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  • Report:  #466824

Complaint Review: Demarco Rei

Demarco Rei Lost Equity,Broken promises,Shattered Dreams = DeMarco REI Philadedelphia pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    union city New Jersey
  • Submitted:
    Wed, July 01, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, February 27, 2010
  • Demarco Rei
    1500 Jfk Blvd
    Philadedelphia, New Jersey
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This message is for ex employees,and any individuals that have been mislead by Demarco rei.I along with many others am in a very sad situation now.

Anyone facing foreclosurE "PLEASE" call HUD OR Fha ,you will find yourself in a much bettter position if you do this.
Be aware of any letters that say we can save your home and put money in your pocket.

The verdict is :You get a small amount of cash after you sell your home,
you are promised reserves for emergencies,the rent is usually double your
mortgage the reserves are not allowed to be used and all your equity disappears.

Many individuals have been burned by Demarco,I am so gratified for Ripoff report and Ed ,I am not alone and hopefully justice will be served for all of us.
Thank you again Ed and ripoff recport,In these difficult times many Americans
are facing we need outstanding individuls such as ED Magedson.
Thank you again ED, and for anyone facing Foreclosure please be very careful.
There is legitamate help out there.

Carlyn mccabe
union city, New Jersey

9 Updates & Rebuttals

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,

Anthony Demarco AKA "The Bernie Madoff of the poor man"

#10Author of original report

Sat, February 27, 2010

Anthony Demarco & His accomplices aka banks ,title companies and managers is very much like the Bernie Madoff of the middle class ,he even scammed his investors and many were his friends.

I do not think it is fair for individuals to lose their homes,there equity and there money,DeMarco and accomplices should help all victims of this corrupt Scam.

The numbers on my closing docs do not match up with the cash out I received,this is fraud.I am sure this applies to most of Demarcos clients.Demarco rei promised us a refinance at a lower rate,reserves, and our credit repaired within 1 year,unfortunately none of this took place instead everyone is broke and about to lose everything.

I wish that someone would step in and Bail the homeowners out,our equity was taken,many of us paid rent which exceeded our mortgage payments.If these banks and title companies could refinance us and give us back our equity or compensate us with about 50,000 ,we would be able to pay a mortgage again,and get back on our feet,This is what Anthony DeMarco promised and instead false documentation was made and we are all  in Financial Distress and about to lose our homes.

I am asking on behalf of us all of:HUD,Fha, please help us save our homes,the closing documents are incorrect and we are entitled to a second chance,why should the banks and Title companies get away with this ,it is not fair.

We were experiencing Financial distress ,due to ilness,death ,unemployment ,what Demarco and his accomplices did to us is unexcusable.Can someone please look into a rescue for us?

I know there are laws against these Scams I hope they are enforced .Everyone deserves a second chance,if we do get help shame on us if we mess up,than we do deserve to lose our homes.

As always I cannot thank Ed Magedson enough ,thank you for letting me take advantage of your site,you should be recognized for your site,there isn't much around anymore thats free and I along with many other consumers really appreciate your site.

Thank you once again,I know I sound off a lot.






Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,

DeMarco REI aka DRC consulting ,215-988-0413 ,267 909-8306,these phones are no longer in service. Has the Scam Stopped???

#10Author of original report

Thu, January 14, 2010

Destruction  of Lives, Deceit,Forgery ,Stealing are the product of DeMarco REI.

AKA :Anthony DeMarco,Biana, Christian,Clay Rives,Eric Havkin,Buzz Wagenseller ,Garden State Land & Title Company.

       The above named are accomplices of a major Foreclosure Scam that occurred in New  Jersey & Pennsylvania over a 2 to 3 year period.

        The victims "Individuals facing Financial distress due to death in family,loss of job ,illness.They are not the only ones that were deceived by these crooks,Demarco even deceived their own employees and shafted buyers who were trying to help individuals out of foreclosure!!!

  The resuls have created a" Domino Effect" individuals have lost their equity,their homes are now in foreclosure and DeMarco REI has closed its doors!!!!

