hungarian, with fair skin, competed in Junior Miss in High School, and am too 'normal' looking to be hired as an MD in an Emergency Room - look like the mother next door. I do need some 'confidentiality' even though all the Delta passengers that night got a good look; can't post a picture. So there's nothing 'foreign' or 'exotic' about how I look. I wore jeans to look like 'everyone else,' and had the 'normal' looking student backpack, nothing 'special' and no technology, just a small $20 purse.

Regarding suing airlines/Jacksonville airport security. The airlines, and Delta knows this, are allowed to be almost 'delusional' or 'illusionist' about any possible threat; if they don't like you saying anything, if you cry, if you show emotion, if you bother them and take them from their gossiping - they can do anything they want and say there MIGHT have been a threat. They don't have to say a 'threat' of what, just 'threat' will do ie didn't like that person - all class boundaries or professionalism goes out the window in this scenario. Everyone is suspect and there is no rational thought to the processing.

Regarding suing the Airport Security, the black security guy with the dirty handcuffs that he shows to all the world probably even in the men's room, would just claim 'prejudice,' or bias that he wasn't allowed to do to me what white cops do to black girls or women in Jacksonville, and the force would polarize on race issues - he knows he can get away with being as aggressive, cruel, and capricious about things as he wants to be - he's black at the right time.

The sad thing was the redamage to my wrists as I played the harp, and that my face was bruised and noticed at school. I was hit and slapped and put 'in my place,' everyone who wanted got a chance at that. The wrists were very damaged with serious fractures and sloppy/shoddy/cavalier orthopedic care (medical 'care' is as bad as airport 'care'). It took 2 years to get the range-of-motion back and heal the tendon. The 2 brutish/raw/ruinous airport security that started all this were begged, over and over, not to touch/hurt my wrists, and that made them all the more rough, bruising, and violent - to the point where after the weeks of soreness I haven't the heart to go back to my harp and can't write fast anymore - too much damage. My wrists swelled immediately.

It seems that the world of today is just trying to re-break/re-injure/devastate/damage my hands, that have only helped patients and played music, as a commentary on anything of culture or sanity. They were literally beaten up by the one frustrated orthopedic when the results were poor in Cleveland, to save his reputation, and in Jacksonville beating wrists is a black man and a crude heavy-set unfavored white security person's way of saying all the hate, anger and jealousy that they feel. They laughed and laughed that I 'deserved' this that night. There was no oversight or supervision of their actions, ditto the blonde with the license to call false 'threats.' There's no penalty for calling false threats in this system; anything goes.


Mayfield Heights,

Just for the comments. . .I look very American, speak an Ohio English, have given lectures to students, have an MD, Boards in IM, 2 Master's degrees

#18Author of original report

Mon, August 27, 2007

Just for the comments:

My family and I don't know the 'point' of what happened to me, and if there is a POINT - that would make it more understandable/liveable. If there was a point that SOMEONE could show somehow I could 'forget' it, but so far everyone has just retreated and wanted to say 'forget it,' but I need the false record gone for jobs, and an explanation before I travel again. What did I do but exist? I have a personality, will question, will not like hands all over me, my few belongings dumped all over. I went through hell that night, and now 'forget' it = HOW? This false record exists still because someone can't say they made a 'mistake,' I'm sorry we over-reacted?

This happened at night, and in the daylight the episode sounded surreal, eerie, science fiction - like how did this get so out-of-control? My mother was just shocked when they called her as she had just left me off, and I had looked 'fine' - and there were no drugs, or alcohol, at my parents condo in Florida. There wasn't anything that I ate or drank in the airport, mailed some mail, etc. Didn't go by anyone using drugs to have any odors or smells of anything.

There was something going on that night; it was a holiday and maybe there were drinks during or before the shift ended ??? The black copy and his companion/partner (a heavy set hard-faced woman) at times appeared wanting to help maybe, and then would suddenly emotionally change 180 degrees to riding me, insulting me or just being cruel - crueler than I've ever heard cops even do it movies - it was a 'game' of make me admit something that they could charge.

Nothing was helpful about traveling, it was a terrorist 'game.' And I look very very American, highlighted hair, brown eyes, pleasant, eye contact, etc. One stewardess did try to help me in the cab area, but the black copy and his partner chased her off after asking her if I was 'bothering her.' She told them 'No,' that she was just trying to help me as things didn't look very good. So she vanished, before they could start in at her. I was their 'prey,' they even chased away anyone giving me local directions and then wondered why I hadn't left.

The comments of 'don't deserve to fly,' 'why didn't you just take a bus,' 'what drugs are you on,' 'who do you think you are crying or being upset,' etc - I don't understand as I've never been even accused of doing drugs before, and most people that I knew who did them stayed far away from me as I look too straight or 'normal' for their 'comfort zone' level. These 2 apparently thought that any kind of being upset at the extensive searches was 'unpatriotic,' and that I didn't want to do my part for 9/11, so they were going to 'give it to me' for not taking it.

I was just being foolish or asking for something special with some restraint. That I, like every good American, donated my body for gropes, searches, invasions, etc because of 9/11, and I just didn't know it yet - that I was their grope, check. We all expect to do our part, but not to the ridiculous part where we just 'eat' each other for the terrorist's amusement - presently we are destroying ourselves better than any terrorist could with the paranoias, loss of civil sense, and repeated insulting of each other. We are becoming the cruel terrorists we are supposed to be fighting, borrowing pages from their books.