What is going to happen to us? Ms Gonzales a victim of thyroid cancer,Kim & David facing financial hardship,Angel & Mark Sullivan who lost their jobs and also lost a parent.Mr.Paolucci who extended his credit only to be scammed by Anthony DeMarco.

There are many others who were undergoing hardships ,at our most vulnerable time ,we believed and we were taken advantage of.I am sure many will say why did we sign? The answer is we wanted to hold on to our dreams,our lives and our homes.

DeMarco and his accomplices made everything sound so inviting,our credit would be repaired,our equity would be set aside,in a years time we would be refinanced at a low rate ,we would be Homeowners again.

The closing for many of Demarcos' Clients occured at Garden State Land & Title,at the closing everything has changed !!!

This is the scenario that takes place: you ask why the figures & or agreement has changed, Christian the associate/notary at Garden State connects you to DeMarco and the  manager advises you not to worry,these are only numbers to make it work,you will be compensated,do not worry,you are now out of forecloure.A yellow sticker will not be placed on your door!!

Unfortunately there is no happy ending,our homes are sold to straw buyers,our rent/mortgage in some cases doubles,the reserves are not allowed to be used.The cashout is not equal to the rent you are charged and than the straw buyer stops paying the mortgage and the home is now in Foreclosure.

This is the predicament most of us are in now.There is a Bailout for banks and Gmac.Will there be help for individuals who have been scammed by comapnies such as DeMarco REI & his accomplices?

What happened to our equity? Why can't these SCAMMERS GIVE US BACK OUR equity so we can REFINANCE and be Homeowners again?

We should get a refinance now,with a cashout. We can use the cashout to start paying a mortgage again.This is what we were promised. Demarco received rent and kept our equity.

Mr. DeMarco I am asking on behalf of all of us,Please give us our equity back,so we can strat paying a mortgage again. It is our equity you promised in 1 year we could refinace and get back our equity and what about our reserves.

I now want to extend my sincere thanks To Mr.Ed Magedson and all the associates at Ripoff report who have made it possible for me to be heard,Anyone reading this please be aware If you are on the verge of Foreclosure "Watch who you deal with and Be very careful.

Once again I am hoping for some kind of restitution for myself and all the individuals who were deceived by this crooked corrupt company.

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,


#10Author of original report

Tue, December 08, 2009

once again Hats Off to ripoff report.The DeMarco crew has been at it all over new jersey and philadelphia,ruining lives and shattering dreams.You can't hide anymore!!!

Ripoff report has made it possible for all to see what has been done to takes an individual like Ed Magedson to be decent enough to let consumers sound off & so many have responded to me and others who were burned by these CROOKS !!!

It is not fair that we are suffering,there should be some kind of bail out or help for victims of Foreclosure rescue Scams",WE WANT TO GET OUR LIVES BACK "

We were all experiencing Hardships ,we believed our reserves could be used and our credit would be repaired,our homes are in foreclosure ,our equity is gone.

Forgery Lies & Deceit and the worse part of this scam is the unknown !!!! Will we ever get back our equity ? will we ever be home owners again???None of us expect to get a free ride but this company has stolen money, homes and charged exorbitant rent  now we are all in the dark.

Ms.Gonzales survived thyroid cancer but now has fallen prey to the lowness of Demarco & slime****Mr.Paolucci was used because he was credit worthy and look what was done to him.

The list goes on Angel & Mark,Kim & David,Carlyn & Patrick,Roe,Mr.Paolucci,ex-employees.

I myself lost my mother to a Brain stem stroke on Nov 7,2009 .My family loves coming to my little house every year for xmas  & thansgiving ,this may be the last time I can enjoy the little home i worked for .

Will someone out there please help us??? Is there a bailout to get us back in our homes???? what about the cash & equity from our homes that was promised and never given to us?? I am urging anyone raeding this to please write your information if you have been burned by this comapny.

Last but not least I hope all of us who have been burned get some kind of restitution in 2010. I would at least like to have the memory of my little home where i shared many beutiful xmas dinners with my mom.

Good luck to all of us we certainly need it. I am hoping for a law to be passed so this can never happen to consumers again.

God Bless everyone and have a very Happy Holiday.For those of us burned by Demarco "Try and Make the best of The Holiday Season"

I belive in miracles !!!!

                                           Happy Holidays

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,

DeMarco continuing the Scam 2008-2009

#10Author of original report

Thu, December 03, 2009

Mr Paolucci,

I am so sorry you were deceived by Demarco,I was taken for a ride by DeMarco,Eric Havkin,Garden State land & title in Jan of 2008.

I was shocked at the closing since the figures had changed from a rent of 2000 to 2900,and a cashout of 20,000.I was advised "THIS IS ONLY to CLOSE THE DEAL YOU WILL BE COMPENSATED FOR THE ESCALATION IN RENT & YOU HAVE SIX MONTHS OF RESERVES"

A few days later I was conatcted by the wage & hour bureau ,I was advvised by a Mr.O'Connor that DeMarco had not paid the loan officer MR.Freedman who took me to the closing at Garden State Land& Title;Mr.O'Connor also advised I was being taped and asked if Saul Freedman did take me to the closing?

I advised yes and Mr.O'Connor advised me to contact the Fbi,the Better Business Bureau immediately,I was dealing with a shady company.I faxed all info to the Fbi in Feb of 2008.I called them back in 2 weeks and I was advised there was not enough monetary value involved at that point in time.

I paid Demarco 2900 a month rent,when I ran out of funds & asked for my escrow I was advised things had changed ,Eric Havkin advised maybe I should have not gave information to the wage & hour bureau regarding Saul Freedman.

Anthony DeMarco has lied on ripoff report stating he wants to help me.DeMarco Rei's phone number is now disconnected.I am more traumatized than ever because my mom passed away on Nov 7,2009 with a brain stem stroke.

Reputable people such as yourself & me,the Sullivans,Ms. Gonzales ,Roe,Mr. Detweiller,I do not understand how this comapny and its associates are getting away with this.

Demarco is not only stealing homes & idenity but they also have our equity.I can only hope that there will be a light at the end of the Tunnel for all of us. I pray to God that justice will be served,I also am so thankful for Ripoff report .I posted my first report and there have been so many updates,Lets hope for a miracle soon .I believe we desreve a chance at life agin after this horrible scam!!!!!

I am hoping & praying Justice will be served for us all. Last but not least I thank Ed.Magedson and Ripoff report.


Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,

Demarco rei Must be caught**** someone plese help**

#10Author of original report

Mon, November 16, 2009

Dear Anonymous,

                Unfortunately we are all just numbers on DeMarco rei's list.I was burned just like you and so were many others.Ripoff report has been our primary outlet and we are not alone!!!!

DeMarco chrged me exorbitant rent of 2900,with a promise of reserves of six months. I am in a horrible situation as we all are.I do not know what to do next. I can only hope that eventually we will get help.Plese if you are readng this and have been burned by this company take advantage of rip off report.

We need help we are drowning ,if anyone reading this can be of any assistance please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Last but not least we all thank Ed Magedson and his ripoff website.WE all truly appreciate it,in this horrible situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,

'THE SAGA GOES ON ,THE PLOT THICKENS,DEMARCO AND ACCOMPLICES AKA Eric Havkin,Christian ,Tripper,Lowest of the low!!!

#10Author of original report

Mon, October 12, 2009

For ANGEL,Carlyn,Kim & David ,Ripoff report has been our POINT OF CONTACT to vent and everyone has read how low this company has been,you probably thought how low can these loan shrks,scam artist go???

"Lower and more treacherous than one could imagine" ! Demarco has sunk to the bottom this time...IN April,MS.Gonzales was undergoining chemo treatments for thyroid cancer,Bogged down with medical bills,about to lose her home to foreclosure,Demarco contacted Ms. Gonzales.

Demarco pitched the same routine to Ms.Gonzales the same scenario the deal changed at closing,Ms. Gonzales was advised instead of a Cash out they would hold the money in escrow for her so she could use it for her young children should any emergencies come up.