Apparently it's part of some 'policy' somewhere now to 'read' things into faces, gestures, whatever - the things that the security people think of, not the passenger. And these are 'slum' minds; bottom-feeder thoughts. Am older, but still pretty/petite in an American way; the baggage guys were joking with me in the beginning so I'm 'approachable'; have a sense of humor, but not this type ie couldn't turn this around with charm, a smile or a classic faint.

There's no explanation of the behavior on the part of Delta. When I got ahold of the guy in Atlanta, the 'drug' stuff he hadn't heard before from the blonde attendant or her co-worders. Yet he was crude too; just that so what, they stood behind whatever their employees did to passengers in the name of being patriotic and fighting 'terrorism.' Yet I was never checked for drugs, and had no appearance to suggest drug use medically - I know the signs and wouldn't ever travel if I was on even a pain-killer at this point.

Apparently, the Delta person in charge told the black cop stuff, to get them to the gate, that she then denied to her boss - just a get back at an educated person maybe? I bothered/interrupted their gossip? They can tell you have an education, and it's apparent that the people Delta and airports hire, don't have much education generally and a limited understanding of psychology, interviewing passengers and/or getting needed information or being helpful. They scream AT you, not discuss anything or try to explain; the black cop just said that I was 'FRUSTRATING' him; apparently pushing his ability to have a conversation. He didn't appear to understand much of what I said or have any vocabulary except 'frustrating' and 'belligerent.'

The problem is that some of the airport security people are borderline 'criminal,' and have their own 'gutter' way of handling situations, which doesn't include listening or problem solving skills, just beating up the passenger, and they are causing problems for everyone else with their limited people skills and abilities. The 2 security cops that caused the problem had physical aggression skills, they bruised easily and knew how to tighten things to bruise ie how to physically hurt someone and they'd done it before - they were physically trained in fighting back to hurt. Because of the things they said, I at first thought that these Airport Security people were not 'on the level;' even in today's times, I have never seen security people quite so bizarre, so quickly cruel, crude and just out to 'prove something' as that night; prove that they can beat you up, that they don't like your attitude smart girl???

Whatever, the airlines used to be more classy travel, and less like a city bus in a slum or a subway in the worst part of NY - even in those places the security people don't get like at the Delta counters. Even Continental in bankruptcy was so helpful and wanting you on the next flight and trying to get you to your destination without troubles. Delta's bad behavior with passengers seems to bring out the worst in airport security; Northwest was courteous, calm, pleasant and it brought that out in everyone else traveling -when you are not treated abysmally, then you look for the best in even bad situations.

Something was going on in the Jacksonvile Airport that night, maybe a drug entry was threatened? But one should have more of a profile before beating someone up, more evidence. My mother was willing to come get me, and told them a couple times that they were 'making a mistake,' but they kept at her, 'what drugs?' and hung up when she dind't have an answer. But how does one undo this? The security cop who thought I was 'belligerent' - his one big word - was out to make an example of me and show me who was 'boss.' He's still on the job, probably doing this to others as he made a 'statistic' that night - made me into something that I wasn't - a 'threat' that he could mistreat. Yet no one has answered what was I a threat of, or how was I 'threatening'? It's just another word thrown around to look impressive. In the end I didn't leave fast enough with $20 cash, and didn't bow down and apologize for trying to travel by air I guess.

I have breasts, but that's no reason for the kind of checks that JAX security think are their due, the black cop had to try a feel in the Starbucks, in front of a crude white partner, and what can you do as he has a gun? He touched me and showed me his handcuffs, and the last security copy coming on duty (who wasn't able to 'stop' this) was told that I was returning the re-issued ticket because of this - it was out-of-control the moment Delta made a 'threat' out of a scared passenger traveling alone. Dumping things all over just makes things slower. My sister has gotten SCABIES after airline travel since all the gloves and 9/11 - it was on something; skin or a glove that then touched her. Dirty clothing in the bags from a foreign country?

I don't know the POINT, and I look as American as . . . American looks. But that was the point, we hurt each other for statistics. The foreign-looking passengers weren't given a hard time that night as I was the 'diversion.'


San Antonio,

All I Can Say Is

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, August 23, 2007

That's why I don't fly anymore. They had NINE years to prepare for 9/11. They collected airport "security" taxes for NINE years prior to 9/11, after the FIRST attack on the world trade center and did nothing about it. They used the money for airport beautification, awards banquets, trips, capital iimprovements, uniforms, everything else BUT, next to nothing on security which it was actually collected for. The airlines did even less. I've flown twice in the last 4 years and have seen it all. What a frickkin' waste. What a bunch of frickkin' clowns who don't have a clue. I'm a retired Marine with a high and tight and had to put up with a 45 minute body search and an interrogation (BOTH TIMES) which I didn't have anything to say about, cause we're use to it. My wife's standing off to the side laughing her a*s off. Well screw them and the airlines, it doesn't matter which airline, they're all the same. I'll drive.


Santa Maria,

Oh My God

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 23, 2007

What a nightmare! Can't you sue Delta and/or the airport?

Maybe I missed it, but what was their point (with the not deserving to fly & stuff) - do you look Middle Eastern or something? Not that it's an excuse! It's just such bizarre behavior.

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