Ms. Gonzales never recived any funds,she is about to lose her home.Please anyone who can help please this company is ruining the lives of so many.

Ms. Gonzales plese go to th attorney general,contact the county prosecutor.We are all drowning but this woman has survived cancer,and now is about to lose her home !!!

IN closing I once again extend my thanks to ripoff report. I am most appreciative that Angel & Mark,Ms Gonzales and her fiance,Carlyn ,Kim & David have all been able to express what has happened to our lives due to the Scamming & Tactics of Demarco&their associates.

Ms. Gonzales I am speaking for myself and Angel plese go to the county and the attorney general.

May God help us all as we are Facing the most difficult times of our lives.Once again ,we thank Ripoff Report and Ed Magedson.


union city,
New Jersey,

Ruined lives,stolen equity ,thieves,scammers =demarco,Garden stte land and Title

#10Author of original report

Sun, October 11, 2009

 Shame on Demarco,you do not care what you do: the latest victim of Demarco Ms. G ,a woman with cancer,and small children,You do not care .

How can any of you sleep at night???? This lady was trying to get her life back after undergoing chemo treatments,bogged down with medical bills and you scammed her this way!

aNYONE READING THESE RIPOFF REPORTS CAN SEE Demarco and its accomplices,all lie and than go in for the kill just like A shark on the attack.

Angel,Carlyn,Kim  David &Ms. g  have all come forward with the injustice that was done to them,I am sure there are others.

I am urging Ms.G go to the attorney general,file a report with the prosecutor.I am so sorry this happened to you. Demarco and its crew manged to scam us at the worse time in our lives,all our hardships were different ;LOSS OF JOB,DEATH ILLLNESS.

NOW WE ARE IN Dire situations ,not knowing from day to day what is going to happen.

Anyone raeding this please help. We are about to lose our homes,and our sanity.

I cannot believe what has been done to Ms.G and her family.In closing i want to thank ripoff ,everyone is reading and seeing just how evil Demarco and their partners really are!

Ms.G please got to the county file a report,I am very sorry you are going through this.

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,

Straight From The Heart aka Burned by DeMarco


Mon, September 07, 2009

I am speaking for Kim,David Sadee and anyone who has been mislead by the unscrupulous tactics of Demarco ,rei.

Unfortunately all of us were in foreclosure about to lose our homes.Demarco rei came along and promised to save our homes give us cash and eventually put us back in our homes comfortably,along with this our credit would be repaired and our next mortgage would be at a much lower rate.

aside from all these great empty promises reserves were to be set aside for any other hardships you may experience,Demarco was setting aside escrow (reserves) six months for any unexpected hardships .

This all sounds too good to be true?? it is there are no reserves ,no credit repair. If you receive any cash back it is used for the exorbitant rent DeMarco charges you and eventually you cannot afford the rent and you are in a situation much worse than foreclosure!!!

I along with these other individuals was in financial hardship,and we are in a very desparate situation. It is not fair that individuals can get away with thes tactics.

Ripoff report has made it possible for all thes reports to be seen. I am sure there are many individulas who are experiencing Financial  pitfalls just as we did.

Please be careful,there are laws in effect that can help you. Anyone reading this if you are an individual who has been misled by this company 'TAKE Advantage of Ripoff report.

I urge you to write your situation on ripoff report. It would help so much if there was a Bailout for Foreclosure scams.

I would like to once again thank Ed Magedson and ripoff report for this site . I am not alone and becasue of ripoff report our situations have been documented.




Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,

Demarco has opened noones Eyes


Mon, August 17, 2009

I am responding to Kimberly of Garwood ,Kim I am truly sorry you were mislead. It would have been nice if someone came out ahead but this company has helped noone.

I would alo like to respond to Anthony Demarco 'LET ME HELP YOU" I have never received a certified letter from Demarco rei,only broken promises and false documentation.

Many individuals are about to lose their homes and more due to the scams of this company!!Ed Magedson has made this site available please make your situation known!!! The American Dream that we all work so hard for is being turned into a nightmare.

There are laws against this I am hoping for all of us involved justice will be served.

Respond to this Report!